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I pull my car out of the parking spot and I head in the direction of the park in Beverly Hills.

When I get there I park my car and pull out the pram. I set up the pram and put the breaks on.

Reaching into the car I unbuckle Ayden before I lift him out of the booster seat.

I place him in the pram and buckle him. I put the nappy bag on the handle.  

A ball is kicked in my direction and a cute guy runs after it. "Can I have the ball back please?"

I kick the ball and it goes across the field towards his friend.

A smile spreads across the guys face and he holds his hand out to me. "I'm Elijah."

Taking his calloused hand in mine I give it a few pumps before saying. "I'm Harlow and the little guy in the pram is my son, Ayden."

Elijah waves the boy over that he's at the park with. "This is my nephew Tyler. He took the day off sick, so, I thought I'd take him to the park." He puts his finger of his mouth. "Don't tell his parents."

I laugh. "His parents are going to find out that he wasn't at home all day."

"How's that?"

I point at his arms that's slightly red from the sun. "He's gotten a little sunburn, Uncle Eli." Shaking my head I say. "His parents aren't going to trust you with their little boy anymore."

Tyler looks at me. "Can you help us cover up our trip to the park?" He crosses his hands. "Please,"

"Sure, we'll discuss what you can do over a tub of ice cream." I begin to push the pram to the ice cream shop close to the park.

Elijah and Tyler follow me to the store.

Ayden drops his toy on the ground and Tyler picks it up. He gives it to my son.

Looking at Tyler. "What did you tell you're mom that got you the day off?"

"I told her I was cold. I put a bag of ice in bed with me and told her that I wasn't feeling well. I even coughed here and there. They believed that I was sick. They called uncle Elijah to take care of us because he's the only family member that could take the day off at short notice."

Looking at Elijah I say. "Let me guess Uncle Eli, told you how to get a day off school, so, you could do whatever you wanted with him during the week?"

He looks at me and nods. He motions for me to kneel to his height and he whispers. "I think he was using me to pick up girls."

Now, that wouldn't surprise me.

The way he looks I doubt he has problems picking up girls on his own.

Maybe he could be sick of the ones that spend every weekend at the clubs.

I've been to clubs a couple times when I was married to Theo, but they were too overcrowded for me and the guys that hit on me were sleazy and they enjoyed getting a rise out of him.

The girls weren't any better they would flirt with Theo in front of me. He pushed them away at first, but towards the end of our relationship he would flirt back with.

He probably realised what he was missing out on from being married to me.

When we walk into the ice cream shop I order a vanilla ice cream for Ayden and for myself half bubblegum and the other half mint.

I pay for the ice cream and then walk to a table towards the back.

Elijah and Tyler join us at the table with chocolate ice cream.

"Eli, can you get me a high chair?"

"Sure," he walks over to the stacks of chairs and he brings one over for me.

I lift Ayden out of the pram and put him in the chair. I put the ice cream container on the table in front of Ayden.

Whenever Elijah would move Tyler would do the same.

It was cute watching the uncle and nephew do the same thing at the same time.

Elijah looks at me. "How am I going to get my sister to believe that we stayed home all day?"

I shrug. "How am I supposed to know." Looking at Eli I say. "You figured out how to get him to have a day off and now you can figure out a way to make his parents believe he was home the entire time."

I eat some of ice cream before it melts.

Looking over at Ayden I see ice cream all over his fingers and face. I open my bag and pull out baby wipes. I wipe his face and hands. "Do you want to go to park?"

Ayden nods.

"I promised Ayden that he could play at the park for a bit. We'll see you around." I put Ayden in his pram and take him to the park.

When I get to the park I put Ayden in the swing and I strap him him. I stand behind Ayden and I push him.

He starts laughing and I keep pushing him.

After half an hour at the park I tell Ayden that we're going home.

I put him in the booster seat and buckle him up.

"Teddy," Ayden holds his arms open for his toy.

I place the bear next to him.

Climbing into the driver's seat I buckle myself in and thren look at the reverse camera I had installed in my car.


At the condo I carry Ayden into the house. I place him in the playpen while I start to clean the house.

He's got enough stuff in the play pen to keep him occupied.

I pull out the supplies that I need to dust the condo.

The last couple of mornings I have woken up sneezing and having watery eyes.

I've taken telfast, but it's not helping me as quickly as I'd like.

Ayden has been sneezing and coughing the last couple of days, but both symptoms seem to disappear when he's at the kids club.

I don't have much time to clean up the house, as well as working and taking care of Ayden.

When Theo's family takes Ayden for a day I keep busy by cleaning the house and washing the clothes.

My phone starts to go off and I walk over to it.

I see a message from Nicolette.

I don't want to be the one that tears this family apart.

Maybe it would be better if Ayden and I kept our distance from his family.

I'll tell them that when I see them over the weekend.

When it comes to breaking bad news I'd rather do it face to face instead of over the phone.

Ayden starts crying and I put the supplies away before I walk over to him.

I lift him up and put him on my hips.

He smells and I block my nose. "Someone needs their diaper changed."

I carry him to the change table and place him on it. My hand is placed on his stomach as I move my other hand around the change table grabbing the baby wipes and a nappy.


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