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Everybody was sitting in hall
Shiv: so guys what do you all wanna do
Ro: let's play something
Om: no let's watch something
Ro: no we will gonna play
Om: no I want to watch something
Ani: guys relax .....relax we can do both
Shiv: yeah first we will play something and then we will watch something
Gau: okkk
Shiv: so let's play truth and dare
And he spins the bottle
And bottle points towards om
Shiv; truth or dare
Om: truth
Ani: is there any girl beautiful than gauri in our college
Om: of course there is
Gau: what?????
Ani: who
Om: you anika 😉😉😉😉
Ani: cheater gauri he is just covering up
Om: no gauri
Gau: okay now spin the bottle
Now its rohan's turn
Shiv: so truth or dare
Ro: truth
Shiv: do you still have feelings for aditi ( raising his eyebrows and having a smirk on his face)
Ro: of course not (shocked )
Shiv; relax dude its just a game
Ani: I think we should spin the bottle ............
Suddenly rohan's phone rings
Ro: excuse me
And he left to attend the call
Ani: its gauri so truth or dare
Gau: dare
Ani: okay so do a naughty dance with om
Gau: anika (blushingly)
Ani: what don't feel shy just go for it
And she danced with om
Then they again spins the bottle
Shiv: ohhh Aditi ........truth or dare
Adi: dare
Shiv; okay so choose your favorite guy and kiss him
Everybody get shocked
Ani: what??????
Shiv; it's a dare anika relax
Suddenly rohan joins them again
Ro: srry guys .......so whose turn now
Ad: mine
Ro: ohh do it what you are asked to do
(Without knowing what she is asked to do)
Soon Aditi comes close to rohan and smashes her lips with him he get shocked and he wasn't responding but due to shock he didn't pushes her also anika gets hurt seeing this and she immediately leaves the place and goes inside the bathroom of her room while shivaay was smiling and he follows her inside the bathroom

Tears were following down from her eyes she opens the tap of basin and washes her face as soon as she rub her face with towel she get shocked seeing shivaay with mirror and she turns with a shock
Ani: what are you doing here
Shiv: actually whatever happened there I didn't expected that I was thinking she will kiss me as she was with me here but she ........
Ani; I don't care about her I know my boyfriend was innocent
Shiv: yes of course your boyfriend was innocent that's why he didn't pull of the kiss and let her kiss him
Ani: are you trying to create misunderstanding
Shiv: of course........not (dramatically)
I'm just telling you .........
Ani: you don't need to tell me anything
Shiv; yess of course as you were also there when they were kissing
Ani: just shut up it was just a kiss nothing else
Shiv; really and you think kiss is just a small thing
Ani: yeah
Shiv: well then ( taking steps towards her) you will not get affected by a small kiss right (caging her b/w him and wall )
Ani: what are you doing
Shiv: its just a kiss anika
Ani: listen don't try to act smart
Shiv: I'm smart and I know you are affected that's why you are having problem .........what happened anika you were such an open minded girl your boyfriend can kiss anyone right than why you can't .......you know what just accept it that you are affected with there kiss I think you should ..........
Before he can say anything else she clutches his collar flips the position and smashes her lips with him first he get shocked but then he started kissing her back soon his hands reaches towards her waist and she snaked her arms in his neck pulling him more they were kissing passionately and soon due to lack of oxygen they pulled out the kiss
Shiv; what the hell
Ani: it was just a small kiss hottie .......
Told you I can't get affected with a kiss
And she left
Shiv: what the ............
And he hits his fist with the wall

Anika joins everyone in hall
Ro: anika I want to talk to you
Ani: okay
And he drags her in some room
Ro: anika trust me...... There is nothing between me and Aditi
Ani: rohan plz you don't have to explain me anything I trust you ...... I know there is nothing between you two so chill and relax ........
Ro: thank you anika for trusting me so much
And he hugs her tightly
While somebody was watching this and giving tough looks and he is of course shivaay
Shiv(whisper) this trust will broke soon
And he left

In evening
Everybody was sitting beside the pool talking and enjoying while shivaay was busy thinking about his next move soon Aditi comes and sit beside him
Ad: I want to talk to you
Shiv: what??(non interestingly)
Ad: come with me
Shiv: say it here only
Ad: come  with me shivaay
And she drags him inside
Shiv: what ??
Ad: you said rohan still loves me but I don't think so
Shiv: what do you mean
Ad: can't you see shivaay how much rohan and anika are happy with each other are you blind ....... Now about time Shivaay you lied to me......
Shiv: I didn't lied Aditi he loves you only its just that he is making you jealous
Ad: I'm not a kid shivaay I can differentiate between realness and fakeness
Shiv: fine ........ They are happy with each other but do you want rohan back or you want to leave him for anika .... Think and say
Ad: I want him (after thinking)
Shiv: then you have to separate them
Ad: and you think its that easy
Shiv: I know its not easy but only you can to do that
Ad: how
Shiv: create misunderstanding between them
Ad: what?? Shivaay are you mad I can't do this ....... Do you have any idea how will they react when they will get to know about this
Shiv: and who will gonna tell them .......listen Aditi it will gonna remain between us only create misunderstanding between them and then rohan will be yours
Ad: but shivaay this is wrong
Shiv: I know this is wrong but this is the only option we had
Ad: okay but how we will create misunderstanding between them
Shiv: I have a plan

Pool side
Rikara was busy in romancing while rohan and anika was also talking with each other holding each others hand
Ro: I'm so lucky anika that you are in my life (and he kissed her hand)
Anika smiles and puts her head on his shoulder and they started there random talks
Soon Shivaay and Aditi joins them
Shiv: so guys how its going
Om: its going awesome thanks Shivaay for planning this
Shiv: okay guys I thinks we should head towards our rooms as its quite late
Gau: yeah I'm sleepy now
Om: okay then good night guys
And rikara left
Shiv: what about you two (looking towards rohan and anika)
Ani: we are also going .....good night everyone
And she hugs rohan and left after that shivaay signs Aditi and she nods and goes towards rohan and shivaay leaves them alone
Ad: rohan actually I want to talk to you
Ro: listen Aditi I don't love you any more everything is over between us and now anika is my girlfriend
Ad: I know that and I'm happy for you both its just that I want to talk to you plz listen to me once
Ro: say
Ad: not here can we talk in my room
Ro: okay
And they both goes towards her room

Thanxx for reading my ff.  😊😊😊😊

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