13. Cheetos

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Emara Stone

"Your choice Cheetos, you want to be a good girl or you want your mouth to be wrapped with my belt?"

I stare at Daniel with horror as he wraps his belt around his knuckles intimidatingly. His fist has scars and scratches too, similar to Ryan's. They look old and deep as if occurred a week or two weeks ago. I would be stupid to think that he won't hit a girl.

Daniel's grey eyes darkening as he sends me a hostile smirk. The corner of his chin has streak mark that extends till his jaw depicting he has been beaten or probably had jaw restructuring surgery. He looks dangerously creepy, like a wicked potato.

I stay statue on my bed, my logical side of the brain gets into a deep analysis of the current situation. Ryan->Ethan->Fight->Blood->Hospital->Plastic Surgery! This is not right, it's a nightmare. It has to be a nightmare. A bad dream I desperately want to wake up from. So that when I wake up, I go back to update my book, Ryan goes back to college, and Daniel's jeans go back to his waist that is now slipping down from his thighs. 

His red underwear reflects vibrantly in my retina as his jeans slowly slide down from his legs. My eyes unwantedly fall to his undies big holey y-fronts that I have never seen before of a guy. They look big and filled like a shopping bag.

I look up at Daniel, his grim eyes stay on me like a prison's watchman being unaware of his denim's south driving skills. "Y-your jeans." I point my shaky finger towards the outer red peel of his banana. Daniel narrows his eyes as he speaks sternly, "It's not for sale." 

Huh? I blink a few times as I try to decode what he just said. "What? No, your underwear-" He instantly cuts me off as he barks like an unfriendly dog, "It's not for sale either." This illiterate chicken. 

"No-no, I mean it's going down." I instantly clear the misinterpretation but Daniel noxiously shakes his head and as he snaps pointing at the roof, "And you will directly go up, so better close that mouth before I shove washing powder down your throat." My heart flinched at his sour tone. Washing powder!

"I think he went to his room." The pee-pee guy whispers, Ryan nods as he unlocks the door of my room and with silent steps, they exits leaving me and Daniel in the room. I gulp down nervously as I feel like a caged and cheated Cinderella. The prince of Tomorrow land turned out to be a fuck boy and captivated me under his commander with red undies.

Daniel's jeans have now surpassed his thighs where I can see small curly hair on his upper leg, I look everywhere in the room except at him or his red flag. I casually look at my roof in search of cobwebs or spiders. "AAAAAAH!" Suddenly my head snaps at the door as I hear Ethan's high pitch thin, girlish raw scream that echoed through the walls. 

It was the loudest and most piercing scream I had ever heard. It sounded like a howl of a wild panicking mountain goat or a Pikachu. The hair strands at the back of my neck straighten up in response to the acute scream of terror. I never knew Ethan could scream so sharply. 

After the loud shrill an aggressive growl follows instantly, "What the hell are you doing here?" It was the kind of snarl that made your blood run cold. I feel my eyes get widen and pulse quicken as I recognize it is none other than the maniac Ryan. 

"Bro you need to see this!" The pee-pee guy hastily rushes in the room and excitedly moves his hands in the air. "What? What!" Daniel frantically hops. He immediately leaves me and his belt on the bed and speedily moonwalks after the guy to witness the fight. Did he just leave me alone? 

Such a bad watchman!

I sit there with my clouded head, trying to make out a smart decision at this one opportunity I am given. Should I go tell dad about them or should I go after Daniel to watch the drama with my own eyes rather than waiting for someone to upload it on Instagram later?

I lift my ass from the bed, I waste no time as I rush out of my room with firm determination. I have no clue as to what I would do when I get there, all I know is that I have to get there, fast. "What the hell are you doing here?" I hear Ethan's hostile snarl as I enter his room that smells of baby powder. He better not be naked!

I gasped. My mouth hung open in shock and my eyes almost fell out from the socket as I see our college's beauty queen hiding like a scared frog behind Ethan who is murderously glaring at the beauty queen's beast brother. "What the hell is she doing here?" I blurt out at Ethan. Don't tell me kidnaped her!

Ethan's outrageous swollen eyes fall on me then to my right at Daniel who is excitedly recording the whole view on his phone. He glares at his jeans that are basically hanging in between his hairy thighs and knees. "What the hell were you doing in my sister's room?" Ethan growled at the top of his lungs.

"What the hell my sister is doing in your room?" I hear an aggressive growl beside me that tore through me like a sharp shard of glass. Ryan's voice is so powerful, thick, and hoarse, that it made something wildly squirm in me. Was that an orgasm just now?  

"What the hell is going on here?" I hear another heavy, hoarse voice that roared like an authority in the house. I turn around and find my dad fuming in frustration as he looks at us gallingly. His broad figure covers the entrance of the room, locking us all inside the room with zero probability of escape. 

