14. Coconut

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Emara Stone

I lazily lie back on the sand, there are two coconut shells on my breasts and palm leaves down covering my assets as a bikini. My eyes are closed totally in a relaxing position as I enjoy the beach and the sunlight, it's been months since I relished such a vacation.

Vacations are like drugs, they not only take away your money but give you an exotic experience, a thrill, a trip to adventurous places, sometimes to even jail and court. But I think that's what I need, a vacation in life. 

I twist and turn due to the itchy sand that goes into weird cracks of my body making me look like a twerking fish on land. "You should invest in stock markets." I hear the nail stylist who is currently doing my middle finger. 

There is a big aesthetic smile on her face as she cleans and shapes the nail with a filer. Her nails are longer and thicker than my fingers like a wolverine's claws still they finely hold the tiny nail filer in between them and shape my nails in a curve. Fascinating!

I sip my lemonade and look up at her smiling face while she eats leaves. Her whole face is covered in hair, along with her hands, breast, and knees. I wonder why she doesn't wax or shave?

Her lips are permanently curved up in a smile as I see her plucking more leaves from the tree in slow motion. I think she'll probably need plastic surgery to get that bigass smile off her face. 


My eyes twitch up in surprise as I open them, coconuts are gone, leaves are gone and that hairy nail artist is gone too. "Wake up! Its already 8:30 in the morning." Ethan growls like a Godzilla near my ear. I slowly escalate from the bed with my night hairstyle, my eyes run everywhere in the room. "Where is the lemonade?"  

"Lemonade? What are you talking about?" Ethan asks frustratingly. I rub my tired eyes with the back on my palm as I tell him, "I had the weirdest dream. A slot was doing my nails and she kept telling me that I should invest in the stock market."

Ethan blankly looks at me with his blue swollen eyes, his lower lip still has the deep cut due to the fight that makes him look like a dangerous gangster or a rapist. The only thing he lacks is a knife or a gun then he can go for a mafia photoshoot. "Take this with you." His book spins in circles and crash lands on my bed.

"What is this?" I ask his broken egg like face. "Java's lab manual. Submit it in the lab and don't forget to get it signed." He says then begins to walk away. "Hey, bu-but I am not going to college today." I would never go to that cursed land without the security of any guards. That tyranny Prince of Tomorrow Land must be waiting at the gate to chop off my head.

There is no way I am ever going to appear before him, I didn't accept nor replied to his DM. I am just going to pretend I didn't read his messages for the rest of my whole life. And about the draft, I have it all in my mind so I don't need the book either. Wow! I am so genius! 

Genius Princess Emara of Thirsty Land. 

"And why?" Ethan's eyebrows squeeze together in a wrinkle as he looks at me annoyingly. "Who is going to drop me and pick me up!" I use my Einstein brain that normally shuts down during exams. Ethan rolls his eyes and spats, "Dad said he will drop you, so now, get ready fast or I will tell him you skip showers every day." 

This stinky lizard's bitch! WHAT! 

"Please Ethan, I don't want to go to college today. You know right what happened yesterday, everyone will laugh at me." I beg him as I hug my pillow in depression. "Take a shower, dress up like a normal person and no one will recognize you." He says monotonously and turns around to leave as he hears my curses.

But suddenly he turns around, his expressions turn hard like a stone, "And stay away from him." Ethan's eyes turn dark, like a black cloud as he warns again, "Do not ever talk to him Em, you don't know how lewd and filthy he is." My stomach twists and turns from inside as I hear his words. 

Ethan doesn't even know he is unknowingly throwing me into the hungry lion's den by sending me to college. The lion who is probably sharpening his claws right now and waiting to devour my tiny life. I nod slowly. "And don't forget to get my manual signed." He reminds while leaving. 

I lie in my pool of bad luck, I don't wanna go to college and face him alone. I don't know what he will do to my body after killing me slowly with his sword. I think this is the perfect time to pretend that I have amnesia. I'll get to skip exams and Ryan will probably spare me as a sick patient, right? 

. . .

"You got all the things?" My dad asks me as I get seated and lock the car's door. I tried to be sick in all the ways, stomach ache, muscle pain, anemia, amnesia, fever, memory loss, kidney pain you name it. Still, my parents didn't listen to any of my medical conditions. I don't know why they are so eager and energetic to send me college today. Oh god!

"Yea!" I reply short. He hits the paddle and we get on to the Highway to Hell. It feels as if the universe has made up her mind to make me face him today. I never knew the world could be so cruel, like an upside-down pizza, a chewed lollipop, or like a family-friendly porn.

"Emara, you know when I was your age, I had many girlfriends." My father out of nowhere talks about his past. But I know, there is definitely a boring lecture hidden somewhere in his stories. "Dad, I don't have any boyfriend." I tell the answer before he would start his psychology mind games, after all, he is a cop.

