5 - dreadful

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I frowned at aphmau "I'm sorry I can't put your village at risk" I said clearly sad "you seem nice, your friends and villagers seem nice." I said looking at her in the eye.

"So you'll stay" she said in hope but that hope was faulted and eventually gone once I said my words

"I'm sorry that is the reason I can't, I don't want to put lives at risk"

She looked down. Sadness consumed the atmosphere "I understand your causation's, but I also understand who Zane Ro'meave is. So I hope you understand if you don't stay you will live in
Internal misery...."

I ignored her words and turned to Zane looking him dead on in his bright blue eye.

His eye looked so.... Peaceful.. How can someone like him have a unatraul, beautiful, shade of blue for there eye.

If you just stared into his bright orb, ignoring the devilish smirk plasters to his face. Only noticing the blue eye and the black hair messily covering one of them. You would somehow think he was a nice guy..... Somehow.

I slowly parted my lips looking away from him, not wanting to be caught for staring.

As I mumbled the simple words. That's some how consumed me with fear. The words pored questions into my mind, sadness into the villages of phenix drop and 'happiness' into Zane. Simple yet dreadful words

"I'll go"

I heard a sigh escape from Aphmau's lips. I turned my head upwards looking for the man who was standing on the wall.

He nodded, it was clear that he was trying to look sad but inside he was happy.

He barley new me though....,

Let me guess, now that I think about it, a trader he must be.

I was already in a dreadful state  I didn't want to be bother with this village anymore. I'm already saving there skin.

The man started opening the gate. A small growl Emitted from deep inside my chest as I stepped towards and out of the small village, past the walls.

To the most dreadful, most cruel, most malignant person in this entire century, in this entire would.

I slightly looked up into his gorgeous blue orbs, dew to the fact he was taller then me.

"You better be happy that you are the complete definition of malignant" I spat at him, hatred in every words I said.

His smirk grew and he gave me simple snigger before signalling towards his gaurd.

"Thanks for the complement, princess."

I Let out a growls that became a small Yelp as is guards grabbed my upper arm and dragged me into the carriage.

He slammed the door in my face. I tried opening the door but It was locked. I heard some commotion outside, so I took the chance to look around the small carriage.

It was a spruce framing box with a long seat on either side.

There was not much space but it was kinder nice. The seats had a red hard fabric covering them and there was some iron bars at the front end of the 'box'. I stepped on my tippy toes and looked through the bars I saw two guards covered in oh'kasis armour sitting on the edge of a small spruce platform, that connected to the box. They held onto a reign that connect up to 3 magnificent horses.

One was a pitch black stallion with white hooves. The other was a ghost white mare. They were both placed at the back and in front was a beautiful ginger horse. It had dusty white hooves and splotches of white all over his coat.

The carriage door creaked open which made me turn my head towards it.

Zane smirked at me from the door before stepping in. I glowed at him before sitting down on the long seat, as far as I could away from him.

He let out a small chuckle before sitting in the seat that was facing me.

"Why do you have to sit in here!" I spat at him, discussed.

"Because this is my carriage, dear" he replied chucking.

"Why do I have to sit in here then" I spat once again. 

"Do you really think I'll let  my Fiancé out of my presence, princess"

"I'm not your fiancé, and stop calling me princess" I snapped

"Feisty, I like it" he growled amused "now, come sit next to me, and when we enter o'hkasis  you ought behave" he orders

. "What happens if I don't" a smirk formed on my lips as I played with a piece of my H/C locks.

"This" he growled grabbing my upper arm and pulling me across. I yelped as I landed on his lap.

My body was facing him and my head was in his chest, my legs curled up into a somewhat kneeling persition on his lap.

My hands balled into fist onto his chest and I started pounding and pushing trying to get up.

But his arms had secured around my waist and head pulling me closer to him. His chin was on my head.

I kept struggling until I got tired and slowly relaxed, growling.

"That's better" he mumbled into my hair. I growled up at him in response.

I didn't even realise that we had started moving. "How long has we been travelling for" I thought.

"A while" I heard a deep voice mumble, and Instley I felt my face heat up. I always had a habit of thinking things and acsidently saying them out loud.

It always embarist me.

I noticed that zanes arms had loosens around my waist and I realised this was my chance to get out of his grip. I pulled myself together and pushed against his chest hard he was to slow and I fell out of his grip backwards.

I landed on the floor in the small gap separating the two seats.

I pulled my self up and moved to the most far way I could in the small box. Which was the opisit seat to were he was sitting on the opisit side of the box.

I could here his low grolw slowly settle and his voice broke the silence among us.

"Do as you will, but you better behave when we enter o'hkasis." He growled

I muttered a couple cyst words before laying my head against the wood wall and shutting my eyes.

'This is really dreadful'

I awoke to dark I was still in the carriage I saw the door open and I peaked out.

A camp was set up but no one seemed to notice I was awake. I could see Zane talking to a red haired maid.

This was my chance.

I could sneak out and take cover at a town I remember on my map.

Scales wing.

Ok so I don't know we're that is from here but I'm shore I could fined a town around here.

Just stay the night.

Or maybe I should stay.

I may get lost out there.
There is probably wild animals.
I have know weapons.
And I'm afire Zane would find me before I got far.

But if I stay
I'll have to live with Zane
Who knows what he had planned
I'll have to face my dad
I'll get my life taken from me......

I sighed, what should I do?



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