☆Chapter 13☆Surprise☆

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So here's going to be surprise and shock for you all..i updated even though i wasn't completely motivated but yeah for my true and loyal readers love you all😙😙😙

Now enjoy!!


" So, what are you doing today?" Grandma asked.

" Going to stay with you definitely." I said.

" Do you want me to make you something?" She asked. I shook my head.

" Let's order pizza." I said. She smiled.

" You will gain calories." She said chuckling.

" Don't worry. I will work out and burn them." I said winking.

" Alright then." She said.

" Say cool then." I said. She chuckled.

" My little tillu is still there, isn't he?" She asked punching my cheeks.

" He is hidden inside this hell dashing guy." I said and winked at her. She laughed.

" You really turned into a superstar." She said sighing and I laughed.

" So, is fame good or bad?" I asked her.

" It depends. If you enjoy it then it's good but sometimes it really suffocates you. Everything has a good and bad side. You have to adjust if you are in it already." She said and I nodded. Her words mean a lot to me.

" Thanks, Babe. I think you should take rest until the pizza arrives." I said taking the landline phone and called the nearest pizza place.

" Nah, I am fine." She said.

" Alright, then." I said sitting beside her. I dialed the number and ordered pizza.

" I miss the little tillu though." Grandma said and I smiled.

" I am still little and cute." I said smilingly. She laughed.

" You are not little anymore, Neo boy." She said.

" Yeah, but I will always stay the little boy to you." I said and kissed her cheek. She smiled softly.

" I know." She said. " But how time flies!!!" She said sighing.

" Yeah - " I was saying but the landline started to ring.

" Hello, whose there?" I picked up the call.

" Hello, Neil. It's me Ali." I heard Ali saying his voice was filled with desperation.

" Ali, what happened, dude?" I asked him.

" Check your phone. Where is it?" He asked me. I searched for my phone but couldn't find it.

" I can't find it. What happened?" I asked.

" I am outside of your house. Come and get it. You forgot it at my place." He said more like yelled and I sighed. What was I thinking about!!!

" Ok, I am coming." I said and cut the call. I sighed.

" What happened, tillu?" Grandma asked.

" I forgot my phone at my friend's." I said. " He is outside of the house to return it. I will go and get it." I said. She smiled and nodded.

" Ok, you go and get it." She said and I came out of the house. I saw Ali waiting for me.

" Here." He threw the phone to me angrily he was looking pissed off and irritatted I caught the phone.

" Dude, who is the fiercy cat?!!" He asked in horror.

" Who?" I asked confusedly.

" The girl who called a while back and was shouting at me." He said scaredly.

" What are you talking about?" I asked.

" Dude, she called you gay." He said and I laughed. Who called me earlier. I searched through the history. It was Avni. Wait, what!!! Why did she call me early in the morning!!! I got confused. She really called me!!!

" She called and I didn't picked up at first but then she texted that ' if you don't pick up the call I will burn you alive'. I was scared seeing a person getting that fiercy toward you. So, I took the call but she shouted at me saying what you were doing at my place early in the morning. She said you are gay. She shouted all the time threatening me to kill me along with you." He said and I laughed clutching my stomach. It was hilarious. I looked at Ali and laughed again. He narrowe-d his eyes at me.

" Not funny she is a one dangerous woman." He said glaring at me.

" I know, she is my savage one." I said smirking at him.

" She called me gay as well though I told her that I have a girlfriend. She wasn't ready to accept that. What kind of girl she is!!!" Ali said.

" Fiesty Girl." I said winking.

" What!!" He said.

" She is a girl on fire. Like burning everything around her with her flame." I said remembering my one.

" Start to write script too. You will be successful writer as well." He said rolling his eyes sarcasm was dripping from his tone and I laughed. I know he was totally pissed with Avni's behavior. She was unpredictable.

" Alright. Not a bad idea." I said. He rolled his eyes. I laughed again.

" I am going. I don't think you are going to listen to my words. You will only keep laughing like a mad guy." He said and I was still laughing.

" Ok,Al. Take care." I said to him laughing.

" Same to you." He said irritatingly. I just controlled my laughter. He drove away.

" Crazy woman." I smiled remembering her.

I can't believe that she has called us gay. I laughed again. No, babe I ain't gay. Let's prove you that. I went inside and saw the pizza already arrived. I ate pizza with Grandma then she went to take rest.

I decided to meet my girl. Let's prove her that I am not a gay. I smirked mischeaviously. I took my black hoodie and put it on. I took my keys and drove towards her University. I took a deep breath before walking out of the car. I got out of my car and kept my head down. I don't want someone find me out. I was waiting for her as it was the lunch hour. God i feel like such a stalker.Never in my wildest dream i've thought that i'll be stalking someone like that.God!!I am soo excited to see her i am feeling like some lovesick teenager.

I sat in the corner of the cafeteria.She came after a while.She was wearing a black coloured shirt with black jeans.She was wearing a simple outfit yet she was looking more classy and beautiful then the ones who are showing half of their body and yet trying to show more.She took a look of the cafeteria and walked out. I stood up and followed her. She was going towards the library. She entered and it was almost vacant. I followed her and she kept her stuffs on a desk there then went to search for some books. I followed her and luckily it was the darkest end part of the library the last row of books.No one was there. I stood silently behind her as she turned and saw me she jumped and lost her balance in shock. I quickly caught her by her waist. I smirked at her and she narrowed her eyes at me.

[The picture at the starting is avni's outfit]

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a cold tone.

" Seeing my girlfriend and proving her something which she said was totally wrong." I said mischeaviously.

" What is wrong? I didn't say anything wrong." She said.

" So, you accept that you are my girlfriend?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows.

" What!!! No, never ever." She said.

" Really?" I asked raising my brows and still keeping my hand on ger waist which hadnt removed yet.

" Yeah." She said.

" And you called your boyfriend gay?" I asked her getting fake angry.

" You are not my boyfriend and yes you are a gay." She said glaring at me. I smiled.

" Ok, Babe. Let me prove that I am not." I said and without giving her a chance to form a single word I pressed my lips on hers.



They kissedd!!!!!

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Lots of love🌹🌹🌹

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