"Hmm, why?" He asks while taking a right, the road is clear today without any traffic as if everybody wants me to reach my unfortunate density fast. Such a doomed day it is. "Because nobody asked me out." I reply the bitter truth of my life. Yes, I am the untouchable princess of Thirsty Land.

Also, boys are stupid and I hate everyone if that counts.

"Well, if Internet Explorer has the audacity to ask you to be your default browser, you being a girl can ask your crush out too." My father motivates me to propose my imaginary crush from my favorite Wattpad books. Too bad, they are already booked, had sex, and are now planning to increase their family in the sequels.

"Dad, just stop. I'll go from here." I squeal anxiously as I look around at the crowded gate of the college, I can't believe we reached so fast. "You want me to drop you inside?" Nobody's parents drop their kids to college! That's so Un-cool! 

I shake my head in a no and walk out of the car. My eyes eagerly try to find him though I know he won't come so early. What if Ryan wants to simply give me my book back? What if I am just over-reacting?

"And da-d, umm. I think I will go to Ana's house after college..." I tell my father. "No problem, I'll drop you there." He says with a genuine smile. What? No, no. Before I could explain to him, he paddles the gas and drives away leaving me with a stuttering mouth. 

Everybody's eyes turn to me as I step inside the gate. Their eyes follow me like security cameras, I adjust my hat and lower my head to avoid their thorny gaze that is penetrating my private life.

"That's her, right?" "Yes." "She is so plain." "And skinny." "Is she his gf?" "I don't think he would date her." "Haha right! She is so basic."

My heart feels heavy as I hear their whispers and gossips behind my back. Their words puncture my self-esteem brutally, my vision gets blurry as humidity increases in my eyes. And suddenly I feel insecure about my body, my face, and my clothes. Am I really not even OK types? Fuck it!

The Instagram beauties who didn't even spare a glance at me in the past, glares at me with flames in their eyes as a competition. Their fierce judgy eyes run through my clothes and shoes as they speak deliberately loud.

"What did he see in her?" "He probably hooked up to make you jealous." "Yeah! Such a poor try." "It irks me the way she dresses." "My six-year-old brother has a better sense of dressing than her."

Unknowingly I look down at black jeans and white sneakers, they look little dusted but I ain't ramp walking at a fashion show so why would I give a damn. Motherfuckers. Everyone! I ignore their pricky words and walk straight to my department's building before anyone else sees-


All the atoms in my body jolt up in surprise as I hear the ear-piercing horn behind me. Everyone stop and look towards the sound's owner, my head spins around in surprise and I find myself in front of a huge black color car that has a devil's trident in front of it. Goosebumps creep upon my skin as if a high volt electric current has passed through me as I recognize the car.

I instantly step aside from its way, my face appears so clear in its polished surface that I can put on eyeliner while looking at my reflection in it. Slowly the pitch-black glass of the front seat descends and a devil appears whose evil eyes are stuck on me like a starving predator. Ryan's lips curve up in a wolfish grin as he looks at my poor walking soul on the pavement. 

My soul screams when she sees him. Ryan a heartbreaking machine, his dark brown hair are combed and set back perfectly like a red carpet celebrity. His nose has no blackheads and his clear skin glows brightly like moonlight. And his dimples. Errrrrhhh!

Barbecue sauce on my titties!

"Oh hey, Cheetos!" My eyes snap at the back window from where Daniel's big frog head is popped out. He waves his hands at me as if we are childhood diaper friends. I can't believe my fat ill-fated luck, all this time when I skipped shower to come early and gawk at his killer badass looks, not even once Ryan came early.

But today, when I wanted to run away from him, he came early and stopped his black chariot from hell right in front of me looking fresh as fuck! You are not playing right, god. Not fair!

My eyes again find Ryan who is driving his monster SUV at a speed of 5 km/hour beside me. His pearl white teeth appear under his sinister smirk that would even give goosebumps to the devil. His corrupted juicy plum lips move seductively as he slowly spells 'BOOK' at me.

I freeze. I swear my heart, lungs, kidneys and all the body system freezes too. In that moment I realized his intentions are not to give my book back but in return to snatch away my kingdom, garden, tiara, and my princess dress from me. 

I turn my head and the direction of walking to the opposite side. I hastily walk towards the building like a rabbit running away from a treacherous wolf. Everyone turn their heads as I enter the classroom, their eyes gawk at me continuously till I sit down on my seat. Yeah! I am the one who got kissed. Fuckers!

Even Hardick is also surprised to see me early and saving a seat for him. Lectures after lectures continued but I stayed frozen on my seat, even during the break, I dare not to leave the classroom. Ryan's creepy wide smile still bangs in my head like cocaine's after effect. It was unholy and wicked similar to a snake's smirk when it looks at its prey in its coiled tail.

