Deal or No Deal?

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+English Government Building+

A plane landed on the roof of a building gently. The door opens and the leader of the Red Army steps out. His presence intimidating enough to make the agents waiting for him mentally cower in fear. Paul and Patryk stepped out and stood behind him after taking care of the plane.

"Take me to the meeting room." Red Leader commanded the agents.

The two agents did as they were told, leading the intimidating man to the meeting room. The walk there took 20 minutes from the roof since they had to take an elevator down.

"Please wait here, sir. We need to inform them of your arrival."

Red Leader narrowed his eyes at the man, "Then get to it."

The agent pressed on his earpiece and spoke through his set. He nodded to the other's command on the other end. "All right sir, they're ready for you." The other agent opens the door for him to enter.

The Red Army leader stepped into the room smiling at the tense atmosphere and its occupants. "Greetings gentlemen, what a fine day for a meeting isn't it?"

No one made a sound. The three men just kept looking at him like he was some kind of bad hallucination. Until one of the government officials started speaking.

"What did you want to talk about Red Leader? Let's cut to the chase shall we." The man says trying to put on his brave face.

The dangerous man chuckled lowly. "Right off the bat huh... Fine then Major Scott." He sets his holopad down on the table. The others were surprised at his knowledge of the man's name when they haven't even introduced themselves yet. "I came here to offer England a deal."

"Why should we make a deal with the devil?!" Another general official asks holding back a growl. He crosses his arms to show his disagreement.

"Calm down Commander Richard." Another man by the name of Luke says. He looks at Red Leader calmly, "I'd like to hear what he has to say."

The man in uniform smiles, "Now that's what I like to here, Sergeant Major of the Army, Luke." Red Leader claps his hand slowly and lets them fade to a stop. "My deal is something you'll just love. As you know, I've been targeting England for a while to be one of my prized trophies."

The generals at the table had their hands clenched tightly at hearing their homeland being called a trophy.

"For reasons personally to myself, of course, I would love to win here, but I am willing to let England off my radar for a price..."

Everyone at the table had their eyes widen at the words heard from the man. "You will leave our Homeland alone?!" Scott questions.

Red Leader wagged his finger and clicks his tongue. "Ah ah, I said for a price of course." A smug smirk forming on his lips.

"At what price does it take for you to leave England alone?" Luke asks calmly, resting his hands on the table.

The horn hairstyle man turns to face him raising his index finger up. "One citizen from England."

There was a silent pause in the room. Red Leader approached the table again, picking up his holopad, typing something in.

"A person from England for the safety of our homeland," Richard says slowly to process what he heard. He could only think of the horrors of giving one of their citizens to this terrible man. "Why? What is the value of one our citizens to you?" His voice serious to match his facial expression.

Red Leader put down the device he is holding onto the table. "Let me tell you, gentlemen, a story to explain." He snaps his fingers together, activating his little device, to make a small red hologram of a faceless child appear standing on the table.

"Once upon a time, a child was born from loving parents, but being orphaned at such a young age of 5 when an accident happened that killed his parents. He was sent to live in an orphanage for children."

The red hologram of the faceless child moved across the table, changing, and growing as he told the story. The officials' eyes all staring at the hologram as he spoke.

"Luckily a pair of male lovers who wished for a child came and found him. They loved him the moment they saw him. The child was then adopted and well taken care of by the two."

Two taller hologram men appear on the table, the taller of the two picking the child up and this swung him up in the air then catching him in their arms. The head shorter man hologram patted the child on the head with a smile.

"They lived together happily and moved to England before the child turned 7 years old. He even celebrated his first Christmas with them there, receiving a large black hoodie and toy robot that day."

Red Leader smiled softly as his story got a bit deeper into his life. "He started his first day of school in England. There he made friends with three children who changed his life."

The red hologram child walks across the table and stops when three faceless children appeared. "He met a green child, so kind he is." The green hologram hugged the red hologram.

"Then a purple child, so trusting he is." The purple child held both of the red child's hands while smiling after the green child let go of him.

"Finally, a blue child, so innocent and happy he was." The blue child circles around the red child while giggling and hugging what looks like a small stuffed teddy bear.

The story caught everyone's eyes and ears who were in the room. No one could look away.

"Time passes once again, they grew up while becoming the closes of friends. Although there were bumps in the road. Some of us changed as some stayed the same." He let the young holograms grow to the size of young adults. All standing together in their own way.

"When they finished college they lived on their own. Green, after awhile, invited the Red to live with him. He agreed and they live together for a year before their other friends joined them. They lived in Green's home, which had been passed down from his deceased grandparents."

A fairly large home appeared and the four men stood in front of the house wearing hoodies of their respected colors, except the Red hologram who wore a black hoodie and Purple is the only one to wear some green too.

"Now these men developed their personalities. They were not just boring people. His friends were quite unique not to say the least."

Tord had the Red stand beside Green. "Green here is a funny man with his puns on some occasions, artistic, loves his cat, and knew how to cheer people up. For Hell's sake, he's also the worst cola addict ever, he basically lives off of it." The Red gave the Green a red cola can before moving over to stand behind the purple hologram.

