48. He/Hard

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Ryan Damison



I look at him and chug the glass of beer. Gulp by gulp, the liquid goes inside of me, numbing my senses to the carefree dick I am.


We both slam our empty mugs at the same time and burp out loud. "Let's get this fucking game on!" Dakota growls, licking the froth mustache off his lips.

"Fuck, yeah! It's Pick-up-line night." I howl, taking up the self-made challenge. Blood pumps up to my head, and I adjust it in my pants. I am too excited!

We order four more drinks before, as the rule of the game. After getting full high and tight, so much that I don't remember my wedding date or that I was never married, we get down to the floor to find pussies for us.

Music bang loudly in my ears and my knees sway to the beat as we look around the dance floor for some hot chicks.

"What about that girl?" I point at the fake blondie with a butterfly tattoo on her shoulder.

"She will work." Dakota walks up to her with a smirk, and I follow behind him with my glass. "Aye girl, you are so my type. You know why? You look like how Mia Khalifa sounds. Horny."

"Fuck off!" She scowls at him like an agitated Karen.

I spit in my glass and laugh out loud behind him. Dakota shrugs his shoulders as the girl walks away saying more curse words. "She looked ugly anyway, your turn."

I gulp the liquor down and look around until my eyes fall on a girl with yellow, pink, and blue hair with denim shorts. Perfect!

Dakota follows me as I walk up to her and give her a privilege to hear one of my greatest pickup line, "Hey girl. It's so cold outside. Can I come inside of you?"

Her pink eyebrows raises up as she says, "Excuse me. My pronouns are they/them."

"The fuck?" Dakota asks from beside me with the same expression as mine.

"I do not identify myself as she/her or he/his, but as them/they/theirs. It's called gender neutral pronouns." She explains to our dumb drunk asses.

"Dammit, woman! Pick one!" I growl in frustration. So I know which pickup line to use at her. Or them. Fuck!

"I told you idiots, its them/they." She says throwing her yellow-pink-blue back.

"Fine, them/they. Would you like to suck my he/hard dick?"

Her hand raises at a speed that I couldn't detect and lands right on my left cheek. "Jerks."

That/bitch slapped me/I.

I rub my burning cheek in surprise while watching her gender neutral ass walk away. "Fuck mahn! That line was too good." Dakota laughs his guts out and I laugh along with me. "Okay. Who's your next target?"

He looks around for a while then sets his eyes on a chick in the corner of the floor, "That lonely girl in tight black."

We walk to the chick and her red lips smile as she spots us, "Hey, do you know what does a lesbian horse eats?" Dakota asks her smugly and her eyebrows scrunches in confusion. "What?"

That's when he grins and speaks in his deep, deep husky voice, "Haaayyyy." The girl instantly chuckles and so do I, beside him. This dog is smooth like pancakes.

"So, would you like to come back to my place for some sex and pizza?" He asks leaning down to her hair.

"Noo.." She slowly stands up. "Why? What's wrong with pizza?" Dakota asks as she quietly walks away with her sparking water.

"That girl looks perfect." I point my chin at the girl with shoulderless dress.

This time I come up with a gender neutral pick up line. As they say.. Adapt and improvise. I look at her and smirk, "Hi. I am an astronaut. And my next mission is to explore Ur..anus."

"Eww dude." She barks and walks away instantly. Meh! She wasn't ugly, but not hot, either.

"I got this." Dakota grunts as he gulps his drink in a sip while starting at the group of girls. "You gonna take all the five of them?" I choke on my liquor.

"Watch me." Dakota flicks his collars, "And learn." He grins like a devil. I purse my smiling lips as I walk after him to our next victim of the night.

"Girs, do you wanna see a magic trick I learned in prison? But it involves penetration and lots of lube. Alright, so who is first?" He says, rubbing his palm.

I look at him with the same surprised pikachu face as the girls. How the hell did he even come up with that line?

"Get away, you pervert!" They all scowl towards him at the same time.

He is such a dick!

That's why he is my bestfriend.

Dakota is someone I would take a choke-slam for. And he would gladly beat anybody's ass to the ER for talking shit to me.

He is the kind of guy who has principles and backbone. He is a great friend, fighter, and an asshole.

"If I am peacock, will you be my peacunt?"

