New Uniform for Blue Leader

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+Red Army Base: 2 weeks later+

By now, everyone in the base had gotten used to their regular routine, after 2 weeks. Well just Tom's Group at least, the Red soldiers were still having a hard time adjusting to the other soldiers and their new second in command.

The base had been filled with fights and arguments. Tom and Tord just left them be on their own personal affairs against each other since none of them could interfere. Tom could if he wanted to, but Tord could not since he made the deal with the brunet.

At the moment, Tom's walking around the base doing his daily check up on his soldiers in each department. Since his first visit was the cooking department, he got a basket of wrapped cookies for the other Blue soldiers to snack on. Tom received his and ate it with the cooks in the kitchen earlier so he was okay.

He made it to his last visit of the day which happens to be the Uniforms department. He opens the doors to find all of the soldiers working hard with the fabric, his eyes traveling to his soldiers on the other side of the room. He goes over and greets them. "Hey everyone."

The head of the Uniforms department for Tom's group, Neva, looks up from her work and smiles at him. "Blue, here for the daily check up I suppose."

"Yeah, you guys are the last department today." He places a basket on the clean table with no supplies. "Some snacks from the Sadie and the others."

"Sweet," Neva says as she finishes the last piece of fabric she's working on. She folds it and sets it on the pile of the same type of clothing. "Anyways, the twins want you to try on their new design for you."

"Again?" Tom groans as he takes a seat next to her table. "I already lost count of how many times they made me try on an 'official' uniform. I think my usual attire is fine." His favorite blue hoodie already represented his group's name.

Neva giggles as she turns off her sewing machine. "Well Blue, I think this design will be your favorite. I also kinda have to agree with the like everyone else in the department, you need a new look. James is also gonna fix your hair too."

Tom let another long groan out again as he leaned his head back. Looking back he finds the rest of his soldier in his uniform department smiling mischievously at him. "No!" He exclaims falling backwards on his chair getting some looks from some of the Red soldiers.

"Yes!!" A pair of twins squeals happily coming over from the group so they take one of Tom's arms in their hold.

"You're gonna look so cute Blue! We worked really hard on this outfit!" Olivia, the female twin, says as she's holding his right arm.

"She's correct dear Blue! We've gone over your choice of clothing style to make sure you'll love this!" Oliver, the male twin, supports as he's holding his leader's left arm.

The two of them help Tom back on his feet and pull him over to a small elevated platform. Tom reluctantly lets them take him over to where they want him to stand. Olivia leaves to get a set of clothes from her shared desk with her brother. Oliver takes hold of the navy blue curtain and swings it around to cover Tom's form.

"Can't wait to see how our creation looks." Oliver grins as his sister's hands Tom the clothes through a small part in the curtains.

Tom sighs and closes the curtain all the way so no one can see him. "Fine let's get this over with." He undressed, folding his blue hoodie, shirt, and pants into a neat pile. He also lays his gear on top of them to put on with his outfit.

Then he took a look at his new clothes. A blue dress shirt with circles on the side of the shoulders that had a black and white checker pattern. A black, sleeveless vest to wear over the blue button up. He slips on the dark grey pants on his legs and buttons them up. Tom takes his belt to strap it around his waist. He adds the other supplies the should hang on, such as his holster for his gun and small side bag to carry ammunition. The last piece of clothing was his tie and shoes which were also black.

He slips his new shoes on and takes the tie into his hands. He loops the tie under his collar and ties it neatly, tucking the end of the cloth under his vest. Tom looks at the body mirror to find himself actually liking the new outfit. "Cool."

While Tom continued getting redressed, one of the new blue soldiers asked Neva about the Color War in a quiet tone since it seems like they didn't want anyone from the opposing party hearing. "So what does Purple, Blue, and Green mean?"

"Oh that's right the newbies don't know about the codes yet," James says from beside Neva.

The head of the group giggles. "It's a code for when the color war will happen. Zack told me earlier he was gonna explain it to the new recruits later about what you guys are supposed to do. He'll teach you guys the basics." Jade nods at the small information, planning on telling her fellow new soldiers later.

"Blue, you done yet? We wanna see how you look." Neva says from the other side of the curtain once she finishes talking with her new soldier.

Tom pushes the curtain open to reveal himself to his soldiers and any on looking Red soldier. "What do you think?" The twins, Neva, and the three other Blue soldiers grin or smile.

"You look amazing!" Oliver exclaims as he gives Tom a hug like his sister does.

