Blue Leader:Good Children, Others:Wild Dogs

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+Red Army Base+

Tord and Tom sat in the meeting room the next morning with the higher staff Tord appointed, such as Generals, commanders, and so on.

"Red Leader I propose-"

"No marriage proposals during a meeting please," Tom comments as he keeps his eyes to the holopad he's using to take notes.

All eyes were now on Tom since this was his first time voicing out since the beginning of the meeting.

The head strategist, who was just talking, glares at him. "I was not referring to something like that!"

"Then don't say 'propose' sir. People might get the wrong idea." He uses the stylus and writes something else down on the holopad without looking up at the guy.

"Red Leader surely understands I mean no such thing."

"Think again idiot, your leader has a trigger-happy mind of 5 years old." Tom snaps his fingers, "Wait, he also has a perverted mind as well since he's into that fucking cartoon porn."

The head Strategist sputters and looks flabbergasted. "I would never- just who are you anyway?!"

"Someone who doesn't want to be here," Tom states calmly.

All the heads of the departments look at their leader who looks like he's about to laugh. He covers his mouth and clears his throat to the side before looking at them. "I suppose now is a good time for introductions. Everyone, as you may have seen when coming into the room, this person is our new ally." Tord tells them with a small smile. "He used to be one of the Leaders of the Rebellion, but now he works for us."

There were some whispers between some of the department heads. Some were worried while others were glaring at Tom with distrust. The brunet didn't seem to mind them one bit.

"I was forced into this position, just so you know. I don't like it any more than any of you combined." Tom finally puts down the device in his hands on the table. He looks up at them and crosses his arms. "The feeling of hate is mutual."

"If I may ask sir, why is this man here if he is a new soldier in the army." One of the quieter department heads, the head of the uniforms department, asked.

"Simply because he is my secretary and second in command," Tord answers the woman.

The head of the armory stands up from his seat. "Sir you can't be serious! This man used to work with the Rebellion, against you."

"I have my ways to keep him in line..." Tord took a small glance at the bracelet he put on Tom the other day. "Plus his soldiers are under my care now while they work alongside all of you."

The department heads didn't know if their leader was being serious. But they should already know their leaders are always serious.

"Thomas, how about you introduce yourself to them."

Tom rolls his 'eyes' and gets up, giving them a small bow. "I'm Thomas Thompson, one of the leaders of the Rebellion known as Blue. Call me Tom and nothing else." He sits back down and resumes going through the holopad.

Tord rolls his own eyes at the intro. "Alright everyone, we'll have another meeting in a month. Those who didn't report anything today, have your reports given to Tom." He gets up from his seat. "Meeting dismissed."

The soldiers got up and started heading out of the room. A few soldiers went over to Tom and handed him their file of this month's reports. Tom piled them neatly and stood up from his seat.

"I hope you took notes," Tord says coming over to him after speaking with a few of his soldiers.

Tom placed a hand on his hip. "Of course I did. I'm not stupid." He picks up the small stack of files to carry. "Where do you want these?"

"My office. Then you can go visit your soldiers, I heard they've been worried since yesterday about you from Patryk."

Tom's face adopts a worried expression. "Shit, I forgot to check up on them yesterday." He rushes pass Tord and heads towards Tord's office. He quickly drops the files off on the desk and runs out.

He followed the mental map of the way to his soldiers' living quarters. Tord had drawn the path to the section on the map while they sorted out what needed to be done. A few Red Soldiers saw him and saluted him quickly as he passed. Really, these Tord's soldiers were uptight about formalities. Do they not know how to relax?

Tom made it to the section on the west wing where his soldiers settled in. He opens the double doors and finds his soldiers sitting around in the large open space. They're either sitting on the floor or lazing on the couches or armchairs.


Reggie and Zack rush over to him and check him over.

"Are you hurt?!"

"Are you okay?!"

Tom pushes then back a little and pats them on the shoulders. "Whoa you two, I'm fine." He smiles at them and the rest of his soldiers who now have their eyes on him. "Sorry I didn't check up on you guys yesterday."

"It's fine, we're just glad you're okay," Jasper says in relief as she comes to stand next to Reggie. "I bet Red had you tied to your room yesterday so you couldn't leave."

"We talked about what we were going to do with all of you actually," Tom informs them. "You'll all be working your usual jobs, but only for the needs of our group. Sadly Scientists, Strategists, Weapon Specialist, Engineers, Suppliers, Patrol, and the Armory Department will have to cooperate with the Red Army departments in time for battle and new weapons."

"Aw man, we have to work with those suckers," Eric complains. A few others joined in as well, not liking the idea of helping the enemy.

"You have my permission to 'Play' with them. I don't want you guys suffering after all." Not ashamed of his suggestive expression to this soldiers.

Those in the said departments had their eyes sparkling. "No way, you mean it Blue!?"