Daniel was first to react, he locks the phone and cautiously bends down to pull his jeans that are now strangling his ankles. He has a confused look on his face as he wiggles his hips inside the denim, probably trying to decode how his pants fell off. 

My dad lifts his bureaucratic finger and points at everyone individually, "You, you, you, you and you and you. All of you, come down." He sternly commands in his officer tone. But the order didn't reach Ryan's ears, his eyes are hard-rimmed and fixed at Ethan as if they have rusted into place. And Ethan didn't bulge either as if he is no longer able to move his eyeballs from Ryan. I know what it is...

Sexual tension!

"Living room, now." The officer demanded, making us all immediately shuffle out one by one. We all walk and Daniel moonwalks to the living room, we quietly sit on the couch as the cop stands in front of us intimidatingly in his dark blue uniform. 

His hands are folded back as he roams in the room with deep thoughts. "So tell me, who is dating who, and Emara I hope you have only one boyfriend. I raised you well." My dad says sternly, more like a warning as he looks down on me. Huh? Come again!

"He forced on Emara and punched me." Ethan abruptly stands up and screams at Ryan with enmity. "Why you brought my sister to your room?" Ryan yells back with double intensity, his fists are balled tightly to his sides and itch to hit Ethan. 

"Enough. Both of you." My father comes in between and pushes them away like a referee. Ethan's t-shirt hugs his chest as he takes deep breaths. He looks like a panda with two black eyes and a nasty face that I would draw with my left hand. Complete disastrous.

With a face like a broken TV, he can still get the beauty queen of our college. This motherflapper!

"Emara is he your boyfriend? Wait, and how did you get inside?" My father's attention takes a U-turn at the boys who are simply enjoying my mother's caramel popcorn. "Through the window." Daniel replies before fisting his mouth with the popcorns.

My father looks in stress, he scratches his scalp in frustration as he tries to behave like a mature person here. "Next time, come through the door." He says while pointing towards the front gate. "HELL NO! They are not coming anywhere in this house again." Ethan growls viciously, like a possessed witch who is a bitch.

"Why? Only Rose can come here not her brother! You still didn't tell why you brought my sister to your bedroom?" Ryan snarls like an uncontrolled demon from hell. His eyes look dead, devoid of any kind of emotion or empathy as they glared back at Ethan.

"It's tastes so good." "I know right." Daniel and the pee-pee guy mumbles on the couch while eating the popcorn. 

"You didn't tell me what you were doing in my sister's room." The nerves on Ethan's neck pop out mercilessly as he clenches his jaw in annoyance. "Sit down. Both of you." The cop intervenes as he orders both the boys with authority. I am actually surprised to see them bark and ready to bite each other's ass like raw meat. Bow-Bow! Woof-woof!

Suddenly my mother gasps loudly as she looks at the number of guests in her home, "Ethan, are your friends staying for dinner?" She looks confused as if mentally counting how many plates she has in the kitchen.

"NO. And they are not my friends." Ethan snaps, his eyes find Ryan and glared at him with hate. Ryan retorts passionately with flames in eyes. "Rose, I hope at least you would stay for dinner." My mother asks her dearly, it is hard to believe it was her voice that mostly comes as a snarl at me. Rose is slowly taking over my family. 

"No aunty! I ju-just came here for no-notes. And its o-okay, I'll take it from Ethan in college." Rose shakes like an old washing machine, her finger fidgets with her skirt as if she is knitting it. She practically looks like an earthquake on the couch!

"You heard her, she only came here to get the notes from me." Ethan spats angrily. Ryan's lips twitch up in vex as he frowns at his sister and aggressively brushes his dark brown hair with his rough fingers. "So, what are doing here?" My father directly asks the maniac.

"Oh! I just came to pee."

"And I came to give him company."

Daniel and the other guy reply obediently whereas Ryan clenches his jaw in annoyance. "I came here for notes too." He states with a sore face. "What notes? You are in 4th year." Ethan snarled from his seat. "My Calculus subject is still remaining to clear from the first year." Ryan snarled back bitterly.

"Hell, I won't even give you my pencil and definitely not my notes." Ethan roared losing his 'I am a good guy, I help everyone' composure. "Fuck who wants your stinky ass notes." Ryan fumes in frustration as he glares with demonic eyes. "I came here to take notes from Amara."

Pregnantpenguinsdoingbellydance! WHAT!

"Notes from whom?" My dad's face is washed with confusion, his both brows reach in the middle of his forehead as he stares with uncertainty. Ryan lifts his finger and acutely points at me, "Amara." Suddenly my heart thumps like someone is doing gang bang inside my chest as everybody's eyes turn to me.

