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That night after dinner, he drove you home, and at your door, he stepped closer to you, gazing into your eyes. Slowly, his face moved closer until his lips gently touched yours. You felt as if your whole body was purring with contentment. You had been hoping he would kiss you. You lean into his kiss, and he pulls you tightly against him. You hear a soft growl of want as his tongue delves into tasting yours.

You felt the attraction between you two for a while now. He is still holding you when he suddenly pulls back to look over his shoulder at your neighbor's door, and a strange look comes over his face.

Frowning with worry, you ask, "What is it Yoongi? Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is alright." Glancing once more at your neighbor's door, he turns back towards you, smiling.

 You look at him questionably, and to distract you from worry, he says, "I'm so glad you came over for dinner tonight."

He steps closer to you and places another kiss on your lips, this time without holding you in his arms, saying, "You get inside, lock the door, and get some sleep. I will call you tomorrow." 

You smile at him, blushing at his concern for you. "I'm sure I will be fine," you say.

 He quickly looks at your neighbor's door again, and you gently turn his face back to yours, asking, "What is it?"

 He asks, "It's probably nothing. Does your neighbor have pets?"

 Surprised, you fondly say, "Yes, she does. She takes in all the stray cats in the neighborhood."

He says, "I must be hearing the cats, then." he laughs and kisses your cheek. 

Not wanting the night to end, you ask shyly, "Would you like to come in for a bit?"

 He sighs, wanting to stay, but is resigned to saying, "At any other time, I would love to, but I need to get back."

 You pout a little disappointed and ask, "Maybe next time?" you tiptoe up to kiss him and softly say, "Good night, Yoongi." 

"Good night, Kat. Don't forget to lock the door." He gives you a tender kiss before you close the door. He waits till he hears the door lock before he leaves.

He pauses by your neighbor's door and catches a faint scent, which he loathes. He looks back at your door, knowing you locked it. He kicks your neighbor's "welcome" mat upside down and mumbles, "Humans." Then, with experienced skill and speed, he is rapidly home and parking the car in the multi-garage.

As he enters the house, he urgently calls out, "Everyone here NOW!" 

Six blurs, and they are all there. Jin asks, "What is it? What has happened?" 

J Hope says with worry, etching his brow, "Is it Kat?" Everyone takes a seat around the living room.

Yoongi heaves a heavy sigh, shoves his hand through his hair, and states, "It's Cassian. He's back." 

They all jump up, talking at once, and Yoongi raises his hand. They all become silent and sit back down.

Namjoon asks, "Where? Oh my god, not at Kat's!" They knew he had just taken you home.

Yoongi shakes his head, "No, but I believe he has been in her neighbors. The silly woman had a welcome mat out." Various sighs and damns can be heard from the others.

Yoongi looks pointedly around the room at Jungkook and Namjoon, commanding, "You're with me." He stands to leave, and they stand ready to follow.

J Hope says, "What do you need the rest of us to do?"  

Grateful for his asking, Yoongi says, "Locate where he has set up his nest; he won't be too far. Let me know how many are with him. But do not engage any of them. I don't want them to know that we know they are here."

They start pulling out their phones, and Jin sits in front of his computer, already searching.

Yoongi pauses, then says, "You know Cassian and his love for having his obedient pet coven of witches, so watch out for wards and sigils."

 They nod and return to their devices, speaking amongst themselves and making plans. Jimin joins Jin at the computer. J Hope and Taehyung have pulled up a map of the area on their phones and are preparing to check out several places.

Before they leave, Jungkook tells J Hope, "Take Bam. He can help you find them." 

Hearing his name, Bam runs to Jungkook. Jungkook whispers in his ear and Bam goes and stands by J Hope.

 Jungkook tells him, "He will listen to you and only you till I say otherwise." J Hope smiles in acknowledgment. 

Yoongi says, "Let's go." He looks back at the others and says, "Call to me if you find anything." They nod as he leads Namjoon and Jungkook out the door, and then they vanish into the night.

Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jungkook reach your apartment building, and while Yoongi stealth's to the front door he turns the welcome mat back over and then lets the others know to come up. They read the mat and he flips it back over.

 As wisps of smoke, they follow Yoongi under the door. When they return to their form, they are shocked by what they see.

"Dammit!" Yoongi mumbles. Jungkook looks around in shock. Namjoon says, "Oh my gud the cats!" Strewn around the room are at least 20 dead cats and one elderly lady.

Yoongi walks over to the elder woman and checks her pulse, knowing there would be none, and he sighs.  Jungkook wisps back out the front door, "Where the hell are you..." but he is already back. "Where did you go?" asks Yoongi, upset at his maknae for pulling a stunt like that. 

"I went to Kat's door. The scent is there too, fainter, older, but it is there."

Yoongi shouts, "Dammit to hell!" and in a blur of smoke, he is gone.

 Namjoon asks Jungkook, "So what do we do now?" He is testing Jungkook to see if he remembers one of his earlier lessons.

Jungkook shrugs, "You've been at this longer than me." 

Namjoon takes out his phone to make a call. "Who are you calling hyung?' asks Jungkook.

Namjoon taps in the number and then holds the phone in front of him. He doesn't need to hold it to his ear as his hearing is amped. While waiting, he quickly explains to Jungkook, "We have a specialized clean-up crew for such incidents as this. It's to protect the humans from reality and . . ." He is interrupted when the call is answered.

"Yes, one and multiple cats." He ends the call and explains to Jungkook, "They handle everything, from obituaries to death certificates to press releases. You name it, they take care of it. Before the sun rises, no one will even know anything happened here."

Yoongi had checked out the perimeter of your apartment and found all the windows locked. Peering inside, he could see you sleeping in your bed. He lingers for a few seconds, watching you, listening to your heart beating and breathing the rhythm of peaceful sleep. He wisps back into the elder lady's apartment.

 Yoongi tells them, "I believe she is safe for now. He has had more than his fill here. Let's get back and see if the others found anything." 

Yoongi turns to question Namjoon, but before he can speak, Namjoon says, "I already called the cleaners. They will be here within the hour."

Yoongi nods his approval, and they head out, Jungkook grabbing the welcome mat as he leaves. Once back at the house, he burns it in the backyard, muttering, "Stupid humans." as he watches it burn.

 Jimin is suddenly by his side, "Don't forget you were human just a short time ago." 

Sighing, he says, "Yeah, I'm sorry. Who am I to call them stupid when they don't know?"

Taehyung also shows up by his side. "You know who designed the "welcome" mat, right?" he asks Jungkook, shaking his head. 

Taehyung says, "Cassian's maker did several hundred years ago. He found a loophole to getting invited in."

 All Jungkook can say is "Damn." as the three of them watch the fire burn out.

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