Don't Mess with Torm

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+The morning after yesterday+

Tom blinks a couple of times and groans as he comes to from his sleep. He snuggles close into his boyfriend's naked chest, wanting more warmth from him since he too didn't have a top on.

Tord shifts in his sleep to drap his arm over Tom so he could pull him closer to his chest. "Sleep a little more Thomas..." He murmurs tiredly.

The other man complies, but before he could drift off into another comforting sleep, there is rapping sound against the door of Tord's room.

"Dad! Wake up!"

Both men snap their eyes open quickly at the sound of Tomi's voice calling Tord.

"Mother wasn't in bed when we woke up." Torm's voice filters through with some worry evident in his tone.

Tom instantly tears the comforter off of him to get off of the king sized bed. He takes one of Tord's thinner blankets to cover himself before rushing to the bathroom to hide.

While he does that, Tord got off the bed and grabbed his pants off the floor, not bothering to put on his boxers on first since he's in a rush.

"Hold on a second!" Tord looks at himself in the mirror first to fix his really messy hair due to last night's rendezvous with Tom. When he deemed himself presentable to a degree, he went to the door to greet the children.

He looks down to the kids who look up at him in worry. "What's this about Tom?"

"I woke up first and didn't see Mom sleeping with us." Tomi says worried. "Did you see him?"

Tord chuckles and pats Tomi on the head. "Don't worry Tomi, I'm sure Tom is just walking around doing his daily check up with the soldiers. I made sure he got to his office last night because he wanted to finish some paperwork that Pat gave him the other day." The last two parts were a total lie he made up on the spot, but he gave himself a metal pat on the back for making it seem true.

He can't really tell them he was having fun with Tom last night.

"Are you sure?" Torm asks unsure.

"Swear on it." Tord tells him assuringly as his silver eye met the same colored pair.

Tomi smiles again once he's assured his mother is okay. "So why are you still in you nighty clothes dad? You're usually prepared before us to meet mom in the lobby."

Tord forces a laugh, "I had a long night my liten soldat." He bends down and picks Tomi up in his arms. The little demon let him do so without a complaint. "So I felt like sleeping in a little bit longer."

"Well we're sorry if we woke you up father. We can met you in the dining hall once you get dressed, if you want?"

Tord lets Tomi down after giving his little monster a nod. "That would be great. Make sure to watch your brother carefully, I don't want him being trampled on by how many soldiers in that room."

Tomi and Torm wave bye to their father and walk around the corner at the end of the hall to the lobby.

Tord closes the door softly and leans his back against it while letting out a sigh of relief.

The bathroom door cracks open, Tom sticking his head out with a light blush dusting his cheeks.

Tord puts his finger up to his lips to signal him not to talk yet. He turns around to open the door again. Peering down the hall, he didn't hear or see any sign of the kids. So the door to Tord's room closes again.

"Okay, I just wanted to check if they would try to stay waiting for me." Tord finally spoke as he leans back against the door again.

Tom lets out his own sigh of relief. "You don't happen to have one of my spare uniforms do you?"

"Check my closet, I think your department head gave me one of your outfits a few months back. I just never got around handing it to you." Tord pushes himself off the door to head to the bathroom to shower. "While you're at it, pull out one of my uniforms too."

Tom goes over it the closet to get his outfit for the day with Tord's own pair too.

"Care to join me in the shower now Witness?" The brunet looks back to his boyfriend with a blush.

"I'll be there in a second Commie."

+With Torm and Tomi+

Tomi and Torm has done what was planned by going to the dining hall to get breakfast.

"Let's surprise mom and dad with breakfast already on the table." Tomi suggest to Torm. "Do you think Sadie will help us?"

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind as long as we ask her first." Torm opens the door to the dining hall for Tomi to enter in first.

With Sadie and Peter's help, the kids were above to set up a clear table for their family breakfast. Sadie had brought today's breakfast on a food cart while Peter came over with cups and a jar full of fresh orange juice, two cups being mugs for coffee.

