Tomi and Faults

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+Red Army Base: Tord's office+

Tord sat in his office working on paperwork when the door was knocked on from the other side. He looks up from his papers, "Come in."

The door opens and Tom comes into the office looking bored or annoyed as usual. Nothing new.

"Do you have something to report Thomas? You don't usually come early, just at the usual time to tell me my schedule." Tord says as he fixes a stack of papers into a neat pile.

"Oh nothing, just came to check up on you Tordy~"

The Red Leader stopped what he was doing to look up at Tom who had made it in front of his desk. The sandy hair brunet smiling down at him with a childish grin. The first thing Tord did was tackle this 'Tom' down to the floor after jumping over his desk.

He pulls out his gun and presses it against 'Tom's' temple. "State who you are and your business right now. I will not hesitate to pull the trigger." He firmly tells the person posing as his rival.

'Tom' merely laughs. "It's nice to finally meet and speak with you Tordy! I'm Tomi, Tom's monster side." He tells the gun fanatic with a chipper tone.

"What?..." Tord says confused.

Tomi giggles, "You might wanna take the gun away from our head. It'd be a shame to lose the both us so early Tordy. You have plans for the both of us, right?"

Tord reluctantly pulls his gun away and puts it back in its holster. He pulls off of the man underneath him.

"Phew," Tomi says in relief as he gets back on his feet. He dusts himself off and lets his monster features appear. Two dark purple horns come out from the base of his hairline, while his hands grow to turn into darkish purplish color sharp claws. Tord could even see a long tail, the same color of his claws, make an appearance as it moved back and forth slowly. "That feels a whole lot better."

"So you're Tom, but also not Tom?" Tord asks with confusion. He's trying to wrap his head around the situation at hand.

"Yes and no," Tomi answers quickly and explains why. "Tom is originally born a human, but after I tried to possess him a few years ago... you could say things went wrong. We got stuck together, we'll actually I got stuck in his soul. I couldn't separate from Tom's body after trying to possess him. So we share his body, but have separate minds." His tail moves over to Tord to wrap around his waist and give it a light squeeze.

"Oh..." Tord puts his hands on the tail gently, feeling no threat of Tomi squeezing the life out of him with his tail. "So you're the one I saw when I encountered Tom back in the forest." He says remembering the forest meeting and Tom's surprising new appearance.

"Nope, that was still Tom. The only way you can tell is apart is the way we act and our tone." Tomi giggles again.

"Yeah, Tom defiantly does not giggle." Tord agrees as he takes in everything of Tomi's person. He's more cheerful and childlike than Tom. The Red Leader would also say the monster side of Tom also loves getting too close into people's personal space. "Does anyone else know about you?"

Tomi nods, "Mattie, Eddy, and Tom's group of the Rebellion know about me. Personally, I've only interacted with two of Tom's soldiers besides Mattie and Eddy." He tells Tord truthfully. His tail lifts the leader of the Red Army an inch off the floor. "Come on, I checked your schedule and you have lots to do."

"That can wait," Tord says as he quickly holds Tomi's tail tightly when he was picked up. He shifts a bit to find a comfortable position. "Firstly you can't go out with all your monster features might I add. My soldiers could possibly shoot at the sight of you ."

Tomi scoffs, "Please, they can't even try getting a bullet to touch me. Tom and I are top notch at defense. Plus if I can't go out with my features, I can always retract them." He took a stance and relaxed his body. The large appendages slowly start to revert back to normal poking human features. He spins around to show Tord once the transformation is finished. "Better Tordy?"

"Yeah," Tord says after being dropped back to his feet when the tail disappeared. "One more question before I get back to work."


"Where's Tom?"

Tomi taps the side of his head. "Up in our mindset, he's fast asleep. So I decided to come out and sub in for his duties for a while." He grabs Tord's hand and pulls him out of his office quickly. "No more questions! You've got a meeting in 5 minutes with the Asian Government!"

Tord couldn't speak further as he was quickly dragged to his meeting by Tomi. He really needs to get a profile update on Tom so he can lower the number of surprises from the man.

"Faen." He says under his breath.


Around eleven in the afternoon, Tord finally took control and dragged Tomi to the Blue section of the base. The doors open and the Blue soldiers who finished their work early got surprised by the appearance of the Red Leader dragging their friend and leader into the quarters.

