47. Muscular Titties

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Emara Stone

"And then we did it three more times." I tell Ana as we stride towards the canteen after our exams, whose subject I came to know in the morning.

"That's why you are walking like a guy." She comments and I immediately look down at my feet, which are feets apart. Shiyat!

"It hurts." I tell her. The sting between my legs is the proof that I was not dreaming a porno movie with Ryan's face on it. It really happened!

My feet halts as my search ends. I see a group of guys sitting under the tree, aggressively discussing over god knows what topic. That's it. I found him.

Ana stops beside me and chews her gum loudly, "Tell me again, why are we here?" She asks in her bored-to-death tone as we both stare at the group of dumb fucks.

This is my only chance to show my valour, to prove that I am the heroine of my book. I look at my bestie and tell her my full safety proof plan. "Ryan is having a fight tonight. A-"

"Not that dick again." Ana rolls her eyes but I continue anyway, "And I need to be there, on the fighting ground, to support him. And to also see who is gonna win." I blink at her excitedly.

"Have you lost your only mind?" Ana's sunkissed tan glows brightly under the sunlight as she snaps at me, "Have you not seen him fighting before? He gets complete psychotic. Just imagine how brutal he would be there, where no one is going to stop him."

OMG Exactly! I giggle with goosebumps.

"This stupid cock-fight is a big red flag. You shouldn't be there." She yaps, swinging her freshly coloured purple hair. "But I am not going there alone." I stare at her with my puppy eyes and she groans, "Jesus fucking Christ, Emara!"

"You are my partner in crime, remember?" I remind her of the contract she signed three years ago before being my friend. I don't joke when I say, 'you are stuck with me for nine lives.'

"Fine. What do I have to do?" Ana looks at me and I swallow hard.

"Well about that, you see the guy over there.." I point my finger at the group of dickheads, and say, "We need to get the secret location of the tournament from him."

Ana squints her eyes and scorns as she spots blue hair among the other heads, "You got to be kidding me, girl!" She growls at me inhumanly while I smile at her cutely, "Please."

We walk towards the group and I question my decision as I watch them sitting in a circle, like a cult meeting and staring at the spinning bottle in the center, as if a genie would pop out of it any second.

What the fuck these half heads are playing?

"Daniel." I call him and slowly, very slowly every guy in the circle looks up at me. I gulp as I see Shawn wearing shoes in his hands, Ceylon sitting in just his underwear, whereas Mendes wishes us, "Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday." As soon as he looks at us.

I used to call myself crazy. But after meeting them, I realized I am not even C of crazy.

"Hi. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I fake my smile and talk to that one hideous soul that would even creep out the devil. I wonder what dare did he get this time.

Daniel raises his quirky eyebrows at me and sneers, "Hi, hello! Looking good in yellow." Bitchwhat? Suddenly his eyes shift to my bestie and he gasps and raps, "Someone just slap me, wake me, coz I can't believe it's Amy."

Ana rolls her eyes and says, "I will slap you, if you didn't follow me. Right now." My mouth drops at her acting as she walks away like a crowned queen.

"Ooh dominant. I want her in my tent." Daniel cooes and instantly follows her like a headless chicken. I awkwardly glance at Shawn as he does a 'Hi' at me with his shoe. I smile in return and walk away with my manly steps to join another group.

"No. I can't give you the location. It's dangerous like castration." Daniel warns us with his rhymes. "Please Danny, I badly want to be there. For Ryan." I plead with my big fish eyes.

Turns out, the finale is only for the members and gamblers of the fight club. Like a private event. And it would be hard for us to not only find the venue, yet get in.

But to our luck, Daniel is dumb as a tampon, so I believe he would spill out the beans and more of his shit!

"Let me tell you Chica, I don't like paprika." He raps with a serious face, "And I can't tell you secrets, even if you make me meatless."

This fucking dildo!

"But I thought we were friends. And I thought you would be happy to meet.. Amy." I push my best friend forever as a scapegoat on the highway of doom.

Daniel goes silent for a while, like the deafness before a big fart. He taps his finger on his lips and thinks deeply, "Hmm. I might help you, coz we both are blue-blue. But I have to ask Amy.. How she gonna pay me?" He grins, evilly.

"Shut the fuck up with your rhyming, and listen idiot.. If you tell my friend about the location and get us in.. I might will give you my real number." Ana gets down to the business.

"And your real address with a blow job?" Daniel gets down to negotiation.

"No. Just my number. And a kiss." She keeps her clauses.

"Kiss on my bed for 3 hours. All naked." He keeps his clauses.

"No. My number, a kiss and base 2."

"How about your number, and some raunchy dinner?"

"What raunchy dinner?" Ana asks irritatingly.

"You know dine, wine and sixty-nine." Daniel licks his lips and winks creepily.

"What is wrong with you?" She growl in frustration.

"I love you too."

Is this motherfucking beachhead still rapping?

"Fine.. Just give her the location." Suddenly Ana agrees out of nowhere. Mine and Daniel's eyes light up like a Christmas tree as we both shriek together, "Really?"

"Yea." Ana rolls her eyes for the Nth time in the day as Daniel pulls out his phone and sneers seductively, "Ma-Damn.. Your number and Instagram?"

I can't believe how he is still alive. How come no one ever tried to kill him before?

But I am glad he is alive, as I need something more than just the location. "Daniel, I heard Ryan and Dakota were best friends. What happened then?" I ask him as I stare at his toilet blue hair.

"Umm.. Someone slept with someone's girlfriend, and then their bromance came to an end." The block head rhymes perfectly like a poet from renaissance.

"What? Omg, who?" My mouth drops in disbelief.

"I think her name was Diana, who had both their bananas. She had blue hair like you, a little light and hotter than you." Daniel tells me, "But hey, I still like you, just so you know." He says while saving hearts beside Ana's name.

The heaviness in my chest disappears to nothingness as I think how they ended their friendship. They fought over a girl. A girl with blue hair, like me.

Am I in the episode of history repeating itself?

"Oh, and about the fight, it's just you two who are coming, right?" Daniel asks while typing.

Ana looks at me, and we both reply together, "Yes."

. . .

"Wow Ana, I have never been to such a crazy fight party before." Moe Lester says as we sit in his car and stare at the parking full of expensive car, booze and loud music.

Moe Lester was our only chance for the ride. He has a Toyota, whereas I had a toy Yoda. Pretty much useless.

The night appears darker than before. I step out of the car and pull up my hoodie saying, "Lets go, Chicas." As we enter the land of muscular titties.


'Ryan is so Evil...' Yeah! What is the book's name?🤪

Here is a meme,


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