32. Sex Education

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Emara Stone

"About sex."


I and Ethan look at each other horrifyingly as our dad gets into the mood for some educational class. He narrows his eyes further growling with his eyebrows. What is he doing?

Do they know what I did last night? 

I watch my dad as he slowly and stressfully strides in the room, probably thinking of some intelligent words. I see Ethan with his head bowed down to his lap, probably reciting formulas in his head. I try to run my fingers through my hair but they get stuck in the tangled bunch of my blue strands. Eww! 

"You see kids, sex is a very imp-"

"Dad, dad! Please stop. We already learned that stuff in our biology, health, and sex-ed class." Ethan yelps holding his bruised pink nose, his pleading voice sounds like a dying dog on crack.

"Sex what?" Suddenly my brain catches a term that I haven't heard in the history of my existence. "Sex-ed class. The educational class we had in 7th grade on the human body, procreation, and contraception." He says as if I remember every class of my life.  

"Oh that. Nope, never attained that class." I sit back shaking my head. "How come Ethan attained and you didn't?" My dad narrows his eyes at me as if I am a teen psychopath. 

"Remember I had Malaria and I was sick for two weeks? I think I missed my sex-ed class during that time period." I tell him. The only sex knowledge I ever attained was through Wattpad. Especially through the pro-elite readers in the horny comment section that every book possesses.

Suddenly, my dad's face color evaporates, he looks stressed, distressed, and under heavy pressure. He looks like he is gonna faint. "Are you okay, dad?" At this point, I am really worried about him. He uneasily laughs making it more awkward than it is already is, "I was born okay. Ha ha!" He is not okay!

I think this is where it starts. My first ever sex education.

"Uh-hum. In humans, males and females have different bodies. And those different bodies have different functions and those different functions have different goals and those different goals have different results." 

Should I take notes?

"And those different results have different consequences, like AIDS, STDs, Herpes, Syphilis, lice." Lice? "Surprise marriage, expenses, a crying baby, diapers, in-laws, more expenses." Wait... where is he going with this topic? 

I and Ethan share a confusing look as our father continues to talk, "That evil mother-in-law, phone checking, poop-filled diapers, prenup." Wait... Are these side effects of sex? "And these consequences can suck the happiness out of your life and can give you a very painful death." 

"Erhm dad, Hi! I guess you went off the topic... A long ago." I try to catch his attention. "Oh no, sex. I remember we were talking about sex." He jumps on his left-right toes, like a warm-up before the game. 

"Sex. Haha, sex." He nervously laughs. Should I run away? "You see kids, sex is... It is like an extra Oreo in the pack when you thought it was empty." What? "Sex is like stepping on a brown leaf and hearing its crunch." 

"Sex is finding out you are positive for Coronavirus and not HIV."

Mom, dad is being creepy. 

"Dad, I think those are analogies. Your experienced analogies." I pass a smile at Ethan but he rolls his eyes at me. "Allergies? No, I don't have any allergies. Actually, I got stung by a bee that's why my lips are swollen." Dad pulls his lower lip showing us the sting. Ewww!

"And do not ever call your wife or girlfriend honey in front of bees. They really don't appreciate and probably try to confront you, physically." That's it!

"Dad, I don't think you know much about sex-ed." I should have known this the moment he mentioned lice. "Oh, no. That was just starters, now we will begin with the main course." His eyes slowly glow with strong determination. Wait... Will there be dessert too?

Dad rubs his palm like a rapper as he continues, "Okay then, sex. When a guy... puts his location in a girl's... destination..."

"That's it. I am leaving." Ethan instantly stands up, all ready to leave the daddy's creepy educational class in the middle. What a wuss!

"Oh, no! Stay. Please. I request." Dad looks at him with pleading eyes, I immediately raise my hand in doubt. "What location dad? Is it out of the United States? Coz that would be too far." 

Ethan with a deadpan look sits back on the couch like a pissed-off aunt. Whereas dad looks more uncomfortable, constipated, and under severe hypertension. "No, no. Not too far. You don't get it Emara, what I wanted to say was, when a guy's... penis which we also call in slang as-"

"Pee pee, wee wee, ding dong, magical wand, the third leg, disco stick, baby maker?" I ask excitedly. My dad shakes his head as he says, "Uh-no. I was gonna say..."

"Wait, I know, purple bald head."


"The womb broom, yogurt shooter, cucumber, bed snake, vagina miner, thermo-"

"Junior! I was gonna say junior." Dad yells while passing a cold, shivery glare. So what if I forgot one word, he doesn't have to be rude. 

"So I was saying when the guy's penis goes into a female's... Virginia-"

"Dad, Virginia is actually quite far. More like 2000 miles." I tell him. I don't want to accept but I think my dad is a hypocrite. He glares at me for a few seconds but then continues, "In laymen's term, sex is when the D goes into V and-"

"What about anal? Is it still sex if the D goes into A?" I politely ask him while raising my hand. 

Ethan looks at me with a raised eyebrow whereas dad looks at me with heated burning eyes. So hot that even Sun would need Pluto to cool his ass. 

"No, Emara. Anal is not sex. Anal is a SIN." His voice lethal like dynamite after two beers. "And if any guy asks you that or even mentions it, I want you to bring him directly to me. Got it?" I nod rapidly like a good girl who didn't have drunk sex last night.

What about fisting?

Psychoses drip from his face as he points his finger and warns me in a severe dead tone, "And with only one partner at a time. No threesome or with girls and definitely not group work." Why he is telling me?

