Starting Small and a Plan

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+Rebellion Base+

Once Tom finished dressing into another pair of clothes, he looked at himself in the body length mirror. Black worn out jeans with his typical ska theme shoes, and his usual blue hoodie fits over his teeshirt. Nothing has really changed with his attire since their hoodies represented their title. His soldiers in the uniform department pestered him from time to time to try one of their designs for him, but he pushed it off with a laugh or a sarcastic remark here and there. He did a full check and sighs.

'Are you gonna explain to the newbies about me?'

"Maybe later Tomi, I still have to speak with the two Red soldiers group six captured." He says to himself towards the mirror. His reflection wavers and his half monster self-took his place.

'Can I play with them when you're done?' Tomi askes with a playful smirk forming on his lips.

Tom shakes his head, "Not this time, but maybe next time." He smiles softly at Tomi through the reflection. "Thanks for helping me earlier Tomi. The Commie was about to drag us away from everyone."

"Anything for you Tom~." His monster self-giggles like a child and gave Tom a mocking bow. "But I really did find your enemy as a good potential mate." He adds, making Tom look at him with a scowl.

"No Tomi, Tord is not going on our list," Tom says firmly to argue. He walks over to his drawer and pulls out another pack of ammunition and puts in in his pouch.

Tomi whines as he presses himself against the mirror. "Aww~ Come on Tom! He's just our type and let's not forget his state of dominance is just my type of Alpha." Tomi looks drunk on lust about thoughts of Tord.

Tom shakes his head, "Tomi stop! I do not want those images in my mind."

"At least admit he's really hot now. Those sculpted muscles we felt when he pressed us against his chest. Let's not forget that accent of his had you practically shivering."

Tom scrunches up his nose when he remembers being held by his enemy and how close he was. "Shivering in disgust more like it." He kicks the bottom drawer close with his foot and makes it to the door to go. "Take a nap Tomi, it'll be awhile before I finish talking to our prisoners."

"Yes, Tom." Tomi agrees with playfulness before sleeping in the back of Tom's mind.

Tom rolls his sockets and starts walking out the door, going to the Blue Cells on the lower levels of his building. He pulls out his radio halfway there and switches it to the private channel. "Edd? Matt?"

"Tom!" Both of them exclaim loudly through the device. He assumed Edd and Matt were in each other's company again. "We were so worried about you! Your soldiers, Eric and Frank, told us about your situation when they heard it on the radio!" Edd kept raising his voice as he spoke.

"Edd, lower your voice. I'm here alright, Tord didn't catch me." Tom held the device away from his head just in case either Edd or Matt starts shouting again.

"Wait, Tord?" Matt asks surprised.

Tom nods even though he knows that can't see him. "Apparently he joined the government in their search for me. He told me they have soldiers dispatched everywhere in England guys." He could hear his friends shuffle on the other end. "I don't think our location is safe anymore."

Edd pinches the bridge of his nose feeling a headache coming on. "Tom we can't move anymore. Our hands are tied here."

Tom turns the corner and enters the doorway down to the basement. "I have an idea Edd, but I know you won't like it." He thought of the survivors and Edd and Matt's soldiers. His soldiers were also very important to him when he thought of the plans. "I'll tell you when I'm finished interrogating the Red soldiers my patrol group caught."

"Take your time Tom, Edd and I need to have a talk about what we're gonna do to save the survivors here at the base," Matt says as he takes the radio from Edd.

"Okay, I'll see you two later then." Tom turns his device back to the Blue channel just in case his soldiers needed to reach him. He hooked it to his belt and walked down the last steps of stairs.

"Paul what are you doing?"

"Seeing if I can dig our way out of here."

Tom heard the first person slap his forehead in response to the answer. He walks up to the cell and knocks on the bars. "You do know you can't escape my cells right?"

Both men in the cell look at him. "Wouldn't hurt to try." The man with the thick eyebrows replied with the shrug of his shoulders.

Tom took out his master keys and unlocked the cell to open it, then going inside and locking it again through the gaps. "If you were captured by Matt's patrol team and put in his cells, then maybe you might have had the chance." He rings the keys onto his belt loop. "Anyways I came to interrogate the both of you personally. I assume you two already know who I am if you don't then I'm Tom. Who are you two?"

