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Next morning

Shivaay and anika was sleeping peacefully in anika's bed and they were naked covered with sheets and soon alarm started beeping and anika lazily switch is off and open her eyes

She smiles seeing shivaay sleeping peacefully and after pecking his forehead she headed towards the bathroom

Soon after getting ready she comes out of bathroom and sigh seeing him still sleeping and goes towards the bed

Ani: shivaay wakeup we have to go to college ..... Come one get up now....

And he opens his eyes and smiles but soon frowned

Shiv: hey why you had shower alone I would have joined you

Ani: shutup and go and get ready we have to reach college

And she throws some clothes on him
He get surprised seeing his clothes

Shiv: from where did you get these
Ani: last time you forget them here only and I have some of your clothes in my closet for nights like yesterday so now hurry up

And he sighs and went inside the bathroom

Soon they reaches college and he kissed her in parking before getting out of the car

Everybody was sitting there and soon shivaay and anika joined them

Shiv: what's up guys
Ro: nothing dude finals are here now soon our college life will be over
Gau: yeah I still can't believe its ending I will miss all these lectures and canteen talks....
Om: time to get serious in life
Shiv: yeah, time to get serious (he said looking towards anika)
Ro: guys let's study together so group study at my house today
Shiv: not a bad idea

After college they all went to rohan's house and started studying while anika and shivaay were talking with expressions and soon shivaay called anika in bathroom

When anika reached in the bathroom he pinned her to the door and pulled her in a passionate kiss after breaking the kiss

Shiv; I was dying to kiss since morning
Ani: we are here for studying not for all this
Shiv: that's why called you here to teach you biology
Ani: biology is not my subject we all are business administration students
Shiv: so what there is no harm in studying biology sometimes (he leaned and nuzzled in her crook while he pushed him back)
Ani: no study comes first (and she left the bathroom after pecking his cheeks)

Soon after few hrs shivaay get a call from his parents and they asked him to come home so he instantly left the place after saying good bye to everyone

As soon as he reached his home his mother pulled him in a tight hug and he also hug her back and then he hug her father

His father: so how is college going soon finals are coming
Shiv: yes dad, I'm working for finals
Father: good as you know after that you have to work in our company and handle everything
Shiv: yes dad
Mother: I'm so proud of you son
Shiv: thanks mom
Dad: by the way we called you here becoz we have a new for you
Shiv: what news (he asked confusingly)
Dad: I found a girl for you
(As soon as these words left his mouth shivaay's happy face paled and he was shocked his throat went dry and he couldn't think what to do)
Shiv: what? Who? Dad I can't marry right now plz understand
Dad: listen shivaay I know its really early for you to get married that's why you are saying all this but trust me I know that girl very well and his father is one of my bestest friend and I already said yes so now there is no turning back
Shiv: but dad how can you fix my marriage with someone without my consideration. This is not happening I'm not going to get married with your so called friends daughter (he said in a calm voice becoz he is scared of his father and he don't want to disrespect him)

{Shivaay is a boy who loves his parents and respects them and simultaneously he is a boy who can't speak against father he is afraid of his intimating personality hence he kept his and anika's relationship as secret becoz he didn't want his father to know about her, although his father is really good with him but still whenever he is angry he can be scary so shivaay usually always follows his commands and therefore he decided that first he will become the CEO and started taking his responsibilities and then when he will prove that he is a grown up man he will introduce anika as his girlfriend and marry her}

Dad: shivaay, enough you will do what I will say get that in your head and moreover I'm not asking you to marry tomorrow, first complete your education then I will announce you as our CEO as your internship is already done few months back so after the announcement of you becoming CEO of our company, I will announce you wedding (he said in cold and stern voice)
Shiv: but dad (he started but cut off by his father)
Dad: enough discussion on this topic now no more argument
(And shivaay sighed and left the living room and headed towards his room in anger).

In night shivaay didn't have his dinner and went to anika's house and after climbing the pipes he reached at balcony of her room and entered in her room

He saw her walking out from bathroom in her bathrobe and her hairs were wet as soon as he saw her he couldn't able to stop himself and took long steps towards her

Soon he grabbed her hand and pinned her to the wall and pressed his lips on her and started kissing her hungrily

He pulled away after kissing her for few minutes and then he joined their heads while panting heavily

Anika cupped his face and asked
Ani: what happened are you okay
Shiv: yeah, I'm fine
Ani: so why did you parents called you so urgently
Shiv: nothing, just random stuff
(He said and leaned closer to her and smelled her fragrance and soon he put his lips on her neck kissing her wet kisses while her hands gets locked with his soft hairs

Ani: I have to study
Shiv: we can do it later
Ani: nope, finals are coming and I want to work hard
Shiv: for your information my exams are also coming
Ani: yeah but you are shivaay Singh oberoi topper of the class
Shiv: that's why I'm saying relax I will help you (he whisper while kissing her neck)

And soon he slides the robe from one shoulder and started kissing her shoulder and after kissing her shoulders, neck, jaw and face he drag her towards the bed and pushed her on the bed and hover her taking her lips in a demanding kiss

Soon he took off her bathrobe and started roaming his hands on her body

By his kisses anika understood that something is wrong with him

Ani: shivaay
Shiv: hmm (while kissing her cleavage)
Ani: what is wrong, there is something
Shiv: it's nothing anika, I'm fine
Ani: when you know you can't lie than why you try
(Shivaay sighed and looked at her in her eyes)
Shiv: nothing serious trust me, I'm yours and you are mine remember that and I love you
Ani; why so serious all of sudden
Shiv: nothing just letting you know that I love you
Ani: wow, I love you from you that too two times a day its amazing
Shiv: you are damn annoying now don't you dare interrupt me again
(He said and started doing his work while she giggled)
Ani: I love you too my idiot

Thanks for reading.  😊😊😊😊

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