☆Chapter 10☆Misunderstanding☆

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Neil's pov..

" Ok, Dad. I am reaching there." I said to my dad on phone.

" Don't be late." He said.

" Don't worry. I will be in time." I said.

" Good then. Don't keep me waiting." Dad said.

" I am just reaching there, Dad." I said and hung up. I came downstairs and saw my mom was going out.

" Are you going out, Neo boy?" My mom asked me.

" Yeah, Dad needs me in office there is something wrong, he wants me to find out." I said.

" Drop me at the mall on your way." Mom said and I nodded. We entered the parking lot actually basement of our house. I reached my car and opened the door for mom.

" So, any improvement?" Mom asked.

" Which improvement, mom?" I asked as I drove out of the basement.

" About Avni D'cruse." Mom asked and winked at me.

" She is very hard to start with but I made a move and until now- Neil: 1 and Avni: 0. But she will make moves and overcome it. But this time I am going to win anyhow by hook or crook. When I said I want her then it is. If she is obstinate I am 100 times more obstinate than her. Once I get into my real self I will not let anyone win over me. Easy going isn't a word for her. She needs a fair play. A very hard competition between us." I said honestly sighing.

" Don't give up. You never know what is going to be happened." She said assuring me.

" I am not going to give up on her until she is crazy for me just like I am for her." I said and chuckled.I can never give up on her.

" It will be a hard way to go." Mom said.

" I know it very well." I said sighing.

" Yeah. So, what did you do?" Mom asked.

" I challenge her to come on a date with me. She refused first but I just got her weakness.Avni D'cruse doesn't want to lose in any sphere of life. Not even in a mere dare. She is crazy and obsessed with the word winner. She always wins. She doesn't accept her lose. This what is the biggest weapon of mine. She herself against her own. Her this obstinate nature will make us close, Mom. Mark my words." I said honestly. Mom chuckled.

" Try to make things easy. Don't hurt her and yourself too." Mom said.

" Well, Mom. Depends how hard she is going to play. I don't even know what she is thinking about it." I said.

" She is going to give you so hard time." Mom said.

" I am ready for every challenge, Mom. I really want to be with her. I really do." I said.

" Do you love her?" Mom asked.

" I am on my way falling for her, crazily, deeply, madly. I like her this extend that I can assure it." I said.

" At last." Mom said and sighed. I chuckled.

" What's with that, Mom?" I asked.

" I thought the girl who is lucky enough to be with you or I might say you are lucky enough to be with her is not born yet." Mom said and I laughed.

" And you can see. She is born and giving me a tough time to tame her. What a girl!!!" I said sighing deeply.

" But when she will love you she will do it with all of her heart. If you break her trust she will be destroyed." Mom said.

" And I never want break or destroy her. I want her to be the happiest woman alive with me of course." I said and chuckled.

" Very well." Mom said. " Drop me there." Mom said and I parked the car. She got down from the car and I started to drive but I got call from Mom at once.

" Hello, Mom?" I said.

"Neo, I forgot my clutch in the car." Mom said and I sighed.

" I am coming back." I said and cut the call. I quickly parked the car and put on my hoodie. I called Mom to know her current location.

" Are you here?" Mom asked.

" Yes, mom. Where are you?" I asked.

" I am in Gucci store." Mom said to me.

" Ok, Mom. I am reaching there." I said and found out the Gucci store after 15 minutes of searching. I found mom was standing outside. I reached her and gave her the clutch and came back to the parking lot. I was about to get in the car but suddenly someone called me.

"Neo!!!" I heard a familiar voice. As I turned I can feel my blood bailing on it's highest point.

" Mitali!!" I said shockingly.

" At last I found you. How are you, baby?" She asked tugging herself with me but I immediately pulled my hand away from her grip.

" Look,Mitali. I told you - " I was saying but she cut me.

" That you love me? I know you do." She said and came forward and hugged me and als kissed me on the cheek.I jerked her away from me angrily.

" This is the last time I am telling you this, I don't love or even like you a bit. I don't like this fake face of yours and the dark heart inside of you. Don't ever I mean ever even try to contact me or appearing in front of my eyes." I said totally pissed off with her behavior.

" I know you are talking like this because you are a bit angry with me. I can make it up though. What about we go on a dinner date tonight? What do you say?!!" She asked. Well, that's it. I took my phone and call Vikas.

" Hello?" He said.

" File a case on Mitali. I want this to be done by tomorrow. Send me the copy. Just make sure she has her proper mental treatment after that. She needs it more than food." I said and gave her a cold stare while she was looked at me with her flirty eyes. Shit with this girl. I hate her from the bottom of my heart.

" You are still here? I thought you ran away." I said rolling my eyes.

" I want to come with you. Can I join?" She asked.

" No need, I am ok. If you ever mess with me the next time you will find yourself ruined." I said to her in a cold voice. I got into my car and drove away. I hate her. My mood was terribly off.  I sighed. She messed with my brain. I wanted to relax for a while but still there is someone trying to steal my time and messing with my brain crazily. Just fantastic.

Pov end.....

Avni's pov..

" Let's go for shopping." Ann squealed excitedly. I chuckled seeing her excitement.

" Ok, Ann. Let's go." I said taking my bike's keys.

