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"Wah." Taehyung smiled dumbly as he looked into Yoongi's natural eyes.

Yoongi tried to look away, slightly shy at having someone so close, looking so deeply into his eyes. It didn't help that Taehyung was so handsome either, it was even more evident now that he could see him clearly.

"So you wear contacts all the time?" Taehyung asked, his hot breath fanning across Yoongi's lips. They were that close.

Yoongi hummed, looking up to avoid Taehyung's gaze. As he did so, the slits of his eyes tightened slightly, shy about the artificial light of Yoongi's studio above them.

"How do you cover your pupil though?" Taehyung asked, finally leaning away. "Wouldn't yours be thinner than a normal contact lense, you should be able to see some of the gold peek through."

Yoongi shook his head, standing up and walking to the bathroom of his studio to retrieve his lenses. He opened one of the compartiments, showing them to the younger.

Instead of having a round, clear whole in the middle like normal coloured contact lenses, the one he had were completely black.

"You can see with these?" Taehyung chuckled, looking closer to notice it wasn't completely opaque but dotted, creating the illusion that they were completely black from afar.

"Not really well." Yoongi said.

"That's ironic." Taehyung laughed. "But why didn't you wear them last time?"

"Because I can't aim without my eyes." Yoongi said.

Taehyung laughed again, looking at the man as he walked back to his bathroom to tidy away his contacts. as he came back, Yoongi hran a hand through his hair gently, the soft strands falling back into his forehead messily. Taehyung found him pretty.

"So you've never had any training in long distance shooting? You just have naturally good aim because of your eyes?"

"I have really steady hands too." Yoongi said. "Could be a world class surgeon if I wanted to."

He was slowly starting to relax alongside the younger. The high schooler didn't seem to realise how serious the situation was. He only looked like some nerd who saw dark magic for the first time and wanted to see another trick instead of reporting him to the authorities or fearing for his life.

"What do you study?" Taehyung asked.

"Law." Yoongi said.

"That's also very ironic." Taehyung said, his eyes never leaving the older as he leaned back on the floor of his studio and closed his eyes. "You want to become a lawyer?"

"I would prefer a judge." Yoongi said. "Maybe a criminal lawyer. I don't plan on killing people my whole life, I would rather let them rot in prison."

Taehyung nodded, mirroring Yoongi and letting himself fall back and laying down next to Yoongi. He looked at the ceiling, his eyes following a fly waltzing around the lamp.

"I don't know what i want to do when i grow up." He said. "And I'm in my last year of high school."

"That's fine." Yoongi said. "You'll figure it out."

"I don't know. I hate studying. I enjoy music but I doubt I could make a living out of it."

"I think you could." Yoongi said, tilting his head to the side to look at Taehyung. "You have a really nice voice."

"Really?" Taehyung asked, turning his face as well as a large smile bloomed on his face.

Yoongi simply nodded. Unaware of how attentively Taehyung was staring at his eyes.

"Give me your guitar, I'll sing something for you." The younger said teasingly.

"Shut up." Yoongi said, one of his hands reaching to shove the younger's shoulder slightly

"I'm kidding." Taehyung laughed, Yoongi looking at his handsome features as they morphed with his laugh.

For someone still in high school, he had pretty chiseled features. Yoongi admired how his smile could change him from a sexy and mysterious man to a playful teen so easily.

"Shouldn't you go home?" Yoongi asked, catching himself staring and looking away shyly.

"Should I?"

"Well, I have a lecture to study, so I would appreciate some silence." Yoongi said.

"I'll stay quiet." Taehyung said, rolling onto his side and resting, propped his arm against the floor and rested his head in the palm of his hand.

Yoongi sighed, but let him stay, getting the small foldable desk he stored against a wall and placing it in the middle of the common room. He sat down cross-legged, opening up his notes and going through them. Taehyung stared at him the whole time, eyes never leaving his golden ones.

He still couldn't believe he had found his treasure.

"Alright Taehyung, get out of here, I can't concentrate with you staring at me like that."

Taehyung giggled, but walked out nonetheless.


hey guys, sorry i didn't really write an A/N yesterday (don't know if anyone cares),
but I was just having a terrible day...

Anyways thanks for your comments as always and I hope you liked this

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