Chapter 19

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Sargam's P.O V.

Being pushed out of my house was the beginning of my activities for the day. Reason being I was not interested in shopping but forced to do so. Plus, my company was the one whose face I was not at all interested to see. I saw the fake girly smile plastered on her face when I was thrown out of the house to go with the plastic barbie. Samantha faked a giggle seeing me and commented on how nice it was that I was accompanying her to shopping. That's when I wanted to say that on her face that I was least interested. But decided to keep my mouth shut knowing how my mother would react to my words knowing that it's her best friend's daughter with whom I'd been talking in that sort of way and decided to flirt a bit. There's nothing wrong with that anyways as I'm looking for no relationship at this point of time.


My mother called my name as soon as I was dressed to go outside to meet Vikram. She suddenly asked me,"Do you know Raina, my best friend and her daughter Samantha?" 

I mumbled a small yes, not sure where she was leading the conversation to.

"She doesn't have friends here yet so I want you to accompany her to."

As soon as these words left her mouth, I spitted out the water that I'd been drinking and shouted a big, fat no. That's when she said," She's already here. You've got no choice."

And not giving a chance for me to say a word, she pushed me out of the house. That's how I ended up in the situation which doesn't seem at all good.

\\ End of flashback

We soon reached our destination, a boutique especially for girls to buy their clothes. This one is too famous over our city and I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a long time her. As soon as Samantha touched my biceps, I had my attention on her who was trying to drag me to the store but to no avail. I started to walk willingly with her as even if she tried for her whole life, she won't be able to drag me anyways.

Suddenly, I heard the melodious laughter which I could identify anywhere in the world. I turned around to have a look at those mesmerizing brown eyes but along with her my eyes fell upon the guy who had his hand upon her shoulder. She was laughing being so carefree with happiness gleaming her eyes. But I wanted throw off Adam's hand from Rutvika's shoulder.

It seemed as if she could feel my gaze when she abruptly turned around and her eyes met mine getting both of us locked into a daze. I felt as if we were moving closer towards each other when I broke down my gaze and retracted my steps. I went towards Samantha who was choosing a gown for herself. I could still feel her eyes on me. But I couldn't find the feeling of forgiveness inside me for her. After leaving when I needed her the most, she can't regain the same friendship with me again. Never.

Samantha tried a beautiful black gown but even after wearing it, she was of no comparison to Rutvika. I really need to stop comparing both of them. That's when my eyes once again connected with Rutvika as soon as I moved away from Samantha and found a whirlwind of sadness. I once again was the first one to look away.

Still she stood with Adam and Adam's hand had reached her waist while she was making no attempt to remove it. I was feeling tempted to break that arm from his body so that he could never touch her again.

I told Samantha to go to another boutique and she instantly agreed after scrunching her nose in disgust towards Rutvika. The words left my mouth before I could stop them,"Stop these irritating actions" my voice loudly boomed. She stomped off towards the car and soon we were off with my thoughts bottled up inside.

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