I text Ana to meet me as I badly need an expert's advise on my current fucked up situation. But to my bad luck, she didn't come to college today. Can the day get any worse? Why everything on the earth is pushing me towards the ravenous crocodile who is waiting behind the canteen and sharpening his teeth to devour the helpless princess?

I weep silently, Ethan is also not there to save me. I can't believe there would be one day when I would be running away from Ryan, whom I thought to be my Knight, my prince charming. I would have happily told my father to prepare the dowry for the Prince of Tomorrow Land as I wanted to badly marry him. But now, :( 

It all happened because of Precisely if he hadn't thrown me out of his class, none of this would have happened. I hate him with passion, I hope he dies while choking on a dinosaur's cock in his throat. 

My heart thumps wildly as I hear the final bell ring of the day. The college ended? So soon? How? Sweat prickles on my head and my chest feel really heavy like I am getting a heart attack. Everything feels in fast forward, students running as if they got out of the jail, and here I am still sitting on my seat like a scared cat. I hope Precisely dies on his birthday right on his strawberry cake.

I step outside from the building looking right and left, with a crowd of thousand students on the road, I couldn't see anyone I know in peculiar. Suddenly my pants vibrate, I pull out my phone with quiver hands, "Emara, should I come inside to pick you?" My dad asks from the other side. "No, dad! W-Where are you?" I ask him panickingly. Please don't tell me he is here!

 "I am here, outside your college." What the fuck!

What is happening today? Who wrote today's script god?  "Should I come inside?" My dad again asks me through the phone. "No! I am-am coming. Stay where you are." I say and keep the phone back in my pocket. I nervously walk past Ryan's car that looks stark black like a buffalo parked on the spot but I couldn't see him anywhere nor his little monkeys. 

I continue to walk towards the university's gate, I look back if I could see him but other than unknown faces I don't see him. Maybe god showed mercy and sent dad to save me, maybe! Maybe. I jog towards the car and hop inside without wasting any more seconds.

O God, I hope Ryan forgets everything. I hope he hit his head so hard that he loses his memories of the book and about me too!


. . .

I continuously walk back and forth in the room like a nervous chihuahua. Ana quietly reads Ryan's DM, she uses her psychological brain to analyze and decode what he meant by his direct messages. I patient-lessly wait for her words, "Ana!" I yell in frustration.

Ana looks at me composedly, she puts down my phone and asks, "So, what did he tell you?" I anxiously sit beside her with a stressed face, "That's the problem, I didn't meet him. I ran away." She gasps loudly, "YOU STOOD HIM UP!" Her mouth opens wide in shock as I slowly nod at her. Oh, God! Please save me. Free me from all my sins.

"Do you even know what you did? You stood him up when he has your book of lusty thoughts." My intestines weirdly twitch and turn in my stomach as they hear her. "I know but I was so scared Ana. What should I do now?" Ana shakes her head gravely as she speaks, "Oh no! The question is what he is going to do now. You don't know Em, boys have bigger egos than their dicks. They like to groom and keep their ego erect like their cocks. So basically you hurt his thing by hurting his ego."

Oh god! I hurt Ryan's penis.

"Ana!" I cry out my ugly cries in her arms, this is the worst day of my life. I feel like joining an online class of how to make a nuclear bomb then nuke at everybody's house who made my life worse. PRECISELY! You ugly bitch! Piece of wet shit! Fucking asshole.

"Stop Crying. He won't kill you, probably break a bone or two but I think he won't hit you hard like Ethan." Ana tries her best to console me. "What should I do Ana?" I sob in a Kraken voice, I am so unlucky. "Why don't you text him and ask to meet you again?" 


My eyes light up in hope, Ana is right, I can text him. I pick my phone and reply to his DM. 'Hey sorry, I just saw your messages.' I try to play the innocent card so he won't hit my face at least. I eagerly wait for the reply but its been ten minutes he didn't even see my messages. I click on his display pic to stalk his profile in meanwhile.

Suddenly I feel like all the air from my body left me because I didn't pay their rent. A pocket full of ugly screams escapes from my mouth as I see the lusty screenshots from my book that Ryan had sent me in the DM are uploaded on his profile an hour ago. Oh my batmansuckingcockswife!


You hurt Ryan's penis and think he will you go? Pffft 😂

Sneak Peek of my new book ;)

Shout out to these lovely readers for showering with their votes on Alpha ❤️
Tashasky890 , ShaninBegum , ChideraViola , kruthikakruthika2 , ebongchancelle ,AtotiletoBabatunde , ChinecheremJohn0

Vote to get the next chapter faster ;)

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