"Blue you look so cute and hot!" Olivia giggles as she takes in her leader's new appearance with some second thoughts. "Maybe we shouldn't have made this for you. We don't want some uninvited looks." All of Tom's soldiers looked feral expression that Tom had to calm them down for a few minutes or talking(scolding).

"Thanks guys, I appreciate the new outfit. Plus I doubt people will look at me the other way." He picks up his usual outfit and places them on the table next to the basket. "I'll use this outfit from now on."

Oliver chuckles, "Alright then, we already had a few pairs of the same outfit made for you already just in case you liked it." He gestures to the pile on his side of the shared work desk.

"Now lets work on that hair of yours," James adds as he holds up his scissors and comb. "I've been waiting for this moment ever since the twins got the idea for Tom's outfit."

"Try not to hurt Steve too much James," Tom comments as he takes a seat on one of the free chairs.

The soldier laughs, getting to work with Tom's hair once he got all his supplies laid out. At first, James though his leader's hair would be prickly and stiff, but to his surprise, the hair is really soft to touch.

"Whoa, how did you get your hair like this Blue? It's so soft!"

"Uh, I just shower normally James." Not really sure what his soldier was talking about. He does his usual thing to his hair, get it wet, wash, rinse, and repeat.

James hums and starts trimming Tom's hair a bit. His fingers and clips make fast work. He pulls out some strong hair gel and rubs his hand together with the substance. His fingers run through his hair again, getting the sandy locks to flow back just a bit. "I'd say that's enough."

The soldiers got a look at their Leader and smiled. Now the hot percent drops to 50 percent while the cute raised instantly to 50 percent.

"Is it too late to take back the outfit?" Bryan, one of the other male blue soldiers, asked. Only to get a response of shaking heads for a response.

Tom rolls his 'eyes' and picks up the rest of his new outfits to take to his room. His soldiers tell him goodbye as he heads out. Though he did have those second thoughts on what they said before.

"I hope this isn't too distracting." He says to himself walking down the hall to head to his room. Tom shrugs his shoulders, pushing the thoughts aside. "Whatever."

+With Tord+

Tord sat in his office listening to his parents go over the rest of today's schedule. It had been set that Tom would usually give his daily schedule, but when he's doing his daily check-ups on his soldiers, his parents would be in charge of relating the plans to him.

"-Lastly you have interrogations with the prisoners later in the afternoon." Patryk finishes.

"Thanks for telling me Dad," Tord says as he leans back in his chair with a bored expression.

Patryk looks up to his adopted son with a raised eyebrow. "What's wrong Tord? You don't seem very enthusiastic today."

"It's just boring without the Jehovah's Witness around." His fingers drum a rhythm against the desk. Paul and Patryk glance at each other, Patryk snickering softly while Paul rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon after his daily routine." Just as Patryk said that the door to Tord's office opens.

Paul puffs some smoke, "Speak of the devil and he shall come." He whispers to Patryk jokingly.The three men watch Tom enter the room. To their surprise, the brunet came in with a new look.

Patryk smiles at Tom as he comes over to them. "Nice outfit Tom, although why the change of clothes?" He asks curiously.

"My soldiers in the uniform department have been wanting to make me an official style of clothing since the beginning of the Rebellion. I usually deny or push them off the topic, but I think they did great with this one." Tom explains.

Paul just gave him a nod of approval. "I have to agree with Pat. The color scheme matches you."


Meanwhile, Tord is staring at Tom's new appearance. The new uniform brought about a lot of Tom's lean figure and slightly feminine features. Not to mention his hair got styled differently from his usual pointed up way. It had a flow to wave back a bit to keep it from flowing forward. He could feel his cheeks warming up slightly.

"-ey. Tord!"

Tord snapped out of his stupor and his good eye focuses on Tom in front of him. "What?"

Tom looks at him skeptically. "You okay? You kinda blanked out for a moment while I was trying to talk to you." He took a step back away from Tord's desk.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking..." Tord says and gets up from his seat. "I think I'll take a walk around the base. Thomas, come with me."

"Can't you go by yourself?"

"No, something might come up. I also have prisoners to torture for interrogation later so you're coming with me either way." Tord goes to the door and opens it.

Tom rolls his 'eyes' and walks pass Tord going out the door. "Lame."

Tord shows a small smile behind Tom as he follows him out, closing the door behind him.

Paul and Patryk look at each other after being left in the office alone.

"I bet they get together in 4 weeks."

"I'll bet a month and a half."

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