Radio Problems

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+Rebellion Base 2 days later+

"Aww, she's so cute." Matt gently pinches the baby girl's cheek gently while she giggled and holds his fingers when he lets go.

"Thank you Purple, I'm sure she appreciates the compliment." A survivor woman tells the ginger. Her husband smiles in appreciation for Matt's words.

"Well, I will leave you to breakfast with your family. Edd and Tom might be looking for me since we usually have meals together."

The husband and wife wave goodbye to the Purple leader as he goes off into the crowd of people in the dining hall.

Matt searches the tables and spots his friends at their usual spot. He makes his way over to them and takes a seat beside Edd. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Matt, we were just thinking you lost your way here again," Edd says digging into his soup.

"I didn't." He mumbles as he takes a piece of bread from the basket.

Tom quietly ate across from them while he went over some paperwork he received earlier. He picked up the next one and his eyes scan the page. His sockets widening a few centimeters. "Ugh, guys?"

"Yeah Tom?" The two men looked up from their food to him.

"It says here, on one of the reports, that channel ZX27 is to be turned on at the radio room. Howard said he read an update in the newspaper about the government trying to get in contact with our Rebellion." He looked at his friends unsure. They work separately from the government, if they want their help now why didn't they ask earlier.

"I think we should hear them out," Edd says grabbing some toast and getting up. "Who knows, maybe they want to share information."

Matt shrugs and follows Edd out of the dining hall, leaving Tom seated at the table with his papers and breakfast. "They probably don't need me to be there. I still need to handle finish these papers."

"Blue! Look I found these amazing sparklers!"

"Hey! Blue! Hannah's picking on me again!"

"No I'm not! Erin's lying!"

Tom pinches the bridge of his nose and breaths. "Paperwork can wait, whining soldiers first." He got to work, helping his soldiers out while helping the other soldiers who aren't even part of his building.


Edd and Matt arrive at the radio room where some soldiers were working at their station or relaxing. When the soldier saw them they straightened themselves out and saluted them.

"Good morning Green and Purple!"

"Calm down guys, you know you don't have to do that." Edd waves at them to calm down. The soldiers relax at the Green Leader's comforting presence. "Anyways, Tom told us about channel ZX27 being open for a chat with the government."

A large man pushes through the crowd wearing a purple patch with a radio on it, meaning he's part of Matt's group for the radio department. "Yes sir, Howard told us to set up the channel for when you three came."

"Lead the way Gilbert," Matt says following his soldier to one of their radio stations. Edd comes along and takes a seat on one of the chairs.

"Make sure to disrupt our signal a bit so they can't track where we are," Edd orders firmly to the other soldiers in the room. Everyone takes their place and goes through the procedure for when they make large-scale radio calls. "Clear?"

"All clear Green!" One of Edd's soldiers gives the clear signal.

Matt flicks one of the switches on and they're trying to make contact. Edd takes the mic to speak. "Hello? This is Green from the Rebellion base."

There was static for awhile until another voice went through the speakers. "This is Major Luke here with two of my fellow generals besides me. Are you one of the Rebellion leaders? I heard from my sources they have three leaders there."

"Yes I am, I'm Green. I'm also here with my fellow leader Purple. The third leader, Blue, is currently handling something inside the base at the moment so he can't come to the radio station at this time." Edd answers while Matt turned some knobs and listens closely. "What business do you have with us?"

There was a pause before Major Luke spoke again. "By any chance are Edd, Matt, Tom your real names?"

This got the soldiers and the two leaders surprised. Matt and Edd looked at their soldiers who gave them nothing but a surprised expression.

"If that were true..." Edd glanced at Matt worriedly, "what good would it do you?"

"Edward Gold and Matt Harvest, please understand we are trying to help England." Luke's voice sounding tired and desperate with a coating of guilt. "We've come in contact with Red Leader two days ago. We had a meeting that he requested personally, so we met with him."

"Are you crazy?! That's dangerous!" Matt exclaims close to the mic. He was on the verge of panic, Edd tried to calm his friend down with some success. He held his friend's hand to comfort him.

"Please explain." Edd voiced firmly in a serious manner.

General Luke explained the situation and the deal they made with Red Leader. Every word and moment made Edd speechless and worried. Matt was on the verge of full panic next to him. Edd's also mad that the situation had turned to one of an exchange.

"No. We cannot give up our friend to Tord." Edd clenched his free hand tightly while Matt squeezed his other hand gently.

"Who's Tord? We're talking about Red Leader." Luke sounded confused.

Edd shook his head before answering. "Red Leader is his title as you know, his real name is Tord Lawson." The brunet took a deep shaky breath and let it out. "I'm sorry Major Luke, but we can not give our friend up to Tord. If you want Tom, try coming to find him, but I'll warn you once." Edd's voice becoming very dark, "He has very protective soldiers working for him." He signaled for his soldiers to cut off the channel off.

One Green soldier turned the channel off and two more disrupted the signal more to throw the government off.

