34. T-Rex

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Emara Stone


The evil prince of buttland walks in dressed up in royal attire and a sword. All the cattle and peasants in the area either run away or get scared and hide in their hut before the evil Prince chop off their butts.

I blink with my original lashes not believing my eyes.

Oh my my!

Like some dark magic,  the maniac gets hotter and more handsome with every blink. I gulp feeling my confidence sinking into my bladder.

Ryan's dark copper hair falls on his eyes as a beautiful smirk spreads on his handsome face. My heart jumps excitedly and pokes in my chest painfully.

Ryan being hot fucking hurts me.

My lips curve up automatically in a smile as he approaches me. My intestines happily swim in my stomach as I stare at his stunning I-can-buy-your-hoes face. So pretty.

"Y-you look happy." And lickable. I compliment him as his long legs halt in front of me and I blush looking away.

"Oh yeah! I am going to break your brother's bones." Ryan maliciously sneers as he looks to his right and left. I gulped looking at the veins on his neck that begin from the base of his neck and disappears under his shirt's collar.

"Where is he?" He asks with a deep growl and I find myself being cautious of his presence. "Ethan? He didn't come today." I tell him looking down at his Adidas shoes that look bigger than my whole face.

My eyes slowly travel up to his jeans that are dominatingly clinging to his wide hips and hiding the real animal behind that denim. I hope I at least rode him three times.


I immediately look up. Ryan's honed gaze pierce through me as he waits for my answer. But his hooded eyes are covered with uncertainty and I feel illiterate to read them.

"Did you complete my reports?" Ryan asks with a deadpan serious face. His hungry eyes await for my answer, desperately waiting to hear about his dear reports.


Why am I surprised?

I nod my head and hand him the fatass file that almost sprained my wrist. I bet this bitch's heart is the shape of his reports.

I feel the burn in my chest as I resentfully stare at that file. Those motherasses scripts.

A part of me feels jealous of how possessively Ryan is holding his reports like it is an integral part of his soul that he can't live without. His long finger delicately touches every page, his scrupulous eyes run through every line, checking it out from up to down.

He probably got a hard-on looking at his completed reports.

My eyes travel from his hands to his waist then down to his jeans as the little bulge in the middle of his sybaritic hips looks back at me. I gulp feeling the unknown arrival of a panic attack.

Oh god please, I don't want to get pregnant. At least not with Ryan's kids. What if they growl at me too to do their homework? No-no-no.

"Rya-masturrr." I instantly correct myself.

A satisfying hum resonates through Ryan's chest but his eyes stay on his reports, eye fucking and checking it intimately, page by page.

Oh god, lend me your strength.

"I-I wanted to ask-k you.. something important." I murmur softly, lifting my eyes at him. Yes, bitch. Be bold. Ask him daringly.

"What?" Ryan asks uninterestedly.

Show your glory Princess Emara, prove to his wicked butthole that you got bigger balls than him.

I take a deep breath to align my chakras and channel my energy as I ask him, "Did you... um, secured your crab before... you know..."

Ryan looks up from his reports. His eyes meet mine, and I find my glory melting in his hell's flames.

"You know.. before meeting in my... Venus flytrap?" I mumble the words in my mouth.

Ryan blinks blankly. I hyper vent, feeling the growing anxiety in me as he closes his reports and gives me his full dire attention as he grimly asks, "What?"

His hooded eyes linger on me as he tries to decode my sentence while I breathe in and out, thinking of a better way to ask him. Maybe I should go direct. All the way in.

I clear my throat, my every organ panics and runs here and there in my body as I ask him, "Did-d you use... *Ahem* rubber?" I keep my voice low as the crowd increases around the locker area.

Suddenly Ryan squints., those intoxicated dark brown eyes bore into me as he asks suspiciously, "What, scrubber?"

"No. Rub-b-ber." I whisper it to him, almost inaudibly.

"Brother? Your brother?" He asks with an arched eyebrow.

Suddenly the maniac straightens up and growls, "Oh yeah! I am going to scrub your brother's bone till I make a bonfire out of it." This pigeon mate!

Why he is so obsessed with my brother?

A few people look at our way eerily, I shake my head speedily and spell, "No, no... I wanted to ask.." My fingers fidget nervously, I feel my chest beating on and on as I murmur tensely, "Did you... use.. Durex?"

"Eggs?" Ryan's eyebrows come inline as he stares at me weirdly.

"No. D... Du-rex." I spell it for him.

