☆Chapter 11☆Jealousy☆

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Avni's pov....

" Where are you lost today?" Noel asked me as we were watching the movie they were commenting on the movie but I wasn't. Usually, I mock them to me so much attached with the movie stuffs. But I wasn't able to do it today. My mood was terribly off. I wasn't able to think anything straight. The thing I saw this morning was playing in my mind again and again. I don't know why but it didn't help my mood at all.

" I am fine." I told them drinking water. They looked at me weirdly. I just shrugged.

" Are you sure?"Ananya asked.

" Yeah, I am. No worries. Enjoy the movie. I think I need a sound sleep. My mind is not working properly." I said and stood up to leave.

" Ok, you sleep then." Noel said waving at me.

" I am coming with you." Ananya said.

" No, you watch the movie. I don't want to disturb you." I said.

" Come on, you are the most important thing for me not a stupid movie." Ananya said.

" You watch the movie, Ann. I am fine. I just want to rest a bit." I said smilingly.

" Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" She asked me.

" No, I am fine." I said to her.

" Ok, then go and sleep. Make sure you call me when you need anything." She said and I kissed both of their forehead. I walked upstairs and threw myself on the bed. And again I saw the thing I saw in the morning. Urrrghh!! I hate that girl. I hate her touching him. I don't want her to touch him.

But why!!Why do you not want that? Do you like him?! My brain kicked in the right time. I hold myself back. What am I thinking!!! Why am I thinking this!!! Wait, why I am thinking about him so much!!! He is just a mere guy like others right!!! There is nothing special about him.

Or may be everything is special about him, right? My heart mocked me. I ignored it.

Nothing is special about him. Nothing. He is nothing. He is not going to win. He is not. He will see the hell. Why is he doing this!!! There must be a reason. I need to defeat him. I will. I never lose and I will never lose. I was born to be the champion, now and forever.

Urrrghh!!! Why am I thinking about it?!! I don't care if he even sleeps with thousands of girls out there. I don't care at all. I do not. I said to myself savagely.

And you my heart stop misleading me or else it won't be good for you. I will make you freeze. I said coldly to my heart.

You can't freeze me. You are not Elsa. My heart said. You stop bothering me and just do your work don't beat crazily for stupid reason and definitely not for that moron. Am I clear!!! I again hissed.

I was totally devastated. I was  talking with my brain!!! My heart!!! They are just mere organs. But I was talking like they can hear me. Was I a mad!!! Had I lost my mind!! I shook my head.

I took a deep breath. I need a relaxing shower right now. I slowly walked towards the washroom and I started to take a shower. As the water touched my bare skin, I felt chill. I felt my body relaxing and everything is so much more better than before. I kept standing under the shower until I got it was quite long. I still wanted to but my phone was continuously ringing.

I wrapped myself in a robe and wrapped my hairs in a towel. I walked out of the washroom and took my phone which was lazily laying on the bed. I checked the notification. 78 calls from Moron, 38 messages. I threw my phone on the bed again and it started to ring again. I ignored him. I don't care. I changed into my comfortable clothes. I was about to sleep but Ananya entered the room with the cordless phone of house.

"Avi, you slept?" She asked.

" No, I haven't. What happened?" I asked her.

" Someone is asking for you." She gave me the phone and left. Who is it!!!

" Hello!!!" I said.

" Hello, Sweetheart. What are you doing?" I heard the moron.

" Dieing. Can you do any help?" I asked gritting my teeth. I heard him laugh.

" You are not dieing, Sweetheart. You were sleeping I guess." He said sighing.

" Why bother to ask then, moron?" I gritted.

" Woah, tigress!!" He chuckled.

" Bye. I am busy. I don't want to talk with you." I said and was about to cut the call.

" Why you are scared that you might fall in love with me?" He asked in a teasing tone. I clenched my fist.

" I am not afraid of anything. Not to a stupid like you." I said.

" Really?" He asked me.

" Yes, really. Now tell me why are you bothering me by calling like a stupid?" I asked him.

" I was just checking if my my girlfriend is ok or not. Since I haven't met her from last 3 days. I kinda miss her." He said and I can feel that stupid smirk on his face.

" Don't smirk I will break your face." I gritted. " And I am not your girlfriend. You moron." I gritted.

" You are." He said.

" I am not. The girl you had with you this morning is your girlfriend. I am not and I will never be one. Don't show me your face ever again." I said and hung up without bothering to hear his explanation. I don't need it. I don't care about it. I don't care about it. I do not. Suddenly my phone beeped.

Moron : You are jealous.

Me : I don't give a damn. I don't care.

Moron:  You will know that soon. Very soon.

Me : liar, stupid. I hate you.

Moron : You don't. You are jealous.

Me : I do not care. I bloody don't care.

I don't care. Why will I care!!! I hate him. He can go and sleep with tons of girls out there. I really don't give a bloody damn!!! I don't.


Tadaaa!!Hope you liked it!

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Lots of love🌹🌹

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