35. Fuckboy

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Emara Stone

He pulled out?

That means he came out, right? Out of me and my vagina.

I look up at Ryan. A sly smirk plays on his lips as his whiskey brown eyes are already concentrated on me, like an evil scientist looking at its first alien species. I gulp, nervously.

"You sure?" I ask him in a low whisper.

Ryan jerks his eyebrow, "Bonjour?"

I shake my head biting my lips, why there are so many people here? I can't even hear my own voice.

Ryan hooks his two long fingers inside my jeans small pocket and abruptly tugs me towards him. A tiny squeal releases from me as our hips collide and I feel the uneasy middle man between our pelves.

I look around the crowd and make awkward eye contact with some of the people which are staring at us blankly as we get cozy in the hall full of students.

Ryan leans on to me, my head is practically pushing inside the locker as his majestic face gets way too close for a conversation. The heat from his devilish body passes through his shirt and I sweat like ice cream in summer.

"Hm... So what were you saying?" His husky voice penetrates my skin.

I panic, my soft boobies rub against Ryan's steel hard chest every time I breathe in, sending chills and sparks all over my quivering body. Holy fuckenstein!

" Are-e yo-o-u sur-r-r-e?" My voice comes out shaky and I feel my knees melting under his scorching gaze. "Pulled i-t-t out?"

"Hm." Ryan smirks. Somehow, I find his smile gorgeous and concerning both at the same time. Like he would choke me beautifully then bury me with flowers.

I gulp.

Ryan's rough hands clutch my hips and I squeal as he leans further to me. So close that the mint in his breaths tingles my wet lips. "What are you doing tonight, Amara?" He asks smelling my hair.

Does he want to give me more of his bitchass reports to complete? Hell no, bish!

I take a deep breath of confidence and look up at his whiskey brown eyes. "I-I am busy. Got loads of homework to complete masturr."

Ryan nods his head, dark copper brown hair that is roughly combed, long on the top, and trimmed from the sides give him that perfect fuckboy look. "Complete it before ten." Lolipop sucker, what?

"Why-y?" I freak the fuck out.

"I want to take you somewhere." His silken voice kisses down my spine and I shiver in response. "Where?"

Ryan smiles. Maniac, a pure lunatic psycho maniac is dripping from his eyes as he looks at me interestingly. "A place." He sneers.

My chest rubs against his as I breathe out anxiously, "A-A place?"

"Hmm mmh." The hum from his vibration shakes my core as he whispers slowly in my ear, "A place."

. . .

~10:07 PM

I take a look down from the stairs and see my parents watching Netflix as usual. Good. I check on Ethan's door, it is locked from inside. Probably studying for exams.

My pulse throbs like Carbi's ass as I walk left-right in my room wondering where does that evil butt Prince wants to take me in the middle of the night.

Is he addicted to my pussy? Does he want another round or what?

I chew my nails in anticipation and walk back and forth in tension. Suddenly my phone vibrates with a message. Ryan's message. 'Ready?'

Fuck no. I am not ready. I pull my hoody on and slide down the pipe of my window. This is going to be my first date night, I even put on my new watermelon panties and strawberry lip gloss. Just in case.

My heart thumps noisily as I take silent masked steps towards the stark black color car with a Devil's trident which is parked at the end of the street, lonely in the starry night.

I softy knock on the tainted glass and look around anxiously for nosy neighbors' detective gaze. As soon as the door of the car opens I get inside instantly, closing the door behind me.

*Duh Duh Duh*

My heart beats like a drum and my cheeks heat up as I look at Ryan. Grey tee with a black color jacket on his shoulders, sitting while ruffling through his silky hair.

Ryan looks like an expensive wine, like limited edition champagne cosplayed as a human, whereas I look like a plain subway bread.

His royal eyes shift to me, and instantly, my imaginary tails begin to wage as I find myself simping hard for him, "Hi." I blush shyly.

