27 ◉Haider's Misery

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Uzma walked into the kitchen, then asked the cook and butlers to gather in front of her. They obliged.

'What are you cooking for Chote Saheb?' She enquired. They gave a continental dish menu. Hearing this, Uzma was annoyed. She sighed heavily maintaining a rigid posture and sternly asked them to stop doing what they were cooking. She straightened, raising her chin with pride, - 'You help me with chopping the vegetables and preparing the masala.' – she tugged the edge of her Pallu in her petticoat, - 'I cook for my son.' She said with authority. They all nodded without any protest. Uzma let out a deep breath. She asked them to ready everything whilst she changes from her banarasi saree.

Haider came home, tired. At the entrance, AK stood humbly and took a briefcase from him. He loosened his tie and asked another butler to prepare his bath. As he removed his coat, he walked into the living room.

'Hania!' He called. The young girl sat who was comfortably seated, crossed legged into the posh cream-white leather sofa was startled upon hearing her elder brother's authoritative baritone. Quickly, she switched off the TV and turned to look at him.

'Big Brother.' She leaped from the sofa and hurried to him. Hania welcomed him with open her arms but before she could hug him, he stuck both his palms and she stopped mid-way.

'I am sweaty and, well, smelly.' He teased her, mocking her tone from previously in the morning. Hania chuckled and hugged him, nevertheless. They parted quickly.

'You are home, my son.' Uzma arrived with a wide smile. Haider's expressions turned grim. As she approached him, he walked towards her and without sparing a glance at his mother Haider passed by her. Her smile faded and she clenched the helm of her saree. Hania held her mother's shoulder and squeezed it gently.

'Mom!' She side hugged her. Uzma pressed her lips tightly and pushed her arms away. Hania watched sadly as she walked towards the sofa room and fell on the sofa with a thud. She didn't like how her big brother treated their mother. Ever since she has gathered her senses, she has seen them at the cold war. Their mother initially didn't bother much with Haider but in recent years, she has realized her mistake and decided to mend things between them. But he seemed uninterested.

Haider took a dunk into the hot bathtub and emerged out after a minute. He gasped for breath, as he leaned against the cool marble wall and rested his arms on the bathtub. He clenched his teeth and slammed a fist into the hot water. When she knew he hates her then why does she bother for him? When he was vulnerable and needed her the most, she wasn't there. Instead, she got married and had a child. That child was pampered while her elder child was neglected and tortured. Both the children were her own flesh and blood then why the discrimination? Perhaps because one was unwanted, unplanned whilst the other was wanted and important. Haider rubbed his face with his palms and let out a muffled sigh.

After the bath, he slipped into his bathrobe and walked towards his wardrobe. As he picked out his casuals, the silence in his room was punctured by the loud ringing of his phone. A smile crept on his face as he read Alina's name flashing on the screen.

Alina fell on her bed, stomach first with her phone pressed against her ear. She bit her smile, - 'Hi, Haider.' She spoke twirling a strand of hair.

There was a second of silence and then he spoke, - 'I am surprised, pleasantly, that you called.' He sounded amused. Alina blushed, covering her smile with the back of her palm.

'Yes, I was thinking about you, Haider. You have won me over.' She sighed dreamily and turned to her back.

'I didn't know to buy you an expensive villa could win you, else I would have gifted this to you long ago.' He commented and Alina's smile faded.

'No, no.' She sat up on the bed, - 'I meant that you cared enough to—I didn't mean I am—don't think I am money minded. Haider—'


Haider felt lighter and cheerful after talking with Alina. Their talk was initially awkward but then turned into a fun conversation. He did most of the listening, he was just mesmerized with her melodious voice. He doesn't talk much, anyway.

After chatting with her, Haider changed into his casuals and climbed downstairs. He lost his appetite the moment he saw Uzma at the dining table with Hania. He was about to walk away but Hania called him and he couldn't refuse. Even though, they were half-siblings, he had a soft corner for her as he had spent his childhood caring for his baby sister. And she reciprocates his feelings.

Haider ignored glances from Uzma and sat on the head chair. A butler opened the lid of one of the ceramic bowls and he was surprised seeing chicken swimming in oil and curry. He scrunched his nose and glared at his butler.

'What the hell is this?' He roared at the servant and demanded to call the chef.

'Son,' – Uzma placed a hand over his wrist and he stiffened, - 'I have made this for you.' She said kindly.

Haider jerked his hand from her grip and stared at her, - 'I don't eat such food, Mrs. Zaidi.' – he paused and angrily stood up, his chair screeched back dropping with a thud on the floor. The women flinched, - 'If you don't know about my taste, then why did you bother?' He taunted her and then turned around and walked away in anger. Uzma looked away blinking her tears back. Hania took a bite of food and complimented her to make her feel better. She smiled sadly and appreciated her by caressing her cheek.


Alina felt like a queen in this vast luxurious villa. But it was very lonely. Had it not been for Farhana, she would have panicked being all alone in this quiet, vast, and secluded space. Though, this villa was beautiful and serene in the daylight. It seemed to haunt at night.

She pampered herself with a bubble bath and changed into a blue thigh-length satin night robe.

Alina flipped her wet tresses, resting them on her back and sat on a velvet stool stretching her legs. Farhana sat at her feet and was applying glossy transparent nail paint for her. Alina blew on her fingernails drying her manicure. Farhana was a talented and high-class maid.

'Very well, Farhana. Amazing.' She complimented her and the woman smiled gratefully in response.

After her nails dried, Farhana got busy arranging queen-sized bed for Alina. While she got busy in drying her hair, after that she applied moisturizer on the back of her palms and face. Alina took a deep breath and stood up, just then the two were startled by the doorbell. Alina glanced fearfully at Farhana, she asked her to relax and that she will go get the door.

Sometime later, the door to Alina's room opened and she jolted up, pulling the night robe against her chest. She was relieved seeing Haider walking in. He looked up and rooted on the spot upon seeing her.

So, guys how was the Chapter? And what do you think will happen next?

Drop your thoughts in the comments, please *muaaah* And Stay tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*


'Are you hearing what I am hearing?' Meera shook her head.

'Alina looks shocked herself. Haider shouldn't have announced like this.' Mikael replied. She frowned and slapped his arm.

'What are you, cuckoo? Obviously, she knew. No one announces like this without the other person's consent.' She made him see sense. Mikael sighed clutching on the glass of juice he held. Meera shot a glare at Alina and Haider, - 'She has changed, Mikael. First, she used to tell us everything but now, she has forgotten us.'

Mikael looked at her, - 'No, Meera. I think there is more than what—'

'It is not you but your blind love that is talking, duffer.' Meeratouched his forehead with her palm. 

Now, what did Haider announce *sighs* What are your guess, my lovelies? 

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