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I need some love...I had a bad day.


We stepped out and I ignored the queasy feelings in my stomach. Unusual to have such feelings at this time.

As we silently walked next to each other, time passed like water, fluid and smoothly.

Until we got closer to the door to Hyung's office.



It was strange to see him at the company. He didn't like coming here often, because he preferred to be home. Even more now since his Bunny was here in the city. Not that I blamed him, home was great.

Jungkook chuckled as he skipped to us, coming from the other side of the hallway.

"You look happy..." Jungkook have a bunny smile, one of mischief and youth.

"It's a nice day." I shrugged.

"Oh?" I watched as Jungkook cocked his head to the side to see Dollface. It was rude but he pointed to her amused. "Why are you here?"

"I'm the new..." Dollface tried to explain to Jungkook as she recognized his face. I faintly remembered her having had worked with him once.

"Oh...you're the—I see...interesting. I was wondering why..." He chuckled to himself as he glanced at me.

I rolled my eyes as I pulled her further along. I did not need his perverted mind perverting my pure, innocent Doll. She was fine the way she was.

"I'm what...Jungkook?" Her pretty lips quirked in curiosity.

"Move. Gotta go talk to Hoseok Hyung." I whistled as I tried leading her to his office and away from Jungkook.

"Oh...No. Wait!" Jungkook stepped in front of us blocking the path to Hyung's office. It was just down the hallway.

"Jungkook?" I raised an eyebrow. He seemed nervous, almost.

"Yeah. Uh...he's busy—rea~lly busy." Jungkook stammered. "He can't talk right now. You should just show her around."

"Hmm..." I stared at him curious at his stammer. He usually did not stammer.

"I needed to talk to him about the contract and..." She began.

"Did you have an appointment with him?"

"No..." I watched as her face went dim, I wanted to scream at Jungkook to stop being so mean. There was no need for him to be so snappy.

"That's why. He's...in back to back m-meetings." Then again, Jungkook was hiding something and it was quite interesting because Jungkook was not a very good liar. He was very good at faking but he couldn't lie. Well, couldn't lie to me, since I saw right through him.

Something was going on. Not with him, but with Hoseok Hyung.

"Jungkook..." He came to stand closer to me as he softly whispered so that she could not hear us.

"Just go along with it. Give her a tour or something..." Jungkook urged and I sighed as I listened to the boy. "Go."

Apparently our Hyung needed some privacy. And if it was for Hoseok Hyung, I would do it, to help him.

"Fine," I smiled at dollface before I suggested moving along until Hyung was ready. "Dollface come on, let me give you a tour."

"I'll let Hoseok Hyung know that she's here. He's still in a Uh...a meeting..."

The liar, there was something happening in that room and it was not a meeting.

Oh well, I guess I could not complain, since it gave me more time with the living doll.


"Wow," her jaws dropped as she saw her new studio. Somehow I felt proud to have her enjoy the new place for her to hang her work.

"Do you like it?" I asked, carefully considering her expressions. It was so enjoyable, to study and to memorize, discern each facial expression. It was now going to be my new hobby.

"This is all for me?" Her pretty eyes looked at each station, catered to her artistic mind. I knew she would love it.

"Yeah...Hoseok Hyung told someone to have everything set up for you. He said an artists need their space." I watched as her eyes traveled across her room. She was so alive.

My eyes continued to eat her up, taking in her reactions and breath.

So alive, so admirable...


In the end, the meeting with Hoseok Hyung went well, and she was on board as our exclusive photographer and model.

That was the start of our partnership...

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