42. Superdry

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Emara Stone

I chew my lips and walk down the lonely path of grass and wild flowers.

My head does a 360 degree scan to assure no motherfucker is in this area as I take silent steps towards my destination.

The north cafeteria of our college.

Actually, behind the north cafeteria.

I place my clean ass on the rusted three leg stool, whose fourth leg is broken. I look at the message Ryan had sent me an hour ago, asking me to meet him behind the canteen for the book.

The book!

Visions of Friday night flashes in the theater of my mind when Ryan took me on a short drive and we end up making out in his car, right in front of my dad.

But luckily my dad didn't see us. Though I have doubt on my lousy neighbours as they were passing smirks at me when I stepped out of that car.

Moral of the story: Love is blind, your neighbours are not.

I take a deep breath and do an overall assessment of my poor decisions. Like the latest one... I should have taken my book that day.

But I ran away.

For all the things he was doing to me, whispering to me, making me feel, I couldn't take it. Only if I was smarter enough to figure out soon that he was playing with me while teasing and testing all the things I wrote in the book.

It's like I gave the devil an instruction manual on how to use and toy with me. And he is exactly doing what a devil does.

Stupid. Stupid girl!

I cover my neck from the turtle neck sweater to hide all the hickeys Ryan left along with blue bruises around my nipples.

I looked like I got raped with just one make out.

His eyes. His lips. His fingers.

Oh god, his thick and long beejesus fingers! Everything about him is turning my knees and kidneys into jello. As if I am having a cute Disney crush on the devil's son, which I know is going to be brutally crushed later.

I am so doomed.

Doomed by the made up plot of my brain.

I need to stop creating storylines and scenarios in my head with Ryan's face as the center. I just need to stop fucking my brain with the imaginary dildo named Rhino.

Just stop, Emara. Get some help!

Take the book and ignore his sexy skeleton from now on.

No Ryan. Just Alpha Ryan.

"Are you talking to yourself?"

My head flips to the right and my hairs follow in slow motion as I see him. Hair neatly combed and beard clean shaved with his eyes dark and fixated on me.

"Heyyy." I take a shaky breath and smile wide like an idiot.

Ryan's lips curve up and my eyes catch something peculiar about him. Something that sends chills down my spine and in the middle of my legs.

He did this on purpose.

Ryan is wearing the same black t-shirt, the one he wore last time when we made out, with his signature jacket on it. I remember my nipples rubbing on his tee's printed letters 'Superdry' while he kissed and fingered the soul out of me.

But I am not gonna fall for his lewd tricks again.

No Ryan! Only Alpha Ryan.

I have to get the book and get the hell out of his sultry radar. Ryan takes a step, then two, three, four, and reaches to me in a sexy fifth.

His lips part which I thought to speak, but they suddenly collide mine in a fierce desperation. I gasp as his hard body presses against me and pushes me to the wall behind us.

Ryan kisses like a porn star possessed him. Smokey flavour spreads in my mouth along with his tongue as he licks and swirls with passion. All the common sense leaves my shoulder and a dark entity sits on it, telling me to kiss back more fiercely.

His hands get under my sweater and slide it up smoothly over my breasts. His audacity shocks me, and I break the kiss. My eyes run from side to side terrifyingly, all while he squeezes and feels my boobs.

Oh, no! No, no. This was not in the plan!

At least not in mine.

Ryan's lips make fresh hickeys over his old ones as he leaves wet kisses all over my neck and stretches my sweater for more skin. "Oh." I startle with thrill as he pulls down my bra with one tug and rolls a nipple between his fingers.

"Ah!" I cry and suddenly his fingers replace with his mouth as he sucks on my breasts openly. This is crazy! If anyone sees us, or worse, record us... I'll be expelled and dead by humiliation.

But maybe this is a sign to write more content for my story. Like an explicit plot twist.. 'Ryan and Emara, the horny couple of college.'

God! That sounds fucking terrible than the ending of GoT.

I yank down my sweater at the speed of light that my boob jumps out of Ryan's mouth and he looks up at me intensely. Like a fierce lion whose meat has been snapped from his throat.

"I think someone is coming." My gaze wanders to the empty grounds and then at him. Ryan cocks his head to the side and grins, "Is that you?"

I control my eye roll at the butt prince as I still need my book. "I-um, actually I have a class after ten minutes. So can I get my book back, please?" I bate my not so long eyelashes at him.

I take a step back as suddenly I could see the maniac Ryan glinting from his cynical eyes, trying to crawl out from the depth of hell. But soon his features change, as if he had a change of heart and he pulls out a small, palm size red colour book from his jacket.

My book got malnourished in a week?

"This is not my book." I stare at the children's drawing book, which is empty from inside.

"Oh, my bad." Ryan sighs regrettably and says, "Maybe I confused it with your book."


"You are kidding, right?" I gape at the king of all games. Even someone blind as a bat can tell the difference between a thickass notebook and a pencil-thin drawing pad.

Ryan shrugs his shoulders casually and says, "Pull your sweater up and I'll tell you."

My mouth falls open and a wolfish grip hints at the corner of his lips. "Yo-u-yo-you.." My cassette gets stuck as I realize he did this all on purpose.

"Go to your class." Ryan tells me and walks away with the victory cup.

Evil man!

. . .

I enter the class with swelled lips, blushed cheeks, shy eyes and with a children's drawing pad. I sit on my regular seat and face palm myself. Ryan used me and I didn't even get my book back.

I can't believe I got Kiss-fished!

Only if I had asked him before than letting his tongue down my throat or my nipple down his throat. Ethan was right, I am stupid.

"Emara Stone."

My eyes gaze up in curiosity as I hear my name resonating in the silent class. The entire class turns around to look at me and I get self conscious of my abnormal swelled lips.

"Emara Stone." I hear my gorgeous name again and I finally stand up. Oh, Precisely! Another bitch.

"Please submit your answer sheet."

I can't believe his tape is still stuck on those FUCKING answer sheets!

I clear my throat before saying, "I forgo...t"

There was a pin drop silence in the class and suddenly, my asshole feels very tight. Not that it is a matter of anybody's concern, but it really feels tight.

Professor Elvis Precisely takes out his glasses tiredly and says, "Please walk to the Director's office. And explain to him why you won't be sitting in exams." I hear a few gasps in the room along with my own.

I can't believe he is throwing me out of the class, again.

I pack my self respect and get out just like he asked me to. I never wanted to be part of his class from the start. I hope he falls in love with a cockroach and suck its dick daily.

I walk down the lonely path to Director's office, which is secured with cameras everywhere. One wrong mistake and directly expelled.

I wonder whose face I saw first in the morning, coz the day is just getting from worse to worst. First the evil prince, then precisely, and now the director Pinky. Can life give me a break without giving lemons?

My feet halt outside his shiny glass cabin and I slowly open the door when I hear him talk, "I want lots of BFs."

What the fuck is this doofus talking?

I see sir Roger's one ass on the edge of the table as he speaks with the mysterious person sitting on the chair, with his back facing me, "And by BFs I mean Benjamin Franklin."

My eyes follow from neatly trimmed hair to his clean nape and from the tidy collars of his grey shirt to his razor sharp jawline, all while he nods to Director's bullshit, "I feel like a janitor sometimes. They should pay me good."

Pinky's gaze falls on me and he stares at me with multiple questions. "Good morning, sir. My name is Emara Stone and I..." My voice loses its direction as suddenly the mysterious man turns his head to look at me.

Sharp green eyes peers through me, and a shiver runs down my spine as I remember him.



I want lots of BF too :(

Here is a meme


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