Different Offer

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+Red Army and British Military Camp a month later+

Tord had gone back to planning with his strategists after checking in with the armory. He had both armies under his watch while the British commanders made sure to keep a watchful eye him as well.

"Red Leader, some of our soldiers in this morning patrol found a lead."

Tord faced his soldier with a grin, "Details soldier, what lead have they found?"

"We found two soldiers who were walking about in the forest. Troop 5 captured them and brought them back just a few minutes ago." The female soldier informs him and that got Tord walking pass her to go outside of the tent. "Sir!" She calls running after him.

Tord makes it out and finds his soldiers and some of the British ones making a circle by the middle of the camp. He makes his way over there, the Red soldiers noticing him parted to give him a way to the middle of the crowd. When he got closer he saw some of the British commanders already by the captured soldiers sides who are on their knees.

"Finally a lead." The captured soldiers and commanders look at him with either annoyance of unsure expressions. He comes closer and inspects the soldiers, they're not wearing name tags so he asks them, "What's your name? The both of you."

"I don't give my name to strangers, especially to a shitty person like you." The raven hair soldier glares up at Tord with hateful eyes.

"Mama said to never give out our names." The female soldier adds with some sort of inside joke that makes that makes her partner snicker.

Tord bent down and picked the man up by the collar and threw him back to the group roughly. Kicking him on the side and his boot coming up to press itself on the side of the soldier's face heavily.

"Randy!" The female soldier shouts his name worriedly when she hears him groan in pain. She was pretty sure he may have broken a bone when the Red Leader threw him to the ground along with that kick. "Stop, please!"

Tord smirks, "Then it would be wise to answer my questions." He watches her hesitantly lower he head into submission.

"M-Merida no..." Randy rasps out brokenly. Tord kicks him on the side again, hard enough to send him over beside Merida.

"Hey isn't that too much?" One of the British commanders asks looking back at Tord.

Tord rolls his eyes, "Nothing is too much when it comes to completing our goals. Isn't that right soldiers?"

"Sir yes sir!" The Red Army soldiers replied loudly.

Tord's gaze went back to Merida. "State your name, who you work with, and your position." He commands sternly.

"I'm sorry Randy..." She whispers quickly to her partner and friend. Merida looks back to Tord, keeping her head up, "My name is Merida Mercy, I work with the Rebellion... My position is in the patrol department of the Blue Building."

The evil man becomes curious and asks her for more information. "Describe to me the Rebellion Base." Merida bit her bottom lip like she wanted to keep quiet. "Any longer without an answer and I will let my soldiers have their fun with breaking your partner here."

She quickly answers even though she hates it. Merida didn't want to betray the good leaders of the rebellion, especially her Blue Leader. "The Rebellion Base is made up of four large buildings... There's the Neutral Building, the Purple Building, the Green Building, and finally... the Blue Building." An image of her Leader smiling and welcoming her to his division makes it into her mind. "The neutral building houses the war survivors and serves food everyone eats together in a big dining hall. The three color buildings are controlled by one of the three leaders of the Rebellion Group."

Randy stayed silent through the whole description, tears welling at the corners of his eyes and sliding down his mud-stained face. They promised to protect Blue, but this situation isn't helping the both of them.

"How does the Rebellion group function?"

More answers spilled from Merida's mouth. "New recruits are given a choice of where they want to serve. They can serve one of the three colors, but they are allowed to transfer if they want to. Then they are taken to their respective buildings and get to choose a department they want to work for. Randy and I, for example, chose to work for the patrol department. Thus we work outside of the base with leaders who rotate with their patrol groups. Finally, they are welcomed into their building housing soldiers working under their Leader. After that, they are trained and make friends within or outside their departments." Tears slip down her cheeks finally when it started being too much to hold.

Tord chuckles as he is eating up his silver platter of answers. "Finally, I want you to tell me where the Rebellion base is."

Merida's eyes widen and her head looks down to the forest floor. Randy weakly pleas, "Stay quite Merida please... we promised to protect him."

"I know, I know..." Merida mumbles sadly. Her scared eyes changed to determined ones once she makes up her mind. "I won't answer."

"What was that?" Tord comes closer to her and picks her up by the front of her uniform. "Fighting back now are you."

Merida glares hatefully at Tord, "I rather die than give you their location!" She shouts in his face. "We promised to protect Blue and I will not go back on my word now!"

"You tell him, Merida!" Randy says sitting back up with sore spots hesitating his movement.

"Wrong choice." Tord lifts his real arm up and brings it back to get ready to punch her, but some static sounds catch his ears as well as everyone around them.

"Wait, no..." Randy says as he tries to cover up something at his hip.

"This is Blue speaking, my soldiers out on patrol please start heading back to base." The man on the other end of the small radio spoke. "Apparently Matt lost his radio... again."

