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"Come on," Jungkook pulled me down and Hoseok Hyung chuckled. Hyung was laughing because he didn't have to do this photo shoot.

We did.

We had to do this stupid company shoot that updated our entire company directory, the talents, the artists, and everyone else.

I sighed as we entered the main hall we were going to use. I could see the familiar make up artists and stylists with racks of clothes with other stylists and managers.

Then I saw her.

She took my breath away. And my heart was ramming against my chest cavity as it would break out of the containment made out of bones.

"You know, you stare too hard," Jungkook mentioned as he continued to pull me inside and away from Dollface.

Hoseok Hyung smiled as he watched me get pulled by the muscly bunny. He walked elsewhere, his attention on something or someone else. He left alone and I felt abandoned.

"I don't stare."

"Oh...yeah you do." Jungkook scoffed as he watched her too. "You stare real hard..."


"Why do you call me Doll?"

I blinked as I turned to her the best I could. The makeup artist kept doing their job while I tried to keep still, but I wanted to see her.

"I don't know." I shrugged, as I thought about why the pet-name had stuck with me. It was not as if she actually looked like a doll, no she looked better. She was really pretty, in a subtle alluring way. "It suits you."

It seemed that my answer was not satisfactory to the pretty woman.

"Well, stop. I don't like it." Dollface had this face that was not quite a pout or a frown. I wanted to see more of her, but I could not since I had to keep my face still. "I'm not a doll, nor a thing."

"Jimin, please, keep still." The makeup artist got mad as I tried to speak, "we have to get you ready."



Working with her again filled me with a passion that I did not know I had for work. As I watched her work, I could not help but admire her in all sense. She was hardworking, precise and so beautiful.

"Next," she finished quickly with Angel and it was my turn now.

Jungkook was after me, so he kept hanging around me and watching me and Dollface. He was a nuisance as he was too heavy. His heavy body was leaned against me, as he basically laying on top of me, being lazy. Whatever I did, he was resistant to my pushes and refused to budge.

She did not see me take my place in front of the white screen. I don't think she had realized that it was me who was next.

I was slightly hurt that she did not notice until I had coughed for her attention. I ignored the snickering Jungkook. He was snickering a lot lately.

Dollface blinked, her soft eyelashes fanning herself quickly. She was slightly sweaty from working.

"What's with that face?" I had been the first to speak and I asked quizzically. She had this face that I was not exactly sure how to pinpoint. It was between annoyance, surprise and also looking at a bug. It was still amusing though.

She sighed loudly enough that I'm sure everyone in the area heard, but they did not care since they were much to busy to care.

"It's you..." Dollface looked up at me with her twinkling eyes, reminding me just how alive she was. That sparkle, that vitality...I wanted that so much. Her eyes scanned me from head to toe and I could not help but bite the inner flesh of my mouth. "You're looking rather simple"

"I am?" I looked at my clothes.

I guess it was rather simple, especially if she was comparing me with the clothes that Jack had designed a few months ago. The blue suit with white silk shirt could have seen as rather simple. I preferred this, it was more practical, in my opinion.

"It's what they gave me, and aren't we all supposed to be somewhat uniformed...to a degree?" I shrugged as Jungkook tackled me.

It was painful to say the least because that boy was not a boy. His body was a rock and to be tackled by a boulder, the human would be in a lot of pain. I groaned as I pushed him away but he only laughed as he continued to be a bothersome boy.

"Jungkook, get off." I groaned as he was heavy and really warm. He was a personal heater I didn't need.

"Fine...I have someone I have to talk to anyway," and he sauntered away leaving me and Dollface to finally work alone.

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