Twenty-Eight (Part two) *Edited*

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As I watched her drive away, I rubbed my face and felt my shame slowly grow. I already missed her and wished I never said she was stupid. I should've explained to her better what this was. I should've never did what I did.

 Though I introduced her as my submissive, I still saw her as a... companion. I picked up my phone and thought about calling her, but I decided against it and drove home. Once it was nine thirty I decided to go over to Ellie's house, I mean, after all I was invited. When I got there, I rang the bell and waited. I heard a lot of voices and music was playing. At first I thought no one would hear me but the door soon swung open and I saw a very happy Amber answer.

"Hey Leo, come on in!" She exclaimed

I stepped in and saw everyone around the living room sitting around with wine in their hands. Evan and Jack were cozied up on the couch, looking more in love than ever. I guess that they worked things out.

"Hey everyone." I smiled

"Hey Leo, what's going on?"

"Nothing much, Ellie told me about something  happening over here tonight and she invited me, I hope that's alright."

"Sure Leo, you're apart of Ellie's life, so that means you're apart of ours. You're welcome anytime." Brandi commented, bringing me a wineglass of my own. I thanked her and took a sip.

"So, what is this special occasion about?" I asked

Jack could barely keep himself in control when he thrusted his left hand up and wriggled his fingers. On his ring finger was a silver simple band.

"We're getting married!" He yelled

I raised my glass.

"I'm happy for you guys! So, when's the big day?"

"We haven't chosen a date yet. But we are going to California to get married. Since you know, we can't get married here."

"All the best for you two."

This is when I actually looked around the living room and saw that Ellie was not amongst the others.

"Hey, where's Ellie?"

"In her room. She was out here earlier but said she wasn't feeling well." Amber said

"I'll go check on her."

As I walked to the back, I felt an arm touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw Brandi.

"Hey, I know something is wrong with Ellie.... she is not a good liar. If you find out anything, let me know."

"Will do."

She gave a sideways smile and left to go party with the others. I walked into Ellie's room and saw her lying on her side, facing away from the door and crying. My heart wrenched in my chest knowing that I'm the one who caused it.

 I closed the door softly and I walked over to the side she was facing. Her eyes were closed and it didn't seem like she noticed I was there. I touched her arm softly and her eyes jumped open. She looked away from me.

"Look at me. Please." 

She did  and I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"Why are you here?" She asked coldly

More tears spilled and I felt an involuntary jerk in my heart.

"Look... I'm sorry about earlier today. I'm sorry if I hurt you."

I sounded like such an asshole and I hated it.

"It's fine. Maybe you just like being shared. Well I'm telling you now that if that's the case, I'm no longer your submissive. I won't sit here and be called and treated like I'm stupid!" She said acidly

I took a deep breath as she got off of the bed and walked to the farthest side of the room, as far away from me as she could get. I stood erect and watched her back to me.

"Ellie I don't want to be shared. I was doing this to help out my friend and Co-owner of the club. And calling you stupid.... that wasn't nice of me, and I am so sorry for that."

She sat down in the chair that was in the corner of her room and grabbed a magazine, leafing through it. This infuriated me to no end.

"Ellie." I said

She kept watch on her magazine and didn't even look at me. That was it, I walked over and snatched the magazine out of her hand, flinging it behind me.

"Hey! You can-"

"I'm trying to apologize to you and you're just ignoring me!?"

"You're a jerk, I don't have to listen to anything you say!"

"What do you want me to do Ellie? I'm sorry okay, I can't change the past now."

"Build a time machine and then get back to me." She said quietly

"Maybe I should just go. You're right....I messed up. I'm sorry I hurt you."

She got up from her chair and went to go pick up the magazine I had thrown not too long ago. She came back to the chair and started reading it.

"Thanks. You can go now."

She wouldn't even look at me and that just sent another stab at my chest. I couldn't leave, if I did it would never be fixed. So, I got on my knees in front of her.

"Els please....I don't want to fight and I don't want to leave. Just let me fix it, what can I do?"

That finally got her to look at me and put the magazine to the side. I saw her start to cry again and I wiped her face with my thumbs. She was quiet and said nothing. I took that as my cue to go.

"I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

I started to leave when I heard her say "wait" behind me. I stopped and turned around to see her getting up from the chair.