"Oh, T-rex. What about it?" Ryan asks taking interest in the subject. Oh god, what is wrong with him!

I shake my head. This is harder than giving exams.

"Did you use.. pro..tection?" My voice came out so tiny that I couldn't even hear myself.

"Erection?" Ryan looks down at his crotch then back at me. This boneless banana!

"No-o-o, pro-tec-tion."

"Defection?" He narrows his eyes.


"I have defection in erection?" Ryan tilts his head tilts with a stony expression.

Ahh!! NO. Where is he going with it?

I take a sharp gasp as suddenly, without any warning Ryan leans down at me. I could feel my ovaries panicking, running here and there the way he lowers his chin and only lifts his acute gaze to look me straight in the eyes.

"Are you high?" He asks staring deep into my eyes, his lips are only a few inches away and I feel his warm minty breath on me. The fuck? This pink duck!

"No-o." I look everywhere except his treacherous captivating eyes. He is so close to me that if I stand on the tip of my toes, I can head bang him.

Ryan lifts his hand and dangerously places it right beside my skull as he casually leans, locking me between his sturdy chest and thick arm as he asks, "Hm. So what were you asking?"

My eyes peek through the open button of his black shirt and stare at one of his hard nipples that are prettily attached to his Instagram hunky chest.

Oh god! Even his titties are attractive like a magnet.

I gulp, feeling nervous, awkward, and anxious with our intimate closeness. I force my eyes to look up as I ask him confidently, in a low voice, "Did you... use.."


I shake my head. Tension rises in my muscles as I gaze into his brown rusty ruins and whisper oh-so slowly, "Con...dum."

My heartbeats run abnormally like a Tachycardia patient. Up and down, in and out as Ryan further leans towards me, just centimeters away from my face, and utters in a hushed tone, "Who is dumb?"

I take a deep breath as I witness the most clear skin, no spot of pimple or dark circles are tainting his glowing skin. This bitch is fucking beautiful!

I breathe in the air of confidence, "Con... Con-Dom."

Ryan's face twitches in haywire, "Corn dumb? OH, CONDOM!" He sighs loudly, catching a few heads in our direction.

I bite my lips and timidly nod. I clutch, unclutch my fists nervously as I ask very quietly. "Last... night?"

"Fight?" Ryan confusedly looks at me as he tries to read my lips sync and says, "Fight for condom?"

"No, last night."

"Last night?"

I nod and chew my lips continuously, "During... sex."


I shake my head in embarrassment. Suddenly I feel shy. My cheeks burn a shade of crimson red as I whisper sheepishly, "Sexxx."

"SEX?" His voice loud and clear. A few students look at us as they pass by as I hyper vent beneath Ryan.

"Shh. Hmm." I curl my lips and nod at him innocently.

Ryan slowly wet his lips as he pronounces every word in absolute uncertainty, "Did. I. Use. Condom. Last. Night. During. Sex?"

I nod.

"DidIUseCondomLastNightDuringSex?" He raps it fast like Eminem.

I nod again.

My heart beats so fast and mercilessly that it may pound out of my chest anytime as I wait for the butt Prince to answer whether there will be mini butts running in the kingdom after me or not.

I fidget my fingers nervously and impatiently. But Ryan stays still. Very still. As if a screw fell off from his brain or a circuit fused from inside.

His pupils are narrowed as he blankly gawks at me with no other expression. He looks like an outdated machine, a damaged piece of toy as he stays silent with a slightly open mouth.

Is he dead? Did I blow his mind?

A muscle flexes in his jaw. That's the only response he gives.

Suddenly out of nowhere Ryan throws his head back and lets out an unhinged, ungodly laugh as if an evil spirit possessed his body and mind completely. A few people step back from our surroundings as Ryan crackles unstably like a psycho maniac on cocaine.

Is he okay? Did I break him?

My stomach erupts in a flurry of tremors. I curl my tones within my shoes as a weird trepidation spike through my nervous system. I look to my sides embarrassed by the glares of other students as I wait for him to stop laughing.

Little buttons on his shirt try to hold on to the cloth while his broad chest rises and falls as he takes deep breaths to settle down. His warm breath falls on my ear as he whispers softly, "No Amara. I didn't use a condom last night."


And then he looks up.

My heart farts loudly as Ryan's whiskey brown eyes collide with mine and a malicious grin spreads on his sinful lips as he sneers,

"Because I pulled out."


Now I am gonna sleep. Bye.

Here is a meme


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