"Edd, why would Tord want Tom? Is he trying to get revenge?" Matt asks trying to catch up to the situation.

"I suppose... but I get the feeling that's not all Tord wants. One thing's clear: We have to protect Tom." Edd pulled his small portable radio out from his belt and set it to the Blue Channel. "Attention all Blue Soldiers, this is Green speaking." He was a little bit glad Tom kept his walkie-talkie channel on the private one for the three of them. "We've received some important information just a few moments ago. Due to the new information, we specifically ask all of you to keep a close eye and protect Tom."

Soon enough all the replies were going haywire. The Blue soldiers were really protective of their leader.

"Calm down all of you and let me finish," Edd said in a calm manner. The replies died down and waited for him to continue. "The info we got is about the government and Red Leader. Apparently, they met a few days ago and have come to deal of some sort. England will be given a free pass from the Red Army's reign if the government can manage to capture Tom for the Red Leader."

"What a load of BS! So the government is making deals with the devil now?!" One of the Blue soldiers replied angrily.

"Reggie! Language! Blue would get mad at you for that!" Another soldier exclaimed, scolding the other soldier.

Reggie huffs, "It's true tho. Does Blue know about this yet Green?"

Edd sighs, he knew Reggie is a good Blue soldier with a string caring heart for those he's loyal to. Tom is one of those people. "Not yet, but he will be informed personally after I have relayed this news to all of you. Knowing Tom, he would have kept this a secret from all of you." There were replies of agreement coming from some of the other soldiers. "So please keep a closer eye on Tom."

"We're on it Green." Reggie gave a firm confirmation.

Edd switched his channel to the private channel only used for Matt, Tom, and himself to talk together. "Tom? You there?"

"Yeah, Edd? I just got into my office." Tom replied a second later.

"We need to talk, the three of us. Matt and I are heading to your office."

"Okay?" Was only Tom's response before Edd turned his radio off.

Edd got up from his seat, followed by Matt. "Soldiers, block off any form of communication with the government. Put more disruption to the signals so no one can track us."

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers in the Radio room responded and got to work quickly.

Edd and Matt made their way out of the room and started heading towards the Blue Building. On their way there, Soldiers walking by or standing around greeted them. Blue soldiers respectfully nodding to them firmly to show their firm commitment after the news release. They eventually make it to the Blue Building, greeted by more of Tom's charges.

"Green and Purple, welcome to the Blue Building." One soldier greets them as he walks up to them with his partner.

"You two must be part of the new recruits. What're your names?" Matt asks them smiling.

The female soldier smiles back. "I'm Wen sirs."

"I'm Jake sirs." The male soldier tells them. "One of our seniors gave us the task to escort you. They knew you two were coming down here to speak to him after what happened over the radio."

Edd and Matt could tell the both of them were tense just standing in front of them. The two leaders looked at each other for a moment and smiled, turning their attention back to them. "Relax you two, no need to be tense. We're all friends here, no need to be formal." Edd says to the both of the soldiers.

"Pretty sure Tom would be worried about his new soldiers acting like this." Matt chuckles. "Word of advice, try not to worry Tom too much, he'll go Mother hen on you." The two soldiers looked at each other with confused expressions.

Edd walks past them with Matt. "You two are dismissed, we can find our way to Tom's office just fine." They leave the two soldiers in their wake, going straight to Tom's office two halls down.

When they got there, Matt knocks on the door getting Tom's attention. "It's open!" Tom says from his desk. His friends come into the room greeting him and taking a seat on the chairs in front of Tom's desk. "What's up guys? You sounded really serious back on the radio."

Edd had mentally prepared for this while they were walking. He really hoped Tom would take this well. "Tom. The government made contact with Tord." He put out on the table bluntly.

The room went silent. The only sound made during the time is Tom's pen falling out of his hand to the table. Matt made no move to speak, neither did Edd. They wanted to hear what Tom would say or do about the matter. Tom slowly came to a stand from his chair and walked to the wall behind him. Edd and Matt were a little confused until their blue wearing friend punched a hole in the wall.

"Tom?!" Matt exclaimed standing up, he went over to the light hair brunet and pulled him back from the wall.

Edd went to the medical cabinet kept in the drawer of Tom's desk. All their offices had one for emergencies. He pulled it out and waited until Matt got Tom back into his seat. He took a look at Tom's hand which had started bleeding a little from punching the wall. "Tom, please don't that again."

"Then don't lay news like that to me," Tom responds back as his 'eyes' focus on Edd treating his hand. "So what happened in the Radio room? I know you talked to the government and all, told me about the government making contact with Tord, but I have a feeling that's not all..." He tilts his head up to look up at his friends.

Edd looks to Matt for help. The Purple Leader holds his other arm, going to be as gentle as possible with the news. "Well Edd told you already the two made contact..." His eyes straying from Tom's eyeless gaze. "Tord made an offer to the government."

"What was the offer?"