I hear a slap. I laugh at Dakota as he gets back with a hand printed on his face, "You got slapped too." I roar in laughter. I have never been so happy.

"Bet she was a lesbian. A vegan one." Dakota chuckles while ordering more drinks. We sit at the bar and gulp over our senses while searching for the next victim.

"These chicks ain't nothing." I press the glass against my throbbing cheek.

"Yeah. It's better to fight than flirt." He spills his feelings.

"That's why I always believe in Bros before hoes." I tell him.

"Yeah.. Mens before hens."

I chuckle, "Dongs before thongs."

"Blunts before cunts."

Suddenly, my eyes catch a girl on the dance floor. Her long blue hair brushes her hips as she grooves rhythmically to the beat. I drink my whiskey as I stare at her white skirt, which strides up little-by-little as she sways her perky ass round-and-round.

"Fuck! She is hot." I lick my lips and gulp down the glass.

"I saw her first." Dakota taps on my chest as he strides towards her. I keep the glass and push him from my way saying, "But I'll get her first."

"You fucking dickhead!" Dakota growls as his liquor spills on his shirt, drenching his clothes, down to his thighs.

I laugh at him and walk sexily to my target. "Hey, girl.." The pick up line instantly evaporates from my tongue as she turns around to look at me.

Sea blue eyes blink at me. Her skin glows like moon under the club lights, and a smile spreads on her red siren lips as she sees me.

She is fine, like wine!

"Can I buy you a drink?" I ask, licking my lips and feeling the thirst.

"Actually, I would rather have the money."

I laugh out loud and her eyes turn dark mischievously. "Can I have your name then?" I ask her biting my lips. "Why? You don't have yours?" She retorts.

If heartbreak had a face, it would be hers.

I nod at the beauty, feeling highly impressed by her smartness. I snake my arms around her waist and pull her close towards my body as I purr in her ear, "I was blinded by your beauty so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons."

As if the entire ocean stared back at me, she blinks. "I am going to give you only one thing. Name or number?"

A challenge! My dick liked it.

I lean on to her and say, "Your name." Her eyebrows raise up in surprise as I speak something she never expected of any guy. At least from not one like me.

"Really?" She smirks playfully, still in shocked.

"Yes." I grin. And that's how you get inside a girl's head.

And later in her pants.

But the way her big enchanting eyes are staring down at me, I keep reducing. I was 6'1 but now I am 5'5. My face gets closer to her face as if she is pulling my senses and height down to her level.

At this moment, I can't differentiate who is trying to prey on whom.

She blushes and says, "Diana."

I think I am going to marry her.

. . .

~Present Day~

I splash cold water on my face to wake up from the past memories I have been living in. Water droplets fall on the mirror, and I stare at my distorted reflection.

I look fucked!

I close my eyes and glimpse of Dakota and Diana flashes back behind my lids. My stomach turns sickly as I remember Dakota's tongue in her mouth, with her dress hanging down to her thighs while I caught them making out in the empty gym.


In a second, I not only lost the love of my life, but my bestfriend that I trusted more than anyone. At times, I can't alternate between the pain of loss I felt or the taste of betrayal.

It's like a parasite that lives in my head, reminding me of that day again and again. Diana on Dakota's lap and his hands on her breast. "FUCK!" I growl opening my eyes and look at the wretched guy in the mirror.

Once my veins ran with love, but now my love turned into ashes and my veins pump with rage for revenge.

Dakota introduced me to the fight club, to the cage. Its irony how I would have beaten anyone for him and now, we cannot keep biting each other's head off.

And today, it will me against him. But this fight is not about tournament. It's about the fire that has been burning inside of me since I saw his true motherfucking face.

That bastard always wanted what I had. But now, he won't be able to. I'll take away anything he touches, he sets his eyes on, or even breathes.

My fists clench on the counter and my lungs fill with a deep breath. He snatched from me what I adored the most in the world, so now, I am going to steal his will, that one thing he is proud of.

"I am gonna win." I remind myself.

I am going to win. Anyhow. No matter what I have to do. As it is said, everything is fair in love and war.

I pick my phone, open Daniel's contact and text him...

If you see me losing today...
I want you to do something.


Let the bloodbath begin!

Here is a meme


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