"Hey! Stop dragging Blue like that!" Reggie exclaims going over boldly to the man.

Tord huffs as he drops Tomi in front of him. "I believe you know Thomas's monster." He places his hands on his hips while giving the soldier an annoyed look.

Reggie looked from Tord to his leader. "Tomi?" He questions.

The man looks up and smiles in a childish way. "Hey, Reggie!" He gets up from the floor and gives the other man a tight hug. "It's been forever since I last saw you. Have you been good to Tom?"

Reggie chuckles and pats Tomi's head. "Yes, yes. Can't get on the wrath of his mother side, ya know?" Tomi giggles as he hugs Reggie a bit tighter. Reggie looks a Tord looking even more annoyed as it's directed more at Tomi. "I suppose Tomi got on your nerves?"

"It's like dealing with a kid on a sugar high." Tord rubs his temple with one hand.

"Hey!" Tomi says sounding offended.

"Anyways, I need you and your soldier to watch him until Tom wakes up. I have other important schedules today, I do not need a distraction." The monster side of Tom was annoying to the core and it didn't help him that he would make some kind of whining noise every 5 minutes.

"But don't you need your secretary to take notes and take off your scheduling?" Reggie asks.

Tord waves him off, "I'll have one of my soldiers handle i-..." A little idea pops into his mind. "Actually, who's free in right now here? That's good at note taking and scheduling."

"At the moment," he pauses and thinks of the people free at this time. "Zack and Avery."


"Zack is Tom's left-hand man. He's part of the patrol team department. Age: 28. His advantages are stealth, combat, and manipulative skills. He usually prefers handguns if needs a weapon." Reggie supplies and goes to Avery's profile. "Avery works in the science department. Age: 35. He's one of Tom's earlier soldiers when the Rebellion first formed, so he has experience. Advantages are his intelligence and combat skills. Prefers a knife as a weapon of choice."

Tord hums as he decides between the two. He checks the time on the wall, only 12 minutes before his next scheduled appointment. "Have soldier Zack report to meeting room RT-0. He'll be my temporary secretary until Tom wakes up." He turns around starts heading back out.

Tomi pouts as he stays with Reggie. "Tordy's such a meany. I was only trying to help." One the door closes behind Tord he sticks his tongue out. He was only trying to show his love by helping and showing small gestures of affection.

Reggie laughs and pets Tomi's head again. "I'd actually wish he would leave Tom alone like this. We're all mad Red dragged Tom here in the first place." He leads Tomi to the lobby of the Blue section to sit down and watch TV of the current news outside the base with some other Blue soldiers.

Tomi takes a seat on the red couch and keeps his eyes on the screen. As he does that, Reggie pulls out his radio to contact Zack.

"Yo Zack, you there dude?" It takes a second for the other to answer.

"Yeah? I'm winning a round of go fish against Avery."

"Well, it time to get your ass over to meeting room RT-0. You're Red's secretary for the day."

"W-What?!" Reggie could hear cards falling to the floor and a sound of a chair scoot back. "I'm secretarying Red?! Why?!"

"Calm down Zack. Apparently Red got a taste of being around Mr. Monster over here." Reggie glance over at Tomi who's snickering at the news with a picture of Tord showing on screen.

"You mean Tomi. Oh, that's hilarious! The big bad wolf couldn't keep up with dear Tomi boy~"

"We can make fun of it later Zack. For now, you should start heading down to the meeting room."

"Alright, I got it. I'll tell you the details later." Just before Zack hanged up, he added something else. "Oh yeah, the Suppliers brought something fun back by the way, to use in the Color War."

Reggie hums with curiosity as he goes over to stand behind the brunet. His eyes looking at the screen and to Tomi.

"I wonder if Tom will love it."

+with Zack+

Zack went straight to the meeting room after Reggie had contacted him about Red Leader. He weaved his way through the halls, making faces at any red soldier passing by and greetings to any fellow blue soldier on the way. He made it to the meeting room in just the nick of time seeing as the man himself is looking impatient. Zack went up the man, presenting himself as usual.

"Hello Red, I'm Zack. Reggie told me about being your secretary for the day, or at least when Blue wakes up."

