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+Patrol Area+

Tom let his soldiers go off in their groups to their appointed patrol post. Any Red Army soldiers are to be captured, interrogated back at the base, and then mindwiped of being captured. The Clean Up team would transport the capture to a far-off location away from the base and come back. No big deal.

"Blue you okay?"

Tom looks back at his soldier, Reggie, who seems worried for him. "I'm fine Reggie, just a bit tired of Matt and Edd's worrying so please don't add on to that pile."

"Fine, I'll leave the worrying to Green and Purple then." Reggie laughs lightly while his partner nudges him to stop. "Aw come on Zack, I'm just trying to lighten the mood for Blue."

"Yeah like Blue would want that Reggie," Zack says sarcastically before hitting the man upside the head. "Green and Purple are his best friends, he doesn't want them to worry idiot."

Tom stops walking and turns around with his arms crossed. "Boys stop." He warns them.

"Sorry Blue." The two apologize with sorry faces.

"The two of you are grown men, act like it for now. You two can goof off later when we all go back to base." Tom scolds them and shakes his head. The two soldiers either scratch the back of their head or rub at their neck embarrassed. Tom pulls out his radio and does check. "This is Blue speaking, groups 1-6 check in and report anything you may have found."

"Group one here Blue, no change so far at our post."

"Group two on, nothing out of the ordinary Blue."

The checks went on until it finally got to Group 6. "We found two Red soldiers here and captured them Blue. Frank and Eric are on the way back to base with them as we speak."

"Did you do protocol on the two before you sent them back to base?" Tom asks concerned.

"Yes, sir. We did a full-scale search after we finally managed to knock them out. Did a strip search and everything, no bugs or trackers were on them. Just in case we also confiscated their devices and kept them here at the post." The soldier on the other end took a breath and continued speaking. "They were really strong and knew how to handle the situation well, thankfully we had a good number of soldiers here to outnumber them."

Tom looks at his two soldiers and signals for them to go to the other posts, but they denied his request. "I'm sending Reggie and Zack to go over there to check your group. Report if any more Red soldiers appear, I'll have to call Edd and Matt for backup if necessary." He ends the report there and the soldier on the end replies with a firm okay. He returns to his two soldiers who wouldn't go. "The both of you are needed at post six for a checkup."

"But Blue, we can't leave you unguarded!" Zack exclaims to his Leader.

"Yeah, before you know it those Red Army shits might pull something on ya!" Reggie agrees.

Tom taps his foot, crossing his arms over his chest again. "I'll be fine you two. I know how to take care of myself, remember who's the leader here."

The two soldiers looked at each other briefly then back at Tom.


"No butts Reggie."


"I need to keep watch here Zack. Enemies might slip past our sights and the base might be found."

Zack groans, "I seriously hate how you have one of those mom powers."

Tom gives his soldier a skeptical look. "I don't have mom powers, Zack. You two are just easy to read like your comrades." He makes a shooing motion to the two. "Now go, I'm starting to worry if those two Red soldiers were carrying bombs. I don't want Henry's team exploding on me."

Reggie grabs Zack's wrist, dragging him towards Group six's post. "Argh! Come on Zack, the faster we check on them the faster we can come back."

"Don't move a muscle Mom! We'll be right back!" Zack yells as Reggie is quickly dragging him away.

Tom shakes his head and ignores Zack's cry. "Those idiots need to stop addressing me as a mom." He goes off to continue his patrol in his part of the forest.


The eyeless man stops mid-step after hearing the snap of a twig. Tom looked over his right shoulder and around the surrounding area. "Who's there?" He asks with a firm tone. Tom turned around hearing someone chuckling. "Reggie? Zack? If you are messing with me, I swear to Jehovah I will punish the both of you."

"Really now Thomas, I assumed you would have at least recognize my presence."

The hairs on the back of Tom's neck rose at the voice, even if it changed just slightly, he still wouldn't forget that sickening accent. He watches as the man comes out of his hiding, revealing his almighty self.

"Hello, old friend."