"Pfft, we'll head back Blue!"

"Someone contact one of Purple's scientist to make him a new radio."

"Wait, how did you know about this Blue?"

"Wen found his radio drifting down the stream," Blue said sighing in relief. "Thank Jehovah I had his scientists make his devices waterproof."

Merida turned her head to look over her shoulder at Randy's horrified expression. Their radio was still on. The Red Army and their helpers could hear everything.

Tord tossed Merida to the side and made his way over to Randy. Merida fell on her side making the air in her lungs escape quickly. She tries to get up, but a pair of female red soldiers keep her down. "No! Stop!"

The British military couldn't do anything to help her as they were more intimidated by the man in red and blue smiling wickedly as he approached the hurt soldier on the ground.

Randy tried to move back, Tord wouldn't have any of it as he grabbed the man's ankle. He lifted the leg up and reached for the radio on Randy's hip. Tord took the radio in his grip. Randy without any hesitation kicked him with his free leg to the stomach.

Tord didn't look faze even if he did take a step back. He narrowed his eyes at Randy and punched him in the stomach before dropping him to the ground again. "Hold them down, I don't want any interruptions or them getting away." He smiles, a thought in mind. "They might just be our bargaining chip."

Randy and Merida struggled when they heard him say they were bargaining chips. They didn't want this, they didn't want to have Blue come to surrender himself for them knowing his motherly instincts.

Tord brought the radio near his mouth.

"Anyways, Blue soldier to base we still need to clean Edd's-"

"Thomas." Tord interrupts him.

The other ends of the radio became silent. Randy and Merida cried more during the silence. British commanders were holding their breaths.

"How are you talking to me you communist bastard?!" Tom shouts through the radio.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." He chuckles to himself as a growl sounds from Tom. The Norwegian man walks over to the two held down soldiers. "My soldiers found two blue birds wandering about while they were combing the area."

"I swear Tord, if you did anything to them you're a dead man!" Tom yells at him. On his side, back at the base with a few of his soldiers, he gripped the arm of his chair tightly. Reggie and Zack are in his office witnessing their leader's distress.

Tord crouches down in front of Randy and Merida holding the radio in front of them. "Here, I'll let you listen to their voices. Tell me what you think." He looks at the two with a firm nod to speak.

Merida swallows thickly before she can utter a word to her Leader. "B-Blue- We're sorry... We're so sorry..." She apologizes over and over again. More tears came sliding down her cheeks. She felt so guilty and terrible.

"Merida?! That means Randy is also with you!" Tom says in panic for his two soldiers. He knew them, they were part of his first round of soldiers like Reggie and Zack. "Shh shh Merida, you don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."

"B-But I told them Blue... the layout and the function of the Rebellion..."

"It's not her fault!" Randy butted in with a raspy voice and coughs. "She was just trying to p-protect me..." He could already hear Tom's horrified tone just by the use of his voice.

Tom was already having a motherly fit on the other end of the radio. "What did that piece of shit do to you Randy?! You sound like you're on the verge of passing out!" Reggie and Zack had to go by Tom to make sure he wasn't going to break anything nearby.

Tord stood up, not letting Randy answer Tom's question. "See they're fine."

"I think not you fucking bastard! Leave them alone, let them go!"

The other man shakes his head. "Tsk Tsk Thomas, you know it's not that easy." He scolds his childhood rival lightly. "Let's have a deal of the sorts. You already know what I want, give yourself up and I'll let your two soldiers and England go. Two for the price of one, not a bad deal if I do say so myself."

"Blue don't do it!" Merida and Randy shout. The red soldiers pushed them back to the ground. More exclamations came from other Blue soldiers through the radio. The protest and cursing getting louder by the second.


The protests slowly stopped hearing Tom speak.

"I have a better idea," Tom says to Tord.

"What do you have in mind Tom?"

Tom takes a deep breath and lets his offer on the table. "I'll go with you." Protests from the other soldiers came through. "But under the condition that my soldiers accompany me and stay where ever I'm staying." The Blue soldiers quite their protests, now confused.

"For what reason do you want them to stay with you?" Red Leader asks curiously. It wasn't like Tom to deal like this, he would usually go through situations alone.

"They're not just my soldiers, all of them are like my third family after Edd and Matt. I care for them Tord and I will not let them stay unsafe while you do your take over the world shit." Tom got up from his seat and push pass his speechless soldiers. "If you can't accept my side of the deal than I will come retrieve my soldiers myself and finish what I started."

Tord unconsciously brought his organic hand to hold his red robot arm. A smile tugging the corners of his lips. "Is that all it will take for you to come to my side?"

"Yes," Tom answers firmly after his quite pause.

"Then we have ourselves a deal."

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