☆Chapter 14☆Angry Avni☆

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" Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Avi and Noel." My twin said cheerfully kissing all of our cheek. She sat beside me smiling widely. I smiled looking at her. I just pray to God that this smile never leaves her face ever. I hope she always remains this happy and never be sad.

" Good morning, princess." Dad said.

" Good morning, Twini." I said and she smiled widely. That's it. Her smile is a bright sunlight.

" What happened, Sweetheart? Why are you so happy today?" Mom asked Ann smilingly. Mom and Ann have almost same characteristics. But still my mom has a feisty side Ann has none. She might've a hidden temper but not a savage self.Maybe her characteristic is a bit like dad a calm one.

" May be she saw a beautiful butterfly in her dream last night." Noel said grinning and Ann pouted at him glaring.

" No, I have not." She said.

" Then?" I asked.

" Soon, I am going to work as a internship student in the hospital. I am excited about it." She said and smiled. We all smiled at her excitement.

" That's great." My mom said.

" I am happy for you." I said and side hugged her and she smiled.

" I can't believe my princess grown up and now soon she will be a doctor." Dad said.Ann giggled. We were having breakfast.

" Princess?" My dad called. I and Ann looked at him at the same time. He smiled.

" Her." Dad pointed me and Ann nodded smilingly.

" Yes, Dad?" I asked him.

" I need to attend the meeting with Dawson. Can you join the Khanna's today? I really need to attend Dowson." He said.

" Dad, can we exchange? I mean is there any problem if I take Dawson and you go to the Khannas?" I asked my dad.

" Well, there is no but I wanted to check it by myself. Why is there any problem with Khannas?" Dad enquired.

" No, Dad not at all. I also wanted to know about new people. That's why wanted to take Dowson's." I said. Actually, I didn't want to see that jerk face right now. I want to stay alone. I feel weird from yesterday. I couldn't sleep properly thinking about the bitch. She was a certified one. Can't he figure it out!!!

" Ok, then. You will get along with them if we sign the contract. Otherwise no need to get along with strangers." My dad said. Isn't he over protective!! But still I love my dad a lot.

" Ok, Dad. As you think is right." I said

" Very nice then call,Neil and fix the time." Dad said and I sighed inwardly.

I don't want to talk to him currently. I don't know why I was angry at him right now. I wanted to burn something but that something was lucky cause I have a classes. Otherwise I would burn something. The best thing I can burn is that bitch. I would may be some day in future. I will burn her face and her whole body as well.

"Karan asked for the Pallette's file. " My dad reminded me. I saw Ann smiling widely mentioning that name. I sighed. Love birds!!!

" I will send him today." I said sighing.

" Good. Send him." Dad said.

" I should take a leave now." I said. " Do you want me to drop you?" I asked my twin.

" Yes, wait a moment."she said taking her bag and labcoat. Typical doctor she is looking like. I smiled. I am proud of her. She deserves all the happiness. I know she does. I will never let anyone snatch her happiness from her. Never ever. I will always take care of it.

" So, what do you want to do this weekend?" She asked me.

" Let's go out for some time." I said.

" Let's visit Grandma. I miss Sadie." She said. Sadie is her horse. She loves her a lot. Did I ever mentioned that she loves to ride horses even i love riding horses?!!

" Yeah, let's go then. Tell Noel to join." I said.

" Cool then." She said and smiled.

" Tell K to join if he wants." I said as I stopped in front of her college. She got down.

" Ok, I will tell him." She said to me waving bye and running into the college building.

" Careful!!!" I shouted from back.

" I will." She said throwing an air kiss to me. I shook my head at her this childishness. I drove towards my University and parked the car. I got down and decided to call Neil. I took a deep breath. I dialed his number. He didn't took the call after I called him even 7 times. I messaged him and threatened him to burn him alive. I know typical me.

" Hello." I was ready to kill him when he picked up the call.

" Hello, who is it?" I heard some unknown voice.

" Who are you?" I said with a code tone.

" I asked first miss." He has a nerve.

" Look, you stupid whoever you are give the phone to it's owner I have some important things to discuss with him. Do it quickly before I burn you alive." I said coldly.

" Neo is not here currently. He was a few times back." He said.

" What is he doing there with you early in the morning?" I asked being suspicious.

" He is my friend." He replied.

" What kind of friend!! Friends with benefits?!! Are you two gay!!!" I asked him.

" What!!! No. I already have a girlfriend. What are you talking about?" He said.

" You both are gay. You don't have a girlfriend I don't trust you." I said and hung up. I needed to attend my classes. I decided to call Mr. Neil directly after my classes. I attended classes until lunch break. I went to the cafeteria and it was full with students. I decided to eat later. I straight walked towards the library. I needed to do something. I put my stuffs on the desk and walked towards the place where I left the book yesterday. I took a turn and I almost shouted shockingly finding Neil Khanna standing just behind me. I lost my balance and was about to fall down on my back but he wrapped his arms around my waist. I opened my eyes glaring at him as he was smirking at me mischeaviously.

" What are you doing here?" I asked him.

" Seeing my girlfriend and proving her something which she said was totally wrong." He said looking at me.

" Which wrong? I didn't say anything wrong." I said.

" So, you accept that you are my girlfriend?" He asked smirkingly.

" What!!! No, never ever." I said angrily.

" Really?" He asked.

" Yeah." I said.

" And you called your boyfriend a gay?" He said.

" You're not my boyfriend and yes you're a gay." I said.

" Ok, let me prove that I am not." He said and I was about to say something but what he did the next moment got me utterly shocked. I was totally and terribly shocked when he just pressed his lips on mine and just kissed me just for few seconds though. I was taken aback. He pulled back a while back and I was still shocked.

" Now say I am gay." He said grinning but my brain wasn't working properly. We both were catching our breath. He smirked at my reaction. " Do you want one more?" He asked and suddenly I got back my senses.

" You fucking Bustard!!!!!" I was about to claw his face by digging my nails but suddenly the lunch break was finished. I had my important lecture to attend. He smirked more. " Going for now. I will kick your face when I come back. You better be ready." I said stepping on his feet with my heels. He hissed in pain. I smiled sweetly though I was blasting inside.

Neil Khanna, you are gone. You choose a wrong person to mess with. I will show you what is a blast. I smirked while walking out the library even though i was way too angry.


Tadaaa here's avni's point of view😉!!

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Lots of love🌹🌹

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