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The next day I walk into the room that Theo was in and it's still in a mess.

There's a note on the table with "Maid" written on it.

I open it and read the letter.

Dear Maid,
I'm sorry for the mess again. I want to thank you for continuing to clean my room.

I have place two thousand dollars in the envelope for you.

I'm sure you need the cash especially after the shit you deal with on a daily basis.

I laugh.

He's right I deal with a lot of shit in this job.

The door to the room opens and I see a guy in a suit walk in.

He has shaggy brown hair, tanned skin and blue eyes.

That makes you think of the beach.

A smile spreads across his face. "I've always wanted to meet the woman that cleans my room." He holds his hand out to me. "I'm Nikolai Andrews."

I pull the glove that I'm wearing off. "Harlow, how long are you staying?"

I know that was forward, but I want to know if this room was really Theo's.

"I'm staying until Thursday. I've been here since Saturday."

Looking at him I ask. "You've been in this room the entire time?"


Crossing my arms. "So, you knew about the guy that pretended this was his room yesterday?"

He nods. "He have me "$20,000. For it. He wanted to make someone jealous."

"I can't believe you went along with that plan. It was me that he was trying to make jealous."

"Oh," he points at me. "You're the ex wife he wanted revenge on. He saw you with a kid and that's what made he come up with the plan to get caught by you."

I laugh. "The funny thing about that, is the kid he saw me with is his. I was pregnant when he kicked me out."

Why am I sharing all this with a stranger?

Theo must have hurt me more than I thought yesterday with his stunt.

I walk over to my cart. "I'll clean you're room later." I start to move out of the roomx

Nikolai grabs my arm. "This is yours." He has the envelope with the money in it. "Wait a minute I'll give you the money that he gave me for the room."

I shake my head. "You keep it. I don't want his money." I open the door. "Will you have dinner with me before I leave?"

"We'll see." Looking at the room behind him. "If you can keep the room clean I'll consider going on the date with you."

"Deal," he shakes my hand like a kid would.

I move to the next room and I start to clean it.

When the room is clean I leave a mint on the pillows before I exit the room.

I go back to Nikolai's room and he's cleaned it up a bit since I left.

There's another piece of paper on the table and this time it has my name on it.

I sort of cleaned the room for you. I hope it's easier on you.

I laugh.

Continuing to read the letter it seems to be a bit more serious.

I'll see you tomorrow on our date.

I was thinking we should go to a place that's kid friendly. How does that sound.

He really wants to go on a date with me.

Why couldn't I have met him before Theo?

My life wouldn't be complicated if I had.


After my shift I walk into the daycare where I see Joy playing with my son.

She looks at the door as I walk in. "Hey, Harlow. Is everything alright."

I sigh. "So, I met this guy while I was cleaning his room and he asked me out."

She covers her hand over her mouth. "Who was it? Is he cute?"

I frown. "Aren't you supposed to tell me that it's against the rules to date or fraternise with one of you're guests?"

And shrugs. "I don't know. I've never had to worry about something like that happening before. It was different when I was working in the office."

"I heard that one of your workers dated someone from a different company and he ended up working closely with you on a project. You gave that person the work and she married him."

She laughs. "That's true. She's having his third child. You should meet her. She's amazing."

"I would like to meet her."

"Great, I'll organise something for during the week."

I sit with joy on the ground and I play with my son.

Jensen walks into with room with a plastic bag. "Can you take a break, Joy?"

She looks at Beatrice. "I'm going to take my break."

Janel walks through the door. "Sorry, I'm late, Joy. My stepson was sick and I had to take him to the doctors before I dropped him off at his father."

"Is your stepson okay?"

"He's got the flu. I told his Dad if he gets worse to call me and I'll pick him."

"When I get back you should go home and look after him. Come back to work when he's better."

"Thank you."

I put Ayden's shoes on him and we walk out of the daycare.

As I walk through the hotel I see Theo on his own and he walks over to me.


"Can we talk?"

"Yes, I'm going to take my son to the park. We can talk there." I walk to my car and he follows me. "I didn't bring my car."

"Fine, get in the car." I put Ayden in his booster and buckle him up.

Walking to my side of the car I climb in and drive to the park.

At the park I take Ayden out of the booster seat and carry him over to the equipment.

I watch him play with the other kids at the park.

Theo watches our son play and he turns towards me. "I got into a fight with my family last night."

"Why are you telling me this, Theo?" I ask, not taking my eyes off Ayden.

"I've been a mess since I saw you at the hotel. You have a kid and there's two possibilities of who the father can be. It's either me or you cheated on me."

I turn towards him. "I never cheated on you." I slap my hand over my mouth.

I didn't want him to know Ayden was his right now. I wanted to make him wait before I told him.

His face pales. "I kicked you out when you were pregnant?"

I nod. "I'm sorry, Harlow."

I fold my arms across my stomach. "Don't be. It was the best thing to happen to me. I realised that I was too dependant on you. You made me grow as a person, Theo and I don't hate you for it. I hope that after I left you got everything you wanted."

He shakes his head. "I didn't get anything I wanted. The only person I wanted I pushed away because I had a shit day at work and I took it out on you after I had too much to drink."


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