I locked the door behind. It was Sunday, I had no works to do and no classes today. I wanted to spend time with Ann and Noel. But Noel had a lot of works to do. Luckily Ananya was not that busy. She had two classes. So, I told her to come to office so that we can go somewhere to enjoy the weather which is blessing us currently. Me and Ananya both like this weather. We love to roam around.

As we came out of my cabin Ananya tugged herself with me and smiled widely.

" What is the reason behind this face?" I asked her. She pouted."What has the stupid done now?" I asked about Karan.

"Nothing as always i am excited for sister's time thats and also excited for shopping."She said giggling.

" Very good then." I said and we reached in front of Dad's cabin suddenly our parents come out of Dad's cabin.

" Such a beautiful thing seeing my princesses. Where are my princesses going?" Dad came and Ananya hugged him immediately and I did the same.

" Awwww, that was a scenario now." Mom said as she showed us the pic she took of ours. We smiled.

" Wow, thanks, love for the pic." Dad said. Mom smiled.

" Where are you girls going?" Mom asked.

" Going for shopping."Ananya said.

" Oh, ok then. You guys go." Mom said. " Drive safely, don't raise speed crazily." Mom said lookinh at me and I sighed.

" Yeah, mom I know." I said.

" Go and enjoy your time." Dad said.

" Ok, bye Mom. Bye Dad."Ann said and kissed their cheeks. I followed her.

" Bye, girls." Mom said.

" Bye, Princesses. Take care." Dad said.

" We will. No worries, Dad." I said.

" What do you want to do after shopping?" I asked Ann.

" Let's watch a movie." She said and I nodded. We reached the parking lot and walked towards my bike.

" You bought your bike today?" She asked me.

" Yeah, I was feeling to ride for long. Since today I am free so bought it." I said. She nodded smilingly. I know she loves riding with me. " Here." I gave her helmet and wear mine. I ride on it and was waiting for Ann. She sat behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. She giggled. I smiled.

" Ready??" I asked her.

" Mmm...hmm..." She nodded smilingly.

" Ok, let's go then." I said and speeded up. The weather was really very very comfortable. I am really enjoying it.

"Avi,Avi stop." Ann said suddenly.

" Why?" I asked her.

" I want a coffee." She said pointing the café. I chuckled. I parked the bike nearby parking lot and went to have coffee with my twin. We had our coffee and came back. We started for the mall. It took 30 minutes to reach there. I parked the bike in the parking lot.Ananya squealed and walked out immediately.

"Ann!!! Wait for me." I shouted from back. I took the key but suddenly a familiar figure caught my eye.

Neil Khanna!!! What is he doing here!!! I saw him talking with a girl.Obviously.Then the girl hugged him and kissed him. Liar!!!! I knew it. But my mood suddenly got terribly off. I don't know why. I slowly walked out of the parking lot and found Ann already waiting for me. I walked towards her and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

" What happened?" She asked me immediately looking at my face.

" Nothing. What will happen?" I asked but she still was looking at me suspiciously. I smiled widely.

" Who wants an ice cream?" I changed the topic and she squealed.

" Me. Me. Let's go." She pulled me with her. I chuckled seeing her reaction. Crazy kid.

" Have you had your breakfast?" She asked me.

" Let's go get breakfast then. I am hungry." She said and I smiled.

" Let's go." I said but suddenly my phone started to ring. It was Noel.

" Hello, baby boy." I said smiling. He sighed.

" Where are you two?" He asked me.

" In the mall." I said.

" Ok, stay there." He said and hung up.

" Noel?"Ann asked.

" Yes." I said.

" What was he saying?" She asked me.

" Asking where we are right now." I said.

" Is he going to join us?" She asked happily.

" He is." We heard Noel from back.Ananya squealed and ran to him.

Hmm looks like we are going to have siblings time after a long time..thats good though.

" What pulled you here?" I asked him after he settled in a chair.

" I thought it's long since we have spend time together. So, wanted to spend time with you guys." He said smiling and I nodded.

" Let's go have breakfast. I am starving."Ananya said as she tugged herself with Noel.

" Ok, let's go." I said and we entered nearby café.

" What are you up to after shopping?" Noel asked.

" Watching movie or you have another idea?"Ann asked.

" Let's go to the park roam around for a while then we can go to watch a movie. What do you say?" Noel asked.

" Sounds fun. Count me in."Ananya said and I smiled at her reaction. We ordered food and it came after a while.

Ananya and Noel started to talk about various things. I joined them but I was feeling something is not right with me. That stupid moron has really made my mood dropped.

I mean I knew he was hitting on me but I am feeling weird. I don't know why. I currently want to punch him right across his face. I tried my best to control myself. I am not weak. I am strong. I am never going to be weak for someone. I am not. I knew he was playing around. I don't care. I knew how he is. I am not hurt. I tried to convince myself. I knew everything from the start then why I am feeling weird!!! I need to talk with Ann alone. I need to talk with her.Only she can make me alright.


Oops misunderstanding😁...

When do you think this misunderstanding will be cleared?

What do you think will happen next?

What do you think neil will do after he'll know this??

What di you think about this chapter and how was it?

And guys thank you so much for the love you guys are giving me and really sorry for not replying to all of you actually i am not getting enough time to reply..i can either write a chapter or reply the comments so thats why sorry about that. 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️

Lots of love🌹💫

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