"Purple isn't the smartest tool in the box, but he could tell what kind of situations were going on around him. He's a guy full of vanity, a narcissist." The red hologram handed the purple hologram a mirror and he took the mirror quickly admiring his reflection.

The red hologram moved over to stand in front of the blue hologram who didn't seem pleased by his own body language. They were faceless after all so they had to read body language.

"Blue became an alcoholic with a love for music. He's a Jehovah's Witness that one, never celebrated Christmas, he burned down a Christmas tree a couple of times. He was only nice to Green and Purple." Tord shakes his head.

"Blue and Red, at one point when they were young, messed up their friendship. They turned into rivals, always fighting." The Red and Blue started bickering voicelessly at each other. Going as far as to tackle one another to the ground and throw punches at each other.

Red Leader chuckles at the familiar sight, the Generals deciding to brush it off. "They had so many adventures together from time to time. They've gone through two zombie apocalypses, went to Hell, fought an evil version of Santa, and clones of themselves." The holograms copied what he just said, quickly ending after killing clones of themselves, returning to their normal lives.

The Red hologram's black hoodie changed into a red one along the way. "Red thought he would never want this lifestyle to end. However, thoughts and dreams can change. For Red, it started when they had another adventure with his friends. They signed up for military training. He felt the thrill and adrenaline rush of going into battle, having power in the palm of his hand."

The holograms went through their military training and how they defeated an enemy base without even trying too hard. "Red went home with thoughts of what he learned and did. He thoughts and dreams changing." The red hologram sat in his room mulling over his thoughts, then picked up his phone.

"He decided to call his parents for some advice. He told them everything that happened and what he thought. His parents were supportive of his choices and they revealed to him of an army they were leading. They told him that they needed a real leader, so they offered him the position in their army."

Everyone in the room saw the red hologram smirk happily. "He agreed, but he would need to make up an excuse to his friends. His parents told him no one could know of his new position as a leader. So he came up with a lie after the next few days to tell his friends."

The holograms were repositioning themselves on the table, the red one standing in front of the three holograms talking. "'I have to move out friends. I must fulfill my dream and make it in the big city.' He told them as he put on a false mask of sadness." The holograms watched as the red one was getting ready to leave with his car.

"Green and Purple were sad about Red's leave, while Blue was more than happy with him moving out. So from then out Red worked with his parents to bring about his powerful army." The red hologram stood in different clothing now, either watching or participating in a battle.

"A year passed since he left his friends. He didn't think he would have to go back, just fulfill his dream of a better world. Until he realized he left something back at Green's home. A weapon that could help take over the world."

The red hologram stood up from his desk changing into his old attire of just a red hoodie, dark grey pants, and sneakers. He spoke to his parents and made a phone call. "Red called Green telling him he was coming back. The reply to the news was excited and happy. A week later Red arrived at the house. No one was home at the moment so he let himself in."

The officials sweat drop at the scene where the red hologram lock picked at the door and entered. He went over to another door with lots of locks and started lock picking again.

"Red thought he could just grab and go with his invention while they weren't home yet. Although one could never know the true outcome. They had come home while Red was still picking at the locks. Blue had found him while he was heading to his room." The holograms of Blue and Red came in contact, Blue twirling a harpoon once he pointed it at Red. "There Red was welcomed back by Green and Purple, but Purple seemed to have forgotten about Red for some reason. Blue, on the other hand, was suspicious of his return. When Green told him Red was staying again he complained."

The holograms were talking to one another more so with Green and Blue.

"They recreated some adventures from the time since Red left. It was fun, familiar, and relaxing, but Red only came to retrieve his weapon to rule the world." He snapped his fingers to change the hologram's positions. "Eventually Blue got fed up with Red's presence back in his life that he left, decided to look for somewhere else to stay." The Red Leader smile softens, "Classic stupid Blue..." The blue hologram picked up a couch and threw it through the wall, leaving his friends stunned as he went away.

"When Red had time to himself he went to his old room, the one Blue used to occupy before leaving. Red opened his secret lab and felt like he was gonna win. He was about to go for his weapon, but Green surprised him and entered his lab with Purple. Red covered up the lab by saying it was his laundry room."

Purple and Green messed around the lab. Pushing buttons on panels and activating things all over the house. "Purple was so close to pushing the button that held his secret weapon. So he grabbed the man's wrist tightly and punched him in the face. The face Purple treasured the most."

Red hit Purple on the face giving a black eye mark in his right eyespot. "Red knew he messed up, potentially killing his mask of disguise. He quickly tried to treat the situation by going out with them for ice cream."

The three holograms left and appeared in a grocery store. Doing stuff before Red ran out of the store back home to finally go for his weapon. "Red had to get out there with his weapon before they came home. This was just supposed to be one simple retrieval mission, but no. There had to be so many problems."

