Episode 16: Guard down

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     Yoongi thought about his real father for a while. It took him weeks to decide if he wanted to meet him again or not. Meanwhile his mother and Y/n lived with him. His mom finally could leave the hospital and since she didn't have a place to stay, Yoongi took her in.

Yoongi: "Are you going to be alright? We aren't gone for long but if something is wrong call me okay?"
Yoongi's mom: "Of course, honey. Say hi to him for me will you?"
Y/n: "We will. Don't forget to lock the door behind us, okay?"
Yoongi's mom: "You are such a caring daughter." *She smiled*
Yoongi's mom: "I'm so glad that you two are happy."
Yoongi: "Thanks mom. Come on Y/n or we are going to be late."

     They arrived in front of the gate and the house was huge. It was way bigger then the house of Yoongi's parents. Why do they need so much space just for 2 people? That's one thing Y/n will never understand. They were greeted by an older man wearing a tuxedo. He told them to follow them until they arrived at the backyard.

     In the distance there were kids playing. Not 2 or 3 but a whole bunch and off all ages.

Ms. Dong Wook: "Welcome."
Yoongi: "Thank you for having us."
Mr. Dong Wook: "No, Thank you for seeing us." *I voice said from a far*

     He was carrying a little girl on his arm. It looked like she was crying.

Mr. Dong Wook: "There,  Estelle, the pain will soon fade away. Be careful while playing ok?"

     Estelle nodded her head while wiping her tears away. He put her back on the ground and off she went again to play.

Y/n: "Who are these kids?"
Ms. Dong Wook: "They live in the east wing. They are staying here for a while until their orphanage is rebuilt. We have so much space so we decided to take them in."
Y/n: "That's so nice! My orphanage needs a fixer upper too but it costs a lot of money. I don't know how my father managed it all."
Yoongi: "Don't worry, you will too, I have faith in you."
Mr. Dong Wook: "Maybe I can help invest? We have lots of money and we are happy to help these poor children out. So... I guess you are here to talk about me? Fire away. What do you want to know?"
Yoongi: "Why weren't you in my life? Mother came to you when she found out that she was pregnant but she was rejected, chased away like a stray dog."
Mr. Dong Wook: "I was still in my early twenties. Don't forget that your mother is a few years older than me. My father was a very strict person and so careful about rumors. As the head of one of the biggest companies, he didn't want to take risks because of my mistakes. He payed your mother a large sum to take care of you."

     Of course your mother didn't want it. She was then chased away by my parents. I wanted to run after her but my father threatened me with my heritage. Telling me that he will disinherit me if I contact your mother even once. Honestly I didn't care about the money. But I did it for you so that you would have an easy life when you are older.

Yoongi: "I didn't need your money. Not now and not back then. I wanted a father who was there for me and because of your neglecting, mother was with a man, who was a liar, a gambler and abusive."
Mr. Dong Wook: "I'm sorry Yoongi. I really didn't know that your life was this hard."
Ms. Dong Wook: "My husband told me that he went to your house a couple of times, to leave a large amount of money in an envelope. One day you were all gone and nobody knew where."
Mr. Dong Wook: "Then your mother called me after many years. I was surprised that she even still knew my phone number. She told me that she was sick and wanted me to make a last request. Helping you with Y/n. Honestly I didn't know how at first but then I heard about her father being deceased and that's when it hit me. Adopting her."
Yoongi: "I'm very greatfull with that part but don't think that I can forgive you that easily for leaving us behind."
Mr. Dong Wook: "I know. I'll be waiting here for when that day comes." *He smiled softly*
Y/n: "Euh... Yoongi? Your mother called me a few times."

     Yoongi looked at his phone and apparently she called him a few times as well.

Yoongi: "There must be something wrong."

     He tried to call her back and she picked up, breathing heavily.

Yoongi's mom: "Y-Yoongi. T-There is someone in the house!"
Yoongi: "Who is?"
Yoongi's mom: "I don't know. I was sleeping and heard someone knocking the door down. I quickly went to hide under the bed."
Yoongi: "Did you call 911?"
Yoongi's mom: "I did but I don't think they will be here on time."
Yoongi: "Hang on! I'm coming! Don't hang up okay!"
Yoongi: "Y/n! We need to go home! Someone broke into my house with mom still inside."

     They all ran towards the car. Yoongi put his phone on loudspeaker so that he could drive. Mr. Dong Wook was also looking worried.

     Yoongi stepped on the gas pedal, risking a fine for over speeding but he couldn't care less. He suddenly hit the brake when he heard his mother scream!

Yoongi's mom: "Aaahh!"
Yoongi: "Mom? Are you okay? Mom?"

     His mother wasn't on the phone anymore but Yoongi could hear the conversation from afar and immediately recognized the man's voice.

Stepdad: "How dare you leave like that? I cared for you, I took you in and this is how you repay me?"

      Yoongi heard how his mother was screaming in agony and there was nothing that Yoongi could do.

     When they arrived at his house he saw his door forced open. On the inside it looked like a terrible movie scene gone wrong and that's what he feared the most. That his stepfather did something. Policemen were already there, taking photos of evidence and looking for fingerprints. Yoongi told them about the phone call and that he recognized his stepfather.

     Yoongi was so devastated and angry at himself for leaving his mother behind. Y/n noticed and comforted him by hugging his back. She couldn't utter words because she didn't know what to say.

     But then it hit him where they lived. Angrily he turned around and Y/n saw how his eyes turned from sadness to enraged. Worried she followed him in his car but didn't know where he drove off to.

Y/n: "Yoongi? Where are you going?"
Yoongi: "To see that man! *He clenched his steering wheel*
Y/n: "Don't do it. Its better to call the cops."
Yoongi: "I will once I know he is there."

     He stopped the car and knocked on the front door with loud noises. The man opened and Yoongi punched him. He saw his mother sitting in the corner. Hands and feet tied up and a scotch tape on her mouth. Her eyes looked red from crying. He sat on top of his stepfather and beated the sh*t out of him. Y/n tried to stop Yoongi but he was too strong.

Y/n: "Yoongi, stop! Don't kill him. I don't want you to go to prison!"

     He heard Y/n begging and crying because of how scared she was. His stepfather was unconscious lying on the ground. He went to his mother and freed her.

Yoongi: "Call the police."

     Y/n did what Yoongi told her to do and followed him outside to his car. The police arrived and arrested his stepfather. He will face many years in jail due to illegal gambling, abuse, kidnapping and extortion. His mother wasn't hurt, only shaken up.

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