39. Fuck-o-Maniac

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Emara Stone

"How many guys are you dating?" The guy with platinum blond hair and tattoos sneers looking at me.

"Excuse me, Ethan is my brother." I defy strongly. His eyebrow with silver piercing shoots up as if this is a spicy information of the day. What was his name again.. Zydick?

"Zydus. What do you want?" Ethan asks him while wearing his tee and pants, still hissing under the pain.

"I brought something for you." The blonde cooes as he pulls out a packet with white crystal-powder. He dangles the packet at Ethan in a way like teasing a bone in-front of a dog.

He brought sugar for my brother?

"I don't want it." Ethan shakes his head, then looks up at my squinty suspicious eyes.

"Why? Are you chickening out, baby Plasmodium?" Zydus snickers as he pulls out more packets, "I have something else for you. It's an exotic stuff with double power."

The fucktard dips his pinky finger in the packet and licks the powder of his tip saying, "Pure crystals baby."

What the hell is this shit?

"What is this?" Small sugar crystals look back at me as I stare at the packet with wide eyes.

Zydus smirks, "For you, I have something sultry." His tattooed palm slides in his pocket and he pulls out a small bottle with colourful pills, "These are buttons. This will skyrocket your ecstasy to another level." And winks at me.

Is he offering me sex drugs?

Ethan shoves Zydus and his buttons out of my face and warns in his big brother's tone, "Leave her out. I told you I don't want it anymore. Any of this."

Zydick's friendly face evaporates and nefarious personality takes over. Like a wolf who peeled off his sheep clothes, he raises his tattooed hand grimly and spats, "Three hundred dollars."


Zydus raises his pierced eyebrow, his eyes get dark and so does his voice, "I gave you three packets. And it was a hundred each, just do the math."

Oh my Mississippi!

"You never told me I had to pay." Ethan's eyes and soul, both pops out.

The vile guy scoffs, he taps his long and thick fingers on his head saying, "Do you have a dick in your head? Nothing is free baby."

"Three hundred dollars!" My brain runs on calculation, fast and errorless, "You took three hundred dollars' powder from him." I yell at my nerd brother who never bought me a three dollar candy.

"Crystals. And it was elite stuff that is imported from South Africa. Very much into demand." He raises his tattooed hand and tussles through his platinum split-end hair.

"Shut up, Emara." Ethan barks and glares at his dealer, "And I'll give you the money. I just need some time."

Zydus pulls out a cigarette, he places it in between his two burnt lips and lights it. The smoke released from his blow vanishes in the air, along with his salesman personality, "A week." He threatens.

"I need my money in a week." His eyes shifts to mine and I swear I saw them changing its colour, "Or I know from whom to settle scores." He whistles out of tune and disappears into the crowd.

. . .

I stay quiet on the ride as Ethan drives us back to home. But all the intelligent questions boiling in my head excite me to yell at him, "How are you going to get the money?"

Ethan quietly rides the bike, ignoring me at his best. "Should we tell dad about this? That guy seemed highly shady to me."

And this malicious threats, they were serious enough to shake my sweet beejesus kingdom. I don't trust Zydick and his dick.

Ethan shakes his head as he yells in the wind, "I'll deal with it. Don't worry." I sit quietly with wind blowing my hair as I think about my watermelon panties. What a waste to wear them!

I look at the helmet head in front of me, then at his shoulders which surprisingly look broad to me. I face palm myself, I can't believe I called my brother hot on stage.

Our street comes in the view but one question keeps on swimming in my deep head and I spill it out, "Ethan, what did Ryan tell you in between the fight?"

I remember him growling something in his ears, I hope they were not curse words, as he looked dead serious at that time.

Ethan kills the ignition and I step down of the bike, he removes the helmet and his squished papaya face comes in light. We do not look twins at this moment.

Ethan takes a deep breath and says, "He warned me to get out of Zydus's circuit."


. . .

I let my hair loose as I walk on the streets where all motherfuckers had walked. That is my college.

I order a hazelnut frappe and like a blind horse I walk straight to the corner table of the canteen which has only one chair.


Peace is the only cheese I would fight for.

As if the Gods heard my prayers, the noise in the canteen hushes down to almost a silence. Except the ascending foot steps.

My eyeballs shift to the intruders and my chest thumps as my hazel eyes collide with whiskey brooding eyes gazing at me.

Ryan and his minions walk in the canteen, conquering everyone's attention. His eyes don't let me go as he sits across from me at the other end of the hall like two opponents in a chess board.

It's been four days since that fight date he took me to. We didn't talk or see each other since then.

