Twenty-Eight (Part One) *Edited*

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I had just calmed down when my first patient had walked in. I greeted them with a smile and then they sat down.

As the patient talked about various problems with work and bills, my mind always seemed to drift to Ellie, no matter how hard I tried to focus. Italy was in two weeks and I so could not wait. I couldn't wait to treat her like the Queen I knew she was. And we would be all alone for two weeks in a villa that I owned on the countryside. That meant we would be as loud as we wanted and oh I couldn't wait for that. 

I smirked on the inside and then put my attention back to the patient in front of me. The whole time I was seeing patients, my mind was clearly not on my work. So much so that I cancelled the rest of our patients for the day. I used an hour to catch up on some emails and also call Josh to see the plans for the club that we would be doing. After that, I did some paper work and then went to go and see what My Ellie was doing. She was at her desk, reading another naughty book, this time it being named The submissive Chronicles. I closed the door behind me and she didn't even flinch. I walked behind her and leaned down into her ear.


I heard her gasp and almost drop the book. 

"W-when did you get in here?" She stuttered

"A few seconds ago. I've cancelled our patients for the day."

That got her to close her book and look at me.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because... I couldn't concentrate on them."

She got up and put the book back on a concealed shelf that folded into an armour. I never knew that was really a bookshelf.

"What has your mind so occupied?"


She smiled and walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me.

"How sweet."


"Kneel in front of me." He commanded

I did and when I looked up I saw why, he was very excited.

"I got blue balls because of you, I hope you're happy with yourself." He teased

I used my index finger and teasingly rubbed him on the outside of his pants, tickling him in a way

"Of course I am." I smirked

I unzipped him and saw the plaid design of his boxers. I reached into the slit of them and heard a sharp intake of breath as my hand closed around him and pulled him out. I moved my hand slowly and teased him, even licked the tip but didn't put him in my mouth. I did that a couple of times until I felt him grab the back of my head and push me onto him. He went all the way back to my throat. I gagged a couple of times but kept my gag reflex dormant. He pushed his hips slowly but stiff and harshly into me. I heard him give out a guttural moan and I moved my tongue around. I cupped his balls and I felt them tighten. He was about to cum. His hands were still tightly on the back of my head and I relaxed my throat more when I felt how far down he went, my lips now against his pubic bone. 

I loved how he tasted, it must have been remnants of whatever he washed with or just his natural smell and taste. But whatever it was I couldn't get enough of it. I heard his breath quicken and I knew he was close. It was going on ten minutes now and boy could he last.

Once he pulled out of my mouth and he fixed himself up, I stood.

"Is your ass still sore?" He asked quietly

"Yes." I said

"I'll be right back."

I heard him leave and then come back not too long later. I bent over my desk and I felt him lift up my skirt and pull down my stockings. I heard him gasp a little.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked panicked

"You have bruises." I heard him say gravely

"Well... that's okay, bruises heal."

"I don't like bruises. I'm so sorry Pet. I'll lay off on the spankings for a few days."

He sounded very guilty and it did something to me.

I felt warm lips on my left cheek and I giggled.

"What are you doing?" I giggled


"You don't have to apologize, I'm yours to do with whatever you will." I said quietly

He then kissed the right cheek. I then felt something cold and then a soothing feeling. I mewled in relief and he sat me up, pulling my skirt down and pulling my stockings backup.

"But I don't want to hurt you that badly. I hate bruises." He murmured

I looked at him with understanding and placed a hand on his cheek.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose." I said soothingly

He tipped his head down and kissed his forehead with a smile.

"Would you like to go to the beach today?" He asked suddenly

"You're not gonna throw me into the water again... are you?"

"Of course not." He said with a mischievous smirk

"Then okay... are we actually going swimming this time?"

"Of course we are. You have a bathing suit?"

I winced at the suit that I did have in my drawers at home. It was black, loose, and unappealing. Back then I was happy with this bathing suit of course. And Jesus.... I regretted it now when I looked back on it.

"No, I do not." I said

"Guess I get to take you shopping a little early. You're gonna need a suit for Italy." He smirked

"Let me guess... I have to model them for you don't I?"

"Oh Pet you know me so well."

He grabbed his keys.

"We're taking my car. Come on."

I reluctantly followed him and then we were off... and he kept driving to the richest part of town. Oh Lord.

"Leo... are you sure we're on the right side of town?" I asked as he parked

"Yes.... why are you asking me that?"

"You know this mall is super expensive."

He turned to me.

"Is it wrong to want to get My Girl some nice things? I mean... we're coming back here tomorrow to get some outfits for Italy."

"I have clothes now."

"Oh no, you need different clothes. This is a special trip and you need special clothes."


"Trust me Ellie, it'll be fun, I promise." He said

"Leo, I feel bad about you spending all of this money on me. I can buy my suit and clothes." I replied

He looked over at me and pursed his lips at me in thought.

"I appreciate you taking care of me and all.... but I feel guilty about you buying all of this stuff for me. "

He kissed my forehead.

