Happy Birthday

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+Norway: Red Army Base+

Tom sat in his office looking at single page in his hand. The page came from Torm's medical file with the know information gathered on him.

Torm's Dna Donors:
Donor 1: Thomas Thompson
Donor 2: Tord Lawson

Old Project of a series called RAM
Experiment #999
Nickname: Little Devil

What got Tom's interest in looking at the page is Torm's created date. Which so happens to be today.

"Mom!" Tomi calls him as he barges into his office.

"What is it Tomi?" Tom asks as he looks up from the paper to his little monster.

The little demon comes over to the side of his desk to smile at him. "The scientist told me today is Tormy's birthday." He tilts his head cutely at Tom. "What's a birthday?"

Tom laughs lightly and motions for him to come closer. Once Tomi comes a little closer he explained the celebration to him. "A birthday is when we celebrate someone's birth. Such as Torm for example, today is his special day where Tord first open his eyes to the world. To show we appreciate them, we give them gifts."

"Oh..." Tomi says a he slowly starts to understand. "Do I have one too?"

"Of course you do Tomi, but it's not until a couple of months from now." Tom tells him. He went through Tomi's old medical folder and found his creation date listed on there. The Leader makes a mental note to plan something with Tord on how to celebrate it later.

"Then can we celebrate Tormy's birthday now?" Tomi asks having a present in mind to give to his brother.

"Maybe later Tomi, but for now can you do me a favor before I let you go greet your brother a happy birthday?"

Tomi nods happily. Tom tells the little demon to head over to the kitchen and ask the cooks to bake a cake to celebrate Torm's birthday. Also to decorate the dining hall so they can have a surprise birthday party for him later in the day when everyone is free.

"Got that Tomi?"

"Yup! I can't wait to give Tormy my present later." He says practically shaking in excitement. He had just the thing to make his brother smile since he had actually finished the present before hand. A recent drawing Torm would love from him.

"Make sure you don't tell him we're throwing a party for him." Tom reminds his little monster as he leaves to go do his task to ask the kitchen cooks.

"Yes mom!"

~+Tord's Office+~

"That concludes my offer to the Russia." Tord finishes as he sets his holopad down on the table. "If you do not wish to take me up on my offer than I will continue trying to take over your country by force."

The president of Russia clicks his tongue in disagreement. "Is that really your only offer Red Leader?"

Tord chuckles, "Of course, what more could I want? I'm already conquering all that I wish for, with the exception of England since they helped me find someone within their country."

Knock knock

Tord looks up from his video call to the door. "Come in." As the door opens, Tord looks back at the screen, "Excuse me for a moment." He presses a button on the bottom corner of his keyboard to mute his side of the conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt your meeting Tord." Tom apologized as he comes over to the other leader.

Tord shakes his head, "Don't worry about it Thomas. I was starting to get bored talking with him anyways." He rather take talk to his lover any day or time than some stuck up official pleading for their home to be spared.

Tom comes closer to show Tord a black and red folder with Torm's previous name on it. "I came over to talk about Torm."

"What for?" Tord asks as he picks up the folder. "Did he start shooting again?" Because of the recent events with Torm's anger. Everyone knew now not to get the little devil too angry or else they would face two rather very angry parents.

Tord and Tom had made sure the three soldiers got their punishment for messing with their son. Said three are now on probation and on watch under their department heads.

"No," Tom assure while shaking his head, "It's about his special day actually." He gestures for him to open the folder which his boyfriend does without hesitation. "Check the date when he woke up."

Pulls the paper and scans it through until the notes of the date of his awakening. "Ah, his birthday is today." He says understanding the situation.

"I'm planning to have a surprise birthday party for him later in the evening. I handled clearing the rest of your schedule for today after this meeting so you could come help." Tom takes the folder back when Tord hands it to him. "I hope you don't mind."

Tord gives his coleader and assistant a mix of a smirk and a smile. "It's not a problem at all Witness. I think it would be better if we all take a day off for Torm's birthday."

The man in blue smiles softly before flicking his boyfriend on the forehead. Then he turns his back to him, "Make sure you have a present in mind for Torm." He says as the man walks out  to leave Tord's office.

Tord brings his hand up to rub his forehead where Tom had flicked him. "Seriously Thomas..." He chuckles and presses the button from earlier to unmute his side of the video call.

"Red Leader, who was that just now." The Russian president asks with some interest in his tone.