"I was never your friend you communist bastard." Tom angrily told the Norwegian with narrowed sockets. "I made that very clear to you after I shot you and your robot out of the sky."

Tord brings his right arm out in front of Tom showing his robot arm. "I remember clearly... I'd never forget." The Blue Leader watches Tord's red robot hand open and close. "I'm sure you've heard from Edd and Matt about my deal with the government."

"I have." Tom got ready for himself to turn the other way and run. Not to the base, but away from the base's location. Tord would more likely follow him to catch his prey.

"Then choose Tom." Tord smugly grins at the brunet. "I'll leave England alone if you come with me." He stops and outstretched his hand to Tom. "What do you say?"

Tom gives him the middle finger and sticks out his tongue while glaring at Tord. "Fuck you!" He dashes off in the opposite direction. Tord runs after him, keeping a good pace to catch the Brit. 'Shit! Think Tom!' He thinks to himself as he pulls his walkie-talkie from his belt. "This Blue! All soldier out on patrol, retreat to base! I repeat, retreat to base!"

He was quickly replied by his soldier Zack. "Blue what's wrong?!"

"I was found, Red Leader is here! Get everyone back to base asap!"

Reggie took his turn to talk. "We'll come help you fight him off! Where are you?!"

"Not now Reggie! No fighting, just retreat! I'll come back to base when I know I'm safe and can get back without all of us being caught! If I don't return in the next 24 hours, tell Edd and Matt the Commie found me and is on my tail!"

"Blue!" His two soldiers complained in worry.

"This is an order as your leader!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

Tom turns his radio off and rehooks it back to his belt. Looking at the forest floor he sees the dark shadows made by the trees of the forest. 'That's it!' His thoughts were put to a stop when he gets tackled to the ground by Tord.

"Classic Stupid Tom, don't think you can get away from me," Tord says as he uses his weight to keep Tom down on the ground.

Tom struggles, but he has to be calm if he wants to get out. 'MT?' He thinks to himself, trying to wake his monster side up.

The Red Leader notices Tom's lack of struggles and pulls the blue man up. His real arm pushing up against Tom's lower back to have him pressed against his tall form. "You're still short," Tord comments looking down at his rival.

"I'm only a head shorter than you idiot!" Tom yells, mad at being called short. He tries pushing against Tord's chest, but the other's grip is stronger. Tom feels a growl bubbling in his throat, meaning MT's awake. "Let me go!"

Tord brought his robotic arm up to hold Tom's chin so they could meet gazes. "See, this is what I find the most interesting about you Thomas. You still fight and struggle even though you know you're going to lose." Tom could see the man's one grey pupil glint in excitement. "You will win if you just join my side."

'MT strength!' Tom screams in his head and he feels the response flowing through his body. He quickly uses a monstrous strength to push Tord back.

Tord stumbles back a couple of steps and blinks a couple of times. 'What?' He looks back at Tom who has a dark purple smoke coming off from the corners of his 'eyes'.

Tom's hands grew into large black paws with dark purple claws. Purple horns slowly grew out from the base of his hairline and his teeth became slightly sharper, more so on his canines. He even had a long, dark purple tail swaying side to side behind him. "Stay away from me and my friends Tord or you'll be sorry." He had hoped to scare Tord with his appearance, his soldiers were at first, but they knew Tom meant them no harm.

Sadly that is not the case with Tord as he adopted one of those insane expressions. Tord had a gleeful grin with plans behind it. The feeling didn't sit right with Tom.

"Wonderful~ I never knew, but now I know." Glee evident in the Tord's tone.

Tom felt a shiver run up his spine. Half his thoughts turning into MT's animalistic thoughts. 'MT! Now is not the time!' His body feeling hot and weak. He shakes his head to clear away his monster's thoughts. His tail wrapped around his waist tightly.

Tord could hear Tom mumbling quietly to himself, it was a shame he could barely hear what he was saying. "Thomas?"

'MT we're leaving, now.' Tom uses the powers of his monster to let the darkness of the shadows crawl up his skin. His black 'eyes' eyeing Tord. "See you never." Tord runs towards him to catch his form, but Tom seeps into the shadowy floor of the forest.

