Yoongi's Kitty Kat

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After following up on last night's clean-up crew, Yoongi calls you to see how you are doing this morning. 

"Hi, it's Kitty Kat. Leave me a message, and I will get back to you."

 He leaves a message, smiling at your cute nickname. He says, "Hi, Kitty Kat. It's Yoongi just checking up on you. Call me."

He tried again later when he still had yet to hear from you. Your voicemail is full, so now he can't even leave you a message, and you won't pick up when he calls. He has yet to get a response from his texts. "Dammit!" he shouts.

Jin hears him and comes out from the kitchen, asking,  "What is it?" 

 "It's Kat, but she's not answering." Yoongi's forehead is wrinkled with worry as he tightens his lips together in a frown.

Jin shrugs, saying, "Maybe she went out and forgot her phone. Since I know you're going to go see her, can you please take these Hotteok to her? She told me the other night she loved them, so I got up this morning to make some." He smiles, happy to be cooking for her.

Yoongi takes the container from Jin and says, "Thanks."

 Before he leaves, Jin says, "There is enough for two," winking at Yoongi. Yoongi rolls his eyes and is gone.

 Reaching your apartment, Yoongi knocks on the apartment door, and there is no answer. He can hear your heart beating, racing in fear and anger, the sense of fear almost overwhelming him, pushing him back. He enters the apartment and sees you on the floor of the bedroom, a monster leaning over you, drawing blood from your body.

In a rage, Yoongi yells, "Cassian, get away from her! " He lunges into him and knocks him off of you. Yoongi stands protectively across your body.

Cassian stands grinning, wiping your blood from his lips. With a self-gratified smirk, he says, "I'm just finishing up where your whelp left off. You really should train them better, Yoongs."

 He looks down at you as your body trembles, but you are unaware of what is happening. You are lost in a nightmare.

Cassian looks at Yoongi. "She is a very tasty morsel. I wouldn't mind her being mine," he grins and says, "Or my brood's supply." 

He licks his lips, grins, and says, "Mmm, yes, very tasty."

Yoongi lunges for him again, and they meet mid-air in battle.  Your room is destroyed, but neither wins.

Cassian drops to the floor, grinning, "Till next time, Yoongs. This was fun, but I must go."

Yoongi lands next to you, and as soon as Cassian leaves, "Kitty Kat, speak to me." 

Your whole body is shaking, and sweat is beading on your face. You can't answer him, and you are trapped in a nightmare.

He caresses your face and, under his breath, says, "My god, you're burning up!" With you in his arms, he rushes back to his house in a blur.

He enters carrying your unresponsive body, calling out, "Namjoon! Namjoon!"

From downstairs, Namjoon comes running up. "What is it?" Upon seeing you in Yoongi's arms, he grabs you and runs with you back down the stairs. 

Yoongi only needs to say one word, "Cassian!" He races ahead of Namjoon and pushes the secret panel that opens to a special room.

Namjoon lays you on a bed and starts hooking up medical monitoring equipment. "How long ago did this start?" he asks, urgency threading through his voice.

Yoongi replies, frustrated and angry, "I don't know. I went to check on her, and he was feeding on her in this condition."

Namjoon draws blood, then starts an IV on you and is doing tests and moving in a blur from one test to another, then back to you.

 He starts to remove your dress, and Yoongi moves to block him, "What are you doing?" 

"I have to check for bite marks." Yoongi steps back and lets Namjoon do his work. 

Namjoon loudly says, "Dammit, I was worried about this" 

Yoongi steps closer, and there on your inner thigh is a bite mark, and it's festering.

He looks at Yoongi very concerned and says, "I'm afraid he has been feeding on her for several days."

 Yoongi then recalls his conversation with you and tells Namjoon, "She told me she has not been feeling well for the last few days."

Namjoon comes back to you, applies a special salve, and the wound on your thigh heals. He then pulls a cover back over you.

 Namjoon is about to speak to Yoongi when Jungkook rushes in. Panic and fear can be heard as he asks, "Oh shit is that . . . is that Kat?"

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