1. Leather

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Emara Stone

The wind fiercely flows through my hair like showing its aggressive powers. But to me, it left like a gentle kiss of a lover. I close my eyes and feel it tickle on my skin as it brush pass my cheeks.

I unfold my arms and spread it out in the open, letting the wind untame my wings like it did to my braid. My hair floats like music cords in the air, playing along with the icy breeze, creating a song that-


"FUCK!" I scream in pain as my nose hits the hard helmet head in front of me, sending jolts of aching sparks all over my face. Ouch. Bitch. Ouch!

"What the hell was that?" Ethan barks as he takes out his helmet and checks for any damage. This son of a biscuit!

"My nose hit your stupid helmet when you pulled the brakes out of nowhere." I yell with a throbbing nose.

"Well, that's what people do when they reach their destination." Ethan yaps as he hops out of the motorbike, almost hitting my face again.

This lil dick!

"Stop being so dramatic. With or without a nose, you still look gay to me." He comments after looking at my majestic face.

"We have the same features, silly ass." I scowl in return. Audacity of this bitch!

Ethan is just a minute older than me, but we are nowhere similar. He is like the descendent of Einstein, whereas I am like Lady Gaga, too weird to describe.

"We got late again. Shit!" Ethan curses under his breath and jogs towards the university building. What a nerd!

I tie my tangled static hair and bury them under the cap of my hoodie. I am so skilled at changing looks that I can dress up like anyone, even as a man and no one would ever come to know of it.

Wow! Nice plot. I could write a story on it.

I pop some M&Ms as I look around the campus, the Instagram beauties are updating their morning selfies and replying to their hungry fans who masturbated on their night selfie. Their eyeliner, mascara, contour, and glossy straight hair are flawlessly styled. On fleek!

I scratch my greasy hair underneath the cap as I wonder at what time do they wake up to groom themselves, probably at 5 o'clock in the morning. And here I don't even get time to clean my nose.

I scratch my nose as I walk to the stationary to buy lab manuals. The number of people I see around me makes me want to pray to the almighty to set my college on fire. Let the flames burn all my test papers and data of my past exam records along with the sadist teachers who love to torture students.


The crowd around me subdues knowing the first lecture has been started and here I am walking clumsily towards the building without any passion to attend the lecture.

Suddenly, I hear a roar, so powerful that it made me skip some of my heartbeats to call it a heart attack. I turn around and see charcoal black big SUV rolling on its thick black tires like it owes the campus road.

There is a shiny Devil's Trident on the car as its logo and I remembered someone call it Maserati. The car once again roars as it stops in the parking lot two spots away from our bike. The door opens and the beauty queen of our college, every guy's dream girl, Rose Damison walks out.

Her long dark hair flows in the wind in a wild way, she tucks a lock behind her ears in slow motion as she looks around. Her black jeans are stuck to her legs possessively, on top, the red jacket screams about her all rich-rich and out of reach.

Rose is built, she has long legs, a small waist, an hourglass figure, and a face like Hollywood beauty. She says something to the driver and closes the door behind her leisurely. Rose walks past me in hurry, her baby powder smell lingers behind her as she jogs in her heels to the building. I look down and see my faded black sneakers that I never cleaned.

Don't! Don't even think of comparing yourself with her. You didn't even shower.

Sound of the engine goes down, I look back and suddenly my heart beats like a church's bell, loud and clear as I see him.

Ryan Damison.

The beautiful bastard.

Ryan is 6 feet tall, a package of pure terror dressed in leather, warnings are written all over him that keeps everyone two-three steps away from him. His shoulders look broad, rigged and vigorous under his black leather jacket. His jet black hair falls menacingly on his dark sunglasses that hide his hash brown catastrophic eyes.

Ryan is so hot that the government should ban him and name him illegal!

He along with the other two guys open the car doors all together as if they had planned and set up a timer. They all climb out smoothly like a pro. Probably practiced a hundred times in a day to achieve such expertise.

One of them is Daniel, the freaky one. You can hear different stories about him from different people like getting caught in the girl's bathroom, blowing up the chemistry lab, puking in the Director's cabin, shooting the camera in class and whatnot. Another one is Daniel's brother, Drake, who is walking on his brother's path. These two are highly unpredictable and savage.