"Yup," Tom answers, popping the p. "The Commie wanted me to come here, but I bought all of you for a reason too. If he wants me, he has to accept everything I have and do."

"Wait! Does that mean we can also..." Zack looks super excited as he grips Reggie's arm tightly.

Tom nods with a knowing look to all of his soldiers were just as happy. "The Color War is on." The Blue soldiers cheer loudly but trying to keep it to a minimum so the Red soldiers don't overhear.

"Getting Green and Purple's group may be fun, but messing with Red Leaders is just the cherry on top!" Sadie exclaims as her department give each other a high five.

Tom chuckles and waves his hand. "Alright, you lot settle down. There is much to be done before then. Remember Purple, Blue, Green." Everyone, but the five new soldiers, nods at the color code their leader tells them. "Good."

Just then the doors to the Blue section opens, Tord and his two soldiers come into the room. "What's with all the noise? Some of my soldiers passing by heard a lot of cheering." Tord asks approaching the group.

"Just some excitement, ever heard of it? You and your soldiers don't seem to show a lot of it from what I've seen."

Tord shakes his head and huffs. "We can have some excitement every once in a while. You can't exactly have fun when War is still happening." He sees Tom pinch the bridge of his nose. "Anyways, I came to get your soldiers to lead them to their departments. First would be your Cooking department, it's already close to lunch, and I assume they missed breakfast."

That made Tom open his eyes after they were closed for a moment. He looks back at his soldiers who quickly avoided his gaze. "Reggie... Zack..." He calls his two soldiers in charge of watching their group while he wasn't around.

The two laugh nervously while they still avoided their leader's gaze.

"It wasn't intentional..."

"All of us just didn't know where the dining hall was..."

"I don't keep my eye on all of you for a few hours and this happens." He turns to look at Sadie whose also glancing away. "Sadie."

"Y-Yes sir?" His gaze now meeting Tom's.

"Cook level 2 for the kitchen department, we need to feed everyone a balanced meal for breakfast and lunch."

"Yes, Tommy!" Sadie loses her nervousness and smiles brightly. Cooking always made her happy especially for her Building.

Tord and his soldiers didn't know what just happen, but something dangerous happened, passing quickly as it came. They brush it off and lead all of them to the dining hall. Every single Blue soldier mentally memorized the way so they wouldn't get lost in the base.

They let everyone settle in their tables on one side of the dining hallway from the Red soldiers, much to their appreciation to not mingle with them. Tord, Tom, Paul, and Patryk took the Blue Cooking Department to the kitchen where some Red Soldiers were cooking for the other Red Soldiers seated outside.

Tord was thankful he did renovations to expand the kitchen, adding a new set of cooking supplies and tools. "This side will be where your team will be cooking Ms. Sadie. All supplies are provided by my soldiers, but your suppliers will have to continue supplying for you when you're almost out."

"I understand Red, Blue's Suppliers can bring the best stuff when they come back from gathering." Sadie pulls her hair up into a ponytail and ties it with her black scrunchie. "All right guys let's get to work. Level 2 cooking by Tommy's request, we've got hungry friends to feed."

Tom smiles watching the teen get to work with her team of two girls and three guys. They're fast with their hand-eye coordination. Tord goes over to his team of cooks who are working well with getting lunch ready for his soldiers.


Sadie looks up from her peeling to Tom who blushes in embarrassment. "Tommy your stomach growled! That's rare... did you skip a meal?"

Tom scratches the back of his head. "Maybe..."

Sadie gives him a 'really?' look.

"Okay fine... I may have missed dinner yesterday on the plane." He admits in a whisper while crossing his arms again.

"Tommy!" Sadie says.

"Things happened alright, let's just get over it."

Sadie huffs and continues peeling. "I'm making your portion larger than usual today. I expect to see a clean plate."

"Yes, ma'am," Tom replies to the teen as he starts helping her team out by setting the plates for the incoming food that has been finished.

An hour later, a large batch of food was made to fit an army, but this was only for the Blue Group. The Red Army's cooks were still cooking their dishes for their many soldiers. Even though Tom's batch of food could feed them all.

Tom pulls out the new serving carts that are stationed on their side of the kitchen and pushes them over to where the fresh meals are. "Come on guys, we've got some serving to do."

The Blue side places the food gently on the serving carts and starts proceeding to head out one by one. Tom takes the last cart and follows Sadie out. As they go into the dining hall, many of Tord's soldiers are watching them while their mouth waters at the sight of the food they made.

"Great the foods here!" One of the Blue soldiers says happily.

"Settle down guys and stay seated. We're coming around to place the food down." Sadie giggles as she picks up two plates and placed them in front of Wen and Jake. "Today's lunch is Fish and Chips, the side soup being Broccoli and Cheddar with bread, and Berry Trifle for dessert. There's enough for seconds for all of you if your interested."

