52. Hungry Wolves

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Emara Stone

My heart sinks to my bladder and I clench my thighs together as I see him. Dakota frowns as he looks back at me with such toxic gaze that cuts through my skin like a sharp razor.

"Emara." He narrows his eyes and takes a silent step towards me like a predator. My muscle tenses as he takes his time and scan my body where my clothes fail to cover. No, I do not want any other member of Zydus's group here, especially not the deadliest one of all. Alpha.

I feel a sob breaking in my throat as his claw clenches my other arm and it burns immediately with his sinful warmth. My body shivers as he tightens his hold on to me while looking so deep that I feel my soul leaving my body.

"You wanna go first?" Zydick arch his eyebrow and smirks while he pushes me to the Alpha as a lamb of sacrifice. "You earned her from the bet anyway."

I fall on his hard chest with a gasp, followed by tears of humiliation of being passed on like an object. Dakota snakes his other arm around my waist and I could feel myself being coiled up in his poison.

Me, the little lamb surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves.

"That damn-son would be so pissed right now." I hear chuckles behind me and feel my heart sinking like Titanic after hitting the biggest iceberg of bad decisions.

I bite my lip as Dakota grazes his thumb on my wet cheeks and strides down on the edges of my jaw as if checking the product before buying. A pathetic sob breaks out from me as his finger glides down the nerves of my neck, touching me so intimately that I already feel taken.

I dare look up at him and bite my urges to scream at his cold-killer face. "Your keys?" He says while looking at me. I do not understand a thing but instead, I sniff my watery nose at him. What?

"Your car's key, Zydus?" Dakota looks up at his friend.

"Where you gonna take her?" I hear that dick's agitated voice and panic dances in me like Shakira. Am I getting sold or kidnapped or both?

"Keys. I won't ask again." Voice laced with poison rumbles out of Dakota's chest and my panties clench around my sex with the vibrations. His domineering personality left no place for a competition with Zydus or his tiny little dicks behind him. It's like a wolf versus a gang of Chihuahuas.

He will play, until he gets hungry.

Zydus grits his teeth in anger as if someone stole his meat that he caught, seasoned up, toasted on flames as he barks like an unfriendly dog, "You gonna take her back to that cop, won't you?" Crackers of hope burst in my chest and I look up to the warrior I had doubts in prior.

"She is my price and I can do anything with her. I won her anyway, right?" Dakota smirks and I find it rather threatening than amusing. But every time we met, he never tried to feel me or poured his shitty pickup lines on me. He was decent, like a covered banana, yellow from everywhere.

Zydus curses under his bad breath and throws his key vexly at Dakota, who catches it in the air effortlessly. "You are doing a mistake." He barks at his friend, still ogling at me with his malicious eyes.

"Be a man, Zydus. Not every girl is a whore to play with." Dakota turns his back after his ted-talk and I immediately turn my feet, not wanting to stay in this shitty place surrounded by spoiled dicks.

My heels ego in the silent alley as we walk parallel to the wet walls which remind of my panties. If I had to spend any more seconds there, I would have peed thinking about what was going to happen to me.

I look up at his back as he walks around the car with the words RANGE ROVER written on its bonnet and opens the passenger door for me. Ryan never opened any door for me. He only opened my clothes.

The door closes behind me, and I watch Dakota walking to the other side. His shoulders are really huge and built like mountains, which could easily squeeze the juice out of me.

Dakota gets on the driver's seat and I could feel the deep tension rumbling in the air. His muscles flexes as he grips one hand on the steering wheel and brings another one closer to my thigh, putting it on the gear. His eyes shift down at me and I feel them warming my skin.

My heartbeat rises and I stiffen with his hand so close to my naked-hairless legs. I clutch the hem of my dress and pull it in a failed attempt to cover my thighs.

"Did they touch you?" His voice soft like the cloth of lingerie, pools into the car. I clench my thighs and slowly shake my head.

"Did they tried touching you?" This time he asks me gravely. His voice deep and urgent and I bite my lip and shake my head. I just want to go home. Safely.

He turns on the ignition and hard rap music floods in through the side speaker and he scowls at the beats. He instantly lowers the music to a background sound.

The anxiety swirling in me calms down as we get on the road. His driving skill is very smooth and somehow a feeling of safety rushes over my nerves as we enter a familiar locality and I know he is dropping me home.

"Thank you." Shyness takes the front seat as I thank him. All this time, I thought he was a brute who wanted to butcher the butt of my evil-butt prince and capture me in his dungeons, just to find out that he is a noble man who is delivering the lost princess back to her father's land.

Dakota nods in acknowledgement and focuses his eyes on the road, overtaking every car in front of him. Raw masculinity oozes from him and I couldn't help but let my gaze follow him around. Black hair, thick eyebrows, rough beard.. He looks like a caveman in modern clothes.

My eyes drift up to his green orbs which are fixated on the road and I see how long and thick his eyelashes are. He has really good genes.

Jeans? My eyes slowly crawl to the region it is banned to enter. I couldn't help but notice his broad thighs that could crush my skull like a papaya if I accidentally fall in between them and that chunky mea-

"What were you doing there?" Dakota asks after a long silence and I instantly look down on my lap. "I wanted to see someone." My voice comes out like a sad whisper.

