☆Chapter 33☆Ms D'cruse Opening Up☆

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Yup I'm in a good mood with your response on the previous chapters so here's the treat of long chapter.



" You done asking?" He asked me raising his eyebrows.

" I have a lot of things to know about Brazil and India. I literally know nothing about it." I said I mean yeah I know a bit as mum is from India too but not much.

" You can learn that later from internet and I can help you with it too." He said shrugging.

" My only question is why do you have a perfect British accent?" I asked him.

" Babe, I have learned many languages for works beside Indian. And if you think like that then just so you know English is my mother language too cause my mom is a British." He said and I looked at him and he nodded.

" Oh, I never knew that." I said confusedly.

" Alright. It's my turn now. I also want to know something from you." He said.

" Didn't you do a research on me? You should know everything already." I said smirking.

" I don't know something, babe. Cooperate." He said.

" Fine." I said.

" I want to know why do you avoid boys and never get close to them and one more question is why did you turn this cold? Were you like this from the start or any reason behind it? No skipping questions. Have to answer them." He said directly looking into my eyes. I looked at him and sighed thinking about the questions.

" I avoid boys cause they don't deserve my attention. They only deserve hatred." I said honestly.

" Why so?" He asked.

" I don't like to get along with boys cause you know if you befriend with them you will soon find yourself on his bed mostly that's what happen. I hate friends with benefits and I hate those who tries to lure me in. I don't like clingy persons who are extra nice without any reason. I don't need any suger talk . I know who and what I am. I don't need a friend who is selfish. They are usually behind bodies and all.I don't want to trade my body. " I said to him.

" Fine. Then." He said as he opened his mouth again to say something but then closed it.

" Look, Neil I might not believe in love but trust me I believe on respect for each other. I will never ever do something which will hurt your feeling. And you can trust me when I said that I will be loyal to you." I said and he smiled.

" And I have my trust on you. All of it." He said smiling and I smiled.

" Thank you for that." I said to him.

" You're always  welcome." He said. " I still have questions for you to answer." He told me. I nodded and sighed too. It's hard to answer.

" Well, there is no specific reason for being cold hearted. Actually, I got my cold heartedness from my Dad and temper from mom so yeah it's a weird combination. You can say it's for genes. I got his anger issues from genes and Anna got my dad's calm behavior from his genes." I said. " But can say that there is a reason. I am the eldest child of D'cruse family I need to be strong and authoritative if I don't then people will try to take advantage. I don't want to be weak. I have two siblings to take care of. Though now Karan is here for Ann but it wasn't easy for me to make sure about her security before. As you can see that she is such an innocent Angel. There were people who could hurt her. If I didn't act cruel then they will be easily attack my family. I don't want that. I want everyone of my family is safe. I don't want anyone make them target for my fault. If I am in the fault then I am gladly ready to accept the punishment. But I tried to be the perfect girl in the first place. So that, no one suffers. No one can find out a fault in me. I want to stay flawless so that people can't make a move on me." I said and as soon as I finished it he was stunned and hugged me so tight again as I chuckled.

"I have one more question." He said breaking the hug.

" Yes?" I said calmly.

" Babe, do you trust me?" He asked.

" Yes, I do." I said." You did a lot to make me trust you. So, yeah I do trust you."I said smiling.

" Very well then." He said. " And I will keep doing things which will make you feel better and keep trusting me with all your heart for the rest of your life. I will never leave a chance for you to complain against me." He said making me smile widely. I nodded.

" Better for you. If you break my trust you will see the hell." I warned him narrowing my eyes.

" Don't worry Babe. I won't I'd kill myself for doing that." He said.

" Good. Any other questions for me?" I asked him.

" Yeah, will you marry me?" He asked me out of nowhere. I was taken aback by that question. I mean I know I told that myself many times and he did that too but he never asked that on my face like this. I was shocked at his sudden proposal. I was looking at him puzzled.

" Huh!!" I just reacted.

" Babe, this is not the answer of my question. I need an answer, babe. " He said smirking.

" I don't know." I said confusedly. " Wait I already admitted it so many times why you asking again and again?" I asked him he smiled.

" Babe, it's a simple yes or no. Please co operate." He said pouting and I sighed.

" Well, I will marry you." I said and his face broke into a huge grin. He pulled me into a tight hug and I literally could feel his abs against me. I sighed. Who cares!!! He is fucking mine anyway. I hugged him back. He broke the hug and kissed on my forehead.

" You know I don't have a ring right now but i would have given you the ring right now if I had it. But nothing to worry I will try to make it special. Very very special. You will Love it. I will make it sure. I promise th-." He was talking too much with excitednesd. I pulled his collar and kissed him right away passionately. He kissed me back.

" I said I trust you. I don't care if it's special or not. I think everything will be special until you are with me." I said and he smiled.

" My turn now." He said as he pulled me close to him and pushed us behind the wall. My hands wrapped around his shoulder coz the sudden action of his and I fall on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist while pinning me to the wall and pressed his lips on mine. He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back with the same passion


Hope you all liked Avni opening up too!

How was the chapter.

Arent they just like really damn cute?

And guys I was thinking of writing one more story so in that story avni is gonna be more badass then this one and neil is gonna be a cool bad guy kinda guy too.It'll be a college kinda story though but with some plots and turns.

Do you think I should I write it?

If yes then do comment and let me know.

I'll be back with the next chapter really soon it's already completed lol


Lots of love🌹🌹

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