"My secretary and second in command. Someone not to be messed with, mind you." Tord answers with a confident smirk, underneath a hidden message to tell the Russian president to not get any ideas. "Now I think I'll leave you to decide on my offer. I am a busy man after all."

"Red Leader I would like to further discuss our negotiations. I cannot believe this is Russian's only offer of peace with you and your army."

Tord chuckles, "Oh, but I think I'm done with this discussion for now. I'll see to it we have another meeting in a few weeks. My secretary will inform you of the date and details later." His hand moves over the keyboard, finger hovering the end call key. "Good day."

Thus the call ended just like that.

Tord leans back in his seat satisfied. He pulls out a fat cigar from his pocket and lights it up. He takes a drag of the cigar and exhales. A smile taking his lips.

He's never felt better. Yet, he wonders now, what should he get for Torm's birthday?

+With Tomi and Torm+

"What are we doing Tomi?"

After Tomi had done his task from Tom, the cooks and other soldiers told him to distract his brother. They didn't want him finding out the surprise party they were going to set up for him in the dining hall.

Tomi smiles at his brother, "I wanna go visit the departments! I haven't visited most of them yet, same with you. So let's go see if we can just stop in to say hello."

Torm gave Tomi a small smile. "Okay Tomi, but lets try not to interrupt them too much. I don't think dad would like us hindering their work."

Tomi give him a happy nod as they continue on their merry way. He holds his brother's hand so they don't get separated.

Their first stop happens to be the Engineering department. Tomi, upon entering the room, grins at the first familiar face he sees. "Eri!"

Eri, otherwise known as Eric, looks at the sound of his name being called. A delighted grin shows when he sees the little demon. "Well if it isn't Tomi boy!"

Tomi runs over to the muscular man, jumping on him to hug him. "Eri! I brought Tormy with me to come look through the departments with me today."

"Ain't that sweet." Eric picks Tomi up and lets him sit on his right shoulder.

The boy lean over to whisper to Eric, "It's actually Tormy's birthday. Sadie and the others are putting up a party for him later today. So shhh."

Torm goes up to them with a questioning look. "Is something the matter?"

"Not at all Torm!" Eric give a quick haughty laugh. He picks up much to the older monster's displeasement, but lets him anyways. Torm is placed to sit on Eric's other shoulder. "While your here, I might as well give you a small tour."

"Don't you have work?" Torm asks as Eric starts moving to give them the look around of the large department.

"I'm basically the head of the Enginnering Dept. for the Blue Group. Me sparing some time for you two shouldn't be a problem at all." Showing the two a grin.

"Says the man who dilly dallies in his work." A new voice says, cutting into the conversation.

On their right is another man with brown hair in a buzz cut style, a little less muscular that Eric but enough to make him look strong. He has black framed glasses and a tools belt strapped around his waist.

"At least I finish my work Mark." Eric clicks his tongue at the end. The two children instantly understanding these two aren't getting along well. "Unlike you who leaves the rest to be finished off by your crew members."

"It's called teaching you uncultured swine." Mark remarks with a glare, "I check back with their work and fix their mistakes if they have any."

Mark looks at the kids and smiles at them kindly. "Tomi and Torm, it's a pleasure to have you here. Although it is rather uncommon to see you visiting this department."

'Suck up.' Eric thinks of the other man. He wasn't all that buddy buddy with the Red Engineer department head unlike the soldiers who work under him.

"We just came to look around is all." Tomi tells him.

Torm crosses his arm, "Blue and Red Leader are busy after all."

"Oh course," Mark says, "Then feel free to roam around. However, please don't touch certain things around here. We're in the process of fixing a couple delicate supplies for the base."

"Yes sir." The monster children reply.

+With Tom+

Tom moved to the dining hall to check the head cooks for Torm's birthday party. When he cracks open the doors, he's amazed by the sight of what he sees.

Along the walls are streams of colorful paper, a huge banner saying:

Happy Birthday Torm!

The tables are lined halfway with food since the cooks have yet to finish cooking the feast. Cooks and a few soldiers who had free time now were moving about carrying party supplies.

"Blue! Over here!" Sadie says from the behind the counter. Behind her, some of the cooks are decorating a three layer cake in frosting and whip cream.

Tom goes over to her looking pretty excited for this celebration. "Hey Sadie, I just came to check on the progress of the set up for the party."

