Chapter 17: The wedding

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     A few months went by and Y/n was sitting in front of a mirror. She was wearing a white wedding gown and looked at her reflection while someone put makeup on her. She was thinking of all the things that happened for the last year and wondered if fate finally has stopped with giving her bad luck. But no, she started to feel sick. She stood up and went to the bathroom to throw up.

Woman: "Are you okay?"
Y/n: "Y-yes probably the nerves." *She laughed*
Woman: "Do you need anything to calm you down?"
Y/n: "No, it's fine. Can you just leave me for a few minutes?"
Woman: "Sure. I'll go and take a walk."
Y/n: "Thank you."

     The woman left and Y/n sat down on the ground while keeping her hand in front of her mouth. She looked down and held her belly.

Y/n: "Are you finally going to give mommy a hard time?"

     You saw it right. Y/n is pregnant. For 2 months already. She didn't have any symptoms but her period stayed away and that's why she did a test a month ago. Yoongi is still clueless because she wanted to tell him today as a gift. But I guess the baby didn't want to wait for his father to know about his presence.

     And not even seconds later a knock was heard on the door. Yoongi stuck his head in and yelled if she was okay.

Yoongi: "Y/n? I heard you were sick. Everything okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah, I'm good. Can you come in? I need to talk to you."

     Yoongi came in with a worried expression.

Yoongi: "You are not getting cold feet about us , I hope?"
Y/n: "Don't be silly. I would never leave you."
Yoongi: "Then what is it? You want to reschedule our marriage because you're ill? We can do that if you want."
Y/n: "Yoongles. Can you please be quiet and let me talk?" *She giggled*

     She stood up from the cold floor and Yoongi helped her. They both sat down while Y/n was holding his hand.

Y/n: "I love you and I don't want to cancel anything. I really want to be married to you as soon as possible."
Yoongi: "But why..."
Y/n: "Let me finish." *She interrupted him*
Y/n: "I know you had a hard life full of pain and misery but I know you will do your best."

     Yoongi still didn't know what she was talking about and frowned his eyebrows. Y/n lifted up his hand and put it on her belly.

Y/n: "I know you will be the best father that this baby could ever dream off." *She smiled*

     Yoongi looked down and then it hit him.

Yoongi: "You are pregnant? Is this why you are sick?"
Y/n: "The baby didn't want to wait anymore for his daddy to know."

     Yoongi put the biggest smile on his face and hugged her. He then pulled back for another question.

Yoongi: "For how long?"
Y/n: "Almost 2 months. It was quite easy to keep it hidden because I didn't have any symptoms before until today. I wanted to surprise you with our wedding vows but if the baby acts up again and I need to run to the bathroom, you would know what's going on." *She smiled*

     Yoongi was so happy to hear the big news on this fantastic day. He was going to marry the love of his life and now as a bonus she was pregnant. He couldn't wait for this baby to be born but all in due time. First there was a wedding to go to. The makeup lady entered the room and they continued while Yoongi left with a gummy smile.

     They announced their pregnancy at the speech table and everyone was thrilled. Especially his real mother.

     Y/n's pregnancy went all good. The baby boy was born without complications and very healthy. Yoongi's real mother passed away just after her grandson was born. She was relieved that she managed to stay alive just to see her grandson being born into this world and that she could hold him for a few seconds. Seeing her own son with a family and being happy was all she asked for.

     The boy grew up and was named after Y/n's father. Jungkook. After school he always went to visit his mother at the orphanage. Y/n wondered why because even though he was present he didn't stay with his mom and one time she went searching for him. She smiled brightly when she saw him sitting under that one tree with a girl from the orphanage. All is being repeated, hopefully with less sorrow and misery.

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