Tomi and Torm help set the plates of food on the table and helped set the utensils on the table too.

"Aww you guys are so cute!" Sadie says after she watches the two kids finish up decorating the table. She hugs the both of them tightly, not being able to contain her amusement.

Tomi was well enough to hug her back tightly, while his brother didn't show any other emotion than neutral feelings of not caring, yet somehow still caring in an unusual sense.

Just then, the two leaders came into the dining hall looking refreshed. Tord held the door open for Tom to enter before him. The leader in blue comes in and walks over to the table where the kids are at with two of the two head cooks.

"Good morning Sadie, Peter." He greet them with a happy look. "I hope Tomi and Torm weren't causing any trouble."

Sadie stands back up, "They're not a problem at all Blue! They're just being really adorable." She coos as she gestures to the set up table. "Torm and Tomi decided to get this all set up for you two."

Tom looks at the table all set up, then smiles at the kids, "Thank you." He pats them both on the head.

Tord comes over, where as Peter gives his leader a quick salute. "Good morning.

"Good morning Red/Red Leader." The Head Cooks greet him.

Sadie grabs Peter's wrist to start pulling him away from the table. "We'll leave you be with breakfast. Enjoy you guys!"

The kids wave them off before their parents ushered them to the table where they sat to eat.

"So what's today's plan Tom?" Tord asks a few minutes after they started to eat.

"You have an interrogation with the two spies that lead me to Edd and Matt later in the day. My soldiers told me they've been behaving well, so don't you dare try to break their minds." Tom says the last part in a warning tone. Even if they were enemies, he's still treating them with respect like his own soldiers. He's been doing that for years since the rebellion started anyways.

Tord rolls his good eye, "Fine, fine... What else?" He asks sweetly.

As they talk, the brothers watch them with interest. They notice that their mother seems more comfortable now that he's been back in the base for a week now. Not to mention his interactions with their father were more playful and sweet.


"Yeah Tomi?" Torm says as he turns his head to look at his brother.

Tomi looks curious about something. "I've been wondering for awhile now..." He leans closer to his brother to wisher into his ear. "Can you possess someone?"

"What brought this up?" Torm whispers back with some surprise. It was really out of the blue that his little brother would ask him that.

The little monster shrugs his shoulders. "I mean I've possessed mom for some years. I'm curious if you could possess people too."

"Well, I mean I can, but there's really been no purpose for me to possess anyone so far." Torm thinks back to his days in his unit container.

There wasn't anyone who came close enough for him to possess besides his father. He was mostly the brave one out of the group of scientist to approach him on times for his check ups. Yet he never thought of taking control over the man in red in the past.

"Torm, Tomi? What are you two whispering about?"

The two monster look a their parents. Tord looking at them questionably like Tom.

"I'm just asking Tormy a question is all!" Tomi says in his childish tone.

"And what question would it be for you two to whisper about?" Tord asks with a father like tone.

Torm crosses his arms, "A question that stays between us." He remarks in a Tom like way that made his mother chuckle behind his hand.

"Thomas..." Tord says as he side glances to his boyfriend.

"Oh shut up, it's funny. Let the kids have their secrets." The man in blue tells him amused.

They go back to eating their breakfast before finally going off on their own.

~+With Torm and Tord+~

After breakfast, Torm went with Tord to business on the training grounds in the front yard. They would be watching the progress of the former recruits' training session of those who chose to work out in the field.

Then they would watch the progress of self-defense from the other soldiers who want to work in field at bases for the Red Army.

Tord had the little devil sit by the wall of the building while he does work. Torm didn't mind and followed his father's request. The little devil watches as his dad oversees training, sometimes coming in to reteach a few defense or fighting moves.

"Hey freak."

Torm looks to his right to see three faces he had seen from the profiles files his mother keeps on his desk.