"Great! I was actually about to get Gwen to call you for some questions about Torm." Sadie tells him relieved he came to the dining hall. "Like how old he's turning? We need to put the candles on the cake after all."

Tom holds up his hands to show her nine fingers. "His profile states he's 8 years old like how he actually appears. So turning 9 is going to be a big thing for him."

Sadie snaps his fingers, "Nine candles it is then." She giggles and turns around to go fetch come small candles in the drawers.

Tom rests his arms on the counter top and looks at the cooks continue their task to make food. Turning his head, he looks over his shoulder at the other soldiers decorating the walls and tables.

"Seems like everyone's going out of their way to make this party big."

"Haha! The kid hardly shows any emotion Blue. We might as well give him a big one to get something out his usual bored look." Blake comments as he adds the finishing touches to a pot of soup he's stirring.

"I guess you're right Blake. But then again, Torm is like me and the Commie so I can understand why he's like that." The leader in blue grins before hearing his radio at his hip come to life.

"Blue, we'd like some of your opinions over here in the Suppliers Department. Us and the Red team need to decide what we should collect from the Red City."

Tom pulls his radio off his belt and presses the button on the side to respond. "I'll be there in a few West. It'll take me some time to get there from the dining hall."

"Will do! No need to rush, we heard from Tomi about Torm's special day." West adds with understanding. They too couldn't wait to celebrate Torm's birthday party in the evening.

"Thanks, see you in a bit."

"See ya!"

~+Back with the kids+~

The kids had gone through at least six departments, all of which treated them with kind hospitality.

Their last stop happens to be the Patrol department. They were met with two familiar blue soldiers when they came into the building.

"Tomi!" Reggie runs over to the little demon to pick him up and give him a tight hug. "It feels like forever since I last saw you!"

Tomi giggles and hugs his favorite soldier back. "I can say the same Reggie!"

Zack gives Torm a smile and a simple wave of the hand knowing this one didn't like physical contact as much like his brother. "Hey Torm, we've been getting the word from the other departments you and your brother would be visiting."

Torm simply nods his head. "Yeah, Tomi wanted me to visit the departments with him for today's small adventure for the both of us."

Unlike the other departments here at the Red Army Base, the patrol department has their own separate building at the front of the base. They usually work around the building patrolling the area, even going further out of the base territory for precaution. Especially since their Blue Leader is the worst when it comes to being kidnapped and missing.

Red Leader had upped the security again after last week's event.

"We'll give you a show and tell of our department if you two want."

"I want!" Tomi replies and of course Torm just goes along with his little brother's decision.

Zack and Reggie then lead the kids around the department with much amusement from the other patrol soldier walking about.

Torm watch his surroundings while his brother continued to chat with the two soldiers happily. Everyone seems fine with no suspicious activity. That's good.

His silver eyes catch a photo frame on one of the work desks they pass by. Torm stops to look at the framed photo. He inspects the photo a little more as his brother and two soldiers don't notice his stop.

Torm sees three people in the photograph all smiling back him. There seems to be an older male, a younger guy who seems to be in his teens, and a young girl who looks at least a year younger than Tomi.

"I see you found a picture of my family."

Torm looks to the source of the voice to find a red soldier looking down at him before taking a seat behind his desk. "General Keith, sorry, I didn't mean to look at it for too long."

The head of the red patrol department shakes his head with a small smile. "It's fine Torm." He picks up the framed photograph and hands it over to the little devil. "Go ahead and take a look."

Torm accepts the offer hesitantly before he's back to staring at the photo in question. "So who are these people in the photo?"

"The tallest one there with glasses and stubby chin is my dad. The teen next to him is me and the little girl I'm hugging is my sister Nai." Keith explains to him proudly. "She works in the cooking department with Peter. I'm sure you've seen her around."

The young monster thinks back to Peter's cooking group. Black hair and silver eyes were a shared trait between the brother and sister. So Torm could easily pick her out after seeing the photo.

"A little sister..." He says looking at the little girl in the photo.

"Yup, like you have a little brother, I have a little sister." Keith chuckles as he picks up a pen to start doing his paper work while he keeps talking to him. "I was scared at first when she joined the army with me, but she showed me she could handle the risks. She never ceases to amaze me as always."

Torm hums as he sets the photo back on Keith's desk. Just then, he's pushed forward from behind, someone jumping onto his back.