My desperation ogles his freshly shaved beard and I imagine smelling his musky aftershave. That jaw, sharp like an axe itches me for a lick. And I lick my lips.

Ryan breaks the intense eye contact and begins to nonchalantly talk with his bitches Shawn and Mendes. I bite my tongue and turn my head away from him.

Ignorance hits harder than a slap.

I open Instagram and look at that unseen 'Hey' message I had sent to the Avoiding Prince of Rudeness this morning.

I feel like an idiot, like a clown with red nose as I wait for some attention like a fan girl moment. Stupid bitch!

I keep my head low, smelling my coffee when I hear the annoying wood scraping noise that shrieks even my soul. My skull reverses and I see Daniel dragging a chair across the hall and stopping it right beside mine as he asks, "Is this seat taken?"

I control my lips edges as they fight to curve up in a smile and I shake my head in amusement. Daniel casually slides on the chair asking, "Amy didn't come today?"

Its Ana, not Amy.

I shake my head as I sip my coffee. I steal a glance at Ryan who is busy checking his phone and turn my attention at the toilet paper beside me. The mountains of his biceps change its shape as he fingers his blue hair, setting it in left-right,north-east, and north-west direction.

Daniel's eyes meet mine and a sinful glint plays in it, "Babe, are you undressing me with your eyes?"

I would rather lick poison than watching his pee-pee.

I roll my eyes and keep them away from the butt licker as I hear him chuckle, "You look extra pretty today. What did you do, plastic surgery?"

Can't people see I am broke?

"No, I showered." I tell the ass crack and he leans on to me. Daniel digs his snout in my hair and takes a deep sniff as if he found cocaine in it and moans, "Peach shampoo."

I stare at him with the most ugliest face and wonder what went wrong with him in the hospital while delivery. Did some part of his brain was left inside the womb or someone took it out coz he was too fat?

I seriously want to know in which position did his parents conceive him so I can avoid that.

"Ask." A cool command.

"Why are you like this? And how?" I throw my hands up as I question him the mystery.

Daniel marinate his lips with tongue before saying, "If you reach my level of psychoticism and don't visit your Psychiatrist though he calls you every weekend for appointment. This is what you become."

I gulp my saliva instead of coffee as I stare at his cheshire smile that kind of haunts me. Even the souls of Hell would fear of him for his return.

"So, how long have you been ignoring your psychiatrist?" I ask him out of the curiosity.

"Three years."

Ahh! There is no hope for this nutcase.


I turn around at his thick voice as if he called me. Ryan's eyes meet mine for a second then shifts to his puppy as he actions him to leave.

Something pokes in my chest like a needle and I shrink in my chair. Is he really-really ignoring me?

"Hey, chica. Can you do me a favour?" Daniel stands up as Ryan and his bitches exit the canteen sparing no glance at me.

In an instance, Daniel leans down and plants a quick, wet kiss on my lips saying, "Give this kiss to Amy and tell her I missed her." Did he just-Did he?

This ugly mother-father!!

I watch his ass walk away and I wish I could just run after him and hold him so tight, until he squirms like a duck and finally stop breathing.

. . .

I drag myself to home. Feeling exhausted, hungry, and not so sexy. I open the Instagram and look at the DM I had sent; Seen three hours ago.

Fuck you arrogant butt dick!

I throw my phone and binge watch Rick and Morty, have dinner, write another chapter of my book and strip down to just a tee as I lay on my bed and again check the message I had sent him.

Seen seven hours ago.

I release a deep breath of sardonic sadness and click on his profile and watch his pictures. Zooming it on his eyes, that appear dark, like the gate to hell.

"What the fuck you staring at me, huh?" I squint at the picture of him and snarl. "You look like an idot. An idiot loaf of stupid bread." I practice my curses at him.

"You great gangly fuck-knuckled twat. You fuck-o-maniac! You peanut-"


"Ahh!" The phone slips from my claw and head bangs me as soon as I see his notification. Ryan messaged me,

'Come down.'

A cold command that freezes me.

Come down? As in come down of my imaginary world or literally come down? But why? I type in return,

'What do you mean?'

I bite my lip in anticipation, fear shake my fingers as I wait for his reply. One minute-two-three. My phone buzzes. A shiver runs through my spine. I stand up taking my throbbing heart and walk to my window to confirm my terror.

A gasp of terror releases from my breath as I see a black colour SUV car, parked in the shadows of my street and I read his message again...

'If you want your book. Come down.'


Yes, master! I'll be down... on my knees🧎🏻‍♀️

Here is a meme,


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