What they wanted his attention for is unknown, usually people would come up to Tomi to talk. Then again, Torm was rather the quieter child than his brother who was well know around the base for his chipper personality.

The one who spoke to him is Adam, a man sporting shoulder length blond hair and keeps it tied back in a small pony tail. He wants to work in the patrol department.

Next to him is Leo, a taller man than the other two soldiers. A brown haired soldier who wishes to work as a supplier.

Finally, the last soldier, to Adam's right is shorter than his friends named Jace. Ginger colored hair, wanting to work in the patrol department with Adam.

"Do you need something?" He asks them while mentally taking caution of the three.

"We heard you're the dangerous experiment the big boss let to roam around the place." Adam says, shrugging his shoulders as he eyes the little devil up and down. "You don't really seem all that though. I bet I could defeat you in one go and have you under my boot begging for mercy."

His two lackeys next to him laughs at Torm as he gets on his feet.

"Well aren't you dolts prideful." Torm rolls his eyes and turns his back to them. They really weren't worth his time to get mad at. "If you'll excuse me."

"Running away cause we hurt you're feelings?" Leo teases.

"Gonna go cry?" Jace questions in a mocking tone.

'Just ignore them. They're just pricks who want attention.' Torm thinks to himself as he starts to walk away.

"Maybe he's like that other crybaby experiment that hangs around Blue Leader." Adam says to his friends, crossing his arms. "That dumb little monster wouldn't know what hit him. I bet I could crush him in one punch."

Oh that was it.

Tord stops to look over his shoulder at the three soldiers. Particularly at the middle soldier. His once silver pupils changing to a glowing red as Adam keeps spewing shit about Tomi.

"I'm sorry." He says in chilling calm tone that interrupts Adam from speaking further. "I'm not sure if I heard you right."

The two soldiers on either side of their friend take a step back, getting a hint of Torm's dangerous tone. However, it seems their friend is really dense to not notice the fragile situation he caused.

"The crybaby experiment you usually hang around with, it would be satisfying to show him who's boss so he gets it in his small mind he's a nuisance." Adam repeats himself with a smirk. "He's so useless after all."

Torm went right for Adam to tackle him to the ground. But he got a surprising attack to his side when the soldier made a round house kick to push him away.

The little devil got kick aside, falling onto the ground with a grunt. He rolls until he stops himself, pushing himself up slowly with a cough coming out of him.

The other soldiers start to notice what had happened to Torm. They were about to come to come to his aid, but Torm gets up glaring at them with red eyes.

"No one..." Torm growls deeply while getting up. "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY BROTHER THAT WAY!" He shouts in anger.

Tord hears Torm's shouts of anger and immediately heads his way over to him. "Torm what is hell's name is going on?!" He sees his little monster looking a three soldiers in front of him.

The young devil looks at him with narrowed eyes. A smirk forming on his lips before turning into red smoke that comes flying Tord's way.

"Torm!" Tord exclaims raising his arms to shield himself, but the red smoke covers him. Clinging onto him tightly and entering his body.

The soldiers watch as their leader is covered in Torm's red smokey form. They couldn't do anything to help their leader except maybe call for Tom to come aid the situation.

"Someone get Blue Leader!"

At least two soldiers left the training grounds to get him for help. The rest watch and prepared themselves to control the situation until their second in command comes. Damage control is going to be very much needed since they remembered what happens last time Tomi had 'play time' a couple of months ago in Tom's body. Torm in Tord's body wasn't going to be much different... hopefully.

Tord's body went limp for a second as he stood there with his eye closed and his arms to the side. The red smoke now gone who know where.

"Red Leader?" Adam questions watching his leader confused and unsure.

Tord's good eye snaps open to reveal a red pupil, eyebrows furrowed in anger at the poor soldier.

"You have some balls talking shit about my brother." Everyone felt the temperature drop in around the area. Their instincts were telling them to fucking run.