"Am-what? What names are you telling to other people? If you didn't like your name you should have told us before Emara." My father's voice is filled with disappointment, his eyes look sad, filled with depression as he looks at his most creative sperm. What's up with him?

"Wha-I-I" I couldn't even give him a positive reply. "And why you came in from the window? Why not knock like our regular guests?" My father demands an answer as he speaks with law. Ryan's shoulders loosen up as he places his hands at the back of his neck and rubs carefully, "Um, actually I saw you making out on the counter so I didn't want to disturb you. And also window was the most direct way to reach the destination."

Everyone gets mute. Nobody speaks a work as we all stare at the cop. My dad's face turns hard, his riled eyes narrow at Ryan who has a criminal's smug face. "Emara, give him your notebook." My head snaps back at my dad in utter shock. 

"Book? What book?" My brain goes into trauma, deep hibernation as I try to unravel the mystery in front of me. My face has queries, questions, inquiries, quiz of worldly questions, why apples are red? Does every man have a penis? Why do the nose runs but feet smells?

"Your Calculus notebook." 

I blink as I try to remember who is our Calculus professor and how does he/she looks like. Damn... I don't even know the teacher's gender nor I know how many subjects we have in this semester. Neither I know C of Calculus nor I have N of Notes!

I turn my heels towards the stairs and follow the way. I rush to my room looking for any book in which I had done maths or probably plus or minus. But seeing my clean room, I sign in horror. Where did that fucking tadpole put all my books? I go through my table, cupboard, drawers but other than textbooks and my clothes I couldn't find anything.

I open my closet and see my bag, I take out my rough book that has half ambiguous notes of all the subjects and some random art. Suddenly my mind tells me something that I couldn't decipher, it keeps on nagging as I take my steps. I turn around and take a good look at my room. Oh, I see what I was forgetting.

I walk towards the abandoned belt of Daniel that is lying illegitimately on the floor. I pick it up and take it with me to the living room. I hand the book to Ryan and the belt to Daniel. "Oh thank you. I don't remember when I lost it." Daniel says as he wears the belt and fixes his jeans on his hips.

Ryan clenches my book in his big rough hands and abruptly stands up. "Rose, let's go." Rose looks up anxiously as she still knits her skirt nervously under social pressure. With one final feral look at Ethan, Ryan and his mates leave our house.

I release a deep breath of calmness as they walk away. Ryan is nothing but dangerous. He is a walking warning sign. A bit of bad luck that I need to maintain a good distance from. "Emara, wash your hands and get on the dining table." My father calls and I immediately follow his orders. 

What a day it was!

. . .

After taking a shower, I throw the towel aside and recline down on my bed. The day felt like a week, I thought it will never end. But just like good times, bad times end too. This is the beauty of life, everything is a phase and it is all a game of time.

I let my wet hair fall loosely as I again go through the video. 8898 views and 323 comments so far. Another 100 followers requests I got with some more unknown people's DMs. They don't have any other work or what!

I look a the clock, it's only 11:45. I can write a small scene or probably a chapter of my book. I open my Wattpad and edit the new chapter. Suddenly I see a notification of Ryan on my phone. I waste no mili seconds and jump to unlock my phone.

I got a DM from the prince of Tomorrow Land!

My heart thumps loudly inside my chest as I look at the notification. Why would he message me? Did he search me up? Or casually texted a hi? What if he wants to be my friend? Social media friend? The thoughts line up in my head one by one. 

I click on Instagram and check the Requested messages, there he was on the top. As soon as I open his DM, I see pictures of pages lined up in the message. Confusion engulfs my pretty head as I click on one and read what he has sent me. What is this, telemarketing?

A mute scream of hysteria and disbelief, bordering on terror escapes my mouth. The picture pierced through my brain and instantly all the blood from my face drains as I recognize my own handwriting. 

Handwriting from my rough book where I wrote all my drafts of the werewolf story depicting Ryan as a hot Alpha. There are nearly 7-8 snaps of pages where I mentioned his height, hair, eyebrows, eyes, lips, tongue, chest, and even his chest hair.



F U C K !

My blood pressure increases after seeing the pictures of my rough book but that wasn't the climax. I feel a pang of attack in my heart and I hyperventilate looking at his text at the end of the message. 

Adrenaline surged through my veins as I register his words in my mind, "If you want your book back, meet me tomorrow behind the north cafe after the college ends. Yours Truly, Hotty ;)"


Another long chapter for you all in return of a late update 😋

Like I said I am working on something that I wish to upload before June. So I got a little distracted.

Shout out to these lovely readers for showering with votes ❤️
abcdmarvelous , Nalia_black , AshReh045 , MonaHuss28 , ------only------ , ikechukwe , CherylMosquera0 , Amara226

And to iamshielamatias ❤️

Do not forget to vote chicks ;)

Here is a meme



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