"And the most important thing kids, do not forget protection. And I am not talking about faith in God or prayers for protection from evil spirit, I am talking about the actual transparent latex armor." This time he points at Ethan and nods his head aggressively. 

"Nothing is more important than protection. You don't breathe, that's fine. You don't have condom, that is not at all fine." He gets comfortable into the tutor play, "Dying is fine but having unsafe sex is not." 

Suddenly it hits me, sweat pricks over my skin in nervousness as I think of last night. Did the maniac use a condom? A balloon? Or even polythene? Did he?

"Condom is equally important as oxygen. It not only protects from getting fat for 9 months but also from those recurring expenses. And disease and in-laws."

I don't want to have mini lunatic Ryans who scream at me for not breastfeeding them. I can't. This is horror! 

"Ha ha, okay. Thanks, dad." I think I had too much of daddy's knowledge today. "Just do not forget the protection. That's how we lost Freddie Mercury and how we got Justin Beiber." 

I stand up straightening my dress and fixing my hair. Ethan strides away hiding his nose, I try to quietly disappear but my dad immediately stops me, "Emara, can I talk to you for a second?" Wait... Is this the dessert part of the lecture?

'I guess." I smile at him, beautifully. "That guy, Rose's brother." I instantly freeze and stop breathing. My hands slowly grab the hem of my dress and start to stretch it south, hiding the naked kitty cat. What does he know?

Dad looks directly into my eyes as he says in a low voice, "Any guy would work, but not him." I stand there with turbulent heartbeats and havoc of thoughts. Dad pats my head and quietly walks away to the kitchen from where the delicious smell of frying potatoes is coming. 

Honestly, I am not surprised, Ryan is nobody's favorite. 

He is an asshole. I still can't believe he kicked me out of his room but then again how nice of him to drop. I giggle as I take my heels in my hand and climb the pipe that goes to my room. I had sex with Ryan. The evil prince. Yay!

By the time I reach my room from the window, I realize my room is too small, plain, and indigent. There is no soft rug below my feet nor have velvet curtains. I am so penisless. I mean penniless.

I still can't stop thinking how can someone get lice through sex? I think he was talking about pubic lice. It has to be.

I look at myself in the mirror and almost scream at the horrifying reflection. My eyes look like panda's, deep black holes. Lipstick is long gone, only its red stains have remained at the corners of my lips. The eyeliner is smudged and is surpassed my nose to the other cheek like an annual graph of losses. 

I look like a cheap whore who would agree for a gang bang video for only 2 dollars. 

No doubt why Ryan didn't ask for morning sex. 

. . .

I take a good one hour in the bathroom to clean my hair, face, and pussy. I wrap the towel around me like a life jacket and walk into my room like a diva. Peasants bow down. 

I check out myself in front of the mirror swaying my hips and circling my ass. I am such a bomb. 

"Emara?" I hear a soft knock and someone calling me. "Who?" I clutch the towel tightly as I ask. Nobody in the house calls my name that gently. "It's Ana."

"Ana!" I yell throwing my door open and hugging the life out of her. "Oh my god! I thought I lost you." She cries. "I thought too." I cry too. 

A few moments later...

"You slept with that asshole?" Ana's eyes get big like an egg. "What is his size? How thick he is? Does he fuck good? Can you stand?" She excitedly asks me. I change into my PJs as I reply, "I was too drunk to remember all that but I checked he had deep blue marks on his ribs and back." 

"You are such a hoe." Ana spanks my ass as she teases me. I laugh along. I am a hoe.

"Anna, but I think my hymen didn't break."

"What do you mean?" Her eyebrows scrunch up. "I didn't bleed." I sit there with a confusing face. "I didn't bleed too. Not all girls have their hymen intact, some break it accidentally and others deliberately." Ana actions two finger pushing in and out of her jeans. I see.

This is the real sex education.

"Chill, it is pretty normal to not bleed. But the pain is real and I didn't walk lady like for the next 24 hours." Well, here I climbed the pole.

"But I can walk properly and I don't feel any pain down there." My voice tiny like a dwarf. "Wait, you guys really slept, right?" Ana asks me with a serious doctor's face. I nod like a good patient. "Hmm, well that means he has a tiny cock." She concludes the theory like a professional. 

Ryan has a tiny pee-pee?

A baby crocodile?

A miniature Godzilla?

A toy dinosaur?

"If Ryan has a tiny penis, does that means I won't get pregnant? As it would be too small to reach till my..." I use my super-fast brain. "Yes, you can babe. Tiny cock or not, cum and precum will get you pregnant."

I feel my heart pondering as I breathe heavily. My brain can't stop imagining small bald kids with Ryan's face growling and cursing at everyone in kindergarten. "Emara, did he use a condom?" Ana asks in a whisper.

"Frankly, I don't know." I bite my lips nervously. I hope my ovaries are lazy like me and didn't catch any sperm. "You need to ask him. It's better to talk than pregnant." Ana pulls out my phone from her pocket and gives me, "Btw, your phone was with me and that township game was amazing."  

"Yeah, that's the best." I unlock my phone and confront with loads of notifications, there were good mornings from college groups and some memes from Hardick. Others were simply death threats from Ryan's Fanclub on Instagram, I'll eat you alive, chop you off mercilessly, nailcutter you bit by bit.

I ignore all of them and slip into Ryan's DM typing, 'Hey, we need to talk.' And send. 


So whenever I say, I'll update tomorrow that means after 2-3 days. Very slow writer here. 

Shout out to these amazing readers for showering with Votes 😘
Axhaaaa , anti_soCial05 , Rukyyyyyyyy 

Here is a meme


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