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Next day

Shivaay and om was studying for finals in library while other were having classes and om was keep on talking about how he don't understand a particular topic and shivaay was lost in his thoughts

"Oh god..... These topics are so confusing, bro help me in this yaar" om said but Shivaay was lost in his thoughts

"Shivaay are you okay, what happened" om asked

"Ah.... Um... Nothing" Shivaay replied

"Stop lying dude its written on your face now tell me what happened" om asked

"Its nothing man" Shivaay said and put his face in his hands

"Shivaay, I'm your friend tell me what happened" om asked again

"Its my dad, he wants me to marry to his friends daughter"shivaay replied sadly

"Oh shit! So now what you will do" om asked

"I don't know man" shivaay said and left the library

Anika's POV

Last class ends and me and gauri were walking in the corridor, I'm really tired and I want to spend today with shivaay but I know he will gonna say finals are coming we should concentrate on studies

Idea...... Let's do group study only me and him and moreover I need his help in few topics

I tried to call him but his phone was switched off

What?? Switched off strange

I frowned and me and gauri reached parking area where om is standing near his car

We headed towards him when gauri said "oh shit! I forgot my book in class, I will be back in few minutes" and she left

Now me and om was standing waiting for gauri, should I ask om about shivaay

"So om, how are your preparations are going on for finals" I started the conversations

"They are going great, although their as some topics which are confusing but I will manage" he said

"Of course, you have a topper friend it will easy for you" I said

"Yeah, but my topper friends himself needs help" he said sadly

I frowned

"I didn't get you" I asked

"His dad wants him to marry his friends daughter" he said

"What????" I shouted and he gave me a confusing look

"Whoa.....are you okay" he asked

"Yeah I'm fine" I said controlling myself

"So what he will do now" I asked

"What he can do, I think we will get his wedding invitation soon" he said

Wedding invitation my foot

"Oh" I said and gave him a fake smile and soon gauri came and I left after saying bye

I was fuming in anger, I took long steps towards my car and headed towards oberoi mansion

I gripped the steering wheel tightly and over speed the car

How dare he, first he didn't told me anything and then he is not picking up my phone I will kill him for sure

Soon I reached the oberoi mansion and after parking my car I headed towards the main door

I roughly knocked the main door and soon a maid opened the door

"I want to meet shivaay" I said with stern voice

She nodded and went inside asking shivaay's permission

"Shivaay sir, didn't want to meet anyone" she said as soon as she came back and close the door

That bastard now he didn't want to meet me, I will kill him today for sure

Soon I pick stones from the ground and went towards his window and threw the stone on his window

And glass of window broke and soon he came toward the window and he was shocked seeing me there

"Anika" he said with shocked expression

"You bastard, jerk, asshole, moron I will kill you" I said and again threw the stone and this time it hit him

"Anika, what are you doing here" he asked

"What do you expect me to do to sit and cry in my room" I shouted and again threw the stone

"What are you saying I'm not getting anything" he said

"I will kill you and your wife before reaching the venue if you tried to betray me" I yelled and he again gave me shocked expression

Soon I saw security was coming towards me but before they can reach me shivaay came out from the house

"You guys go I will handle her" he said and they left

Soon he started dragging me

"Where are you taking me" I asked

"To my penthouse" he replied and I jerked my hand from his hold

"No I will talk here only, I will talk to your parents and tell them everything" I said stubbornly

"Listen, Anika my parents are not inside they went on a business trip few hrs ago and there will be paparazzi near the house and I don't want any more problem, so plz" he said and I sighed

And went towards his car soon he reached his penthouse

As soon as we reached the penthouse and I ran towards the kitchen becoz I was really thirsty

Well its not the first time I'm here we often came here to spend sometime alone

And I never felt that this place is not mine in fact sometimes I behave like this my penthouse not his and this place is really special for me becoz I lost my virginity to him here only ...........

Soon after drinking water I reached the living area and sat on the couch

"Who told you about all this" he asked

"That's not important tell me what will you gonna do now" I said in a stern voice

"First answer my question" he said

"Om" I said

"That idiot" he said

"Why idiot, you didn't want me to know about it, how dare you, it was you who should be telling me this, you liar" I yelled at him

"Anika, stop yelling" he said

"Seriously first your phone was off, then you didn't told me about this thing and third you maid didn't allowed me to come in, what do you expect me to do" I said with anger

"Firstly, I wanted to think about the solution so I wanted to stay alone that's why I switched off my phone, secondly I was scared and I didn't know how to tell about this and thirdly I didn't knew it was you on the door as you never came to my house like this" he explained

"Whatever, if your think will let you betray me that will not gonna happen" I said

"I'm not betraying you anika" he said

"Than what are you doing, you should have told your parents about us when your dad told you about the alliance" I said angrily

"That's what you think of me that I will betray you" he said giving me a disbelieving look

"I don't know, may be you were having second thoughts and wanted to marry that girl" I said giving him a doubtful look

"Really" he said and sighed

Then nobody spoke for few minutes and then I broke the silence

"So what you decided to do" I asked

"I don't know I haven't decided anything yet

"Listen, do whatever you want to do but remember that there is only one girl who has the right and who will be your wife and that girl is me, only I will be your bride" I said sternly and crossed my arms on my chest

Thanks for reading  😊😊😊😊

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