From Tord's view, the Blue soldier was merely worth nothing to him at the moment. He sighs and pulls out a holopad to give to Zack. "Well, you were almost late for one. Two, you will need this to take notes. It's an updated version of Tom's actual one. I plan on having him use this one instead of that old one he's using."

Zack takes the device and goes through the features of the device.

"Don't break it." Tord firmly says to the soldier. Once he gets a nod, the horned hair male makes his way through the door to the meeting room.

"Whatever," Zack mutters under his breath as he follows along.

The people in the meeting room stand to salute Red Leader as he comes in. They're allowed to sit after Tord gives them a dismissed wave. All of them take a seat except for Zack who has to stand in the corner of the room near Tord.

Zack pulled up the camera and took a quick photo of the group seated at the table. He smirks, 'no one in this room can deny they weren't here,' he thinks to himself. He marks the date of the picture and goes back to the notepad app to start taking notes.


Tom yawns as he finally gets up from his really long nap. He blinks a couple of times to see where he is, expecting to find himself in his assigned room.

But really he finds himself in a misty void of purple and black. He rolls his eyes, "Tomi's out..." His hands come up to rub his temples while letting out a groan, "again."

He gets off of the bed in his mind room and heads out the door. Across from his door is a dark purple door with a black door knob. The brunet opens the door and finds the monster side of himself not there.

"Tomi! Hey!" He calls out loudly trying to get his other's attention.

"Tom?" The other's voice resounding through their shared mindscape.

"Yeah, I need my body back. I have work to do you know."

It took a few seconds before his half monster self-appears in front of him. The brunet was greeted with a tight hug. "You have no idea how rude Tordy was to me! I was trying to be on my best behavior while trying to show my affection for him."

Tom looks down at his half monster form who sports a pouting expression. "First, Why? Two, I can't believe you tried to flirt with Tord with my body."

"What can I say~ Tordy's too hard to pass up with for my flirts," Tomi replies giving him a quick wink. He giggles cutely and backs up, letting his human half go. "You try winning him over. Maybe we'll have a better chance if you do it."

"No. Not a fucking chance I'm flirting with that Norski." Tom huffs and walks away from Tomi with an aggravated look. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be going back out."

"Awe~ Come on Tom!"

"No Tomi."

+Back with the reality+

Tom opened his black voids to the sight of his soldiers sleeping around him. Some others were taking up the other couches or sitting in front of the couch on the floor. A smile made its way to his lips at the sight.

Carefully with slow movements, he got out of the tangle of the soldiers who were sleeping on him. He placed the two sleeping soldiers who were on either side of him to lean against each other when he got out.

He quietly makes his way out of the blue quarters and sighs. Tom checks his watch- 6 o'clock exact. He takes out his holopad and checks Tord's schedule. Finding the trigger-happy adult should be interrogating his war prisoners right now.

"Looks like I'm off to the basement then."

+With Tord+

Tord had squeezed out every last drop of information from the war prisoner in the cell room. Like literally. The man practically almost choked the opposing soldier to death if it weren't for Zack stepping in to separate the both of them.

At the moment Tord was glaring at the two while Zack tended to the prisoner's health.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, one being really okay, how to do you feel?"

The man coughs a bit. "S-Six... I f-feel light headed." He outs a hand up to hold his head. Zack grabs his cup of water on the table to give to the man to drink.

"Do you really have to do that? He's better off dead now if he won't say anything anymore."

"Really now, you almost killed the guy. You wouldn't have gotten anything at all before he could finish!" Zack retorts as he glares back at the leader of the Red Army.

Tord rolls his eyes as he turns away from Zack. "The things I do..." He mumbles to himself. "The old times were so much better."

Zack kept quiet to listen to Tord's mumbles. 'Old times?' He thinks to himself.

The next thing he knows is the door opening to the cells. Tom comes into the caged room with an unpleased expression at the sight he's greeted with seeing.

"Commie," Tom says glancing over at the Red Leader, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Jehovah's Witness," Tord replies as he keeps an upright posture with a formal atmosphere.

Zack wanted to say something, but he felt like he was interfering with something if he did. He kept his mouth shut to let them speak to one another. He continues helping the prisoner while he keeps a listening ear on.