Reddish black horns grew on either side of Tord's head as a large set of devil wings tore through the clothes on his back. His long slim tail with sharp heads on one side flicks back and forth in a impatient manner.

He takes a step forward, only to vanish into a blur the next. Tord's possessed body appears behind the stupid soldier with a gleeful fanged grin. "Let me show you who's boss between the both of us."

Torm, with the use of his new body, grabs the blond's arm and flips him over onto the ground hard. There's a sickening crack, loud enough to satisfy his ears.

"Ahh~ What a lovely sound to hear! It's better than listening to all the bullshit that comes out of your mouth." Torm throws him up in the air at a good height. He spreads his wings and flies up at a quick speed to drop kick the man toward the ground.

Adam hits the ground with a hard thud, surly breaking a few bones in his body. Torm glides down to go pick him up again to repeat the action.

"Wait, Torm!"

The devil looks back to find Tom there with Tomi standing behind his legs. They look at him with shock. "Don't hurt him any more." Tom tells him with a soft tone to calm his other little monster down.

"He deserves it Mother..." Torm purrs out, looking down at the soldier in pain from the beating. "He talked badly of Tomi."

"We can handle this a better way Torm." Tom says to get him to stop. He knows Torm is flaring protective codes from his part of the dna, but the toughness of serious protection might as well come from Tord's part. He needs to treat the situation cautiously.

"I want to personally deal with him myself." Torm bends down and picks the man up by his jacket tightly. "I want him to suffer for talking about Tomi like he's useless!" He exclaims as he takes flight once more.

"Tomi, you know what to do." Tom says looking down at his little monster. Tomi nods knowing just what to do for his mother.

Torm brought Adam up higher into the air. "I hope you rot in hell!" He spins Adam around before whipping the poor soldier towards the ground with all his might.

Adam thought this was possibly his end, but a pair of strong arms caught him before he could hit the ground. "What?" He looks at his savior, the Blue Leader with monstrous features.

"You're safe! I'm glad I managed to catch you before you hit the ground." Tom, or rather, Tomi says with a cheerful smile. He's glad he succeeded to catch him in time after taking control of his mother's body.

Tomi has once again taken possession over Tom's body. This was for the sake of matching up to Torm's current abilities while possessing Tord.

Tomi handed the injured soldier to Luna, a red medical soldier who had come into the scene with Tomi and Tom. She got Leo and Jace to help carry Adam for her to the medical ward.

Torm growls in a low tone while his eyes narrowed sharply seeing his prey had survived. "NO!" His wings flap quickly as he starts his descent down towards his prey.

Tomi quickly catches him by the tail when he's close to the ground. He pulls Torm back from reaching the injured soldier. His older brother tumbling back, landing just a few feet in the other direction after Tomi had pulled his tail. "Tormy, stop it!" He tells his brother firmly.

"I'm not letting him go Tomi! He spoke shit about you! He was telling me you were useless! That soldiers wanted to fucking hurt you!!!" Torm remarks angrily as his tail wraps around his left leg tightly. "I will not tolerate anyone speaking of my family like that!"

Tomi walks over to him, "You don't have to kill him!" When he's close enough to Torm, he hold his brother's hand. "Tormy please listen to me. You're really going too far, your anger is causing a mess." His free hand gestures to most of the broken areas of the training grounds.


Tomi puts his finger to Torm's lips to silence him. His expression soft as he spoke again, "I don't care if people talk about me badly Tormy. I just turn the other way so I don't have to listen to them. You should know I'm not helpless when it comes to fighting someone." A small smile on Tomi's lips has Torm pause his movement. "Mom told me many times before not to listen to them. He told me I can prove myself in the most amazing ways with my skills that will blow them all away."

Torm feels his brother squeeze his hand. "Tomi."

Tomi shakes his head, "Look at you now Tormy, you forcefully possessed dad." His lips wobble as he hold himself from crying. His voice shaky too to prove it."Force possession hurts people Tormy. You're hurting Dad."