"You didn't find him there, did you?" Dakota mutter looking straight on the road. "No." I purse my lips disappointedly. I thought my detective skills were top-notch!

"Guessed so. Nobody knows where he is." His deep voice pours out of his throat and I look up to examine it as well. I think I can write my next book on him.

"You were his best friend." I whisper softly, not sure if I should have spoken it. Just asking for a plot twist!

"Curious." He tilts his head and smirks lazily at me. His jawline glaze like a razor, which reminds me how intensely he touched my face back then in the basement.

'She is my price and I can do anything with her.' His rough voice echoes in the empty compartments of my head and I wonder did he really mean it, or was it just a show off between dicks?

Dakota increases the volume of the song as Maroon 5's Lips on You flushes in from all the corners of the car. He licks his lips and bites them unconsciously as we stop at the red light. His long fingers tap on the steering wheel as he sings softly, "When I put my lips on you.. I get shivers up to the spine.."

I look out of the window with an odd feeling in my stomach and tingles on my skin. I am feeling like a pink Bugatti.. And I don't know what this feeling is.

"Can I ask you something?" I say and turn my head to find he is already staring at me. Lights flashes in his green eyes and I realize they are not completely green. Flakes of brown scatters around his irish but the green dominates the most. Not so toxic afterall.

"Yeah." He lowers the music, and paddles on the gas as the traffic opens. "Zydic-Zydus said my father broke you in the bars. I didn't get it."

Dakota's muscles tensed. His knuckles turn pale as he grips the steering wheel tightly as I if I stepped on the wrong nerve. "I.." He take a deep breath before saying, "I was arrested on your father's order for smuggling of some kind of illegal drugs, that I had no idea about." I look away from his fresh veggie eyes and bring them slowly to my lap.

"I was downtrodden for interrogation for seven days but I didn't break and stayed true to my words that I didn't know anything. I knew something was going on in the circle but it was illegal drugs that I did not know. It's all Ken's business and we were just models for him. But your father didn't take my statement seriously."

I knit my fingers all together nervously while listening to his voice that goes deeper than the black depressive state of earth. "He threatened me to destroy my life if I didn't confess and he nearly did it as a criminal case of drug selling was filed against me and the probe went to my work place.. and.. and I lost my internship with Tesla."

My body tenses, something breaks in my chest and I could feel my heartbeats fading away. "I am so fucked, Emara." Dakota takes my name with a deep sigh and I couldn't help but look into his broken eyes that begs for comfort.

My fingers itch to touch his hand in a hope to take away some of his pain but like a coward, I fist the hem of my dress in guilt. Tears burn up my eyes and I keep them low, knowing I spoiled this man's life.

"Why didn't you get a lawyer?" My voice finds its surface and I wonder why he didn't fight back against the accusations done by my autocrat father.

"I do not have rich parents like Ryan or Zydus who would pull me out no matter how much shit I create. I mostly studied on scholarship, scored money from fights and was finally getting to settle in life with my new job, I was so proud of and.."

My chest feels heavy as my heart keeps sinking down to a place which is dark and filled with my demons of regret. I close my eyes in hope to not hear his breaking voice.

"Now, I lost my dream job, plus I got a criminal record under my name for being involved in illegal smuggling. Fuck!" He darkly chuckles at himself. Dakota runs his busted knuckles through his hair sadly like a lost warrior whose every dime of strength and medals were snatched in a war planned by me.

"I am sorry." I bite my lips laced with regret.

"You don't have to be, Emara." He spells my name like the most beautiful flower in the garden and it shatters me more.

"I am sorry that.." I shake my head in guilt as I say, "That I used your name." His green eyes meet mine in frantic. There were lots of questions but mostly there was fear for what I was about to say.

"I told your name to my dad when he interrogated me after the fight." A tear falls down my cheek as I see his broken face. As I cheated his soul, his god that he worshipped day and night with his whole heart.

"Dakota, I am sorry." His eyes instantly leave mine and I could see the pain in them. They look so sad and dull, as if I stole all the light, all his dreams from him.

"Why?" One word. One question is all he asked.

I take a deep shaky breath of courage before saying, "I was trying to save someone I love." His fists tighten on the steering wheel till his knuckles turn pale. Veins in his hands popping in rage and fury that courses through his form. He looked like he will shift into a beast anytime.

"Dakota.." I lift my hand to calm him but he instantly jerks it away as if I burned him. As if my touch burned his flesh like a thousand suns and he could not stand it.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me." He growls menacingly.

I gasp as his vicious green eyes lock at me and I could see the clouds of poisonous gas storming inside them. I feel my heart again as it flutters inside my ribcage like a locked bird, trying to get away from his storm.

I have always seen him gazing this fiercely at his opponents. But never in my life I thought, those noxious gaze will fall on me, crash so hard on me that I won't be able to breathe.

I thought Ryan was a demon, but knowing what he did to him on the fight grounds, Dakota is the lord of demons.

