4 - Aphmau

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Y/N - your name


I gazed into her soft hazel eyes. They glimmered with light.... Her Eyes sparkled with hope and determination. It was almost like she was desperate but at the same time happy to Except the fait of me declining her offer.

I had a big option but weather I made the write choice was another thing.

I looked at the long black hair girl. She seemed nice, she hated Zane, she was happy, I could tell she'ed cared for people as people did for her, so why put her and her village in danger. I slowly shook my head.

She had a slight hint of confusion glimmering at the side of her hazel eyes. She demonstrated a horrid feeling to wards Zane. As she slowly parted her lips thinking deeply into thought. As of write now she was a bit uneasy the sudden change in emotion shocked me. But the words she said shocked me more.

"You know, .......... Zane Tried to wed me once."

Confusion lashed through me. How many has he tried to conceive for power. I slowly parted my lips. Thinking hard. The Exact words I say may change what people think. Thoughts stormed through my head but I finally decided in one.

"Can we talk somewhere private"

She smiled brightly and nodded leading me to the door.


The soft voice I heard before that had calmly called after us. I turned to Zoey to see her worried expression.

"Lady Aphmau, Y/N needs rest, plenty of rest, no fighting or running for a while. The ointment that sealed the cuts needs time to fully rest and repair the bleeding scrapes."

I looked towards aphmau and back to Zoey.

"I will be fine.... I will rest later" was the 8 simple words I replied with

"At least change your clothes" Zoey insisted then handed me
A dress that was light blue with stripes of black.

"Thank you" I said then went and changed I hated dresses but I didn't want to be mean so I just expected it.

I thanked her again through gritted teeth then I walked out. No hesitation, no thought, it just shot through my head and out my mouth like no mans business (and no I'm not talking of the 'business' that u do in the toilet)

as we walked down a path in a somewhat peaceful but awkward silence. Aphmau..... (I think I got her name right) stopped in the middle of the path. Turning her hips  and with a second of hesitation parted her lips once again.

"Your bag and other belonging were...... Not able to come I doubt Zane left them there in forest but it was to risky to get it with him lining o'hkasis guards around the perimeter." She tilted her head a bit to the side.

I wanted to so desperately lash out on her. My mothers necklace was in there. That's the only thing I have left from her. I squinted my eyes shut looking down.

"Maybe I could somehow get it back.... Some day" I sighed.As I continue walking.

We finnaly stopped at the plaza.

Aphmau smiled brightly. She bolted her head towards me I beaming exspretion over her face.

"Come on Y/N we can talk over lunch Kawi~chan makes the best apple pie."

I sighed with defeat. Following her to a pink and White cafe. We walked in as I waited for aphmau in the corner.

Aphmau came back with to paper bags.

she handed you one paper bag with a small smile plasters on her face. I smiled in return.

We walked to the Irene statue. We sat down in the bench , aphmau looked at me.

I don't want to put this village in danger but..... Uhhh

"I'll stay" I said as I opened the bag.  I pulled at a apple pie.

Her eyes lit up like a rainbow. She pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

"But on one condition.... If zane threatens on this village..... Even a tiny little threat...... I'm leaving"

She nodded in
understand-meant I smiled at her.

I looked at the apple pie I took a bight of it. Flavour lashed through me.

"This is amazing" I claimed

She nodded only thinking deeply..... I wonder...... About what

I then remembered her words

"You know, .......... Zane Tried to wed me once."

"How???" Was the simple words that left my mouth..... The word..... Confusing but important

"How what?" She simply replied with

"How did zane try to wed you, he planned my wedding a couple of years ago"

Confusion hit us both in the face like a soccer ball being booted at you

"Simple, zane was gonna wed lord aphmau then kill her secretly, with that he still had control over phenix drop, but a position for a new wife available"

I looked up to see a guy with spattering blue eyes, they were similar to zanes but instead of the ice, hatred burning in them this man eyes sparkled, a beautiful ocean, happiness filling them.

His hair was a sandy  blond colour this was one of the man I saw with aphmau

"Oh...." Aphmau and I said in unison 

"I'm Garroth by the way" he held out his hand I shook it politely

"Y/N" I said camly "I'm sorry if taken in affence but you look similar to zane" I said kinda strait forward "zane Ro'meave" o added his lass name just to make sure he new who

Garroth frowned "that's bc he's my brother" harroth said dully

My eyes widened as I shot up

"Y/N it's fine Garroth rebelled on his family and left" aphmau quickly stated

I sigh in relief "il sorry it's just...I ran from my home to escape him and I had a fear.... You no...."

"It's ok, your like me, I ran away from oh'kasis  bc I was being forced to marry Nicole princess of scales-wings" he says quite calmly

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"It's fine she ran away to, we met hear and now we're great friends..... Sorta"

I giggle slightly
"What do you mean by sorta" I said with a smile

"Well let's just say I didn't no it was her at first so she was giving me the cold shoulder for a while and......" He chuckled

Suddenly the doors bursts open and a cute brown haired boy ran in with crystals blue eyes.

He was panting heavily "Aphmau, Zane's at the gates!"he said hurried but then his eyes shot to were I was standing I felt his eyes trace down my body

"Laurence!" Aphmay exclaimed his eyes darted to her "sorry m'lady but I have to say" he smirked "what a fine looking lady you as have you considered going on a date with me"

I glared and walked over to him "of corse I had" his eyes lit up

"Never" I hissed then bitch slapped him

"Now what were you saying about zane" I said with a glare

He stood there shocked "he's at the gates" my eyes widened and Iran through the doors and down the paths

I could here aphmau, Garroth and brown haired flirt shout after me to stop.

Once I made it to the gates I saw zane there I shot daggers at him and stomped up to him

The others finally catching up and following me

I frowned and growled

I felt his eyes also travel my body

There was a thence and awkward armestfear

Then lady aphmau broke it

"Zane what do you want" she hissed

I noticed that her calm relaxed self had turned into a angry tense self.

"Well if corse my lovely bride~" he smirked.

"I'm not and will NEVER be your bride, you a$$ head" I growled

He laughed "do you think you have a choice you come back with me or I'll burn down this village, to ashes"

My eyes widened "WHAT!" I shouted as rage boiled in me I breath heavily

"Try your best zane but we have one thing you don't" aphmau hissed

"And what is that" zane scowled

"Loyal guards, that will fight and protect this village" aphmau said proud

"Lady aphmau, you had luck on your side once, but are you willing to risk your village again" zane said smirking

"Yes we are, Y/N please stay" she said turning her attention towards me

I looked down what should I do

I'm not gonna rush anyone's life, I can't

I glared up at zane


1: Go with zane and marry him to save phenix drop

2: Grabs Garroth sword and TRY and stab zane to kill him

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