Torm brings his other hand up to wipe away the tears slipping out from under Tom's VR set. To him, watching Tomi crying is also like watching his mother cry at the same time. The feeling didn't sit well in his stomach of making them cry because of him."I'm sorry..." The demon lets go of the devil's hand to hug him tightly. Torm hugs him back while mumbling apologies into his ear.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... my emotions just got the best of me... it was an accident. I-I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, it's okay..."

Tomi and Torm let their hold go of their parents. Both of them returning to their original forms out of Tord's and Tom's body.

Tomi took care of his older brother once they reformed to original bodies. He hugs his brother tightly while Torm does the same as he still mumbles apologies like a mantra.

Tom held onto a passed out Tord after Torm left his body. He brings the both of them to the ground slowly so he could check on his lover.

There seemed to be no physical injuries thankfully enough. Tom came up to pat Tord on the cheek to wake him up. "Tord. Tord, you okay?"

Tord's eyebrows furrowed for a moment as he comes to and his eye blinks open. "What?" He groans as he tries sitting up.

"Easy there. Torm did a full force possession on your body when he got really mad." Tom tells him while helping him up gently.

Tord holds his head with his robot hand and looks at Tom. "I feel like I got hit by a truck."

Tom helps him back on his feet carefully so they're both standing up again.

Tomi came came over to them with Torm clinging tightly to his arm like a life line. "Tormy, dad's fine now. Look."

Torm looks up from the ground at his Father. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes see his father look a little out of it still. He lets go of his brother, rushing over to Tord giving him a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you- I was just so angry-"

Tord could clearly see the high distress Torm is going through because of what he did. So he picks Torm up in his arms and hugs him close in a comforting way.

"It's alright now Torm." Tord tells his son calmingly as he pats the little devil on the back softly. "I'm fine."

Tears slid down Torm's cheeks as he hides his face in the crook of Tord's neck.

"I'm sorry."

Tord assured his son he would be okay and he wasn't going to punish him at all as long as he explained why he got so angry earlier. Turns out Tord would be a really angry dad by the time Torm had finished his explanation.


"Yes sir?"

"Have three of my soldiers: Jace, Leo, and Adam come to my office as soon as they finish getting treated in the medical ward."

Tom smirks a little as he pulls out his holopad to send note to Lizzie and Grace in the medical department.

"With pleasure Red Leader."


Hello Soldiers! Another chapter written on the dot for you ^^

Now for announcements... again:

For next friday's update, it won't be posted in the morning at the usual time of day. Since I'll be going on a high school retreat starting Tuesday after school. I won't be able to use my phone or any other electronics on the trip. So I just want to let you guys know ahead of time.

I will be putting the asks on insta to close until I come back to answer more questions.

Possible time I'll update on that Friday is around 5p.m Chicago time. Yes I will be returning Friday from my retreat.

If you still wish to give me fanart while I'm gone, I prefer if guys would email it too me. (I have a feeling my notifications would blow up and I won't be able to find it)

email:[email protected]

Just remember to put your username in the email too so I know who to credit and thank :)

Thanks everyone! Now to the fabulous hall of Fanart!

All these fanart above is made by @CommieZilla Thank you!!!^^

These two were made by Static, they didn't really give me their usernames in the email. But they said Static is okay to credit them by. Thanks!!!^^

This one is from @Symmar Thanks so much! O////O

From @lightningstruck6 Thanks so much for the smol bean and his dad^^

This one got through email is @Tsmout So cool XD

From Instagram!! Love the digitals guys!

Given through Instagram! Thanks ^^ The whole gang's here :)

This one was made by @DrStitches Its so adorable^^ Tord's expression makes it all the better

From instagram @avxeline Cutie Tomi!

Beautiful fanart of Tom in his teasing clothes for Tord. Then we have Tom with the kids! Very well done ^^ Art done by @ImACatThief

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