Edd bit the bottom of his lip while Matt gave him the answer. "He'll leave England alone, no take over, if he gets someone from England in exchange." Matt prepares his next words carefully. "He wants a someone specific Tom... and that's you." His voice going quiet, but Tom heard him clearly.

"That Commie is gonna fucking get it!" Tom exclaimed as he tried to stand back up. Matt and Edd hold him down, trying to calm him down. 20 minutes later, they successfully get him to stay down in his seat and Edd manages to bandage his injury. "I hate this... the government is after me now and the Norski is getting a load of glee from this shit."

"Don't worry Tom, we won't let them get to you. I'm sure your soldiers will protect you like the knights in shining armor they are." Edd smiles trying to make the atmosphere in the room a little lighter. He puts the medical kit away in the drawer and took a seat again on one of the chairs. He hears his friend groan.

"Don't tell me you told them already." Tom looks at his friends wearily.

"They would have known sooner or later. Some of your soldiers in the Radio department would have spread the news either way." Matt adds as he goes to his seat. "By the way, how's MT doing?"

Tom answers to Matt's question of his monster. MT meant Monster Tom, his two friends had found out about his monster side after a few uncontrollable incidents. Thankfully, with their help, Tom and his monster side were able to become friends and come to an agreement of sorts. "He's fine Matt. He had his fun during a patrol last week." He stands up remembering about his patrol rounds. "I have to do patrol rounds today! I almost forgot."

"Wait, Tom!" Edd tries to stop his friend from getting ready. "I'll do rounds today with my soldiers around the base perimeters. Just stay inside today."

Tom rolls his sockets, pushing pass Edd to get ready to leave. "Edd I can still take care of myself, I don't need to protected like something fragile now that people want me for England's safety." He picks up his gun and puts it in his holster next to his hip. He gets a pack and extra ammunition for the rounds just in case.

"But Tom..." Matt even pleads with him to stay at the base today.

Tom is already set for his patrol, he turns back to his friends and puts his hands on their shoulder. "I'll be fine, I promise." He smiles at them assuringly.

Edd sighs knowing from the beginning their pleas to stay behind weren't going to get through. "Then at least take some of my soldiers with your group, it'll give me some peace of mind to know you have extra help." Out of their group, Tom's the stubbornest person after their enemy.

"Some of mine too Tom, please?" Matt urges with a puppy dog look.

Tom nods in agreement to their conditions. "Fine, but if they're not at the base entrance when I get there, I'm heading out without them." He states as he starts to head for the door. Edd and Matt are already on the roll to call up any available patrol soldiers to head to the base entrance with their radio.

Tom chuckles to himself, 'This is gonna be a long war.' He thinks to himself.


"Comb all of England from top to bottom for Thomas Thompson! Search land, water, and air for him!" One of the commanders barks orders to his soldiers. Three Major Generals watched from the sidelines as Commanders and other Generals were shouting orders and dispatching to different parts of England to search for the eyeless man.

"What a sight, aye gentlemen?"

The three government officials turn their heads to see the Leader of the Red Army approaching them with his hands held behind his back.

"What are you doing here?" Richard frowns at his presence.

"I thought I would lend a hand to your little search party." He gestures to his large cargo plane with Red soldiers filing out. "After all, I want to quickly get him and move on to my next target. The world isn't going to take over by itself after all." A smirk curls the corner of his mouth.

"May I ask why you want this man Tord?" Luke asks, the name slipping from his voice.

Tord tilts his head slightly at Luke with a blank expression. "How do you know my name?" His playful tone dropping instantly, scaring the three officials.

Luke held his ground as he met eyes with Tord. "We sent word in the papers that we wanted to speak with the Rebellion Leaders for their help on the matter of finding Mr. Thompson. They got in touch with us recently, only to find out the leaders were your old friends."

Tord walks up to them closer, giving them an uneasy feeling. "You spoke to them?" He cracks a wicked smile and laughs loudly that everyone looks at them for a moment before going back to work.

"Yes... We told them about our deal, but they would not agree."

Tord snaps his fingers together as he swings back on his feet to look over his army. "Typical, they would never surrender to my ideas or demands so easily even if the country is at stake. Tell me, how did my old friend Tom respond to the news?" He looked so excited like a child waiting to open their Christmas gift.

Scott answered him for Luke. "He wasn't present during the talk. Only Edd and Matt were present to talk about the situation at hand. They said Tom had other matters to handle inside their base."

Tord rolls his visible eye at them when he turned back to face them. "Pity, but I'm sure the news got to him knowing Edd and Matt."

One of Tord's soldiers ran up to his side and saluted. "Red Leader, all troops have departed with the British military troops to their respective locations. We have a chopper ready for you to head to one of the sites."

"Thanks Paul, get ready with Patryk, I'll be there in a moment," Tord says and the thick eyebrow soldier nods to him, leaving towards the operating chopper. He looks back at the Generals, "Gentlemen, take note to never call me by my real name. I'll let you off with a warning this time, but there are no second chances, or else my bullet will end you." He starts walking to the chopper waving his red hand slightly.

"Good day."

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