"Rodrick." The taller soldier answered.

"Carl." The shorter soldier said.

He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his right side against the wall. "Nice try boys, but your name tags are still on."

They look down to their name tags and mumbled swears under their breaths. The taller man sighed and gave up his name. "I'm Patryk."

His partner takes a drag of his cigarette and blew it out. "Paul."

Tom looks at them, remembering Tord calling for them while he was in the shadowy abyss right under him. "So your Paul and Patryk."

"You know us?" Paul asks.

Tom rolls his sockets, "Your so-called Leader made contact with me around 40 minutes ago after some of my soldiers captured the both of you." He looks at the two with an inspecting gaze. His gaze stopping when he heard stomachs growling. "Did you two eat yet?"

"Not yet, our army was called up early to help with the search so we didn't have breakfast. We were supposed to eat later back at camp." Patryk hugs his stomach with an embraced expression.

Tom shakes his head feeling mad at Tord. You're supposed to treat your Army with respect like they treat you. "That fucking bastard." He growls lowly which made the two Red soldier look at him surprised. "Give me a moment." He unlocks the cells and gets out. Quickly he closes it and locks the door before they could try anything to break out.

"What do you think he's gonna do?"

"Not sure Pat."

Taking his radio from his belt he contacted his soldiers in the cooking department. "Sadie, this is Tom. What's on today's menu?"

"Ah, Tommy!" A female's voice answered happily. He could hear a few pots and pans fall on her side of the device. "Let's see today's menu is clam chowder with some bread, chicken tikka masala..." She's flipping some pages in her book. "And~ Eton Mess for dessert."

"Sound good Sadie. Mind fixing up three trays and have someone send it down to the basement." He chuckles when he hears her gasp in shock. "I've got two hungry Red soldiers here since they haven't eaten breakfast yet."

"The poor lads! Their Leader must nuts to keep them hungry!" Sadie says with a pitied tone. "I'll get right too it Tommy!"

"Can't wait." Tom put his radio away and went back to the cell where the two soldiers were playing a round of Rock Paper Scissors. "This gonna be one long interrogation."

+Meanwhile with Tord+

Tord had tried to contact his two best soldiers ten times already. "Ugh, don't tell me they were captured." He groans as he sits by the fire at the camp. British and Red Army soldiers were walking about eating their late breakfast hungrily.

"Red Leader, sir." A soldier said as he approached and salutes his leader.

"What's the matter soldier?" Tord asks standing up from his seat.

The soldier pulls out a clipboard with some papers attached. "We've tried to track down Paul and Patryk, but their trackers are down. We even tried to track the Blue Leader like you requested, but it also seems like his tracker is down too." He flips a few pages on the clipboard over and scans the page for more updates. "Finally there is still no sign of the Rebellion Base anywhere where the other soldiers are posted."

"I want more soldiers at this post, I made contact with an old friend here. If he's here that means the Rebellion base can't be too far behind." Tord orders to the soldier sternly with narrowed eyes.

The soldier nods firmly. "Sir, yes sir!"

"Dismissed." He watched the soldier leave and returned back to his seat. "Paul and Patryk are missing and Jehovah's Witness got away." His teeth clench tightly, he was so close to capturing Tom. But nooo, Lady Luck wanted Edd and his friends to win. Well, two can play this game, Fate still had her ways of messing with luck.

He got back up and went to his living quarters which was just a large tent set up for himself. He had a cot and table with at least three chairs placed around inside.

Two of his soldiers at the door saluted him and he nodded, going past them and inside. He could rest for awhile, it's not like Tom's going out since he knows he's here now.

He smiles to himself. Patience is the key to his game. 'I can do this.' Tord's thinks.

+Back with Tom+

Tom had joined the two men in their game. He had a pulled out a deck of cards halfway through their game and changed the game into rounds of Go Fish.

"Got any 2s Paul."

"Go fish, Pat."

Patryk took a card from the pile, Tom was going to do his turn when he heard footsteps walking down the hall. "Hello?"

"Blue? Where are ya dude?"

"I'm in call R15 with the prisoners," Tom said calmly and watched as Reggie appeared on the other side of the cell door. He's carrying one tray on each hand and one tray balances on his head. "Nice balance you got there Reggie." Tom chuckles as he gets up.

