Did She Die?

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Yoongi enters their home and calls out, "Jungkook!" 

He steps into the room and meekly says, "I'm here."

Yoongi looks at him and sighs, "Please sit," he says as he gestures to the seat next to the one he just sat in.

"Tell me what happened tonight." 

Jungkook sits and explains, "I was just out with the others when I heard the sound of squealing tires. I ran around the corner and saw her frozen in fear right in front of the car that hit her. I knew I had to save her. Hyung, I couldn't stand there and let her die."

Yoongi asks, "And did she die?"

 Jungkook shakes his head, "No, Hyung, she did not."

"Tell me the rest Jungkook," Yoongi says knowing there is more.

Jungkook swallows and continues, "When I reached her, the driver drove off, leaving her on the road. I could hear her heart slowing, and her head was injured. I, I just had to save her."

 He hangs his head and confesses, "I gave her my blood but only a few drops to heal her. That is all I promise." He looks back up at Yoongi, hoping not to see the disappointment in his hyungs eyes.

Yoongi closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, glad Jimin had called to him. He released a sigh and finally said, "Jungkook, I know all this is new to you, and I'm sorry, but you know the rules."

Jungkook says, "Yes, I do, and I am sorry, but she . . ."

Yoongi stands and shouts, "YOU KNOW THE RULES! Yet you gave your blood! You can't keep going around saving everything. A month ago it was the neighbor's cat, last week it was the stray dog, and now . . ."

Jungkook interrupts, "But everyone loves Bam." 

Yoongi sighs and chastises him, "Yes, we do, but you can't keep doing that. You are lucky no one else saw what you did tonight." 

Jungkook hangs his head murmuring, "I'm sorry."

Sighing, Yoongi pats his shoulder, reassuring him, "You'll get better. I know you will. The love you have in your heart for others makes you special." 

They turn to see Namjoon descending the stairs and he says, "Kook, we don't mind helping where we can, but you can't take risks like you did tonight. What if the driver saw you fly to her? What if he saw what you did to save her."

 Jungkook says, "He was drunk. I could smell it, and he left so fast he won't remember if he saw anything."

Taehyung comes in through the front door. Upon seeing Yoongi, he tells him, "It's taken care of. I found him. He won't remember."

 With an appreciative nod at Taehyung, he says, "Thank you, Tae."

Then he looks back at Jungkook and cautions him, "You can't count on thinking someone didn't see you or that one of us will be there to cover for you. You have to be more careful."

Jungkook nods humbly saying, "Yes, hyung." as he sits against the couch near Jimin, resting his head on Jimin's leg.

The others are taking seats around the living room when J Hope walks in and opens his satchel, saying before he looks up, "Oh my god, they hired a new nurse at the blood bank." He looks up, his voice trailing off as he sees the expressions on the other's faces, "and I think she is . . . going to be a . . . problem." He pauses, then looks around the room.

He closes his eyes and tightens his lips before he speaks, then says, "Dammit, he did it again? What did he bring home this time, another dog?" and he looks at Jungkook, who grimaces.

J Hope tosses blood packs to each of the guys and plops down on the seat next to Jimin, who smiles when he is handed two packs, one of which he hands to Jungkook. 

"I can't go out long enough to get dinner without you getting into some kind of trouble Jungkook." J Hope lightly scolds the youngest.

Namjoon says, "She's bigger than a dog."  

J Hope shifts eyes to Namjoon, startled, asking, "She? As in a girl? A human?" 

 Astonished he looks around the living room at Namjoon, Jimin, and Tae, and questions them, "I thought you were to keep an eye on him tonight?"

Jin comes out of the kitchen, and J Hope tosses him a pack. "Hey, thanks for stocking up. We were running low," says Jin.

J Hope grins at Jin, "By the way, I will do the beverage run from now on." 

Jin grins curious, "Why is that?" he asks.

Jimin says, "It seems there's a new nurse at the blood bank." He winks at Jin.

Yoongi looks at J Hope, "I'll place a few calls and find out more about the new nurse. What happened to Leina?"     

 J Hope frowns and sadly answers, "Seems she was allergic to stake." 

The others grimace in pain. Jungkook's hands flew to his chest.

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