The Blue cooks and Tom come around with the food and drinks, making sure they served everyone. Tom nods seeing all his soldiers eating.

"Tommy, I got your food down by Reggie and Zack," Sadie says pushing her cart back to the kitchen.

"Thanks, I'll eat right after I do something." The Blue Leader says as he sees Paul and Patryk taking a seat with the other Red Soldiers.

Sadie nods firmly. "Remember I want a clean plate!"

Tom pushes his cart towards the Red Army table where the two soldiers were at. Paul and Patryk notice him when their fellow soldiers kept looking up behind them.

"Tom, what brings you here?" Patryk asks.

"Just thought I could serve you guys some of the food we made. Think of it as my way of saying thank you for making sure my soldier settled in okay." The brunet picks up the last two plates of the main meal, bowls with soup, and dessert. He even placed down cups of water. "As well as an apology for my soldiers knocking the both of you out."

"Apology accepted," Paul says digging into the delicious food. Both Patryk and Tom chuckle at the sight of the usually quite man-eating happily.

"Thanks, we'll enjoy this."

Tom nods and pushes the cart down back to the kitchen. He meets Sadie walking out and tells her good work. He puts the cart away and goes back to the table to eat with everyone.

He sits down to Zack's left, greeted by a large amount of food on his plate. "Sadie, isn't this too much?" He asks the teen in front of him.

"It wasn't that much when I made your dish." She looks at down the table seeing some of the food from the soldiers' plate missing. "I think some of the soldiers from the kitchen gave the tip you didn't eat dinner."

Tom looks at the food and shakes his head. "You're not gonna get that clean plate, Sadie." He says looking at his pile of food.

"I'll let it pass this one time." She starts eating her breakfast in front of him. Tom starts eating as well, only eating enough his stomach can handle. The rest of his food passed down to some soldiers who have the bigger appetites.

Red soldiers were going up and down to get their lunches at the counter and chatting. Mostly all of them would glance at the Blue soldiers and Tom from time to time merely curious about them. They haven't really gotten the word yet about why they were there, but their department heads told them they were new soldiers now working for them.

By the time lunch was about done, Tom and the cooks picked up the plates after getting the serving carts from the kitchen again. All the soldiers helped put their dirty dishes away and get the tables cleaned up. Paul and Patryk came over and thanked Tom again for the food before going back to Tord's side.

Tord came over to Tom with a satisfied look. "Finding everything okay so far?"

"Unusually yes, but the staring from your soldiers is distracting and rude."

"I'll speak to them about why you and your group is here later," Tord says looking at the other soldiers eating. Then he looks back at Tom, "For now we should get your other soldiers acquainted with their department partners."

Tom rolls his 'eyes' and hands one of the cooks the last plate to clean. "Fine, but don't be surprised when they don't play nice with your soldiers."

Tord chuckles, "I actually find your soldiers tamed like good children, but I'll keep the thought in mind."

~Time Skip~

About three hours of getting each of the Blue departments to their new work areas, chaos erupted. Tom and Tord were just in the Tord's office when one of the Red Army guards came in out of breath.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Tom ask going up to the man. He saw the name tag reading Mike.

The soldier nods slightly and takes a few breaths before standing up straight to salute the both of them. "Sirs, I'm here to report massive bickering and fights happening around the base."

"Hm? Why?" Tord asks.

"The new soldiers working with each of the departments have been causing the fighting sir." Mike answers.

The two leaders shared a look at each other. Tom just shrugs, "I warned you they're not exactly tamed."

"I've seen them act like children when they were eating lunch," Tord says remembering the Blue soldiers chatting normally in a family like fashion like brothers and sisters. Then again, with another thought, they were only good children if Tom is around.

"In honesty their more like a pack of wild dogs." Tom put his the holopad in his bag.

Mike looks back and forth between the two. "What should we do sir?"

"Nothing," Tom answers before Tord can speak a word.

Tord looks at Tom slightly surprised. "What do you mean Thomas?"

"Like I said, nothing. I came with you because you accepted my agreements, my soldiers are part of it means they can regularly do what they usually do. Plus, as boring as it must be, I gave them the go sign to 'Play' with your soldiers in the departments they work with." Tom explains and crosses his arms as he leans back against the wall to his right.



Tord looks back at Mike and motions him off. "Dismissed, leave the department heads to deal with their new partners. I selected them for a reason and if they can't handle Tom's soldiers then they can step down from their position."

"I'll give them the message then." Mike leaves the office awkwardly after his salute and leaves the two men alone in the room.

Tom smirks as he stands back up and takes a seat on the red couch. "Are you regretting taking me here now?" He picks up a file and goes through the info with a smug expression.

Tord rolls his eyes, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. This is exactly what he needs, this provocation provided by his childhood rival. Just like old times...

"Not one bit."

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