The Blue soldier laughs lightly, "Gotta have this sense for battle." He sees Tom leave the game he's playing with Paul and Patryk and rolls his eyes. "Playing with the prisoners again? This is the 50th time now."

"I'll have you know being a prisoner is boring, like a child not having anything else to play with." He opens the cell door and takes the two trays from Reggie's hands. He notices two cups of water on the two trays. "Is Sadie planning to have them blow their bladders?"

"Nah, she wants to make sure they get enough to drink. Remember last time we had a prisoner? You blew a fuse when you found out he was dehydrated."

The two Red soldiers raised an eyebrow hearing the reminder. They remembered one point while in the army, one soldier got punished for disobeying orders from his commander. Thus he wasn't allowed to drink for a while, making the soldier's appearance look like a dead mummy. He went on a mission to scope things out, but went missing for a few days, then came back looking all better like a newborn baby but not remembering why.


Reggie took the third tray off his head and nods. "You don't remember? Don't tell me it's one of those blind motherly furies you had."

Tom laughs fakely, nudging the man with his elbow. "What's with all of my soldiers referring or thinking I'm mother like?!" He sighs and turns back to place the food in front of the two soldiers.

"Because you act like one sir."

"No, I don't!" Tom retorts putting his hands in the air.

While they talked, Paul and Patryk started to eat their given meal. It didn't look bad at all, sure the meals in the Red Army base were fine, but this looks appetizing. Paul picks up his spoon to eat the soup. Patryk goes for breaking his bread and dipping it in the soup. Soon enough Paul gets a little messy with his food.

Tom glances at the two eating and notices Paul's eating habit. He goes over and picks up his napkin on the way. "I know you're hungry, but try to keep it clean. I don't want your cell attracting some dirty rats." He brings his hand up, holding the napkin, to wipe the soldier's face.

Patryk holds his hand over his mouth while Reggie tries his best to hold back a howl of laughter. Paul is put into an embarrassing situation as he keeps his gaze down to his tray until Tom finishes wiping the bottom of his face.

Once he got all the stray foods off of Paul's mouth he placed his hands on his hip. "That bastard really should take better care of his soldiers."

Reggie took a deep calming breath before speaking again. "So how did the interrogation go?"

"Didn't get much from them. They really are tight-lipped about keeping Red Leader's weakness, plans, and Army's defenses a secret." Tom throws the napkin away, walking back to Reggie. "I think we can let them go in about 2 to 3 days. Have the scientists ready the mind-wiper within those time periods."

"Yes Blue." He lets Tom take his own tray in his hands. "Anything else before I go?"

Tom hums, pondering what he wanted more. "Contact Edd and Matt to come to my office. I promised I would talk to them earlier about what happened and about some plans." He walks out of the cell with Reggie following him. The soldier uses his own set of keys to lock the door once the both of them are safely on the other side.

"I'll get right to it Blue."

They both leave the basement after Tom says goodbye to Paul and Patryk, Reggie making a mental note to have someone else come down to pick up the empty trays and bring them back to the kitchen. Tom parted ways with his soldier at the lobby and made it to his office. He set his tray of food down on the desk and pulled up the remote from his drawer. He turns on the tv to watch the news about what's happening outside.

"Katherine Jane here with your late afternoon announcements." Tom takes a seat being his desk and watches the newswoman give her reports. "It has been officially announced that the British Government and the Leader of the Red Army have come to a deal. Details of this deal are also given to us." She puts one of her pages to the side and scans the next page. "It says here, Red Leader will not take over England if the British Government can apprehend a man by the name of Thomas Thompson. He is apparently one of the Leaders leading the Rebellion to save our country. The question is," She looks directly into the camera like she's looking him, "will he give himself up for us?"

Tom ignores her and continues to eat his late lunch. "Why save one country when we're trying to save the world." He takes a spoonful of his soup and shoves it into his mouth. The tv shows a photo of his eyeless self of his current appearance, but he knew it was when he first started out leading the rebellion. A knock interrupts his thoughts. "Come in." He says assuming it's his friends.

Edd and Matt walk into his office and take a seat. Edd makes himself comfortable and waits for him to speak about his plans for the Rebellion.Tom places his spoon down and takes a deep breath before speaking.

"I think we should split up."

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