"Sweetheart, trust me it's nothing at all. I just want you to be happy."

"You make me happy." I said softly

He looked at me a bit surprised but said nothing.

" can buy your suit."

I smiled in triumph and we both got out of the car and started walking towards the store. We were almost in when his phone started to ring. He looked agitated as he dug his phone out.

"I have to take this. Go on inside and start picking out things I'll be in in a second."


I turned to leave as he answered, "What's going on Josh?"

I walked into the store a little anxious. This was one of those rich stores that people of my race rarely frequented. I knew falling into the stereotype was wrong, but as I looked around and saw the looks some of the sales women were giving me... I knew that the stereotype was very much alive. None even came up to me to ask if I needed any help. I ignored it and went to the plus sized area and started picking out the one pieces that I liked. I heard a lot of chatter coming from the side of the store when I heard one name in particular catch my attention. It was  two sales associates having a conversation. 

"Oh my goodness, who is that guy? He is drop dead gorgeous!"



"That's Leo Calvary, you know, one of the owners of Club Caged."



"What? My friend goes to that club, she says Leo is something else!"



"Like how?"



"He's a Dom, that club is all about the people that love BDSM. They even have nights where outsiders come and see the club for themselves."



"And just how do you know all of this?" The redhead smirked



"My boyfriend is into that stuff, he's the other owner of the club. I hear they're going to merge with another club across town in a total buy out." Said the Indian girl.



"Josh? Wow... never thought he would be into that stuff."



"Yeah. I remember the other night when Leo and him teamed up on me. God... best night ever!"



"When was this!?" Asked the redheaded excitedly.



"Last week. Man, I had never been handled like that. I loved it!"


I stopped listening after that. I felt sick to my stomach...he was with another girl last week? Well I can't even get upset, we only made anything official last night. But as I looked at my collar... the feelings only intensified. I felt tears fill my eyes but tried like hell to force them to dry. Once I got myself together, I got the other suits I thought were cute and then went into a dressing room quickly. I heard the laughing outside at the rest of their conversation. And then heard Leo's voice.

"Hey Leo!" I heard the Indian girl say excitedly

"Priah, I didn't know you worked here. How are you doing?"

"Great. I heard about you and Josh are moving forward in your business ventures. Congratulations." She said a little too excited

"Thank you."

"So... when are you and Josh going to be tag teaming again? I had such fun the last time. We should do it again."

I heard him chuckle.

"We'll see. Hey, my friend walked in here not too long ago. She's browned skinned and has long black hair."

"Oh her? I think she's in the dressing room."

"Alright thank you. I think I'll look around a bit. What do you think I should pick for her? She needs a swim suit."

"Oh I can help you. Come with me."

His friend!? We'll see? That did it.

The tears that threatened to spill from my eyes earlier did and I sat down on the bench. I felt so hurt... so angry. I quickly gathered my things and opened the door slowly, peeking out. I saw that Leo and that girl Priah, were on the far end of the plus size section. I took that moment to walk swiftly towards the exit, and I didn't stop until I reached the main part of the mall where the outside had a fountain and benches surrounding it. I plopped down on the fountain a mess of emotion and cried into my hands. I sat there for a good ten minutes until I heard my phone start to ring. I saw that it was Leo and sent him to voice mail. A few seconds later, a text came through and of course I ignored it.

Over the next ten minutes I received ten messages and a million phone calls. I finally checked my phone and clicked on the oldest text.

"Where are you?"

I read the next.

"Ellie, did something happen? Why aren't you answering me?"

I then decided to read the latest message.

"Ellie please, PLEASE answer me. I'm about to come look for you. Don't move from wherever you are."

Serves him right! Why was he so worried about me when it seemed I wasn't that important?

I jumped up from my seat and started to walk before he actually found me. I walked into the mall, making sure my tears were gone and then found a random store that I could hide in. It turned to be an "As seen on Tv" store and I tried to be interested in what was around. 

"Dr. Coleman?" I heard behind me

I turned around and saw Christopher behind me.

"Christopher, hey." I said, forcing a smile

"Hey... you need a Nu-Wave oven too?" He asked me with a smirk

"Heh, yeah... can't live without one." I said, forcing a laugh

"What's wrong?" He asked me with a frown

"Huh? Oh, nothing is wrong."

He gave me a you-don't-fool-me look.

"Just because you counsel other people for a living doesn't mean that you can't have your own problems sometimes."

"I know that."

"Then why are you running from them?"

"I'm not. I'm just choosing not to face them right now." I smirked

"You know you can talk to me right? I mean... I know I am your patient, but I like to think of us as friends.... don't you?"

"Sure. But I'll be okay Christopher don't worry about me." I replied

"Well... if you need someone to talk to, come to me. You still have my number right?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Good. I'll see you around."

He walked away and I left out of the store having spotted Leo. I hurried into a nearby Forever 21 and went to the top floor. My phone rang once again signaling a text message: 

"I am getting very worried.... where are you? Please, tell me what happened. If I did something I'm sorry. Did those girls say something to you?"

