51. Mac without Cheese

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Emara Stone

I can't feel myself.

Nor the hand around my waist.

"Smile." The guy says as he pulls me towards him and clicks a selfie. "Thanks. You look really pretty." He walks away after complimenting my face, but I feel nothing.

I shouldn't have agreed to Hardick to be a model for his booth Game of Bids, in this stupid college's Annual Fest celebration.

As it feels like annual days of my life.

It's been a week since that night of fight and my night in the police station. My dad forced me to sign my statement and told us to keep things confidential to shield our names from the drug case.

I have been grounded since then and have not talked about my mental mess with anyone. Mom and Ethan have no idea what happened with me, whereas my dad now keeps a strict eye on me. He even welded my window saying for extra security but I know the reason otherwise.

I lost his trust.

Ana has been avoiding my texts and Ryan, as if the oxygen molecules ate his ass, he disappeared from everywhere. No social media updates, nor did I see him on the campus.

I don't know if he is alive or hospitalized somewhere covered in bandages like a mummy. I couldn't shake those brutal images of him being piled down by series of fists bombarded from above by Alpha. It was soul quenching and my skin still shivers of that memory.

Ana was right, I should have never gone there.

Recently, my life has been has turned into a regret ball of things I should have not done to fuck up like North Korea.

Suddenly out of nowhere a tomato comes and smashes on my stomach. "Ouch!" I hiss in pain as if I took a bullet. Jesus shit fuck christ!

I glare up at the ignorant person who dared to throw a vegetable at my royal belly just to find hundreds of eyes ogling back at me, waiting for their turn. These dick-eating bastards! I turn my head to the booth's board.

Episode: Game of Bids.
$10- Take a Selfie
$20- Hit a Tomato
$50- Get followed back on all Social Medias
$80- One minute Dance
$100- Hit two smelly Eggs
$150- Get a Kiss
$200- Hit a full force Slap

Son of anal-fuck threw a tomato at me for twenty-fucking-dollars! I can't believe these ass wipes are shedding money like their skin just to use me for their sadist desires.

My eyes catch our college's Trump blondie who is next in the line. She pays some thick cash to Hardick and walks towards me in her high heels. Looking at her fierce eyes, I am pretty sure she isn't here to kiss me.

"Showing cleavage won't fix your face, bitch." She snarls and lifts her palm in the air. The next thing I hear is a loud slap followed by a painful sting on my cheek as my face twists to my right with a force Titanic hit the iceberg.

This cheap-butt-plastic-surgery slut!

The crowd oohs and I glare murderously at the ugly bitch as she throws her fake extension hair and walks away like a crowned queen.

"And being a dick won't make your cock any bigger!" I growl loudly at her back, making sure everyone in the crowd gets the tea.

The oohs get louder and that trump blondie turns at me with a mouth so wide that a bird can come sit in it, lay eggs and fly away.

"Shut the fuck up." She points her fake long nail at me and grits, "Or the next thing coming out of you will be your teeth." She tries too hard to pull a British accent as she threatens me.

By now, phones from people's pocket are popped out, aiming their camera at us. But I don't give a flying fuck to their direction skill. I am so done with people putting their shit on me.

"YOU shut the fuck up!" I lift my finger and take a maddening step towards her. "Or your eyes will be the only balls you will be left with." I growl losing my cool as curd personality.

"You fake bitch!" She snarls walking at me. "You plastic hoe!" I get back at her as I hit her face with the same intensity she slapped me before. Screeches of a dying cat echoes as her face twists to the side, followed by her blond hair.

"How dare you!" She growls holding her just spanked cheek and jumps on me clawing my hair. "Ah! You pig face." I choke her neck and push her off the stage. We both gracelessly fall with me on top of her squishy boobs.

Hardick rushes at me with Rita as they pull me from her. "Get away from me, you psycho!" She screams as if I kneed in her dick and peeled hair off her balls.

"I'll show you who is a psycho." I yell as Rita and Preda drag me to the back of the stage. "Calm down please, Emara." Hardick pleads me while my nostrils flare in anger. Audacity of that bitch!

Episodes of Game of Thrones run through my head, giving me creative ideas of chopping off a bitch's head. "I need fresh air." I walk past Hardick and don't stop until I am out of fucktarts zone.

Everybody out there celebrating the end of semester, enjoying with their friends and hooking up in the corner while I stand here all alone with dirt in my hair and tomato seeds on my dress.

My life is an epic example of a screwed up teen.

I look up at the dark sky and stare at the twinkling stars above me. I wish Ryan could hold me just once and let me cry in his arms till this night ends.

Every nerve in my body crave for his attention. I dressed up black as his car, hoping to see his beautiful face, but my tiny heart sliced into pieces when I didn't find him or his car anywhere in the campus.