"Tormy!" Tomi exclaims, "Oh my gosh I thought I lost you!" He tells his brother with teary eyes while clinging onto him tightly.

Torm chuckles awkwardly once his brother is off of his back. "Sorry Tomi, I just got distracted is all." He hands come up to wipe the tears away. Tomi sniffs and hugs his brother tightly to find comfort in the embrace.

Zack and Reggie come running up to them and sigh in relief when they found Tomi with Torm.

"Oh thank goodness Tomi found him." Reggie says bent over with his hands on his knees out of breath.

"What happened?" Torm asks, not knowing what was going on.

Zack laughs lightly and explains, "We were walking around the base when Tomi got jump scared by two of the department's usual pranksters. Apparently he was reaching out for you, but you weren't there so he panicked. He started getting teary eyes and ran around trying to look for you franticly."

Torm pats his brother a couple pats on the back while showing the soldiers a tight lipped smile. Sweat ran down the soldiers back, except for Tomi since he was too busy crying into his brother's black flannel.

"Make sure you give them a fitting punishment for me." Torm's calm tone tells them.

Reggie, Zack, and Keith gulp before nodding to his silent under tone of order. There was no doubt the little devil is like Tord after all. Plus they didn't want another repeat of what happened on the training ground.

"Hello? If any of the soldier sees Tomi and Torm. Could you tell them to come to the dining hall now. That also goes for all soldiers, please come to the mess halls as well. Thanks!" Sadie quickly says through the radios.

Tomi is quick to look up from Torm's shirt and smile. He knows what Sadie meant, now they were able to enter the dining hall for the party!

He grabbed his brother's arm to tug him towards the exit. "Come on Tormy! Let's go to the Dining Hall now!"

"Whoa! Wait, Tomi-"

Torm couldn't say anything further as his little brother's strength practically dragged him quickly out of the Patrol department.

The two blue soldiers laugh with Keith.

"Those two boys are gonna be important one day."

The two blue soldiers looks at their co-partner in managing the patrol department.

"You think so Keith?" Reggie asks with a raised brow.

Keith nods as he knocks on the top of his desk two times with his knuckles. He gets up from his seat so he could start heading for the dining hall too.

"No doubt about it. They'll inherit Red and Blue Leader's legacy one day."

+The Dining Hall+

On the way to the dining hall, the kids had met Ace. The teen, having heard around the departments that it is Torm's birthday today, gives the little devil one of his ready supplies lollipops.

Torm declines at first, but Ace was set on giving him the sweet. So he accepted the candy without further complain. Ace even offered Tomi one too which the little demon accepted happily.

Now the three of them are standing in front of the dining hall doors.

Torm found his surrounding too quiet for his likening. He noticed the soldiers weren't really walking about anymore like they usually were and the other side of the door didn't have volume from usual chattering soldiers.

"Is it just me, or is it oddly quiet?"

"Nope!" Tomi denies as he walks up to the doors. He places his hands on both door, giving them a push to open them.

The room was dark before the lights flashed on.

"Happy Birthday Torm!"

Torm looks around the room as Tomi tugs him forward with a grin on his face. "Happy Birthday Tormy!" Ace is following in with them almost like a guard.

"What? I don't-" He felt someone place something on his head. Torm reaches up and takes the thing off. It looks like one of those decorative party hats he's seen from the tv shows with Tomi.

They go over to their parents who are standing in the middle of the room with a few soldiers by them. Ace parts from them to join his department at where they're sitting.

Tomi brings his brother over to them, only to let go when he goes running up to Tom. He reaches up for his mother to pick him up which the brunet he does. "You did a good job Tomi." Tom praises his little monster.

Torm walks up to them confused. "What's going on?"

"If you haven't noticed yet Torm, we're celebrating your birthday party." Tord chuckles as he pats the boy on the back. "Tom found out your birthday was today and decided we should celebrate it."

"Which will be common thing from now on, even with Tomi." Tom cuts in as he looks at Torm. "Happy Birthday Torm."

Torm smiles a little when his mother used a soft tone with him while showing him a smile of his own. "Thank you Mother..."

Tord claps his hands loudly to get everyone's attention. Soon all eyes were on them again. "As you all know, today is a very special day! Torm is turning 9 today while celebrating his first birthday party."

