94: Family matters

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3rd person pov

While night had fallen within a city far from the tournament; music filled the air. Through the moonlight sky crowds cheered a Saxophone was heard. Upon the concerts end a man in black walked off stage. As he walked through a darken street a group of armed men surrounded him. The man sighed  then stared with disinterest when one spoke.

Man: Your that pretty boy bastard with the Sax aren't you?

???: So what if I am?

Man 2: It's because of your ass I had to sit through that fucking garbage.

The black suited man stared at them filling them with unease. When he spoke once again the others felt terror slowly washing over them.

???:Leave me and get out of my sight. I dislike violence but if you push me I won't think twice on  killing you all.


Man 1: H-Hey man look let's just forget him ok?

Man 2: Y-Yeah I've got a really bad feeling. Let's just go home alright?

The leader laughed as he ran at the man with a knife.

Man 3;You guys are a worthless group of pussies!He's just one ma-

Before he could finish his sentence the man in black slashed open his neck When he collapsed the man in black turned towards the others. As they all aimed weapons at him the man in black merely took a stance then spoke one sentence.

???: Are you afraid of me?

Y/n pov

After the preliminary  matches were finished everyone was given time to relax. Since I had the time I chose to find Yuri's team and congratulate them. When I found them I notice  Yuri had her Hair undone. I never really seen her do that so I couldn't help but stare in shock.

Y/n:(Mind) I always knew she looked cute but Yuri looks even more beautiful like that.

Yuri:*Smiles* Hey Y/n whatcha up to huh?

Y/n: I came to congratulate you ladies on your win. You all kicked ass out there especially you Yuri, nice work!

Yuri: Thanks  you kicked butt too Y/n!

Mau: *grins* I just hope you'll forgive us later in the tournament.

Y/n;*playfully smirks* Oh yeah and why is that?

King:Because when we fight you we'll be going all out. 3 vs 1 fight means you can't tap someone else in to fight. It's just you against all teams so when we get to you try to forgive us when we win.

Y/n;*Laughs* Don't go getting ahead of yourselves alright? I'm in this for the long haul, count on it.

While I talked about with the others doors to the room opened. When it did a group of servants had brought in  food. I saw Mature and some other woman enter with a bow before Mature spoke.

Mature: Thank you all for waiting Master Rugal greatly appreciates it. For your efforts in the preliminary's  our Master has prepared this feast in your honors. 

Vice: Master Rugal hopes you enjoy and will continue giving this years KOF your all. 

Mature/Vice: Please enjoy your break and farewell.

After they left everyone began to eat with joy together.

(a/n:Sorry  It's the best artwork I could find .)

Athena: Wow everything looks so delicious! 

Kensou: These Meat-buns taste  amazing!

Benimaru: some beer don't mind if I do!

Kyo: You go do that Benimaru I'm off later.

Terry: I haven't had a drink since I got to south town! You up for  drinking with me Andy?

Andy:  I don't think we should get hammered before a match.

Mai: Oh Andy why are you always so serious? One drink won't hurt try to live alittle!

Ryo: Well I would agree but he's gotta point. He can't fight well as a drunk, I mean he isn't Chin.

Yuri:Miss Mai is right in fact let me have some too!



Robert chuckled as he patted Yuri's head  with a chuckle.

Robert: Sorry there Yuri better luck next time!

I laughed as Yuri pouted cutely then wondered off. When I saw Kyo standing alone I joined him and spoke.

Y/n: You know Kyo it wouldn't kill ya to live a little. I mean I don't want Yuki to leave you for being a stick in the mud.

Kyo: Tch Yuki and I are fine besides what makes you such a ladies expert?

Y/n: Oh trust me when you grow up surrounded by girls you learn a thing or two. I can tell ya most girls don't like guys not willing to try new things. 

Kyo: Heh fair enough guess you felt it too right?

Y/n: That strange energy  somewhere inside the ship? I've felt it since the moment we got on board. It;s got me alittle uneasy but maybe Athena can find out what is is.

Kyo: What ever the hell it is Rugal Bernstein has to be behind it all.

I clenched my fist when he mentioned his name I took a deep breath.

Y/n: We'll just have to "ask" him kindly after one of us wins.

Kyo turned back to me before he placed his hand on my shoulder.

Kyo: Look Y/n I know you pissed at him but try to keep it cool. Don't go letting your Mom's death be in vain. 

Y/n: Look I know that all too  well. We're in Rugal's territory and if I fuck up then the L/n bloodline will vanish. When I came here I knew what I was in for Kyo;that;s exactly why I'm here. I'm the Soul survivor of the Kotta Hono no Ken style and  the last member of the L/n bloodline. Rugal has caused many to suffer and I'll end him for that;with my mother's own style. But now it's for  more than revenge;it's also to protect them.

Kyo and I watched the others enjoying themselves then I spoke with a smile.

