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Jimin walked into the bus, scanning his card at the entrance before walking deeper into it. Despite him taking a bus earlier than usual, it was still packed with people. He tried his best to dodge everyone, but he couldn't help his skin grazing against a few people, making him shudder each time.

"Jimin-ah!" Someone called, making him look up.

Jungkook sat there, waving his hand dumbly amidst the crowd. Jimin sighed, not recalling the younger taking the same bus. He walked closer, still uncomfortable at how many people were on the bus.

Before he could even register what had happened, Jungkook had stood up and pulled him into the single bus seat instead. Jimin looked up to him, slightly stunned, but Jungkook only smiled as he held onto the rail.

Jungkook was looking outside the window, his eyes following the ceneray. People kept butting into him as the bus got more and more full, making him sway from side to side occasionally, but the soft smile never once left his lips.

Jimin hated to admit it, but he felt safe, sitting there on the single bus seat, his bag clutched closely to his chest as the younger shielded him from the rest of the bus.

"Yah." He suddenly called, Jungkook's eyes immediately looking down to him. "Don't talk so casually to me."

Jungkook seemed confused, titling his head to the side questioningly.

"Earlier." Jimin said." You called me Jimin-ah. I'm one year older than you, you know."

"k, hyung." Jungkook said, speaking just as informally.

"Yah." Jimin called again. "I'm not your hyung."

"Should I call you oppa then?" Jungkook teased, his clear and slightly loud voice attracting the attention of a few people around them.

A few high school students cooed at them, whispering amongst themselves about how cool Jungkook had just sounded. Some elderly not so subtly leaning to the side to get a glimpse of Jimin.

His cheeks burned up a bright red as he looked down to his shoes, hearing Jungkook chuckle above him.

"Shut up." He mumbled, but Jungkook only laughed more.

They stepped out of the bus, Jimin looking down in utter embarrassment as everyone seemed to glance at him when he stood up.

"Jimin-oppa, which clas-" Jungkook started teasingly, bending down slightly to reach Jimin's shorter stature.

But before he could finish his sentence, Jimin slapped his shoulder. Jungkook tried to dodge him, taking a few steps away from the older as an amused smile painted his lips. But apparently Jimin wasn't giving up that easily, and ended up chasing him to the school.

"Jimin-oppa!" Jungkook called as he ran ahead, looking behind to the shorter, who was surprisingly keeping up with him. "You run pretty fast with your short legs."

"I'm coming for you kneecaps, punk." Yelled Jimin as he ran.

He was boiling with anger as he chased the younger, not even minding the other students on their way to school looking at them curiously as they rushed past them, but he didn't notice the smile spreading across his cheeks.

It felt good to run, he felt free.


"Hyung-ah." Jungkook called as he peeked his head through the door, catching the attention of a few people.

He greeted a few of the other third years he knew, most of the class amazed at his dazzling smile and pleasing body proportions. Jeon Jungkook was decently popular, mostly because he was handsome, good and sports and kind enough not to get on anyone's bad side.

Everyone eyed him curiously as he made his way to the class president's table, watching slightly surprised as he beamed to the usually reserved boy.

"I didn't really know what you liked so I got us a bunch of stuff." Jungkook said, letting all the snacks in his arms fall on Jimin's table. "Take whatever you want and I'll eat the rest."

Jimin sighed looking up at the ever so bright younger. He felt uncomfortable around him, especially when he acted like they had been friends forever when they had only started talking to each other a few days ago. But most of all, it was because he knew, and that truly annoyed Jimin.

"I'm not hungry." He lied.

In truth, he had skipped breakfast because he didn't want to face his parents.

"Eyy," Jungkook insisted as he leaned on the side of Jimin's desk, opening up a chocolate pastry before shoving it in Jimin's mouth. "You don't need to be hungry to have a snack, it'll brighten your day."

Jimin chewed slowly, sighing.

"Could you leave?" He asked. "I was trying to study."

Jungkook looked down at the table, halfway through his sweet bun. He noticed the notes sprawled across the table, under the snacks, and nodded. He swallowed his large bite before standing back up, collecting the snacks back in his arms.

"Alright." Jungkook smiled. "I'll leave you with the strawberry milk, it's good for your memory."

He winked, before leaving.


"Hyungie!" Jungkook called as soon as Jimin stepped foot out of the school.

"Let's go home together." He added, both of his hands gripping the straps of his bag.

Jimin sighed, deciding to ignore him as he continued walking. It's not like he had a choice anyway, Jungkook apparently took the same bus. He heard the younger jogg up to him, but didn't prevent him from walking alongside him. The walk was pleasantly silent, Jimin keeping his hands in his pockets as he shivered slightly.

They were still wearing their summer uniform but the breeze wafting through the thin cotton of his button up really made him wish he had at least packed a sweater.

"Cold?" Jungkook asked.

"Mhm." Jimin hummed, looking up at the younger who seemed perfectly fine in his short sleeved button up thrown over a simple white shirt and uniform slacks. "Aren't you?"

"I'm never cold." Jungkook said with a small smirk. "Look."

He held his forearm in front of him, and Jimin took one of his cold hands out of his pocket to touch it. Maybe it was because Jimin's hands were freezing, but Jungkook really felt like he was boiling under his skin.

"Yah." He exclaimed. "You're burning hot! Do you have a fever or something?"

"You bet I'm hot." Jungkook teased, making Jimin roll his eyes.

They had finally made it to the bus stop, both of them standing under the small shelter to avoid the chilly breeze. Jungkook suddenly took both of Jimin's hands in his.

"Yah." Jimin said, trying to free himself from Jungkook's warm touch.

But Jungkook pulled them in front of his mouth instead, blowing hot hair on them and rubbing them in his own warm hands. Jimin looked at him, watching the younger intently. He had this gentle way of being insisting that always seemed to make Jimin give up on resisting him.

"If I didn't know better I'd think you were trying to seduce me." Jimin mumbled.

"Don't catch feels for me hyung." Jungkook said with a joking smile, his hands not leaving Jimini's.

"Why?" He asked, suddenly curious.

"I'm pretty straight." Jungkook said.

For some reason it took Jimin aback. Judging from how unbothered he had been despite knowing what had happened to him, Jimin had always assumed Jungkook was either gay or bisexual. He wouldn't have expected a straight guy to be so nice to him, of all people.

"Don't I disgust you?" Jimin asked.

"Why would you?"

"Because I'm gay." Jimin said. "I liked Mr Kang you know?"

Jungkook's hands tightened around his, his eyes meeting Jimin's for the first time. His dark eyes held a certain seriousness to them that made Jimin want to look away. But he didn't.

"I don't care that you're gay." Jungkook said.

"And you don't care that I had gay sex with a teacher."

"Well, I do care." Jungkok said. "But you didn't have sex with our teacher Jimin, you got assaulted. I am disgusted, but not with you. Honestly if SUGA hadn't killed him i would have strangled that cockroach myself."

"Don't say that." Jimin whispered.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jungkook asked, suddenly caucious.

Jimin sighed, finally pulling his hands away from Jungkook and stuffing them back into his pockets.

"Would you really have strangled Mr Kang?"



"Would you miss me if i went to juvenile prison?" Jungkook asked, his teasing smirk back.

"Shut up."

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