"Faen!" Tord curses loudly as he just misses grabbing him. He was glad to have placed one of his trackers on Tom while he held him earlier. He pulled out his small radio to contact Paul and Patryk. "Paul, Patryk! Where are you?!"

He waits, but there was still no response. Weird... usually they would respond immediately.

Meanwhile, Tom floats in the shadowy abyss made from the trees' shadows. He looks up above where Tord is trying to contact his men. "Knowing him he might have bugged me." He opened one of his pouches and took out a signal disrupter with the tips of his claws. Courtesy of his scientist for creating them just in case their soldiers felt they were being tracked. He stuck the patch on his sleeve and turned it on.

"This should last for 30 minutes tops. I only used this halfway last time." He starts zooming through the dark abyss quickly towards the Rebellion base. He had to warn them and burn his clothes of the tracking device.

Time is ticking away as he gets closer to the base. There were no signs of government men or Red Army soldiers as he zoomed by in the shadows.

Tom got to the base and slipped through the cracks of the Blue building, entering the main lobby. He started panting half way and it had gotten a bit heavier once his form started raising from the floor.

He heard screams of panic and shouts of worry coming from around his dark form. The dark shadows dripped off his body and to the white marble floor.

"Blue!" Reggie exclaimed as he caught Tom in his arms. "You had us so worried!"

Tom gripped at Reggie's shirt tightly. "R-Reggie *pant* I'm bugged. *Pant* Quick, take my clothes off and incinerate them." He lets out a few more pants, trying to catch his breath. "I used a disrupted patch, but it's not gonna last long now. Quick, hurry!"

"Men, surround Tom and Reggie, facing out! Jasper grab a blanket!" Zack orders loudly and gets everyone to work. Some of the other Blue soldiers went to push back the newer soldiers to the side a little while they handle the situation. They were gonna have to explain to the new soldiers later about what they just saw.

Around 9 people surrounded Reggie and Tom as soon as possible. They face out with their hands behind their back, making the circle tight to leave no open cracks for people to see through.

Reggie worked on getting Tom out of his clothes, leaving on the briefs, inside the circle. He ripped the fabric apart and tossed them over to Zack who threw them into the fireplace where they had one going on strong and bright.

Jasper came over and tossed the blanket into the circle of men where Reggie picked it up once it hit the floor. He wrapped it around his slightly naked Leader and sighs in relief.

"Sorry about you having to do that Reggie..." Tom apologized with a red face, the soldier couldn't tell if it was from his run or just being plain embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it Blue. We'd do anything for you." The soldier says softly as he stands up with Tom in his arms.

"Hey! I can walk!" Tom blushes embarrassed by their situation.

Jasper and Zack break through the circle and go to the two. "Thank goodness you're okay Blue!" Jasper cries out and latches herself around Tom's neck.

"Jasper wait! I'm barely presentable!" Tom says trying to hide more within the large blanket. Plus he's still in his half monster form. "Just take me to my room." He tells his soldier.

Zack chuckles and gives the man some space. "Alright soldiers, break." The group of men who formed the circle broke formation and stood around with worried expressions towards their leader like children. Even the ladies who had been working for Tom since the rebellion were very worried about him.

"Zack handle thing here while I go take Blue to his room. I'll be back to help you out." Reggie walks away after Zack nods and starts speaking back to their fellow soldiers. He walks down into one of the hallways and heads for Tom's room.

Tom keeps quite until they come close to his room. "I can walk from here Reggie. Plus no one is around to see me." He could tell his soldier was being a bit reluctant but put him down by his request. He stood on his bare feet against the cold floor and shivers. "Head back to the lobby and help Zack, I'll contact Edd and Matt later when I get redressed."

"What are you going to do with the two Red soldiers?"

Tom stood in front of door and glances back at him. "Regular interrogation, try to get something out of them. Maybe they'll reveal a weakness."

Reggie nods, "We're glad you came back."

"I am too."

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