In disgust I put the phone away and decided to leave Forever 21.  I would do this all day, and then maybe he would give up on me and leave. Then I could call one of my friends to come get me. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had heard earlier.

As I walked around the mall I just let those thoughts fester. They were at the very forefront of my mind and nothing I did made them go away. What was I thinking? Why would a man like him even want someone like me anyway? No wonder he did what he did. I bet he just wanted me until he gets what he wants and then he'd simply drop me.

It's not like it was anything new.

I walked back out of the mall into a different area to sit down on another bench. I was thirty minutes from home by car. And I was too mad to be next to Leo right now. And oh, there comes the tears again.

"Ellie!" I heard someone yell

I didn't even have to look up when I heard his relieved yet stern voice. I heard his footsteps come in front of me but I kept my head down and didn't look at him.

"What's the matter?" He asked softly

I didn't answer him and just continued crying.

"Who did it? Tell me!" He exclaimed

I looked up at him with such fury in my eyes.

"You did!" I whimpered

I could tell that took him off guard.

"I did what?"

"So all of a sudden I'm just your friend? Oh, and you were with that Indian girl last week?"

"Baby, I didn't mean-"

"I get it, you're ashamed of me! Is this why you wanted me to change just so when you're seen with me you wouldn't be as embarrassed?"

"Ellie no, I'd never be ashamed of you!"

"So why the friend thing? Why would you ask me to be your submissive if you weren't ready for it?"

"I...I don't know it was reflex. And I am ready Els, I am."

"So you've done this before? How many of your girls have been at your house? Did you take them there, show them the ocean, and cook them breakfast too!? Or did you hold them like you held me after a nightmare. Did you tell them you loved them?"

"No, we met in either hotels or other places. Ellie I don't love anyone bu-"

"And what about Donna? Did you fucke her too recently, is that why she won't leave you alone!?"

"Alright now Ellie, watch it. You don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever Leo. It seems to me there is plenty I don't know." I said, turning to walk away

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest.

"Do not walk away from me!" He said sternly

"Let go of me!"

"Look I'm sorry alright? I don't want to hurt you."

"Just leave me alone. I'll call someone to pick me up."

But he still held my arm and wouldn't let me go for anything.

"Ellie...I love you, I do. Why would I take you to Italy, one of the most beautiful places in the world if I didn't want you?"

"Just because you can!" I spat

"Of course I can! Like you have told me so many times before, I can have any woman that I wanted. Correct?"

"Correct." I said venomously

"Women of super model status, queen status, natural beauties?"

"Yes." I said tersely, swallowing tightly

"And according to you they are 'much better' than you, am I wrong?"

"Where the hell are you going with this!?" I asked him

"If I could have all of that, all of that, yet I'm chasing after you, then what does that say about how I feel about you?"

"You tell me Leo." I said calmly

He chuckled humorlessly and it made me even more upset.

"For someone so smart, you sure can be stupid." He said annoyed




"That's it, I'm gone." I said, snatching away from him

I was only ten steps away when he spoke.

"Wait...wait I shouldn't have said that." He said regrettably

"Fuck you!" I spewed at him

I started walking when he spoke again.

"I'm in love with you Ellie... I see those girls and they don't even exist to me. I don't care what other people think about me or say about what I do. But you, I care about what you think of me. I care about how you feel. I'll be honest, yes I did some things with that woman, but Ellie, that was before I knew how serious I was about you, and when I stopped running from how I felt about you. I want nobody but you."

I said nothing... because I knew nothing of what to say. I heard his footsteps come up behind me and then the lovey dovey mood was over.

"Come on, I'll take you home. You know, maybe giving you the tickets to Italy was too soon....maybe I rushed things." He said quietly


"Why take you out of the country if you don't trust me?"

I was quiet as he stared at me.

"That's what I thought. Let's go." 

I followed behind him as he walked stiff legged to the car. I was still pissed off, but I got into the seat next to him and was quiet the whole ride back to Collinsville. He had called me stupid, that was hurtful. He had slept with someone a week before asking me to be with him and that hurt even more.

I sunk in my seat and said nothing the whole ride back. My anger slowly turned to guilt and regret. Maybe I should've just let Leo explain, and at least ask him about the girl before I ran off like that. Maybe he wasn't ready for me to be his Submissive, I don't know, this was my first Dom/Sub relationship and I didn't want to ruin it. Or maybe he was just my Sir... and nothing more. That brought back a line from an article I once read when doing my research,  and it distinctly said your Dom may NOT be your boyfriend/girlfriend, simply the person you go to for Domination and vice versa. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm slowly starting to realize that that article pertained to what I was experiencing now.

Once we pulled back up to the practice, I got out of the car without saying good bye and got into my own, driving back to my house. I felt...embarrassed to say the least. So, when I got home, I lied to my roommates that I had a headache, rushed to my room, and cried.


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