"You don't have to leave. You can stay." She said quietly

She got up from the chair and went to go lay back on the bed. I slowly went to go join her and hugged her. She felt rigid. So, I decided to loosen her up. I started with her neck and then slowly trailed upwards, feeling the pulse in her neck quicken when my lips brushed over it. I kissed her jawline, her cheeks and then started moving over. She started giggling and telling me to stop, so I knew that I had my Ellie back. I kissed her, missing her lips against mine even if it was only a few hours. I pushed her softly into the bed and climbed atop of her.

"God I missed you. I thought I lost you." I murmured

She looked up at me quietly.

"I know I messed up by doing things with that woman, but honestly, I was just helping a friend out."

"It's okay. I know, you don't have to explain anymore.  That was before I even became your submissive.... I just don't know why I got so jealous."

I raised a brow.

"You were jealous Kitten?" I smirked

"Yes. I swear you don't pick up on the obvious." She teased

"Awww My Ellie is jealous."

"Stop rubbing it in." she giggled

I kissed her teasingly and made her laugh even more. I loved hearing her laugh.

"Stop that! I'm supposed to be In bed with a head ache."

"I ache too." I smirk

She playfully rolled her eyes and pushed my chest playfully. I got off of her with a laugh.

"Corny and nasty!"

I laughed and hugged her to me again. She snuggled into my arms and I held her there.

"So, are you still going home with me tonight? I don't blame you if you don't want to."

"Yes." She replied

"Good, because I was seriously prepared to beg."

"Really? My strong Sir, begging his sub? Doesn't seem natural."

I rolled back onto her and stared into her eyes, her's looking back into mine. 

"Do you still want to go to Italy with me?" I asked quietly

She thought it through a few seconds and hesitantly nodded.

"Do you still want to go shopping with me?"

She nodded again and I felt a little relieved.

"Okay that's good. But we're getting up very early tomorrow."

"Awh." she whined

"We gotta make sure we get everything, and then we can spend the rest of the day relaxing. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good." 

"Alright then. I love you Ellie." I murmured

But she was still too afraid to say it back.

"It's okay if you can't say it... I just wanted you to know that I do, and that I mean it."

"I'll say it eventually....I'm just not ready."

"I know that. And it's alright."

She kissed me and wrapped her arms around me. I started kissing her neck, biting and sucking in the area that made her toes curl. I think I bit a little too hard.

"Ah, Leo." I heard her wince

I licked where I bit her and heard a moan. And how beautiful it was.

"Leo, stop you're going to give me a hickey." She giggled

"Good. Everyone needs to know you're mine." I growled

I gripped one of her breasts and started my nibbling regimen. As I bit and kneaded, I felt her moving around and heard her breathing accelerate.

"I just want to take you as mine right now."

I heard her gasp as I grinded my hard on into her. I heard her whimper and heard her breath hitch as she wrapped her legs around me.

"You feel what you do to me?" I asked huskily

"Yes." She laughed

I kissed her quickly and got up. She looked at me with want and need. But I wouldn't do anything.

"Let's go back out there now." I smirked

"You suck." She laughed as she got up. 

I laughed as she came towards me. I grabbed her face and kissed her quickly again.

"Are we good?" I asked her

"Yes, we're good."

I grabbed her hand and we went back out to the living room where everyone was drinking and talking. They looked towards us immediately and smiled.

"Hey you... how you feelin'?" Evan asked her

"Better. How are you doing?" She asked him

"Great." He replied, looking lovingly at Jack

She smiled and went to go sit down with my and her hands still intertwined tightly.

"So love birds, how do you two feel about going to Italy?" Jack asked us

Ellie beamed.

"I am so excited!"

"I want to see at least one Instagram picture a day. I want a phone call too. And skype." Amber said

"Sorry guys, she's all mine for those two weeks." I interjected

She looked at me and so did everyone else.

"Two weeks? You didn't tell me that." She said happily

"Surprise." I smirked

"Wait, wait, wait, wait.. you're taking our girl away from us for two whole weeks? We'd miss her!" Jack said

"Yeah, Ellie is our world we'd miss her too much." Amber interjected

"Oh come on guys, I'll call when I can and it'll be like I'd never left."

"We'd notice you were gone. No more crazy antics for two whole weeks."

She playfully rolled her eyes

"Guys, it's fine. Two weeks won't be that long."

"Easy for you to say. With you, time doesn't even exist, just us." I said to her

She blushed and everyone awed.

A/N: Lord if You're listening, please send me a Leo....even though I made him up, but STILL, I need a man like this!



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