May I Come In?

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He places his hand on your shoulders to steady you as you waver on your feet. 

"Where do you live? I will make sure you get home alright. Is there anyone I can call for you who could stay the night?" he asks, never taking his eyes off you.

You shake your head and decide it is not such a good idea as things spin. You hold a hand to your head, then reply, "No, there is no one. I live just three doors down from here. I can make it back on my own." you look at him with a smile, saying, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Min." 

 "Please call me Yoongi, and let me walk you home."

You look over into the shadows where you last saw the other one and call out to him, "And thank you, Jungkook." You do not see any movement or receive a reply.

You look behind Yoongi and can make out others in shadows and you back away. He sees you looking at the others. 

Not even turning to look at them, he says, "Return. I will see you later,"

 He pauses for a few seconds, then says, "And Jungkook, be waiting for me."

They begin to disperse, and he takes your arm and places it under his, your hand resting on his arm. Then he asks,  "Are you ready to go?" 

 You walk to the front of your apartment building and stop at the door, reassuring him, "I'm fine from here. I'm not really hurt, but I may feel a little sore in the morning. Thank you again for your help."

"May I come in and make sure you get to your apartment? You still seem a little unsteady on your feet."

You smile at him and easily say, "Yes, you can come in. I live on the second floor and usually take the stairs, but I think I will use the elevator tonight instead. I do feel a little unsteady." You use your passkey to open the door and enter with him right behind you.

"Then, by all means, I shall walk you to your apartment," he says, grateful at your invitation to enter.

You reach your apartment, take out your keys, and open the door, "Please come in." 

He smiles as you gesture for him to come in, "Thank you," he says politely.

He looks around the apartment, "This is nice." he says, "I like it."

 You smile as you set your purse down on the couch and, with a hint of pride in your voice, tell him, "It's small, but it's all mine." 

You smile broadly, for you had worked hard to get your apartment. "Would you like a glass of wine before you go?" you ask him, hoping he would stay longer. There was just something about him that made you feel safe.

He steps closer, saying, "No, thank you. I just wanted to make sure you're safe. Do you have an ice pack for your head?" 

Oh, that's right—your head with the bump on the back. You had forgotten. He's so handsome that you have a hard time stopping from staring at him.

 "Oh, um, no, I don't," you say, heading to the kitchen, and he follows. 

As you enter the kitchen, he steps past you, saying, "Let me make you one." Next thing you know, he seems to know where everything is, as he gets a zip-top bag, puts ice cubes in it, and hands it to you. The ice is crushed.

 Confused and unable to believe what you are seeing, you say, "Thanks," as you consider how the ice became crushed. 

You look up at him when he says, "I'm Glad I could help. If you need anything, just let me know." He hands you a card with his name and number on it. 

You smile up at him as you hold the ice bag to the back of your head, "Thanks."

He starts to leave, then says, "I can stay if you want, to make sure you don't need to go to the hospital." 

Surprised, you say, "Oh, no, that isn't necessary." You get up and encourage him to go to the door.

 He steps out and says, "Good night, then." As you are about to close the door, he puts his hand on it and stops you. 

"By the way, I never asked your name."

With your hands still holding on to the edge of the door, you say, "My friends call me Kat." 

He smiles, asking, "May I call you Kat?" 

You softly laugh, "Yes, I guess we are friends now, aren't we?" you say with a slight blush on your cheeks. 

He smiles and then is quickly gone.

You close the door and lock it, "I really need to go lay down. My vision blurred again." 

That night you slept fitfully, not sure if it was from the lump on your head or just nightmares. You dreamt of pierced lips, shimmering eyes, and flying.

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