Red was stopped by the Blue. "He just had to butt in and ruin everything. Red knew he could win against him by using his weapon against on him. He just had enough of Blue fighting with him, but at the same time he loved their clashing moments like this."

The group was met with the image of a giant robot standing outside of the house. It shoots at the house where Blue was still inside until he ran to the entrance of the house and stood there with an angry expression.

"Green and Purple got to the scene confused and surprised. Green was angry and shouted at Red by the robot's feet asking him what was going on. Red just thanked him for holding on to his secret weapon." Green and Purple were looking up at Red in his Robot surprised.

"They sounded so sad, betrayed even. When Red told them, 'Pfft, No! What would I need friends for when I've got this! I'm unstoppable!' He laughs." Blue throws a small cube at the robot as it opens into an armchair hitting the contraption.

"Red rolled his eyes at the pathetic attempted to stop him. He shoots a rocket at the house, making the building collapse on top of Blue. Green had tried to stop him, but the rocket had already been shot by then." The hologram of the house broke and bursts into flames until it died down. All that was left are the rubbles of Green's house. "Red was about to leave them with no home and a dead Blue laying on the ground not too far from the house. That was until he got punched in the face by one of the robot arms in his robot."

Purple was pushing buttons on the slightly broken panel of what use to be part of Red's lab. Green even joined in too for revenge for everything Red did.

"Eventually Red was able to destroy the panel when the both of them were distracted by their neighbors. Red could finally leave." The robot took a high flight up into the air to disappear.

"Too bad his old friend Blue, who had not died, could not stay down long enough. He remembers those words Blue yelled at to him. 'I! Am not! Your friend!' Thus shooting a harpoon at the Giant Robot." The hologram of the hologram with a Red inside exploded and fell to a cliff area nearby. "Red was severely injured on the right side of his body leaving scares and a damaged arm. Red's parents found him quickly to retrieve his injured self and take him back to base to recover. From then on they never made contact."

The holograms disappeared from the table, getting the generals to look back at Red Leader with silent expressions.

"So what point are you trying to get at here Red Leader?" Luke asks sitting straighter while his mind was still wrapped around the last scene performed by the holograms.

"My point, Major Luke, is that I have relations with three of England's citizens who know me personally. Those three are probably the only hope for the world to go back to the way it once was before I started attacking." He picked up his holopad and handed it to Patryk who took it with care. "What I want is one of them." Patryk hands his Leader 6 pieces of paper and three different color files.

"You want us to capture one of them for you," Scott said pondering the thought.

Red Leader set down three files and placed a photo on top of them. One file went to each official and got passed around as they went over it. "The Green file is my old Green friend from my story. Edward Gold is his name. The Purple File is another old friend Matthew Harvest. Finally the Blue file, my old frenemy Thomas Thompson. They go by the short name of Edd, Matt, and Tom." He checks his watch and smiles, he's still on pace with his deal. "I specifically want you to capture the man attached to the Blue file."

The officials talked it over in whispers while Red Leader went back to his most trusted soldiers.

"What should we do Major Luke? We can't seriously consider giving up one of our own brethren to this man. It's immoral." Richard states looking to the man's file. The picture of the young man with no eyes, just black voids, who looked peaceful as he was holding his bass in the photograph. It was like the man didn't even know he was being photographed.

"But we'd still have those two other men who knew Red Leader. We could get their help to use his weaknesses against him. Then get this man back once he's taken down." Scott remarks quietly to his fellow general. He may not like this situation as much as the next guy, but this is an opportunity.

Luke sighs and presses his forehead against his clasped hands. He thought it over while listening to the story closely. Some descriptions and scenes tugging about the blue man's relationship with the Red Leader. He had come to one decision since it was the only chance they have now. He looked over to the devil in human's skin who spoke with his two soldiers with a smug look.

"Red Leader."

The man turned his attention back to Luke with a grin. "Yes, Major Luke? Have you chosen your answer?"

Like nods. "We will agree to your offer."

Red Leader smirks, "Good choice." The Leader placed three photos down on the table in front of them. "The photos you received were back in the old days, these are their current appearances."

The generals inspected the photos. Edd grew to a slightly taller man now, keeping his green hoodie, added the long black trench coat and stubbles around his lower face. Next photo is a lean man with ginger-colored hair, taller than Edd. He looked older with the added robot eye and metal chin, he didn't have his purple hoodie anymore, but a purple turtleneck sweater with his green overcoat. The last photo has Tom's black voids for eyes looking elsewhere, looking a bit more feminine than his younger self. His clothing never changing since he was younger. Black pants and his usual blue hoodie, keeping his ska themed shoes on his feet.

A watch beeping signals Red Leader for the end of his presentation. He smiles once more at the three gentlemen. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you. I hope to see my side of the deal completed soon." He turns his back to them and heads towards the door. Paul opens the door for him.

"A deals a deal. Especially one done by the devil." Richard spoke through clenched teeth. Scott looked down at his lap feeling guilty. Luke sighs deeply to himself.

"Indeed." The Red Leader lastly says with a smirk on his lips, exiting with his trusted soldiers.

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