Whereas Ryan is hot and brutal at the same time. A healthy person can get cancer just by looking at him whereas girls can get pregnant with his one smile. He is lethal in every way and he knows it very well.

I feel like to remove my panties and throw them at his face screaming, 'Catch me if you can!'

But I ain't stupid, I know he is dangerous. Rumors have it that he belongs to some gang, an underworld fighting gang. But other than the rumors, I knew he is an asshole when he uploaded a girl's love letter on his Instagram. He humiliated her personal and private feelings for him in front of thousands of people while they all made fun of her.

Being ashamed that girl changed college within a week. He is evil and so is his ways. I would prefer two galaxies distance between us.

I pull out my phone and secretly take pictures of them, especially their clothes so it would be easy for me to describe them later.. for my book.

But I wonder how does he smells like?

I need to know, is its spice and if his hair smell nice, or is it tutti-fruity and he smells like a booty?

I need to know this important detail. I need to smell him.

I tuck all of my hair in the hoodie and keep my head low as I walk in their direction. I fist my fingers so they don't run around to touch Ryan or grab on his jacket to feel its leather.

No licking. Just smelling. I remind myself.

My heart rattles violently as my feet get nearer and nearer to them. The wind smells fresh, like love in the air as I slowly proceed with my sore nose to smell his rich mystic orgasmic scent.

I look back just to assure that no one is around us. Even if I get punched, I don't want that scene to be in everybody's gallery.

As soon as I turn around my nose collides with some hardwood material. My head flips back along with my sore nose as I stumble back with the collide.


"Watch where you go." Someone growled.

I look up and see Shawn, a senior and another member of Ryan's group. He got bruises below his right eye, a cut on his lower lip and scratches on his left cheek like someone took out a good frustration on him.

"Where is Mendes? Hiding in skirts?" Ryan's husky voice penetrates through me as he walks closer removing his glasses. His right eye is swelled too, the swollen area under his eye is turned into bluish-green ugly bruise.

My knees wobble like cable wires as I watch the main character of my story from close up. I get aware of our closeness as I smell his smoky Cologne's scent. My nose gets erect as I sniff him.

Ryan smells of black current, pineapples mixed with apple and roses. Wait... Is that a female's perfume? Or a female's scent on him?

Suddenly his hash brown eyes collide with mine as he looks down at me with frowns. All the flowing blood in me freezes at the intensity of his burning eyes.

"What you looking at?" His tone harsh and so does his stare.

Is he.. Is he.. OhMyGod! Ryan is talking to me! He is talking to me.

Ryan eyes are so brown like a glass of whiskey. I couldn't move or blink. It's like his eyes hold mine as a captive, like a bondage slave.

My instincts rise up, I turn around and realize I was standing in between their group, like a sacrificial lamp in a cult. That's way too close than I had planned.

I cautiously take a step back and freeze as I realise I stepped on something.. or someone. I look down and see a dark brown print of my shoe on white Jordans that shines brighter than my teeth.


My eyes follow the legs of the shoe owner and find Ryan's murderous glare static on me. Oh no, not today Satan!

With a face that is both aristocratic and brutal, Ryan looks like a notorious wanted mafia leader but sexier. "Clean it." Two words enough to shake my titties.

I gulp as I watch him in absolute fright. "Dude, didn't you hear. He said clean it." Daniel barks from behind.

Does he thinks I am a guy? I thought I was a pretty girl.

I take a deep breath and balance myself on one leg as I carefully pull out my foot from my shoe and begin to clean the mark on his Jordans with the help of my sock.

Ryan and his minions watch me in dubiety as I wipe the dust off his shoes, making them cleaner than before.

"Done." I smile brighter than his Jordans.

My parents are so lucky to have a genius kid like me at their home.

"Get lost." I flinch back as Ryan scowls at me and walks away, followed by his annoying bitches and their fiercing stare.

After spending one minute and twenty-seven seconds with him I can be sure of one thing,

That he is a dickhead.


New book! Yay! This is the story of Emara, Ryan and all the other characters in college.

Here is a meme



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