Y/n: They all are truly amazing people Brother. Even knowing they all will have to fight each other;they all laugh and have fun. I might not have known alot of them for long but as far as I'm concerned they are family to me.

3rd person pov

Y/n watched  Terry and Joe arm wrestling as team Queen began to cheer them on.

Andy:Are both sides ready?



Mai: You've got this Terry!

Yuri: Kick butt you guys!

King: Do your best Joe!

Andy: Begin!

Kyo turned to Y/n before he smirked then walked off.

Kyo: Guess these goof balls aren't all that bad. They are alittle too damn noisy for my taste though.

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

After 10 minutes passed Heidern met up with Ralf and Clark who watched the others from above. 

Ralf: *Grin* Things look like they're getting fun down there.

Clark: Kinda sucks things here aren't  a normal tournament.

Heidern noticed Clark smoking before he spoke out.

Heidern: How many times have I told you to quit that? You always end up leaving your buds laying around afterwards.

Clark stopped for a second before throwing the cigarettes over board. 

Clark:(mind) Ever single time I'll never get how the Captain always knows.

Heidern: So how are the others doing at the moment?

Ralf: They all seemed to accounted for.Aside for Brian Battler and Lucky Glauder  of the sports team.

Clark: We've tried to locate them but security in the deeper ship areas are far too buffed. I'd say we'd be instantly found out and Rugal will act.

Heidern: I see.. I assumed he would plan for this. If that's the case I'll have to go myself during the matches. I'll leave you two to fight on my behalf  is that understood?

Ralf/Clark:Yes Captain Heidern!

 As the two saluted things with the others were much different. Y/n watched the others relaxing by Rugal's pool.  While Y/n sat in a chair he heard two voiced call out to him.

???: Hey Y/n we've got something we need your help with!

??? 2:W-We're sorry to disturb you like this.

Y/n: Oh it's vool Athena. what is it you two need my help with?

Yuri; Athena and I  are trying to found who's swimsuit  is cute but none of the other guys were much help.

Y/n:*Raises eyebrow* How do you mean?

Athena: W-Well we tried asking Master and Kensou first but Master Chin passed out from drinking too much. Kensou had just fainted then we tried asking Yuri's father's team. 

Yuri: But none of them gave us a answer and Terry's team just said they were both cute. The other teams were too creepy for us to ask.

Y/n: So I was the last resort huh guess that's fair.

Athena: Y-You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable. 

Y/n; Well I-

Y/n's cut off by Mai who  rolled over in a seat next to him. When she faced the 3 with a drink in hand she spoke with a chuckle.

Mai: Now come on girls it's rude to put a boy like Y/n on the spot like that. I mean picking to ask  him last is rude enough. But who is to say he doesn't have other preferences like men or maybe more mature women like me or even King?~

Athena gasped as her face covered with blush. While she covered her mouth she spoke shyly.

Athena: I-I never thought about that.

Y/n:(Mind) Aw shit..what has Mai done?

King:I don't know what's going on over here but I really don't feel like asking.


Athena: Y-Yuri please calm down and let him talk.  It's our fault for assuming so let's hear his choice.

Y/n:Well if I'm being honest here I don't really care  if a women is older of younger like you two. I care about what kind of person they are if anything. That being said I think all of you look just as cute in your swimsuits.

Mai: Really now Y/n?

Y/n:Clothing is just clothing to me. Any clothes can look beautiful if worn by the right people. Athena your a cheerful and innocent girl, who shines brightly on stage. Your suit is simple yet flashy enough to make your cute nature a chance to shine.

Athena: Wow I didn't think about that.

Y/n: Next up Yuri your a spunky tomboy  that can be childish from time to time. Your suit might not show as much at Athena's  or Mai's but it's fitting for you. It's  wilder than the others just like how you stand out aswell.

Yuri: *Blushes* You really think so?

Y/n:Last but not least Mai. Your a laid back and confident woman. On the other side you've got the  fierce of a mother when it comes to standing up for something. Your suit shows that too and all while keeping the alluring nature you can give   off.

Mai:Well thanks for that Y/n that's sweet of you to say.

Athena:I guess when you put things like that it was pretty childish of us.

Y/n: On another note I never really heard your music before Athena.

Yuri: Hey neither have I.

Athena: *Smiles* Oh well I don't mind singing a song if you guys want me to.

Mai:That sounds fun.

Yuri:*grins* I'd love to hear a song

Y/n:I'm game if the others are too.

Athena smiled cheerfully as she used her psychic powers to bring her instruments over. When she did she struck a pose before she began to sing. 


Y/n: Huh it's not bad.. it's got a pretty catchy beat.

Soon everyone began to enjoy the peace with Athena's song. While they were unaware of what more the Tournament held none cared. While they relaxed back in the city the man in black  stood over the remains of those who attacked him. As he turned around with a sigh he summoned a purple flame revealing a symbol on his shirt.

???:Remember me when you look at the moon.

To be continued

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