"HI CHICA." My heart almost jumps out of my mouth as someone screams in my ear, impairing my eardrums. I look back in shock and see Daniel, Shawn and Mendes sitting in the back seat of the car, staring at me like I am a KFC chicken.

My eyes widen in fright and terror, my head turns to Ryan who is dreamingly looking ahead, and then back at the three chipmunks who are dreamingly looking at me.

What these ball lickers are doing here?

Did Ryan call them for a double date or perhaps a gang bang?

Suddenly the sound of locking doors catches my attention. I panic and look outside in terror as the car begins to move slowly, locking me in with the evil Prince and his three little ugly piglets.

Oh hell no! I didn't wear my new watermelon panties for them.

"Wow. I didn't know you were going to come with us today." Shawn's eyes glow like a night lamp as he stares at my blue hair and I stare at his blue hair. Horror!

"Aye, chica." Daniel pushes Shawn back with his shoulder and leans onto my seat, showing me his phone, "Do you have Amy's number, I think she accidentally gave me a wrong one." He clicks on the call symbol and puts the phone on speaker.

After two rings someone picks up the call, "Hello, this is McDonald's. How may I help you today?"

I bite my lips and choke my laugh to death as I look up at Daniel whose eyes are concentrated on his phone, "Amy is that you? Are you pranking me by changing your voice into a man?"

"Sir, for the hundredth time. NO AMY LIVES HERE!" The man yells through the phone and the line goes dead.

Absolute silence echoes in the car. Daniel sits in confusion, like trying to solving a nuclear chemical reaction in his mind as he blankly looks at his phone, almost dejectedly.

"I think she mistakenly gave me this number." Daniel mumbles to himself.

I hear mild chuckles in the background. "You got scammed by a gurl bro. She gave you a fake number coz she doesn't want you just like Candice, Trisa, Katie." Shawn or Mendes comments, I don't know who exactly did as both of them sound the same to me.

"Shut the fuck up, dick. I get more asses than a toilet seat." Daniel screams at his friend.

My eyes turn back to Ryan who is unbothered by the background noises and drives in tranquility. He kinda looks like the photocopy of a benign Prince who would jump into a stupid pond to save a swimming duck who was minding its own business. So cute.

I look outside the window and notice the darkness around us, the only light I could see is coming from the headlights of our car, flashing on an isolated road. Where the fuck are we going?

"But we smashed a night before and it was fucking hot." Daniel delusionally looks at this phone then up at me, "Chica, you have Amy's right number, right? After all, you are friends."

Daniel is like that crying baby on a plane, whom you can't even throw out of the window. I shake my head furiously, "She only calls on my landline from her dad's number." I speak whatever comes to my mind to save my friend.

"What's her social media handle?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know where she lives?"

"No." I panickingly look out of the window as the car gets slow and I feel the jerks as if it is going on a rough gravel road. I feel a similar dejavu as we drive past a narrow lane of sand road which is covered with trees.

Is this that creepy place where Ryan took me after college?

Ryan pays no attention to me as he continues to drive inside the shady bush at a slow speed without stopping. My heart throbs hard, thrashing at an unbelievable speed as I imagine myself in just my watermelon panties in between the four naked guys. No, no, no.

"Whe-rre we going?" I stutter like my internet connection. Even if I scream at the top of my lungs, no one could hear me out in this secluded remote area.

"We are going to the riots." Shawn smirks looking at me. His blue hair glows like glacier on top of a mountain.

"Roits?" I feel my throat getting clogged. What are they gonna do to me?

"Yes, to the cage." Daniel replies excitedly.

"Cage?" I blink rapidly.

"To the Wolfram." Mendes says monotonously.

"Wolfram? What is that?" I feel getting more numb and dumb.

Suddenly the car stops, besides the other cars. Ryan turns off the engine and looks at me for the first time in the night. I feel a shiver passing through me as his dark eyes draw at me dangerously and he states,

"A fight club." 


I want to complete this book ASAP. So if I don't upload least one chapter in a week, please scold me ಥ_ಥ

Here is a meme


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