"It's about time you woke up. I bet your poison messed up your sleep schedule again." Tord rolls his eyes and walks over to the eyeless man.

A small growl made it way up his throat. "I wasn't drinking. I actually haven't had a drink in awhile because I busy handling your shit."

"Well isn't that a surprise to hear," Tord says mockingly while he enjoys Tom's frustration. "I'd thought I'd never see the day where you don't pull out your stupid flask to take a drink."

Tom clenched his hand into a fist. Holding back from punching Tord in the face which he very much deserves. "Well, I would have never have thought a gun fanatic, such as yourself would hold back from shooting for so long. Ever since I came to this damn place, you've been nothing but resilient this whole time since I came into your shit army."

"Classic Stupid Tom!" Tord laughs surprising Zack and the prisoners. "Who says I haven't been trigger happy lately? I actually shoot 5 people this week while you were doing your daily rounds." He admits sounding proud of himself.

Tom couldn't hold back anymore and jumps on Tord, making him fall to the floor. "I think I've held myself long enough. I got some punches to give to you." He states seriously. His hand grips the front of Tord's red hoodie with his right fist gives Tord's face a hard right hook. "How do you like that Norski?"

"Fucking sweet of you Thomas." Tord grins, not backing down. To him, Tom's punches were nothing but child's play. And boy did he get some old thrills he felt back when they still used to live together and fight a lot.

Tom and Tord trade punches as they brawl it out on the floor, flipping each other when one overpowered the other. Zack and the prisoner couldn't help but watch the two fight it out. They were just too stunned to do anything.

This was a really out of place, well themselves yes, although the two leaders were seemingly familiar with it.

Zack shook himself out of his stupor and pulled his second radio for the Red Army line. "Um- This is Blue soldier Zack."

"This is Patryk on the line with Paul. What's the situation? It's unusual for a Blue soldier to be on the red line."

"Yeah... Well, I'm in the basement with Blue and Red Leader. They're fighting but I'm not sure what I should do. Plus we're in a prisoner's cell." Zack informs the red soldier on the other end of the radio. He hears some mumbled talking before he comes on again.

"We're heading to your location right now. What's the cell number?"

"Cell 7823-09."

"And how exactly did the two start fighting?" A different voice, rougher, asks.

"They were just greeting each other with nicknames I guess after Blue came into the cell. Then they talked for a moment, soon enough I think Red got on Blue's nerve, provoking him to attack him." Zack replies as they stay in touch through the radio. He could even here their running footsteps going through the hall they were in. "Is there something I should do?"

"Just don't engage with them. Keep the prisoner in the cell away from the two as well so they do get caught in the fight. Trust me, it'll get worse if you two are involved." Patryk sounds like he knew from experience.

Zack pulls the prisoner near him away from being too close to the scene. They continue to watch the two fight it out and exchange hateful words.

"Hentai loving bastard!"




Time growls and drop sits on Tord's stomach, just like he did when they first saw each other again. "I hate you!"

Tord merely grins playfully, not fazed by Tom dropping his weight on him. "Oh don't be like that Old Friend. Remember the good old times?"

"I-" Tom gets up, "Am Not-", he takes Tord's real arm and twists it quickly behind the man's back. "Your Friend!"

Tord held his breath, not because of the pain he felt, but because of the same words that shoot him down like the harpoon to his giant robot.

"It's because of you that world we're involved is at war, that Edd had to make a Rebellion, and Matt was forced to face this hurtful reality!" Tom says in angry-hurt tone. "Because of you, Jon died, a neighbor who was too innocent for death. Leaving his friends hurt at his early departure."

The doors to the cell opened again and Paul and Patryk cape into the room. Patryk pulled Tom off of Tord again and Paul took care of the silent Red Leader.

"It's all your fault," Tom lastly says, in a quiet voice, as he lets Patryk pull him away.

Paul looks over at Zack who is stunned in place like the prisoned soldier. "Hey."

Zack looks at the brunet man, shaking out of his stupor. "Yeah?"

"Move the prisoner to a free cell in this hallway."

The man nods and gently pulls the prisoner out. As he passes his leader, he could see the hurt emotion in his black voids. He gets out and the door automatically closes behind him.

Leaving him to question something.

'Did they know each other in the past?'

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