☆Chapter 34☆Beach Time☆

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Hehe another one..! ;)



" Huwwy up, huwwy up." My twin squealed as I  was putting sunscreen on my arms. I shook my head looking at her. She is being a kid day by day. I patted her cheek as I changed into my swimming suit.

" Let's go whiny kid. Let's go for swimming." I said to her chuckling.

" Les go, les go." She again said like a little girl.

" What happened to you, girl?" I asked her confused.

" I mish little me." She said cutely and I face palmed myself.

" Grow up, kid. Grow up." I said patting her back. She pouted sadly.

" I love little Ann." She said smilingly. I sighed.

" You are going to get married in 4 months,Anna." I said. She gave me her puppy face.

"  So, you don't like the little Anna?" She asked pouting.

" I love all shades of my lil sister." I said hugging her from side.

" Aww, I love you more." She said almost jumping.

" Let's go. They must be waiting for us." I said pulling her with me.

" Ok, les go." She again squealed like a kid.

So, yesterday we wanted to go for swimming in the lake but it was raining and we couldn't go. So, we decided to go today. It's a perfect weather today to go for swimming.

" Girls!!!" I heard Noah

" Hey, baby brother." I said smirking knowing he hate it and he rolled his eyes.

" Don't roll your eyes. They might stuck in a awkward position." Anna said to Noah.

" What's wrong that every person around is using this sentence!!?" I asked irritated.

" Never let a cool way to mock go in waste."Anba said like my geography teacher.

" Where did the little Ann go now?" I asked smirking.

" Hele, hele." She said whining. I sighed.

" Let's go." Noah wrapped his arms around us. " And you little Ann, don't swim to far. Then you can be lost, princess." Noah said trying to sound like Dad used to tell this when we were younger. I laughed hard. This boy!!!

" Hey!!! I am not a little girl and you are my little brother not Dad." Anna said pouting lips.

" I might be your little brother but remember my sisters I will always protect you both from every evil eyes of the world. No harms can touch you until I am alive. Only over my dead body someone can harm you guys." Noah said. I was kinda shocked listening to him as it was too sudden.

He barely let his emotions come out. What's wrong with him today!! I kissed his forehead heightening myself to reach his height. You can feel it when your little old brother grown up and he wants to protect you from any harm by any means. You feel peace and proud of him.

" Little Noah grown up huh?!!"Anna said hugging him from back. " You don't have to do anything, Nohiee. Just love us like this always. That's enough. I only want you be safe, Sweetie."Anna said kissing his cheek.

" Anna, girl!!! Don't call me Nohiee. It's girly name." He said cringing but hugged her back.

" You no need to protect us, Sweetheart. I will protect you two. I am your elder sister." I said hugging them both.

" Let's go. We are getting late. Karan and Neil must be waiting for us." Noah said.

We came out and found Neil and Karan standing there. I raised one of my eyebrows as he checked me out head to toe and then gulped as he look away. I walked towards him smirking.

" Baby ish sho tiead."Anna said again acting like a baby.

" So, baby want a piggy back ride?" K asked her. She pouted and nodded.Karan didn't said anything as he know Anna and that she sometimes do this 

" Come on, don't pout here. Not a right place, Love." He said gulping more like mumbled and picked her up. He gave her a piggy back ride. Noah went to join them talking with Karan. I was about to go, but Neil hold my arm pulls me back and wrapped his arm around me.

" What?" I asked him.

" Want a piggy back ride?" He asked me smirkingly. I know this evil smile so no.

" No, thanks." I said narrowing me eyes.

" If you need it, all you have to do is just to ask." He said smirking again.

" Stop smirking, stupid." I said coz it make him look more hot.

" Stupid doesn't match me. You could say handsome, dashing, hot, sexy and the list goes on." He said winking at me.

" Yeah, in your dream." I said rolling my eyes.

" Don't eat your own words later." He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

" Don't roll your eyes." He was saying.

" Yeah yeah I know They might stuck in a awkward position." I completed the sentence and rolled eyes again.

" Let's go. They already walked so far." He said as we walked side by side.

I found out people started to recognize him. I was getting irritated as they were taking pictures and interrupting us again and again. Some girls were giving him flirtatious eyes and seducing smiles. They all got death glare from me and backed off. I don't like to share. I don't share. What is mine, is mine completely. No sharing. 

" There is a party at my home this weekend. I wish you could come." One of the bitch said to Neil.

" Sorry, I am here to spend time with my girlfriend not with random people. Enjoy your party with your family. Thank you."Neil said. And the bitch glared at me. She has guts to do that. Like I give a damn!!! I glared at her 10 times coldly. She gulped hard. I smirked.

" Let's go." He told me, may be sensed my anger was rising up.

" I will be waiting, Neil. If you can come." She said trying to seduce him.

" I can't. Cause, it's my personal time to spend and anyways I want to be with my girlfriend all the time." He said pulling me towards him. We walked towards the lake. I saw they have already reached there.

" Let's swim." Noah said and jumped into the water.

" Let's go, Love." Karan said to Anna and they went down to the water together.

" We should go as well."Neil said and I looked at him. My eyes widened as he removed his shirt. He smirked. He winked at me.

" I told you, Babe. Told you so." He said to me. I gulped and looked away. He can't effect on me. He can't. Or can he!!!

" I am going." I said and jumped into the water.

As soon as the cold water touched my skin a blissful peace ran through my body. I swam away. Suddenly I saw Neil coming towards me. I swam away from him smirking. But soon he caught me.

" Where do you think you are going, Babe?" He asked me as he wrapped his arms around my bare waist.

" Swimming." I said rolling my eyes. " And what do you think you are doing?" I asked him raising one of my eyebrows as he pulls me as closer as much as possible. He smiled at me sweetly and pulled me closer.

" Having fun with a beautiful girl" He said and smashed his lips on mine. I kissed him back immediately passionately.


Hope you all liked the chapter.

How was it though?

Also can you guys tell me someone's id who make covers.I want one for my new story so.

Thank you for reading my story and sharing your reviews.

Lots of love🌹🌹

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