"And if you ever came in front of me..." His chest heaves with anger but his eyes, they look deeply hurt as he glares into my teary orbs that are dribbling of guilt and regret. "GET OUT!" I wince in fear as he barks on my face with a raw feral emotion that can be only mistaken by a beast.

The power exudes out of him in volumes which scare me to crawl in the dark, under the seat and never look back at him. I bite my lips and take my frightened princess ass which lost its grace long ago and with trembling legs, I climb down of the car.

I have always behaved reckless, and fearless but today, I am least proud of who I am and of what I did to this man. I want to tell him how sorry I am for spoiling his life, taking his name and for being the reason for losing his dream job. I want to tell him how good his eyes look, how magnetic his personality is, and how charming he is in person, and how sorry I am to not recognise the good in him.

As soon as I close the door behind me, the car comes alive. He takes a quick U turn and drives away as if he was not able to breathe here. I stand there with my bowl of sins, hoping to turn the time.

Out of all the shits I have done, I regret this one the most.

I continue to walk towards the house across the street whose garden is lit by warm lights with my father's name stamped outside. I am going to tell him the truth. The truth about Zydus, Ethan and Dakota.

I am no more responsible for the things happening in other people's life. I brush my tears away and walk into the house that echoes of gleeful chuckles. Ethan and Rose are sitting on one couch, accompanied by my dad and mom on the other side.

My chest flutters as I see them laughing over something silly, and being all together like a joyful, content family. Even if it's without me.

I can't do this to my brother. He looks so happy with Rose, and the way looks my parents look at their good son, all proud and delighted by their hard word. I'll be a bitch if I poke my dong of truth in their ecstatic bubble. I feel so weak!

I gulp in cowardness and enter my home with a face like stone. All eyes look up at me as I walk in silently. "Where were you?" My dad raises his cop eyebrow in question. My brain yells at me to keep walking but this would make him more suspicious of my mood.

"Hardick sponsored pizza for everyone after his success of booth." I lie in a breath. Lying has always come easy to me. It's the truth that is hard to speak.

"Emara, wait.." I hear Rose's petal soft voice and my feet halts on the first stair. She opens her bag and pulls out a red colour notebook, the one in which I wrote all of my erotic fantasies, the one which was under Ryan's claw, the one he blackmailed me with, and the one I begged him to give me for all those months. But suddenly, I don't feel good seeing it again, especially in her hand.

"My brother had told me to give you this book before leaving for Europe." Something stopped beating in my chest. As if the concrete under my feet shifted, I feel my world crumbling down like jenga blocks. All at once.

"He went to Europe?" Ethan asks in surprise. "For what?"

"Masters. Actually, he was supposed to leave next month, but something happened and he said he had to leave early. So we see him off to the airport last week." She then turns towards me and softens her face saying, "Sorry, I forgot to give you the book before as we had exams. I hope it wasn't a big dea-"

I couldn't feel my heart. Or the cold skin on my face.

I couldn't even feel the book in hands or my feet as they slowly stride up the stairs to my room. The door closes behind me and I slowly sit on my bed. I couldn't move, breathe, or speak. All I feel is the empty darkness around me as if I am stuck in a coffin, ten feet under.

And suddenly, I feel my heart beating in my chest. I feel my cheeks getting wet and I see my vision getting blurry. My breathing hikes as I break down in sobs. As if every nerve in my body is going through pain. A pain of betrayal.

Tear come rushing down uncontrollably and I put my hand on my mouth, squeezing it hard to not let out a noise. I don't know what is love but I can tell what a heart break feels like..

It's like something inside of you is cracking, second by second. You can feel the agony roaring inside of you, wrecking that part which held your beliefs. You can't see it or pull it out of your chest. But just feel it. Breaking you.

He left me.

Without even a goodbye.

I thought we were building something. A love story. Where he would be a prince and I would be his princess.

I could feel a sharp pain in my chest as I see my dreams shattering with reality. It was all in my head. Ryan never wanted me, other than the bet. He never looked at me once the way I looked at him, every second he was in front of me.

I hide my face in the pillow and bury my tears of heart-break in the same bed we spent the night, got physical and cuddled like lovers. He took away everything from me. My memories, my heart, my virginity and my first love.

Pain keeps flooding into me and I couldn't help but feel it all. Ryan ripped open my heart and left me bleeding. I wish I had listened to my wise father, Ethan and my bestfriend, Ana.

I wish I had never met him.

I wish he had never kissed me.

I wish I had never written that book.

I wish I never came in front of his car.

I wish... we had never met.


Epilogue will answer all your questions and information about the new book.. Dakota x Emara

Funfact: This thing happened to me. I was kinda close to this guy, who was my friend. He used to meet for ice-cream dates and talk about world. And one day, he suddenly stopped talking to me, texting or even replying. Then after six months he contacted me back saying he went to Europe six months ago and now he is settled there. I didn't know how to react. I thought we were getting somewhere but... I still don't know how to react.

Today, I do not have a meme.

I am glad I completed this book, coz it had been pain in my ass since a few years lol.

Thank you for sticking to the end with me. Love you all.

Epilogue is the last chapter!

I will miss Nutella

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