Tom continues for Tord when the leader glances at him. "We'd also like to thank all of you for your hard work these pass few moths as well. So let's all enjoy the food provided by the cooks after Torm blows his candles!"

The doors to the kitchen open, Sadie and Peter pushing out a food cart holding Torm's three layered birthday cake. The cake dressed in black, white, and red frosting, with blue candles burning on the top layer.

When they put it in the center of the room, Tomi hugs his mother happily as Tord looks pretty proud at the cake presentation.

Torm flaps his wings to let himself fly in the air around the beautifully tall cake. "Wow..." he's never been so amazed before.

"And a one, two, three-" Tomi says loudly after his mother told him to repeat his words.

The soldiers all sang Torm the happy birthday song in joyful tune with some laughter involved here and there.

Torm watches them with some awe as looks around. His parents and brother were singing along too while looking up at him with smiles.

When the song came to a delightful end. Torm stares at the candles just an few inches away from him, burning away at the wax.

"Blow the candles!" Tomi encourages him.

Torm smiles truly with happiness. His smile has everyone pause for a moment before grinning in their own way for their efforts in making the party worth it. He blows the candles out in one go and flies back down to the ground. Where his brother jumps out of Tom's arms to hug him tightly.

Tom and Tord walk up to them with content expressions. All eyes seem to be on them to see what else their leaders would do for Torm's birthday.

"Well I guess I should give you my present now." Tom shakes with a chuckle. He felt as though Torm would enjoy his little present to him. He digs into the inside of his vest to pull out a cute stuffed doll.

It's a simple black cat with heterochromatic eyes. The left eye has a beautiful blue color while its opposite eye has the pigment of red. What made the animal doll cute was the fact it's fur on the top of its head was done like Tord and Torm's hairstyle.

"I made it myself with some help from Neva's department." At said help, the blue uniform department group cheers. "I hope you don't mind accepting him."

Torm accepts the doll when his mother handed it to him. "He's perfect... Thank you." His expression softens as he holds it with both of his hands. Tomi holding by the arm as he looks at the doll too.

"I also got you a gift Tormy!" He lets go of his brother to pull out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket. "Sorry it's all crinkled, I didn't know how to hide it without giving your surprise away."

Torm accepts the folded piece of paper and unfolds it. It's a beautifully done drawing of him, one side had him in his normal human looking form while parallel to that form is his monster one. It's like one one of the best drawers in the world had made it for him.

"Thanks Tomi, I love it even if it is a little crinkled." He hugs his little brother who giggles at the affectionate action.

Tord clears his throat, getting their attention. "Since this is your first birthday party, I thought it would be best to ask you what you want as a special gift." He didn't mind spoiling the eldest at least once, especially on this special occasion like this. "You can ask me for anything, but only one gift for now Torm."

Torm hums in thought about what he wants. There really wasn't much to ask from his father since has everything he could ever want.

He has an amazing mother that cares and loves him dearly. His little brother is his reason to be watchful and makes him feel privileged to be his older brother. While his father is a great role model he strives to be like one day.

"Hm?" Torm remembers something back in his adventure with Tomi today. Maybe he could ask for that from his father. "I think I know what I want."

"Oh? And what would that be?" Tord asks quite curious of what Torm has in mind.

"A little sister."


Torm's Birthday Chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, the last chapter and this on are dedicated to him. Torm just needs some love you know^^

Anyways I'll be leaving starting tomorrow for the retreat like you know. Thanks for being supportive guys, really appreciate it.

Also in the comments section, please keep role play and conversations to a minimum. If you are having fun doing a long conversation, please continue it in a private message or on one of your own books. Much appreciated for those who do not wish for exploding notification.

Now for the hall of your daily fanart!!!

@StarKid168 Torm possessing Tord! And birthday gift for Torm Thank you^^

Got this one from Instagram from zaniara_gaming! Thanks^^

Through Instagram as well from eyescheme_ Thank you for working on all this cute art XD

Birthday pics for Torm from Instagram people!!! ^^ Thanks Everyone, you made his day :)

Photo below belongs to mamaduckling27!

My tumblr people having amazing art skills like my Insta peeps XD Being totally honest the first pic is how imagined Torm when I wrote that angry part out.

Now my email people! First one, I didn't really get a username to credit their wattpad account. ^^' remember to put your usernames in guys. Otherwise you gotta tell me you want to remain anonymous like the people who sent me the second and third photo.

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