I wish Ryan was here, for better or worse. I just want to hug him once, looking him into his whiskey brown eyes and tell him how crazily I have been thinking about him all this week than my calculus exam.

A part of me knows where I can find him with his piglets and I pull out my phone booking a cab. I have already made so many bad decisions in my life that I don't mind making another one.

After a silent heart throbbing drive of twenty minutes, I reach the destination. Even the cab driver was skeptical of the place as he drops me in front of the barren warehouse that resembles a haunted place.

My heels dig into the gravel sand and my heart doesn't stop jumping as I walk inside the dim-lit warehouse, which smells of wet rats. The windows are broken and the ceiling leaks of water. The condition of this warehouse is as bad as my report card and I wonder how it's still standing on its limbs.

I follow the little lamp that poorly lights the narrow alley whose paint is almost falling off. I stop at the wooden door, the carvings come astute to me this time as I read, 'Abandom All Hope, Ye Who Enters Here'

I gulp nervously as if entering a den of the deadliest predators. My steps echoes and my eyes drift up to the stage, it was empty. A place that fitted around two hundred people laid barren before me of no human activity.

It is all abandoned, like my hope.

I remember this place being tightly packed with crack heads while Ryan fighting on the stage with Ethan as his opponent. It was scary like The Conjuring movie, yet mesmerizing.

I could still hear his voice in my mind and feel his lips on me when he kissed me before going on the stage. The way he kept his eyes on me, I felt so caged in those brown orbs that I didn't move an inch against the command of his domineering gaze.

I was compelled as if a dark magic was done on me.

I want to see him. I want to call his name and see him stepping out of the dusty frame in his black robe, walking towards me. But I know, this isn't Hogwarts and I am a mudblood.

"Aye! Who the fuck is here?" I hear a growl behind me, followed by couple of angry steps. I turn around and meet stark grey eyes that reek of malice. Oh no! Not him, satan.

"Oohooo! What do we have here?" He whistles lewdly as he recognizes me. "Plasmodiums's sister." He smirks after checking me out and so do the two evil sheeps behind him.

"Where is Ryan?" I ask Zydus as he walks at me fiercely and stands too close, breaking the Corona one-arm-distance safety.

"You are that cop Brandon Stone's daughter, aren't you?" He points his tattooed finger at me and I step back as it touches my chest. He looks dangerous, like a dildo with spikes and without remote control.

How did this mac without cheese know that?

"Yup. I saw her on his FB page." My eyes drift to the other guys behind him, and they look equally hostile. "Your dad raided our party and his sniffing dogs are now all over the place looking for my stuff." Zydus growls taking a step towards me.

Did I accidentally throw myself on the lap of a devil?

His eyes look maddening and I tread back with a shivering mouth, "I-I don't know what you are talking about." I shriek as he clutches my elbow and sharp pain shoots through my arm as if it came between two doors.

"My crystals. He fucked with my fucking crystals I imported from South Africa. Do you know how much they costed?" He pulls me towards him and asks in absolute vex.

My heartbeats sky rockets in panic as I crash land on his chest. I look around for help but my heart abandons the hope as I realize we are all alone in an empty basement of a barren warehouse, that too in a secluded area which has no local stores nearby.

"Let me go, Zydus." I twist my arm to free myself from his clutch but he grips my elbow harder than needed, just to watch me stir in pain. "Fuck no. You gonna pay for your brother and what your father did. You gonna pay for my fucking crystals."

I squeal as he clenches my cheeks in between his tattooed fingers and brings his tadpole face closer to mine. His eyes look like a pool of hell, where demons are bathing naked in lava while looking back at me maliciously.

"No, please." I cry and claw his hand as I feel disgusted by his touch and closeness by his lips while he simply sneers looking at my fear.

"We gonna take turns and enjoy until I forget about my money." Chills of horror pass through my spin and I look at him baffled like a stupid hot dog. I should have never come her-


The door behind us opens and Zydus inches his eyebrows up in surprise. "Ah! We got another member to cross in your bucket list of guys you will ride." He whispers in my ear and I sob wetting my cheeks as I hear heavy steps behind me.

"What's going on?" A deep hoarse voice rumbles through my body and I panic just like I heard it the first time. A voice so dark that it could eclipse the sun.

"Just teaching a lesson to the cop's little daughter. The officer who raided our party and broke you behind the bars." Oh, no. Not another devil, please!

Zydus twists my face to the right and all I see is a blurry image. A tear falls down from my eyes and stark green eyes gaze back at me viciously.



Ending of this book is like Game of Thrones last season lol.

You will know why in the next chapter(last too) :/

Here is a meme


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